… the last sentence typo has neat point in context of this post western’casino’economy erected on magical base with superstitious pillars and esoterical roof!, yeah neopagans what else to say!
Yep, “they” didnt done that now!, it was in 2020/21, tho with intention to last for another whole decade, yet “their” biotech proved faulty thus postponed the chipping/hiving skim, hm, looks like the coercion for vaxing is solely coz we should sign a consent to be vaxed with “their” jab!, coz if “they” want have the means to stuff us with whatever biotech in whatever way “they” want, name it, biotech shared by chemtrails, spamcans, bottled liquids, even through quakcines!, but as if for “them” what matters is the signature!?, as we need officially to surrender our Soul to the pharmakists!?
Anyway, that typo come as good suggestion how “they” are seeing Life and everything in it from science till ideals, in essence as neopagans for “them” magic is something exceptional wonderful worthy to be chased followed and praised!, and isnt astrology such thing, what mids “their” realm of power was and still is trend among the wrong “noble” by alchemy choked elites!?, I mean in whole midmodern and modern history we will find such examples [1][1] (and this is just one superstitious system of rule through demonology if we know that through such esoteria “they” are exposing “themselves” to demons-anathema-to-them) So go someone refute the notion that on such neopagan base werent thrown superstitious alchemic pillars of “economic science” - (tho alchemic vibe in all of “their” dark empiricism [2][2][2]) - which how reached level of financial gambling coz securing smooth solvency of “their” vaults and tables is nothing else than reinvention of the aristocratic gambling games but on modern green’felt’cloth now reaching an esoterical roof of financial thrive&survival of the western economy but on expense on all the rest, hm, and how the gold’standard was removed and substituted with fictive’fiat’one I can freely say “they” secured way how to stretch “their” mammonistic magic for fake-rule over all by debt&gambling when and where dont prosper and grow those who will bring extra quality or surplus but those who are obedient players on “their” table in “their” casino, what it could be said was kind of skim some say since renaissance [3][3] tho I’ll say even earlier [3][3][3] yep it really sounds catchy the line from the second 3rd footnote as neat similarity between casino and stock exchange capital flow “theoretically, the casino was accessible to all segments of the population, but in practice, it could only be visited by wealthy people – games for big money and adherence to an elegant dress code could not afford everyone” and when since medieval times liquidity was managed by high stakes bets and swaps then how much more nowadays, and the esotery can go even further (if already dont) as gambling possibility Lord Forbid!, [4][5][6] yep one dont need to be Archimed to count the odds that the current western economy is managed exactly through casino skims and rigged statistics [5] fraud became the prime survival game of euroatlantic determinists now lusting to upgrade that fraudalism of exceptionalism on lelvel of cyborg bet so the servitude of the awakening masses would be secured by push’of’button!, I mean are we or “they” idiots!?, probably “they” say to “themselves” what could go wrong if “they” make from every ID gambling chip and throw on all or nothing in “their” neopagan utopian roulette!?, as possessed elites probably see us just like resource on “their” gambling tables where what matters is the survivability of “their” game and positions!?, arent!?, how to be explained all “their” lunatic behavior in whole past millennia!?, which reached crescendo in the enlightenment era with the mass slave trade and revolutions coz blood lust [6][6][6]-[6][6][6] finally upgraded with the past century two’world’wars sacrificial slaughtering to “their” demons-anathema-to-them (and if it is hard to be cleaned from mammonistic lusts surely its even harder to be redeemed from molochian) now longing to be rolled till utmost extremes but what cant be done like earlier through swift colonial conquest but now is pushed by specific trickery till fallout i.e. how we are all pulled on graceless selfish decadent cohabitation as World wrapped in “their” luciferian’liberalist’globalsm potentially (if not certainly) is traced path towards indifference (if not support) for “their” utopian’neopagan’agendas!, alone how the economy as science is spinned in such neoliberal gambling manner says everything for itself i.e. that now coz the numbers cant be secured by “their” equations and the belief in “their” extorted financial might is getting more and more tin SO now in panic “they” are pushing great’malthusian’reset in one or another way (plandemix or ordo’ab’chao scenario), I really Hope I am wrong!, and thats why I am on eforum so would ask for others perspectives of observations, (need to point over and over again) simply I am nor expert nor some insightful on this topic thus cant say my reasoning is utmost correct!, just know that its really mindboggling how we are all part of “their” wrong casino economy!, by which on top half produced food in the world is trashed while third of the world population struggle with malnutrition if not famine, while two thirds if not all of world population is choking in pesticides and artificially powdered food, while we are waiting all that to be upgraded by bionic’worm’proteins as main shelf luxury!, isnt all this debauchery of deist apotheosis idealism!?, and not that its solely “their” fault now like modern euroatlantic determinists but to be left “their” inherited demonology to loom over us as Mankind that is too much to handle for this century of ultrawide literacy!
So can we say we are played by magnitude mids “their” global’financial’casino!?, Think Yes!, for what simple explanation is how derivatives are hidden clearing value in “their” casino, and to this witness how not fully disclosed are those chips, and whether are not kind of esoterical empirical mammonistic system of shared faction control over the euroatlantic realm and global by contracts shared resources since the enlightenment era and beic as corporation’zero mids the commodity markets!, maybe the trick is how “they’ve” made from stocks assets and from them precious swaps what on top got upgrade by gambling boosters like futures and options!, simply “they” introduced mechanism for easy bonus or smooth cheating that rigged by unaudited offshore funds and shadow banking graying made from the global financial markets (read states) an obedient players which servitude will be managed by push’of’button!, skim that now is projected for upgrade till chipping whole world population in full’digital’economy (making from the current for “them” human resources an cyborg’eugenic’assets) where and when only way to keep independence would be Cave Life, tho its question even there whether we will be at Peace simply coz for “them” any free variable is risks for “their” utopia not to survive, hm am I too paranoid, hm hope at least stil not android!, is for “them” all this just from fun game, even “their” neopagan’utopian’ideals pure from boredom&gluttony trial&error gambling with whatever have at hand!?, simply siezed the momentum of secured by trickery euroatlantic stage so now even dont want to are pulled to play “their” wrongly rigged game!?
Hm, on all this many (as in the past so as now) will say lets burn down “their” f’e’d eg. George Edward Griffin [7][7][7] and even if that was real possibility whats the odds that “they” will keep calm on that and step back with smile!?, altho what we can do is to question “their” skims&spins till expose all “their” trickery what most effectively could be done by eTOS circumstances and like that securing momentum for introduction of Direct Participatory Democracy in place of “their” current euroatlantic plutocracy thats rushing to become technocracy so would suspend all current citizens rights mids the western realm if not further, hm some say that till there are nations actually there will be independence which once the national is suspended and pure citizenship declared supposedly we are becoming ownership of united’nations’org but hm I am not expert in international law so would not judge how substantial is this claim [8] i.e. that once we surender our nationhood and accept formaly globalist federalist citizenship that as citizen-democracy instead national-democracy as broilers we are nomore sovereign, hm I’ll say it depends on the preamble and on the interpretation of the accepted signed contract and how obligatory is as local regional or global constitution, simply different things are differently interpreted by different interest groups [9][9][9] tho euroatlantic determinists as wonnabe monopolar globalist through u’n’o are trying to suspend from any sovereignty probably by federalist recipe [10][10]-[10][10][10] hm on this I need to consult medieval legalists i.e. whether on some territory can be applied the past charters and constitutions eg. in eastern european realm the edicts of byzantine Tsars!?, simply who is the prime authority over some land how!?
Does the idea that citizens are not the sovereign mids republicanism sounds strange, hm probably looks too if republic or union of such is substituted by federation when intranational becomes supranational, plus when even dont have the right on secession, altho the dismantle of ex-Yugoslavia proves that when want euroatlantic determinists can suspend the international law and impose “own” will upon all deemed by “them” as obsolete!, but more and more I am getting amazed by the fact how neopagan mindset “they” have as euroatlantic determinists So dont wonder at all that “they” believe in such by trickery rigged causality that it is given right to “them” to do whatever “they” like with us as “their” ownership by debt!, usually derived by elitist consent of the local regional or global’quinsling’plutocrats!, also I do find troubling the notion that the stability of the real economy along the stability of the dollar as world currency is pumped afloat and liquified by mathematical poetry resting on financial magical algebra or I’ll guess with derivatives even magical geometry!?, I mean if indeed the euroatlantic determinists are neopagans I’ll not be surprised if “they’ve” reached such level of bogus calculations that actually serve solely so “they” would stay in control nomatter who will enter in “their” game how (check the 2nd
footnotes in this post)!, simply now like this “they” always have upper hand in “their” financial casino coz “they” are as the owners of “their” theories’of’games so as croupiers!, thus why not to assume that from start all skims as fiat standard so as the later alike derivatives along western currencies and cryptocurrencies are not indeed kind of modern hocus’pocus’deception for control&manipulation!?, tho I will round this assumption with the fact that the real economy is hostage to such financial machinations of “theirs”!, give a gambler a fish and he will make neckless from it, teach him how to fish and he will prefer jewelry instead food as occupation!
In context here are few quote that give some ontopic notion that we are witnessing wrong neopagan scientificism which as neoliberalism is also applied in economy!, hm whats “next” in the name of alchemy and deist apotheosis an wending’machine’citizens!?, maybe with optional hydrant extensions so if too much exploited could easily wake up from “their” aroras [11][11][11] or hororas [11][11][11]
the entropy economics has accelerated the emergence of modern econophysics and complexity economics. These new directions of research have led to many interesting discoveries that usually contradict the claims of conventional economics. Econophysics has questioned the efficient market hypothesis, while complexity economics has shown that markets and economies function best near the edge of chaos. Quantum economics has already appeared on the horizon, which recognizes money as a fundamental measurement device in the economy. The development of these sciences may indicate the need to reformulate all mainstream economics from its foundations.
~ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7516932/
Neoliberalism was thus born out of a collision between the controversial importation of the methods and authority of the experimental sciences into politics on the one hand, and the acknowledgement
of the social and political conditions for the discovery and justification of knowledge on the other. It made the pursuit of knowledge
and truth a political question, and gave the question of social order
an epistemological answer: what we can do depends ultimately on
what we can know. Nevertheless, this proclivity for epistemological
investigations did not imply a unity of views among neoliberals, nor
that their conclusions were devoid of political motivations. Moreover,
in their contention to reclaiming the mantle of science, neoliberals
shared many premises with progressive scientists regarding the position and “function” of science in society. This apparent paradox
explains both the fluidity of neoliberal thinking and the inspiration
it has drawn from its detractors at a sociological and organizational
level, two dimensions still relevant today in accounting for the steadiness of neoliberalism and its success in cannibalizing competing
~ https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/215796/1/Full-text-book-Plehwe-et-al-Nine-lives-of-neoliberalism.pdf
Machine Dreams explores the historical influences of the military and the cyborg sciences on neoclassical economics. The neglected influence of John von Neumann and his theory of automata are key themes throughout the book. Mirowski claims that many of the developments in neoclassical economics in the 20th century, from game theory to computational economics, are the unacknowledged result of von Neumann’s plans for economics. The work expands Mirowski’s vision for a computational economics, one in which various market types are constructed in a similar fashion to Noam Chomsky’s generative grammar. The role of economics is to explore how various market types perform in measures of complexity and efficiency, with more complicated markets being able to incorporate the effects of the less complex. By complexity Mirowski means something analogous to computational complexity theory in computer science.
~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Mirowski
How was influenced PhillipM by JohnM mirrors an spirit of automation that possessed all back in the past century, for what good notion could be catched by technoutopian vibe of rosicrucians which in one or another way was splashing the humanistic academy tho the artistic too and even the western masses were consumed by spiritism!, simply all got consumed by the wrong neopagan hype [12][12] So it came how it came to “their” neopaganism and lust for heaven’on’earth and superhumanity, but what makes link between “such” golem goal [12][12] and economy is exactly JohnM who not that just was contemplating automata golem and logically from and to it cyborg superhuman [13] but also laid ground for chaos theory for theory’of’games etc. etc. scientific alchemy resting on the alchemic humanist vibe that became direction in “their” epistemiological and eschatological system of wrong physics and even wronger metaphysics [14][15][16] and as could be learnt from the last video (strangely also as Nash) he got madly possessed in the end!, what says all how by what kind of energy was fueled the main economic trend upon which later is revolving modern euroatlantic casino economics!, not at all strange also how causally even having ultralarge amount of wealth (financial per’se) how stil selfishness possessivity and exploitation is norm without boundaries hek even its praised the greed as normal virtue coz success (making from capitalism exactly enlightened liberal idol that will stack up as trophies skulls of all killed or exploited coz “their” ubermeshc exceptional colonialism!), simply as “humanistic” system produced such deist apotheosis that empathy is seen as weakness and vice, that either will eat or will be eaten, that positive emotions are obstacle to success, what from Christian aspect is utmost opposite [16] yet for “their” neopagan mindset the same are only logical if exist as lusts that need to service “their” demons-anathema-to-them!, tho how pushed further and further in “their” wrong system came even till such wrong reductionist mindset that simply equal animals with us (thus chimera hype also logical for “them”) or level us to mechanic sum of circumstantial biochemical processes (thus not anyhow wrong for “them” to chase homo’silicone’singularity) again check the past 15th footnote video and compare that logic to the next one when he simply in the name of success as with the manhattan project so as with the philadelphia project didnt care for the consequences coz what was important to him the score by any means, compare it to NikolaT who aware for the risks simply refused to follow such emptyhearted agenda [17][17][17] normally such figure and his good will will be removed from “their” math even tho he became gnostic an even diving astral [18] coz for “them” what counts is not wellbeing of the World but the safety of “their” rule and wrong’utopian’ideals, so its logical why and how is more acceptable for “them” as deist neopagans to see us as statistic of disposable resource!, almost supradisposable in context on neumanns quantum fallacy [19][19][19] hm what good can come out from exceptionally wrong humanistic neopaganism!?
Simply We Are Victims of Wrong Econometrics that see us as mere bones thrown by fortunetellers mercy!
Normally deprived from any emotion but lust for success or status and comfort without merit!
In the nineteen-thirties, von Neumann more or less single-handedly invented game theory, an attempt to describe human motives and behaviors in
mathematical and logical terms. He was driven to the discipline out of
frustration at the success of (Kurt) Gödel’s Theorem, which demolished the
ideal of a consistent and complete set theory towards which von Neumann
had been working with fellow mathematicians at Göttingen.
Gödel’s Theorem represented another telling defeat for strict determinism. Even when humans were involved, as in game theory applied to economic strategies, Neumann treated all the elements of the system as if they could be described by pure logic. For von Neumann, the human brain was the source of most of the irrationality in the world, or to put it in simulation terms, the human brain is stochastic in two senses: it is the physical incarnation – the source – of the uncertainty brought with the human observer’s role in modern physics, and it is the source of human behavior, that most mystifying and irrational phenomenon. Von Neumann preferred to believe that the human was simply an automaton. In fact, one of the major failures of early game theory derived from von Neumann’s insistence on the strict rationalization of all elements
~ https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/surfaces/1994-v4-surfaces04902/1064963ar.pdf