the reality is that nowadays Youth will accept to listen to classics only if they are under punishment!, count me in this category too when as Kid would be sentenced to my room without tv and just radio on which in 80’s titoslavia [1] classics were main dish on the menu!, maybe thats why such buried resignation about in my hearth!?, definitely no, simply as very young was straight aware about the neopagan niche, and surrounded by Traditional Music and Orthodox Christianity simply couldnt resonate with it fulheartedly, but I find very amazing whatever classical crossover with modern musical genres, and that would be also appealing for students in secondary education where balanced approach like this would be ace [2] while so would learn something more regards music as creative Art learning process, it should be introduced in the primary education curriculum where vast amount of subjects could be learned through collaborative musical styles, in the process also by learning various instruments, instead having just some basic experience of instruments and musicizing, usually from the music class with toy xylophones and harmonicas and/or mandolins … I went even on part’time musical section, but coz too poor to get mandolin, I went with my souvenir balalaika, finally we needed to drag our instruments with us, instead the school to have free for all, and normally I’ve drop out quickly, yep public school You guess correctly!
the same could be said regards the traditional music as ethno mixed approach, while the e’c’m as harmonics esperanto could be also incorporated in such ethno glitches which sound pretty good [3] wanted or not I dont see other way Kids to get at least somehow educated about eg. rhapsodies or other classical genres, coz indeed the current trends are bit empty or at best shallow regards history of music if not else [4] but even then (if many get buzzed) still the variations will be issue [5][5][6][6] even more when someone will need to chase opera knowhow [7][7] and how earlier quacking was typical for the swOns [7] yeah go catch the sympathy around the 7th minute in the past footnote!, or maybe good learning variable would be repackaging of old pieces [8][8] and like that greater interest for e’c’m!?
also music for film could be good motivation, but who to reinvent the curriculum accordingly!?, as I am parroting for that ideally would be every school or district to have constant eForum debate if the law allows decentralized tweaking of the methodologies of tutoring and experimenting for greater acceptance of the material … some interesting holiday movies along that could get You thinking would be mexican [[u]9] and avalon [10] finally a.i. would act like jukebox show in future and remixing whatever classics someone would click on wiki [11] the question is would like that anyone get experienced through gains without pains!?
at last local epic tails could be motivation too [12] but also superstitious one [13] normally historic loops also [14] finally education should be long lasting experience so composers should think in various versions of same piece so would leave greater impact, if not else in traditional style for kids in etho crossover for middleagers and classical version for elder, or vice versa!, like that awaking continual emphasis on some important messages or quotes that could uplift the spirit of the listener pointing to the life cycle and the need for focus towards next level higher realms where one cant enter if dont calm down own fears so would escape the gravity of this world with easy flow … and probably if this becomes schooling trend anyhow, surely many will mix political vibe too, what also could prove useful but ideally as sampling in arias [15] but think musical or opera blockbusters like the 2019 adaptation of the chinese legend about the white dragon would be most remembered [[u]16][16]-[16][16] nice vfx atmosphere lack only more vivid plant colors [17] but the tale for my taste is bit slimy, waiting to see when modern western neopagan mythology will show itself in similar manner [18-333]