This logic can point that there are various factions in this x-man agenda, probably onboard with different expectations (check the 9th footnotes to learn about the earlier sponsors), stil we can narrow “them” on few prime levels 1. kurzweil alike academy dream about transhumanist singularity till “cyborgs” (d ghost’in’shell meme), 2. ea-determinists anthropocentric apotheosis till level of “gods”, while 3. military lusting for ultimate weapon and control, eventually all projecting own motives between each other, but defacto its futurist agenda that is secured on globalist’political’level executed by military while prepared by synthetic microbiology so would be achieved as quick as possible standardized man’machine’merging, tho “they” obviously need greater experimental pool of volunteers coz faster process what think was rolled with the sc2 plandemix and its emergent m’rna jabs i.e. its graphene oxide used in form of lnp particles - for cortical modem purposes needed coz hiving and that coz multilevel scientific military and political goals - from analytical through policing till submission goals, now if the ontopic academia was sincere about this [1][1] globalists through w’e’f hararis hackable’animal’meme too, we need now just pentagon to shout out strait the link between all through darpa projects!, hm, is it enough that some e’revolution inertia was as always part of usaf [2][2][2] or we need some loud announcement on megaphone!?, yeah 6g or 7g greetings directly in the head coz at least that agenda as inertia is known [3][3][3]-[3][3]-[3][3] tho maybe dont want to brag coz for military these are just toys and nothing special, but as always the problem is/are “those” who see generals as own’dumb’toys that just serve to "their"ea-globalist agenda [4] “those” which sleepwalk towards far more greater utopian social engineering i.e. ultimate push’of’button totalitarian control and conditioning [5][5][5] those who dream for universal soldier and x-man possibilities!, assertions of mine probably unbelievable for the first time reader of this kind of elaboration for the transhumanist hype of the euroatlantic determinists and “their” deist&humanist stamina, but once its seen how long exist such mindset of “theirs” it should be understandable that is word for occult inertia towards apotheosis [6][6][6] (check in context the 17th footnotes at the end of the post) … Now, ask Yourself when some ultra’gobal’elite is not Christian, and dont have fear from above, and even as atheist, wouldnt “they” come to ultimate pride like that, when deism even is not ideological driving force in “their” heads again ultimately comes to apotheosis i.e. to lust for or/and see “themselves” as gods, aside that indeed “their” ancestors were freemasons and even more as such deists had have standardized utopian agenda, then whats the odds that there are no real risks when transhumanism is plain agenda of “theirs”!? Yes, You can ignore the risks, and yes You can and should Hope that “they” cant and will not succeed, but that will not bring secure future if dont act and question “their” tech agendas and goals, especially not coz we’ve already saw by “their” scenario failed plandemix but also seeing failing geopolitical anaconda doctrine and on top failed fake manufactured street revolution coz marshal law till technocracy so would suspend any democratic opposition, be wise this risk still exist in form of fueled by infiltration uprising [6] and if we evade this, then whats next, hm, just ordo’ab’chao left as unplayed card from “their” hat, So calm “their” anger as much as possible by Prayers …
… The Reason why I constantly point that we need to corner “them” by Christian Prayerful Feat by invoking extra Grace upon this World should be obvious to all, yet I’ll repeat this notion over and over again so would be clear that indeed is issue of Christian Monotheism vs paganism how particular euroatlantic elites by “their” wrongly employed free will through few centuries became hostages of evil theology and philosophy which brought “them” to level of ultimate pride that “they” are or can become gods through the transhumanist tech, possessed elites which dont care what will be the toll to “their” horror ambition what can be seen clearly how covertly by trickery legalized the bionic&genetic revolution through “their” plandemix when with “their” m’rna jabs coerced many to take part in “their” till now largest invivo experiment in name of eugenics, and to those that will argue how eugenics is not current euroatlantic but obsolete nazi skim I’ll remind You that social darwinism which is root to that skim is common denominator for all western elites as earlier so as nowadays just changed skin after ww2 with more euphemistic designation like behaviorism, defacto the chase for x-man continued as by genetic so as by bionic scientific inertia [7][7][7]–[7][7][7]-[7] all that defacto fermenting by neat agitprop coz public acceptance [8][8][8] defacto all nazi scientific peers in the field were pardoned and imported near or in usA and defacto the funding was secured by the same bancorp elites actually as always [9][9][9]-[9][9][9][9] thus the rush for superhumanity didnt stopped nor dismissed and always through the argument how all is done in the name of resolving sickness, first making from all in need for cure an patient guinea pigs, normally with excuse that that is done coz higher cause of ultimate human wellbeing, employing utmost wrong trial&error approach by mainstream exceptionalism, but unlike the same as imposed to wrongly postulated astrophysics that have wrong side effects on paper, in case of medicine through “their” exceptional chemical balance or germ theory the wrong side effects affected the health of Mankind [10][10] in same time not leaving to pass through “their” peer’review filters any effective remedies or approaches so would keep “their” current eugenic medicine alive [10][10][10] on what probably some will argue due to lucrative reasons is forced such hype, and till some extent it looks alike [11] but I am certain that in essence “their” inherited neopagan alchemic empiricism put extra wrong inertia on many levels coz “their” inherited utopian neoplatonic and deist ideals, even economics is tweaked as is coz that, where the usury was secured by various wrong standards and theories’of’games which in turn are securing even more this neopagan strive of “theirs” (for chasing heaven’on’earth and superhumanity) how through their woods&hills is secured greater centralization of wealth in hands of “few”, yeah “liberal market” with clanish fuse! [11][11][11]-[11][11][11]-[12] so its even more clear that “they” while acting cosmopolitan humanists defacto brought only overexploitation except dread experimenting with “their” humanity in the name of “their” reason!, and maybe not all academia had have some covert motives but when put in pocket in “their” neopagan coat [12][12] normally would become part of “their” utopian edu machine, and solely by secular upbringing later would easily took the bait to work out whatever needed in the name of scientific progress, usually having good intentions but defacto fueling “their” neopagan agenda for superhumanity and heaven’on’earth!, normally many fooled smoothly that ethics is secure fuse in the system, but how so if we are aware that neoplatonism is the prime base of “their” humanism, how so if on that is glued ultra liberal capitalist opportunism, how so if we know that “their” scientific naturalism is deterministic till success but what is not feat but lust by all means to reach success, yeah resting on all alchemic inertia till reaching apotheosis which by all means how is derived as medieval neopagan syncretism is nothing else but reinvented western hermeticism that as we see end up in transhumanism (probably coz couldnt bring “enlightenment” by esotery so “they” said lets try by biomechanics) defacto all earlier freemasonic inertia “now” shifted in theosophical hermeticist wrap up!, simply euroatlantic neopagans that in one or another way or by one or another crew chasing antropocentric apotheosis [13][13][13][13][13][13] how else we would explain the lucis trust ties to “united nations”!?, practically we dont need to wonder how if we know that “their” curriculum is stirred in such way so it would be hazed the alchemic origins of “their” humanism, and I find this really amazing how this is peddled easy even in philosophy so would be hidden per’se from wider attention this link but from humanism some say direct general emphasis is given to antiquity without strong focus on the medieval vibe hm maybe labeled in agitprop terms as dark ages so with ease would defocus the majority to sneak in it, leaving it as specialization issue for few that could not anyhow like that raise the question for the neopagan stamina of the current scientific mindset!, and maybe if earlier that wasnt so pronounced case think after ww2 it needed to be coz the greater pool of higher education thus greater risks the academia to be exposed how and why is hijacked to chase “their” deist agenda, after all altho Christianity was silenced through secularism still Christianity was alive as main religious affiliation of the masses that could eventually indirectly stop “their” agendas if got momentum, but how if it was not exposed the neopagan stamina of humanism and all recidives of the “age of reason”!?, yeah I really find amazing how by subtle means this risk was steered away as JayD points education wrapped with 1,5k vail of leave it dont bother (claim on 46:20 [14]) hm, cant ignore the fact that “they” are afraid not to be anyhow reached momentum for exposing “their” roots as neopagan, risk beyond imagination towards “their” utopian agendas all to work out the same without any second thoughts, even in question was totalitarian technocracy in place on west, what about now when “their” plutocracy still has open channels for opposite though, altho even that is subtly suppressed by various gaslighting means, while recently through “their” plandemix in attempt was rushed totalitarian censoring. and luckily “their” vaxing skim proved deadly by greater margin while in same time cant be cover up easily, thus we are seeing again some loosening at least on twitter, tho its question are we witnessing full reiteration or just one faction wants to say leave it vaxing cant bring the hive online now is time for chipping by food coupons!?, hm, how big’pharma investing hype slipd in big’nutri one [15][15][15] I’ll not exclude the possibility, simply to expect that “these” modern pharaohs after few centuries deist inertia now will step back is really shallow, altho we can step out from “their” swamp reality as in times of Prophet Moses, while those Christians that will refuse to do so its better to prepare for Martyrs Feat, foremost by rural reemigration to secure own selfsufficiency so would not depend on “their” system and its skims&spins for utopian society and superhumanity! Dont whine that You cant, and even for homeless that is better option if really want to escape the risks of the street vortex tho with little help by aware Christians if they help rural communes tomorrow could come handy the same for themselves in case if and when would be deprived from urban freedom by this current authoritarian plutocracy waiting to shift in totalitarian technocracy [16][16][16] hm, when w’e’f project un’utopianism arent “they” speak for global technocracy and isnt that long dreamed utopian goal of euroatlantic determinists [17][17][17][17] to which political agenda defacto is imbued the transhumanist lust for superhumanity and logically religious universalism as glue so such utopianism would be in general secured from any theological opposition that could question “their” road to apotheosis but actually enthronement of antichrist-anathema-to-him to “which” as is Prophesized in The Revelation all willing or fooled to kneel would lose the chance for Salvation as damned coz utmost dread idolatry, in effect surely many embracing “such progress” as scientific humanist apex but many also lobotomized through forceful penetration in their minds [18][18][18][18] thus now is the time to corner such inertia with hope at least will be exposed how humanist scientists now play with fire, after what we can expect that ea-determinists indeed will roll out ordo’ab’chao scenario so through global political and economic cataclysm would reach chance to peddle all for embracing “their” utopianism, yeah of “their” aliens-anathema-to-them!