On Education (past current future)

wonder what kind of sonogenetic approach had have Aristotle in lyceum, hm, and what kind in Pella, when he was tutoring Young Alexander The Great and his Fellows how to conquer and unite the ancient world!?, also wonder whether he employed tutoring knowhow from Socrates from Plato or he made his own unique one!?, on top his Father (Aristotles) was friend and personal healer of Philip 2 from Makedon so most probably except education and bioresonance Alexander got from Aristotle also super good teas so would boost his learning process … imagine to be future global conqueror and Your teacher is one of the greatest philosophers!!!, eh we all had have such priviledge!, on top mids landscaping classrooms, surrounded by birds and calm fragrance hanging on the classroom pergolas, maybe with some lions except the molossian mastiffs like Peritas and thessalian horses like Bucephalus, hm, probably beauty all around, and surely we can assume Aristotle used various practical means to explain more intuitively his knowhow to his students in person eg. how one should vanish but still be alive :slight_smile: in my opinion Aristotle didnt died by suicide as some assume nor Phillip died by jealous plot as is known in history, but Aristotle went in hermits seclusion so would sign his opus, while Phillip took his place and his own to Alexander so all would finish their mission in right way, assumption based solely on some personal hunch how ideally would be arranged ancient macedonian expedition, nevertheless by excepting this kind of axiom one could grasp more easily how was possible in antiquity in short time those who need to get through crush courses extra amount of knowledge on top the same to be usefully implemented, surely then didnt waste time of their life like broilers all day long sleeping in benches on books, but more original they were juggling while riding on wisdom rollercoaster eg. mixing proverbs with experimental thoughts, why, “The melting-pot nature of the classrooms in antiquity, in which all three levels of education were often held in the same room, underscores the difficulty in drawing a hard distinction between primary, secondary, and tertiary education in the first-century Mediterranean world.” … “Anyone who has spent any length of time teaching knows that the skill and craft of students varies widely across a single classroom. How much more across a society! There is no reason to assume this is a phenomenon isolated to our present experience.” [1]

thats why on other hand, resonating words meanings and ideas in antiquity, was surely unique experience as for the teachers so as for the students, what seen like pulsating convergent/divergent vortex of natural vibe was radiating knowledge towards freedom i.e. some natural trial&error till particular success on some level, as Louis Mackey would say since antiquity till now we’ve advanced only to superchimps level regards philosophy and metaphysics [2] eventually advanced in earthly “natural” sciences, but even there we’ve got lost in grrrrr fractal [2][2][2] actually in ancient Macedonia coz slavery wasnt anyhow pronounced as in the greek city states so as the knowledge was free to grow as theoretically so as practically which in the end lead to the golden age of classicism of the aegean civilization known as ellenism, tho it was for a while the age of global known ancient globalization when progress exponentially burst regards shared knowledge that it was laid path towards wide liberation of the masses, yet what first was paused by the diadochy to some extent after alexanders death, and finally obstructed with the emergence of romans whether from fear so burnt the Ale.Bib. [2] or took the knowledge and reserve it for the elites coz certain reasons [2][2][2] momentum which afterwards was revived in renaissance when instead all available knowledge to serve for freeing of the masses instead was employed for more and more perfidious exploitations and enslavement culminating by supposed freeing of the serfdom by wage slavery mids capitalism etc. alike isms that till this day didnt secure peace and stability but from greater to greater uncertainty what would be most suitable way for existence and survival, for what tho think what mainly counts is the basis of given society in my opinion balance between solidarity [3] and ideals [4] coz first we live on planet with limited resources but also huge ecofootprint, and second with thirst for sustainability without responsibility, on top surrounded by fears of all unequal, simply coz utopian vibe is just fairytale on this realm of existence, where education per’se cant resolve anything when is not strongly secured through ethical and moral constrains and/or later societical ecoetical and bioethical implementation in our modern societies, where it would really useful to be implemented mechanism like eTOS so we would reach greater level of engaged solidarity and firm ideals ahead as locally so as regionally and globally!, yep electronicTrueOpenSociety could potentially expand our effectiveness if not else regards education [5]

probably some sort of free open debate as always had have the greek city states, or the roman republic, but did they!?, coz as agora so as the senat were only farce full intrigues of openness, from one simple reason if that is Council of Elders which earlier was the prime tribal ruling mechanism, when the same is filled with representatives not from the own familiar tribe, but representatives of the trading warring and decadent elites of some local or regional society, then by default corruption rulz [6] which as mirror nowadays in the expanded version of republicanism is even legalized once some entity evolves far from liberalism and more close to centralization eg. in usA [6] or eU [6] in contrast in kingdoms coz all elites vote for one above all to rule as king like judge, the margin for error always falls on one chair, in a way republicanism by default bring greater space for manipulation among the “equals” were plots and hypocrisy is best employed policy, while that regards kingdome is mainly case with the similar rival entities!, and its same in education think i.e. if Aristotle was part of smaller dedicated tribal classroom he would (actual with alex;d;great) head greater effect in his tutoring, while in lyceum only effective tutoring was for equal among himself but most of them then end up like teachers or common citizens, nor Athens became super advanced or ad have some extra feats afterwards, simply even Aristotle couldnt bring there ruler parexcellance, tho nor in Makedon stayed to clone other royal philosopher kings, but yet again once Alexander was stricken from causality fate and if indeed plotted against his father earlier so as he became victim of plot eventually open space for less educated diadochi which were leaning to further unity and freedom instantly fell in division and tyrannical rule!, but how so Alexander became such student!?, hm here I’ll say however Aristotel had have pure resonance in his hearth, if Alexander havent good upbringing as child surely either would oppose the tutors stamina from pride or would be more interested in the court affairs instead his exploring will, luckily in the end had have unpolluted openminded teacher as student, as had have unpolluted tender grandma as nanny!, hm, maybe his grandfather was his babysitter :slight_smile: the luck or the problem tho in his case was that without his heliolatric metaphysical heredity his feats bloomed or later as far from his ancestral source faded!, finally if Aristotle wasnt from the same macedonian lineage the vibe wouldnt be the same as tutor learner connection!, and could be simply proved not just from his birth place Stagira but also where Aristotle found his lyceum i.e. the sanctuary of Apollo [7] altho in his time he could easily choose whatever location want where earlier sophists were teaching instead on the outskirts of Athens, yeah to be always ready to evade the socratean or protagorean destiny maybe, then surely clever move!, aside that as bioresonance his knowhow choked by the corrupt walls of acropolis would resonate wrong vibe, and yes we can assume he was extra concerned about that, is it better to tilt’in’place while teaching, or stroll around as he likes so his spirit would be lifted higher and higher, after all when someone needs to find exit from some logic dilemma its better to have open space so the problematic thoughts would not bounce back again and again :slight_smile: I’ll accept that “resonance means that expressions evoke one another” but how if one intellect is tilting among walls, can we evoke motion without inertia, and is the mind and body not joint system, how would boat sail if there is no wind or is not peddled, and in philosophy where most higher thoughts of freedom beauty and clarity are chased we would yeah tilt in place, hm hm hm imagine nowadays the Philo classes are given while paragliding in some unique ways of symbolic expression … but yet again if the student werent patient listeners yet again the feat of tutoring is not same for everyone, and in corrupt Athens surely we dont have many that succeed to earn invested and harvest from aristotelian knowhow, and the same is even now around the world, where even simple points of Aristotle its hard to be correctly interpreted by many and instead to chase trinitarian golden mean by default are trying to emply neoplatonic humanistic dialectics on all levels [8] yeah the hypocrisy of the past or modern western democracy topped by presidential philosopher which stamina is effective only for nursery home lobby floor!, even in the academia eg. when nobel prize is given and received if one bows till extremes to the mainstream narrative, or to be peddled someone not to use the nobels dynamite so would ignate global war eg. BarckO and the temptation for no’fly’zone in Syria back in 2014 [9]

when we would see clearly how some global academic tool like nobel prize is used in such way, then we need to ask ourselves isnt misused the rest of the education system for particular purposes!?, and for sure the very purpose for education to be mandatory has own aims, eg. future citizens to be prepared for sustainable life mids modern societies, or having meaningful life as longtime hungry for knowledge exploring, but when the system is corrupt as republican due to manufactured error i.e. as secular with graceless roots and disoriented due to selfish (individualistic) discord, then also the same posture is reflected on the educational niche too, either coz through corrupt valves poured teachers, or coz such poured stuff extorted teaching agendas, what lets say is case also when there is consensus about the curriculum and all ideas are filtered so would be reached some good educational praxis, but even then if the aim is coz building militaristic nation again we can say particular academic or educational tool is misused coz hm “higher cause”, and if basic (societal) hierarchy of needs by AbrahamM would be security and food [1] thus all the accents is given on military and agriculture while the rest is focused like secondary edu needs etc. etc., yet if we know that republican capitalism resting on individualism and usury is norm nowadays in most of the societies, then all the education is arranged so would produce at best pharaohs and broilers (yep wages slavery is not di slavery) what could be observed by the way how later broilers are rewarded with games&games where pharaos are playing tricks with Your minds like demons-anathema-to-them with theirs if by any means those elites are graceless as decadent or neopagan when eventually project “their” own curse to all the rest beneath that bow to “their” system run by owned or hijacked by plutocracy politicians workers and teachers, all of them just victims of the own basic needs when sell coz hunger own ideals and will eg. “principle “Victory at all costs!”, which corresponds to the principle “Profit at all costs!” – becomes a supreme and unquestionable sports principle” [2] in the end all neatly tied by hedonism mammonism and egoism in one fine bubble of secular decadence waiting just the day when it will burst in all its fallacy of neopagan lust for chasing heaven’on’earth by demonic design!, and as consequence death became something like motivation for survival of the hungriest enslaved souls that just long for some small peace of mind!

but when whole system is designed so would produce victory by all means, and as ideological basis the same has neopagan shoes, even citizens are Christians they will give by or without consent sacrifice for the lost in space 1% elite that “tied” the ties to their systemic boots!, the case with ukrainians recently, or earlier before ww I with germans, or before ww II with americans, exactly now as by design manufactured broilers for the euroatlantic machine [3][3][4] what should worry us is that the earlier pacified germany (in attempt) now is getting again warmed up by their elites for ww III through its edu system [5] altho the label as usual would be disaster preparedness [5][5] (yeah after 12 kids are ready to hold their guns in the hand even out of bed) and this should raise eyebrows how soon is now for such possibility!?, actually the info from this last footnote was inspiration for this thread alone, maybe giving pretext that russia educational system should respond in more effective lets say byzantine manner eg. by removing secularism from the schools would secure extra Grace for their homeland if more and more students would engage at least in Praise To Our Almighty Lord at least through morning Prayers!, coz if the hearth of ex-nazism is getting warming up for global clash, then indeed we will end up in most wrong future ahead which even from rear mirror vision would look gruesome [6] what eventually will lead to further disbandment of the current neopagan republicanism after the fall of its secular fence!, and like that in ideal manner by ethnic lines realignment of the current global order eg. compactness of whole Slavic Realm under one Orthodox Christian Alliance [7] but what cant be achieved if Russia dont help the liberation of the slavic lands helping the hijacked laos to removed the soldout local elites!

typo that will accent another post, to bit extra elaborating of this quote, maybe short one … first plural here cant be defined differently except that in military and agriculture there are probably few levels, eg. till now in those two fields main pivots were the human capital and machinery, so education was stirred towards such indirect symbiosis i.e. how man would use machines to execute such jobs thus the learning curve is predetermined exactly in which direction should go!, but knowing that with burst of the electronic and genetic revolution in one bionic stroll, reaching level of biotech reality, then the next level for use and manipulation of the masses ahead would be either their cyborgization or their complete substitution with machines!, lets say such accent still cant be introduced widely, or!?, arent we already in full fhirst phase transhumanistic swing!?, wasnt the past plandemics along daVos’ian blueprint for 5th industrial revolution an loud entrance [1][1] in the hall of the malthusian and rosicrucian mirrors [2-15] actually many mirrors around them, waiting to be shattered by “their” own weight, and werent “they” already broken in circular cracks, mosaic alike, at least from my perspective looks like that!?, and did “their” doors closed, or!?, would “they” risk whole hall of “theirs” to become only shattered pieces of agenda too long polished so in one blow to burst!?, lets see, “they” are gamblers so we should know in this second quarter of this century, coz too long were determining “their” course and “their” resources towards “their” n’w’o goal that now its almost unbelievable that “they” will step back, or!?, neu’mann with zio’nazi’smile dont think so [3][3][3]

so, we can assume that the current education system for “them” is obsolete, continual learning curve also, but now first “they” need ordo’ab’chao in whatever way as controlled chaos, and then after new man’machine’advancement!, if so, then now we are just trained to obey, when propaganda tools even in schools should be ace, normally lobotomization through tv and net bleaching fix, waiting to see maybe whether wide vlf/elf beaming, that is already in full swing tho covertly [4][5][6] will be used also for conditioning except pacification of the more and more awakened masses!?, practically Kids are most vulnerable, but if fenced by Grace most effective to bring down the modern babylon solely by Chanting!, but go remove secularism from the schools and by Free Will let the Children Praise Our Lord at least in the morning before open their minds for learning, so if not else would be less susceptible to manipulation … hm, till there are books around we can say students are somehow not at complete risk, but go removed the soc.hubs or tv docks, and the cheap fun for all!, go come to Your senses and stand up to fight “their” power with ease, yep doable solely by Chanting on Orthodox Christian Liturgies …

it is tempting to throw tool like a.i. to be used in education, even more if we stay in line with “liberal” capitalism globally, especially when we are pushed towards by wide consent from the fellows of the daVos’ian oracle [1][1] yeah penalize the adhd kids with buzz in the teeth to calm down … and altho the cost benefit from such machine learning algorithms looks trippy thus inviting [2] defacto the risks from depersonalization and ultra’broiler’mentality are far greater aside that with it comes the highest risk for luciferians to chase useful divergents as vehicle for “their” messiah “the false prophet” from “the Bible Revelation” [3][3] tho if its comfort dont be afraid from “him” coz its just one of dozen through history [4] and any eventual difference would be that through hive’mind’matrix due to cortical modems [5] will more easily sway many to follow “him”, and thats why is utmost important an habit for Inchurched Life in Feat from Orthodox Christian perspective, so through extra Grace to be disposed nanobots xenobots or whatever from the body, now we are logically in the first tumbler, polished enough to be disoriented and through mass agitprop kept in passive position, objecting only if get buzzed by wage, but wait for the next level when through stimulated hunger and various pains eg. toxins in the body or abstinence for therapy and/or Alexithymia [6][6][6] I can just assume for what kind of pains will be word, simply when Baptized commit grieve blasphemy the punishment is most severe as last motivation for repentance, as is said in The Revelation then death is desired escape [7]

seen like this the future is not so uncertainly beautiful like the past modern technological revolutions, even more knowing that for “them” trial&error is very normal without consent abduction process, eg. the forcible sterilization in usA in the beginning of the past century, when the process of education for better life (BLM hype comes to mind) [8] turned in learning ~ what is greater misery ~ to have everything or nothing, so would easier reach Metanoia and Life in Feat from aspect of Christian Soteriology!, and altho now everything around a.i. looks uncertain, if we rise high the bars of morals and ethics, maybe we can use such tools for more joyful learning, tho in same time with remembrance that just like with the atomic energy if there are no strict laws and right for usage around experimenting and implementation of such technologies, instead like now released freely all to lust how will roll it [9] then surely we are dooming ourselves, to be worst our offspring, but many dont have Children so probably dont even care, tho many have but left them on mercy of the who knows what kind of nannies that foster mainly for their plate and bed at worst, or at best tv and comp happiness, then why to expect as grown up they to evade whatever a.i. risks later!?, emp bombs where are thou … coz there such “humans” known as euroatlantic determinists (or “their” eastern counterparts) that rush to bring and lead in the man’machine’evolution till stable version of some kind of “theirs” hom0sill1cone that have released a.i. for all waiting on the IoB phase mids “their” agendas, and You hm enjoy the show how unavoidable opportunity is to merge education with a.i., thus only emp or viruses will need quickly to change the very wrong unregulated inertia!, hit me before I hook up!

hm, what if there are also unhumans among euroatlantic elites [1][1] that are prime consultants or project managers!?, will a.i. ever have capability of emotional intelligence!?, or would Kids sense the bioresonant arrows (eg. compassion) of their teachers if those are programmed projections on the wall!?, where is here the chance for better learning, opening the heads for greater terabytes, or having will for life!?, coz information per’se cant make someone reach, but praxis interaction is what gives meaning and will someone to withstand, yet again when solely information is shared by hand that is also practical mean, tho thats why there is need for less dry knowhow and more juicy knowledge meals in the classroom, for what indeed a.i. can help but just around the finalcut production while the curriculum should be designed in a workgroup way where students will be pushed on eachother collaboration in one learning mosaic reasoning and/or workflow so the experience would like multiplayer game or group sport!, now this to some extent is already case through seminar works and/or team exercises, even fragmented lessons or tests, so the heavy curriculum would be unburdened, but if complete education is like play then there will be room even for revisionist and alternative theories except the mainstream one!, something like learning through out off the box (reverse engineering) approach!, to what also its good e’tools like eForums to be mandatory so the next year groups at least could have chance neatly to dive in others experiences, and like that chasing new instead warn if not dull ideas around the group puzzle or personal puzzling!

not that my ideas are somehow meditated by me, even less debated, but if this kind of idea is pushed through some eForum locally among teachers, I am certain through joint forces and constant tweaking reach far more attractive education for their students!, even more, on all levels for every subject or branch separately, instead like now when similar “lets get high” reforms are rolled that to be top to bottom (copy paste) trials&errors which till get seen in praxis as not fully ironed whether are possible or in what way are probable to be implemented, in the end its just waste of time, with hope eventually some good effects from the reform will come, but what is nonsense, coz usually those who copy from elsewhere dont take in account all variables behind those who in first hand projected eg. edu scientists from large country building concept or project for reform that then someone is using it in small country, usually with excuse yeah who are we here in Mausedonia to invent something ours when we need to get standardized for penetration in eu thus at best we can just copy what eurobolsheviks directed or at worst beeing experimental mouse so someday “they” would accept us as equal and share some of “their” neopagan heredity, what indeed as Orthodox Christian makes us only that mausdonians like it or not!!!, isnt [2-5] maybe You’ll prefer Magadonia to magadonians!?, but how when secular, like this now we are more close to eu-neopaganism than us-evagelism!, no, we are Orthodox Christians and Muslims as Macedonians, yet we still Praise emptiness when the school bell rings in the morning, hm maybe someone would give idea lets sang some patriotic hymn that resembles our past (directly or indirectly) by freemasonry funded revolution!?, cmon come to Your sense be what You really are, dont act stupid and waste time in vain chasing the next utopian phase of euroatlantic determinists, its better even for “them” coz when Holy Slavic Land like this will enter in “their” realm on whatever level, however sliced it was due to their geopolitical mess through the modern history, defacto as by causality from that will flush “there” awakening at best or at worst balancing of “their” wrong neopagan will what for “them” is catastrophy!, what in my humble opinion is case, and even “they” know that, yet from geopolitical greed slammed by “own” will huge vage in “their” otan coffin, now we are just waiting when will broke up “their” eu thumb, so we all to get again here in western balkans true Slavic High Five but not as secular soc.commie ex-yugoslav federation but equal Christian and Muslim Union of ex-Pelasgians … (sorry for the broader oftopic digressing)

“Socrates (469 – 399 B.C.E), Plato (427 – 347 B.C.E), Aristotle (384 – 322 B.C.E), and many of their followers understood their own intellectual activity – the search for wisdom or philosophy – both as theoretical and practical in its aims.” [1]

I found this passage inspirational to remind You how praxis tomorrow by default will be rolled throughout simulations, and if metaverse now is lets try it hype, through education similar vr’tools will be secured as edu fix for all thirsty for upgrade of their theoretical knowledge!, who in his clear mind would avoid such opportunity, even more if the experience is customized individually by some a.i. roof manager so in the hollodeck to be evaded nail drops from our fears or whatever low emotions that could stand on our path for upgrade to next’level’broiler!, hm, who would refuse star-trek hollodeck predictive programing after so many years mass continual lobotomy where the simulacrum is safe zone!?, yep till some short-circuit dont hijack us all, hm, from my experience if ch@gpt entered the astral realm through those that have cortical modems (graphene oxide nanobots) in their blood circulation, then in the same blood from the astral realm could enter demons-anathema-to-them, 18 times I am mentioning astral in the ontopic thread [1][1] but go humanists to grasp this kind of metaphysical variable as possibility!, yeah count the odds!?, as awakening the’lawnmower’man scenes comes to mind [2] remote control to change the station but udbashna that will not change the situation!!!, trone scenes come to mind [3] exit exit exit from ‘your’ fracking lobotomy is imminent!!!, now lets save the Kids … not sure just is the better by reverse polar solar storm is quicker or by emp shocks!?, coz "they as could be seen from the next (and alike) projections will not stop i.e. first through fun the education and work till fintech and homosilicone singularity will not rest, or!?

6 ways the metaverse can positively impact learning and capability building - https://www.weforum.org/stories/2022/12/metaverse-impact-education-learning

better stvar from solar storm is polar cyclone “The polar vortex (also called the circumpolar vortex, polar low, or polar cyclone) is a persistent, large-scale cyclone, circling the planet’s geographical poles.” [1] from simple reason nanobots in winter probably malfunction :slight_smile: dont take my word, but think far better could be disposed from the body if one begin an healing process through Consecrated Inchurched Life tho alone cold or warm Miracles do happens on Liturgies in Orthodox Christianity but it asks from the Inchurched as clean as possible heart from sins i.e. as clean as possible Confession so once the hearth is unburdened from sorrow fear and sins the Nous to be healed, and then after the Eucharist when Christ descends in the Soul every wrong thing to be removed or repaired and every damaged state to be restored or completed … practically the middle way is ideal approach on this world where coz the ontological dualism in it ± one till reach in fullness Monotheism needs to keep balanced way of life, and regards knowledge or whatever needs eg. as balanced theory so as balanced praxis, or about health as Prayer so as healing meals eg. for disposing nanobots coz for sure will not gain in fullness Holy Life needs also food reach with l-glutathione [2] etc. etc. be clever give the Children choice how much Orthodox Christianity will embrace through education, so would grasp that in this world, its not success to become no.1, but if by some reason become last, and still keep humble forgiving hearth, that on their next level of existence will be first … one thing is for sure, if democracy is redirected towards greater municipal libertarianism, instead towards centralization of the system, plus stirred by 24/7 eTOS debate on ngo and municipal level [3] even party one [4] where through referendums every municipality would develop own type of primary education, and like that altho the base is secular, still the local traditions would be pivot in the curriculum, eg. instead 1st of may [5] accent for unity to be given to some local festive, etc. etc. tweaks that would bring greater bonds in the community … be creative debate whatever model neatly through eTOS reality till You still have electricity …

GO (graphene oxide) - butter in the brain - a.i. in the vein, stop the wef’s 5th industrial revolution madness now!!!, coz You’ve got secularism (forceful unbelief), You’ve got republicanism (legalized corruption), You’ve got agitprop (extorted love by propaganda), and now all that You’ll give to machines to regulate it direct in Your head, even to Your Kids!, yep “they” would say with television “we” were on holiday, with net “we” were on prolonged one, and with a.i. in Your blood “we” will become one, yeah for sure that would say demons-anathema-to-them!, let ea-determinists raise their hand who among them have a.i. running around its brain, JoeB comes to mind [6]

would then finally the majority grasp that the origins of Christmas are not pagan, but Christianity put Nativity Celebration in place of winter solstice so would push out the pagan festive [6][6][6] in a way the earlier pagan customs and habits were substituted by Christian one, i.e. those who convert got secured memory reset on small door, but now the there is extra spin how Christianity has pagan roots, yeah causality rulz, so now we see neopagan attempt for push back topped by santas elfs and elks!, we are waiting just Mama for Pacha (pork jelly) so would celebrate like cardinals do!, Merry Christmas to all from the western rite … Our Almighty Lord to remove save and spare All The Kids from bad fate, now especially those in Gaza where he was born in to this world, where (probably) also causality stricken back coz someone thought it could whitewash Bethlehem, what came around like boomerang, tho not sure am I right coz hamas put restrictions 4 years ago [7] while asraelis 5 years ago [7] lets hope next year all will be over [7]

its interesting that there where such spin was done by force the same was ineffective substitution approach!, simply in Christianity the prime pivot is Love otherwise the “good” intentions would pave a certain road even the convert king to return to his pagan roots!, anyway nowadays things got bit complicated eg. in Macedonia due to the 5 decades titoist whitewashing of Orthodox Christianity so masses got firm grip to the neopagan trends for modern subversion mids Christendom, stil while I am aware that there couldnt be reached heaven on earth thus I am trying to find the Middle Path for the current eg. frantic new year celebration eg. in Skopye [1] what in effect is just idea coz if that pull extra amount of tourists alone even from balkans, eventually coz the city lies on one interesting fault, then if there is not placed effective (prayerful) risk management surely the final countdown celebration (of seconds, till the clock tower in Rumeliya click midnight (SkCT is the first and think only mosque built by sultan in european lands on top of Virginski Saint George Monastery [2])) so in a way even now many are at risk how they are rolling NY dices on the Skopye Macedonia Square, yeah sms to the underworld dont goes so easily, but drop by drop and in right circumstances things could get beam’me’up’santa’downunder!, anyway the point is that we need balance where there are no effective ways for clean crossover from globalist humanism to local tradionalism, tho somewhere even bleaching is doable eg. where 100% are Orthodox Christian Muslim residents in some municipality!!!

can we approach like this in education, hm, its not mine to judge!, but I’ll do encourage scientists teachers and politicians Do open constant eTOS debate on some academic eForums (plural coz every subject has own pitfalls what is what and how should be balanced for the purified from neopaganism curriculum), and even then always ask for quick ePolls by the Parents what they would prefer as crucial u-turn from u-boats in the public knowledge!, and to those that dont accept the change ahead give them choice for some private switch in form of subsidies like scholarship by student degrees after the first year of schooling (surely the change will leave room all to be prepared for that first year) and yet again Life will get again beautiful than to expect that all need to be equal by knowhow!, hm, this also could be done vice versa eg. to be given scholarship for private Monotheistic schools, but surely pagans will ask for reciprocity, yet here example they are extra small minorities!, so dont wait the faulty trenches to get resonant (coz whatever reason) coz the real Fault is Your blindness that You are tempting the Smallest among You and the curse will fall on Your heads and came downunder through Your hands!, тхо those who are city majors consultants and organizers be creative go take blessing from our by jurisdiction episcope the Archbishop of MOA (Macedoanian Ochrid Archiepiscopy (hope one day of GOA Great Ochrid Archiepiscopy [3] coz ethnophiletism is indeed still prevailing OC heresy that keeps our power to invoke Grace lets say in half as earthly eschaton mids The Living Church, plus if we tend that the cannon says that jurisdiction comes by geography blessed by Tsars like Saint Justiniyan I earlier (or Samuil later) then OA is defacto successor of the Great Justiniana Prima [4] earlier resting on the shoulder of the First Christ Apostles that established Christian Communes in few macedonian cities [5]) so the first will be the last, thus now so we would become yet again first we need to release ourselves from the ethnophiletist heresy that is nothing else than nationalistic (read luciferian if the concept nation is derived from the enlightenment era) yeah nationalistic label to something that is so Sacred that even freemasons cant grasp now how so even “they” need to convert to Orthodox Christianity so would not burn in eternal flames, tho we also coz we are embracing “their” utopianism as political mood hungry for eU funds in fullness as community and in consequence voting “their” peers that are peddling “their” agendas instead to chose own clean by heart political representatives that will not throw spots on our souls coz defacto mids republicanism all the misfortune falls on the citizens coz in essence they are the sovereign that give consent to be ruled by “someone” or corrupts your representatives easily coz the same are mere facade of wisdom and purity but clannish bots derived by udbashana lottery as obedient puppies to the euroatlantic cause normally rewarded for the servitude by “their” true puppet masters with strange (at best maltese) pins that can easily spin their heads as needed [6] even to put prometheus as stamp mids Holy Slavic Land like Macedonia!, idiots, not, just dpmn bots!), so Happy New Year to all from the western rite, and those celebrating here go take blessing for that from Your local Priest or collectively from Your Episcope … but be aware not to put the current Apostles in trap i.e. be precise for what You are getting Blessing and/or how long some party should last especially coz as Orthodox Christians for You the nativity fasting is still not over!, also who is to blame later if unchristian sponsors got advertised on such event and/or what kind of sex’me’up baby songs were played etc. etc. risks!, simply You will need to arrange joint stuff tent with You Priest and tame all the menu from end to end so the Blessing will not fire back to all!!!, and thats why secularism rulz, and all by themselves to get Blessing from their Spiritual Father when in time of the fasting need to pop up to some invitation by their close ones, isnt!?, let the managers take all the burden on their shoulders, or You will be compassionate and coz without Blessing will share the weight that could trigger Your fault coz near Skopye is “bondsteal” (the kosovos usaf base) that by default is prime target in specific geopolitical circumstances [7] dont wait to see!

here we all are aware, but pagan customs that are present in the current education, and think that need instantly to be removed are those related to the gender hype!, especially problematic coz all of them are tied to one specific consumeristic momentum like bsexualization of Kids and overall all society in my opinion due to specific agenda as in the days of Noah was case [1-2][1-2] so can we remove such neopagan globalist momentum that long for androgen reality [2-2] by local referendums!?, if so dont wait the fault to fell on Your hands!

what is now tho more interesting is how Kids would be pushed on preparedness about any eventual global violence from 3rd kind coz sexualization is from 2nd while 1st kind would be open contact with the naughty aliens [2] while 3rd kind would be atomic waves and ways how to reset their consequences [3] eh the famous preps from the cold war could be remixed in more unique for the current generation acceptable way …

yep we can rearrange the curriculum in such way so it would be synesthesia alike learning process [1][1][1] but where not the students but the knowledge would be diversified in its teaching methodology … but do try not to drown in monism [2] in which case U risk to end up with total deist learning curve, and like that x2 mirroring personal’god’humanism so would end up yet again in hell!

here is what OpenAI has to say about it … go to the next second footnotes to grasp how I’ve reached to this logicism about oxy’gen vibes [1]

Me: can we teach Kids periodic table of elements in this rhythmic manner?, and what style would be more effective reggae or euroatlantic classical music!?
Ch@gpt: Teaching kids the periodic table of elements in a rhythmic manner can be a creative and engaging approach. Both reggae and classical music have their merits, and the choice between them might depend on the preferences of the children and the overall learning environment. [2][2]

probably music and acting could also do the trick [1] so through art performance things to get more juicy for memorizing, at least for those that want to jam the school sessions like that!, but it dont need to be playful at all the interactive type of learning, normally there are various experimental methods that step aside from the regular unison pestalozzi methodology, yep go private and someone will arrange Your schooling as You wish, but the point is either we will switch from the current mainstream mode to some balanced artistic one or Kids will end up in the opposite extreme to the mainstream the virtual reality and/or a.i. stimulants as substitute for the current learning pills, but not the Hipster Edu Spin [1][1] but the pill’me’up phizer smack with amphetamines like Adderall, Dexedrine, or Vyvanse [2][2][2][3] lucy comes to mind [2] so how Kids to avoid such misery, can we find a solution, yeah nanobots in the brain darpa would say, isnt!?, oho the next vaxing would be Oral one, shared through Your fine bottled water, or maltshop wending machines, yeah wait in line on the jukebox (on the corners pub) to complete the transformation (read complete bleaching) of Your thoughts!, yep wonder when we will see a.i. octopus cloud in a learning pill, marble marble arent U already rolling as laced with GO so would become GOD graphene oxide drugs [3][3] that need to flush the brave’new’world hype for magic pill as superhumanity vibe [3][3-9] and dont forget how soon is now for decades cant even say …

… ha You need tips for swallowing pills, dont worry so would evade and full The Holly Spirit just swear Your neighbor or even better Your relatives and voila the pills can flow without hickups!, anyway was AldousH whistler at the begging or just another predictive’programing’jockey for tavistockeans, eh maybe “they” switched him with programmed bot :slight_smile: yeah go tell that to Julian!, at least dont judge You never know [4][5] practically one need to see his other books and will easily grasp that he is just another megaphone of the t-house [6] ha ha do You want smart herb for learning try ephedra tea with some psilocybin extract and yellow fruits like lemons ananas or pears, leave the bananas for the monkeys!, is bbc in retreat as t-house subsidiary, or someone found that fake asian stuff flooded the grey market!?

why we are in such turmoil of lost in space educational system, one dont need too much to wonder, but just see reductionism as kind of direction for shaping individualistic broilers ready to act only on command, as direct result of atheism, while once some broiler is secured as obedient, then after its revealed to it that as tabula rasa pupil is ready for the enlightenment, and as extra individualized initiated in “their” deism when as adept will need to strive the next 33 degrees of obedience till reach level of philosopher king, isnt!?, practically atheism was introduced so masses would be dechristianized on small door, for what particular form mids republicanism is mandatory secularism, and then after bleaching of the students psyche by humanism till they reach level of renaissance of the forgoten pagan knowhow for the selflove eros, an narcisoid individualistic worship of the ego, silence please, many egos then become one superego, yep just then its allowed homogenization in the euroatlantic neopagan cauldron, monoculturalism now expanded to borg sustainability, when whatever burst of individualism as paradox will be decimated, practically “they” deceived You all that “their” will is freedom and diversity, coz for “them” Person means only obedient enslaved and manipulated individual, otherwise “they” risk never to achieve “their” superhumanity and whatever heaven’on’earth of “theirs”!, in terms of popular labeling “their” current and future system of education is resting on Fraudalism [1][1] so good luck with Your blind progressive euroatlantic servitude O’mausedonian’broilers!, You want what, to become most useful control group for experimenting as eu broilers, yep ea’societal’empericism that already began with Your otanization how on small door unconstitutionally You were pushed in nato, but wait “they” dont even grasp that like that “their” system got infected instantly and start thawing and decomposing in some strange ways, waiting now just when it will burst due to all wrong past historical causality!, educated people would say hm must be something wrong with “their” nanobots!?, yep cant withstand Orthodox Christian organisms!

one interesting conspy notion of mine, is that maybe vatican rolled out atheism as last attempt to stop the neopagan rise of rosicrucians and “their” freemasonry i.e. to revert the certain inertia of luciferians to hijack all academia in romaticism, and once northerner european elites gain momentum for revolution, vatican released jacobins as counterattack [2][2][2] hm was that case cant tell for granted, maybe vatican infiltrated its jesuite echelons mids jacobins to stop the revolution (yeah jesuits hold all cathedras in France back then), but failed coz by default jesuits themselves are also apostates with their loyolas illuminism [3-7] and knowing how templars earlier got also in apostasy [4][5] then we can say the neopagan snake was crisscrossing the medieval european realm throughout all north and south intellectual ruling and theological elites!, prove me wrong!, tho the infiltration came solely through the harsh stumbling of vaticans neoplatonists which accepted that salvation is possible through art and sciences naughty’kid’hugo comes to mind [6] add to this Jays analyzis and maybe one can catch where how what happened with the western philosophy and its utopianism!?, in essence nihilism how accepted an ideal of apotheosis [7]

nor reductionism nor holistic approach will give solution for the pestalozzi style education, but think some balanced system could do the job, as gradual shift maybe, from one end to the other:

  1. starting with less theoretical and more practical teaching in primary schools,
  2. then balanced curriculum in secondary education, and
  3. more theoretical along the practical knowhow on universities,

in respect to this logic goes vast amount of broilers that altho got diplomas still cant manage to find secure job, or need to stand on one leg at every interview [1] in the end if their job is scientific or creative, coz under pressure mids capitalism, mediocrity stucks in their heads in form of copy paste effectiveness, even Tesla bumped on this, hence was supposedly sad that didnt end up in ussR (if the next quoted text its true) [2-5] aside that except mediocracy also the very academic brainstorming is polluted by cultural marxism [3][3] and/or hijacked by subversive baconianism [3][3][3-6] eventually topped by corruption [4][4] so we are getting dumb western academic elite that serves only as useful’idiotic’pawn to some shadow’power’elites [4] or if someone rise to level of independent thinker is getting decimated, eg. AndrewGH whistling about the rigged’peer’reviewing comes to mind [5]

about the primairy schools, need to emphasize that following of the steiners model is extra neopagan risk for Christians [6-7] so maybe good choice would be the montesorian model [7] altho I am not so insightful about all possible models which exist, but know just that the current is debacle!, especially with all defocusing due to cell’phone’mania, as if anyhow is possible to keep the brains of modern Kids in bench for whole day when their neuroplasticity is already like jelly [8] just like another broiler-brick in the transhumanist-wall waiting to see when will end up in the orwellian’animal’farm and when in the huxlean’bnw’utopia!

where is GonzaloL rip if died!, anyway here is one interesting ontopic vlogstream from him shared few years ago [1]

if MariaM is indeed NikolaT of education as some claim [1] I’ll wont hesitate to say try her method even for college and academic education [2][3] what if additionally is aligned through practical employment of the virtual life, in form of mandatory eTools like personal blog/vlog page, and participation on eForums in the schools students attend (ideally parallel eForum for every subject), then think the learning process will become poetry alike!, but if such fractal becomes reality, in time we need to think about emp risks, whether from solarstorm buzz or geopolitical fuzz, faraday cage preparedness would be one level of safety, tho there are other modern techniques for which I’ll not bother but institutions should!, in the end what will make difference is whether pupils students and collogues will continue to ologocize togetherness and later in life collaborate at least through sharing own experience on own personal blogs, ideally to continue even after the academic eforuming, to join forces on thematic ngo eForums, where would polish societal issues in their respective field of interest from position of insightful or expert members of particular nongovernmental organization which by all means should be constant and direct link to the local or central governmental bodies, and again ideally to see such inertia on Party eForums [3] but do employ then stiff moderation so would watch out some sorosoid bilderborg or ea-determinist not to brainwash You all on small door by some sonogenetic means [4][5] so put The Holly Cross on the banner of every page (without advertising beneath please) this could be also done in informal way but overseen and moderated by MAGA academicians, if not else as check&ballance for the slipps by the bipartisan establishment in the administration!

the paradox today is that we are in it till neck (the virtual reality), but we all have need for firm standardization of our virtual life, coz already many are tweaking their neuroplasticity through learning on soc.nets with haiku or djiberish style of communication, what maybe is useful in emergency circumstances, but that to be pivot for rising up in knowledge or resolving online problems, hm, that would be hilarious if stays like this!, (clintons wouldnt object!,) hm, and we somehow lived our days as grownups, but for the Kids the current trends are nothing less than eugenic lobotomy reserved as potent markation of those that should be deemed as obsolete unworthy and ready for recycle netizens, maybe by some wide’sonogenetic’buzz once the global system is prepared for final reset!?, Our Almighty Lord Forbid such skim and give us exit from this in my opinion intentionally stirred frantic hype of soc.network idealess communion!

another form that I havent mentioned is learning from home, present mostly in rural usA, but if we had have chance such model to introduce like balanced for everyone also in the urban areas, (where parents would chose freely whether the classes will be attended by default as insitu benched for their children, or could choose online learning, eg. even half of the curriculum), will help out the schooling process on few levels, so altho mandatory still to be from hand, eg. for penalizing unwanted behavior, or focusing on private sport or art lessons more, and/or rewarding own kids with free time coz obedient, quiz alike testing tho should be everyday norm in such case, or one to loose such right etc. alike fuses so the process would not jump out from the rails …

hm, can someone guess how were learning masses from home in medieval times …

~ https://forum.gizadeathstar.com/t/the-medieval-peasant-was-smarter-than-you/22786

this is very wrong assertion!, among the first western universities we can say Bologna was the one, even about that I’ll have reservation!, coz per’se Monasteries were as always the spot for higher education, finally from where came in Bologna the scholars!?, the point could be that among the first places as secular protoalchemic nests Bologna was surely one!

The first University was the University of Bologna [1]

before someone say I am too biased regards alchemic bologna, we all know medieval western esotericism emerged around renaissance, no, then bloomed wide and long, while even earlier there was inertia, practically the first magnificent some say was Albert Magnus (aka magus) who became doc that loved the bolognese sauce coz learnt and taught there [1][1] actually everything started with sufi infiltration I’ll say [1][1]

while if I push some biased mood of mine, would say eastern and western european traditions are by far opposite than others with similar roots and/or upbring!, what I am resting on my conviction for the difference between the roman (latin & its english variation of modern lingua franca) [2-1][2-1] and the slavic (pelasgian) languages [3] stil biased mood coz there is still no study on this idea, nor we will see, obviously coz there is inertia for europeanization of all in eu i.e. substituting nationalism with federalism [4][4] in package also bringing religious universalism [5] what also as monoculturalism should blend all historical narratives in one universal, and that hm, in context of education would be debacle, unless the bleaching of conviction comes through tweaked by nanobots psyche among students!, surely some a.i. will beautify the horizons too, but empty bellies is always most effective strategy for conditioning of any stubborn independent Kids day after, for what tho so the process would be more lasting “someone” first obviously need ordo’ab’chao scenario alike [6][6][6] (here dont confuse what “they” are “seeing” as god, here is good note by WilliamC [7][7]) and then after stable continual economic crisis!, tho trigger could be the very same economic debacle of the global economy > and from it derived geopolitical calamity < and then after again economic buzzing coz whatever needed conditioning of the masses!, how else to be secured the current clarity about the failure of the humanistic system than by trickery!?, “someone” invest in it pretty long time&effort (few centuries actually) so with smile to let it crumble, arent “they”!?, yes “they” are!, allowing “themselves” to faint its “own” covert neopagan euroatlantic imperialism!

maybe some ideal model of tutoring is 50/50 curriculum and free debate among the students and the teachers, Alex’d’Great and Aristotle alike, where Alex surely had have enough free space to confront his teacher with its own logic due to side informations, eg. now in History after the enlightenment era lecture except the mainstream point to be examined in the second part of the class all ringed by students revisionist and postrevisionist theories [1][1-2] or in Physics every bashing of relativists and quantumers [2][2][2-1] what in effect with one hour lecturing and debating is not possible thus its wise to be placed block of three hours in the class for every subject, where student could get comfortable enough in one day or week that the focus will be secured by less overburdening with stiff and dry info on top sliced hour by hour on top like that needed constantly home to be refreshed!, actually like this one absent student could engage online easily in the class, even more if to all that exist eForum, where all that was lectured or debated insitu, later would be remixed in important points videoarts if not continual ontopic debate!

yep, ideally schools if have eTOS vibe like that surely those kids that are advanced will enjoy to search around in the eforum subject chitchats and debates from the higher classes!, surely those in love will be clever enough to reread everything their loved ones were posting, at least like that getting prepared for the later years if not life through side kicks, instead like now tilting on fakebook where is shared not rarely unintentional blows, of personal local or global paradoxes, of happiness calmness and belongingness [3][4-13]

hm, should such School eForums, with subject categories and subject subforums by topic or period would be enough for whole school, hm hm hm, maybe for every year different eForum should be placed, so Parallel eForums for every next level of school year should exist, at least like that to be wired the primary education, so drop by drop Kids to be tweaked in right manner for ngo or institutional debate later!, normally such eForums should have also own Blog and Chat boxes on every topic, ideally on every post so overburdened forum blogging would be evaded (just attached wider explanation to the post), but in same time space for loosen chitchat!, also instead opening new and new thread on some comment, there to be option to open new parallel thread to every post so fractally would continue the debate in other connected digressing yet still the thread to be kept clean and fluid!, and finally like this Kids could be judged more effectively, coz some are more prone to end up on exams, by reading about some theories, while others by debating the same!

yeah I would not rarely consult my close ones for opinion about some topic while exploring and like that if not else juice up the debate with some kinky details that cant be found in books eg. when I was hanging on build.mk an macedonian thematic forum about urbanism architecture and construction, kind of local mirror to skyscraper city, where yeah we would hang a bit the local urban mafia with kinkyness, altho as we lacked indeed expert debate coz most of us there were enthusiast, yeah experts are bouncing their heads on fakebook or twarter alike dump’holes where their knowhow is observed only by few or fait after some time at best, while what I’ve written on build.mk 10 years ago still hangs there neatly categorized and dated!, You can check some exploring thread there so would see that also forum blogging is good thing as condensed info in one thread instead for every fracking link to be opened a new thread [5] so maybe its also useful to be left explorers to dive in individual forum blogging with their fractal mosaic reasoning while some debate pop up and on the same topic to be opened x2 new clean thread!, again every school should approach such cultural tweaking through collegial decision, coz for sure teachers should keep track of own students from time to time, while moderators to be future on practice teachers and/or safe members from given by topic ngo’s, like that also motivating students on volunteerism too!, still to this will never come coz You are all powdered by Fine F~16 Frequencies on Fakebook where “someone” has ideal ground for lobotomizing throughout decadent social engineering!, just stay there, at least for emergency situations is ideal loudspeaker, and probably its emergency now, but for what burning of Your souls how You all became voyeuristic bots due the very same causality of that social network [6]] having eg. 1k private chains of bioresonant klin’chorba’vibes, on top You’ve tempted with Your blueprint the Kids what reflects in various ways [6] and not just the Kids but also the Youth tho the later has promiscuity to balance own pressure [6] even topper driven up and down on the luciferian roller’coaster of conditioning by the 7 deadly sins [7][7][7] probably 7 deadly viruses how are in torsion bioresonant way shared there enmasse!, actually they are 8 as described first by Evagrius The Hermit in his Antirrhêtikos ((talking back) to demons-anathema-to-them) i.e. one that is usually left behind is Acedia (lack of care toward Christian discipline) [8] what maybe its not directly but indirectly pull us in all the rest death’metal’mining!, so top top top as personally ill by some disease You find comfort in further tilting till dont left there (fakebook) only the likes and the dullness and the need for fake belongingness and borrowed if not fake waterfalls of love compassion and sincerity, fake as it could be, and all would fake it till they make it, what, to become yet again normal!, tho for many just Blessed Are The Sick will be comfort if at all (at least) try to stand up and walk, here is motivation once U will escape the faltar’of’madness then U’ll really start walking on the path of Blessings as sick as U’ve become coz wandering on desolate virtual place, hope I am wrong but what if I am right!? [9][9] demons-anathema-to-them are playing tricks with You by magnitude of perdition in flesh!, normally the percent matters if not else, but do stand there in awareness as if You were all mids global village pyre, dont forget there You 've thrown also Your Kids [10]

they all need eTOS vibe, not just for more true interactive schooling, but also so would resolve any eventual risks from stuff corruption or chances for effective safety … aside the opportunity coz most of the school and schooling (if not everything) would be open for the public eye, surely many parents sponsors and authorities would find will to invest enmasse to help out if not else projects or activities that would benefit the local community, eg. easier motivation for fundraising of local events manifestations and/or celebrations organized by the students and/or the school (nye / patron), also opportunity like that for direct advertising of the philanthropes if their business is let say with normal societal behavior eg. retail seller of plasma tv’s :slight_smile: maybe local vinery or coffeeshop :smiley: so be careful how You standardize what when reaching out for eTOS vibe …

~ https://www.rasmussen.edu/degrees/education/blog/types-of-schools/
~ https://globallytaught.com/blog/education-systems-around-the-world/
~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charter_school

~ https://www.edweek.org/search?q=charter+schools#nt=navsearch
~ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0042085920959119 ~ The literature on school safety, Daniel Hamlin
~ https://www.lansingcitypulse.com/stories/history-and-impact-of-charter-schools-on-the-american-education-system,97083
~ https://soeonline.american.edu/blog/charter-school-vs-public-school/
~ https://yipinstitute.org/article/the-case-against-charter-schools

what I see potentially as risk management in case of natural cataclysm eg. global flood due to mass ch4 leakage as from anthropogenic so as from natural factor (thawing of the tundra) [1-2] where such eventual scenario would reveal till 2050 or even earlier if we have additional weight from the apophysis asteroid [2-2] and eventual hot phase of ww3, thus margin lowered from 2040 onward, if so then think that in time every country should prepare high altitude infrastructure for educational means, what currently it could be in form of School Camps and Children Resorts, that eventually could be used now as motivation for all Kids that have good grades i.e. to be laid system for regular off-grid vacation reward as motivation and boosting of the learning curve, what eventually later could serve as kind of insurance as reserve school infrastructure for harsh times!, tho it would be enough to be parked in mountain regions an suitable machinery for wood clay and straw processing, coz most fast method for raising suitable complex in such times would be strawbale construction [3] altho it would be ideal masses alone to provoke initiatives for subsidized rural reemigration and in time all to have at least reserve safe house on higher ground [4] tho in such times due to mass continental migrations cant say for certainty how effective would be such safety approach, hm surely will be, yet is it enough to have such insurance only for the local population or there is need to be taken in account eventual future migrant tsunamis, for what again local municipal machinery rings could become reinsurance!

what is interesting, as I’ve saw in such kind of mass flood vision, if the same could be taken for granted, is that many settlements eg. in eastern europe will form around Monasteries where surely then will be raised even universities there eg. as was case in late antiquity [5] but yet again there should collected and stored enough books and transcripts copies copies copies [5] that ideally should be pushed through particular state funded projects for cultural and scientific preservation, and as bunkered libraries later to be revealed for restart of given society …

likewise home schooling in such times will be norm, so every family should raise in time own libraries, at least print out Your most useful pdf’s, go to the nearest photocopier, nowadays the new machines accept pdf, on top box and shelve the copies in some improvised bunker, dig a hole and put pvc fabric around them, in such times it would be expensive commodity [6] yeah put some vinyls too and some oldskul cranking gramophone, lucky had have collection of BobM albums that left it to keep friend of my friend, coz otherwise my office was robbed and I would have lost it, now indeed would put it underground for safekeeping, earthworms would cheer Uprising of water is near we will dance on a kinky music [7] yep put some acoustic instruments too!!!, secure Your nephews mental wellbeing while enjoying sunbath at the mountain beach!, surely then in schools they would learn about byzantium [8][5][5][8] altho some say that is not true [9][9] and one day surely that will not be case at least in eastern europe …

now dont imagine, but see it coz aether is medium through whom its poured Grace as uncreated energy by The Holy Spirit [10] so would make the Kids spiritual warriors, eg. in Macedonia there should be introduced at least through charter schools Orthodox Christianity and Islam consequently as subjects, for those parents that want to keep at least the tradition in their families, instead like now to be taught the humanistic (read neopagan) history of religion as multicccccccccccccculty in ubutnu style prepping for one’love’ministries the local dominant Orthodox Christian Church and Muslim Ummah [11][11][11] as comparative (at best in ecumenism or worst universalism) wrapped subject (which is mirror to the european humanistic trends for “the Enlightenment ideal of Religious Studies”) [12][12][12]