I’ll speculate heavily in this post, so dont take my words for true or false, but just attempt to give explanation why clones cant have soul, even tho we can assume that if the original body is disposed that the replica will act as reserve vessel where the soul could enter!?, here memories of the cells would be glue, or energy that will attract the soul, but then again that body is not Baptized thus its not bearer of the Holy Spirit and as such is dimmed to oblivion i.e. would to such migratory soul be allowed passover to higher realms, even it had have with the previous body extra soteriological feats!?, Please Raise Hand For Anathema Of Clones before we are potentially all thrown in gehenna!
I know this kind of speculating its unwise, but do take my word, where is smoke in the woods, surely there is risk of wildfire!, now You cant see the dry grass nor from the trees even less from the forest, but we all know that synthetic biology became so advanced in the past decades that since ww2 till these days it should be certain fix that in the mil.labs this kind of biotech is advanced beyond our current popular scientific understanding i.e. is it really possible clone to be instantly brought to mature state in just few months if not days!?, hm, from my astral excursions I saw some of them like bodies exiting from big organic cocoon (or maybe its artificial womb) I’ve didnt explored the material, no liquids or similar stuff splashed when my friend exited, yet I cant be certain whether such bags are standard or there are different types of incubators!?
most probable idea from all this, is that such biotech has own short lifespan, again not sure whether coz the memory cant stay compact as environmental acclimatization, here factor would be various energetic fractals, or in question is the burden of emf pollution and the new bodies dont have time to adapt thus quickly experience anabiosis and right after apoptosis (cell death), but with this kind of wild guessing one thing that is certain is that with 4D physics chemistry and biology the current bunker’shadowy’mainstreamers will only waste time in vain till get to stable versions of “their” military golems!, defacto for other means currently such biotech couldnt serve the day, eventually ill billionaires to cheat for a while the death, yeah to meet “their” demons in person maybe, I’ll freely assume once someone would try to idle between the realms spiritual eyes by themselves will get opened!?, but what if scenarios in this context will help noone, except to give boost to paranoia, we lack just esoteric spicing and voila enter the twilight zone [1][1]
in this context somehow we can add the recent SashaL examination of kozyrevs theories in context of biology, but far from any answers where this genre would end up!, I’ll guess if something could be done regards medicine and torsion field is home videophone examination of the first symptoms through plasma screens or tv’s (as bigger as better), mostly so would be avoided unnecessary aura rows in front of personal doctors doors
~ [1] https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/the-energy-of-time-nikolai-kozyrevs