maybe some ideal model of tutoring is 50/50 curriculum and free debate among the students and the teachers, Alex’d’Great and Aristotle alike, where Alex surely had have enough free space to confront his teacher with its own logic due to side informations, eg. now in History after the enlightenment era lecture except the mainstream point to be examined in the second part of the class all ringed by students revisionist and postrevisionist theories [1][1-2] or in Physics every bashing of relativists and quantumers [2][2][2-1] what in effect with one hour lecturing and debating is not possible thus its wise to be placed block of three hours in the class for every subject, where student could get comfortable enough in one day or week that the focus will be secured by less overburdening with stiff and dry info on top sliced hour by hour on top like that needed constantly home to be refreshed!, actually like this one absent student could engage online easily in the class, even more if to all that exist eForum, where all that was lectured or debated insitu, later would be remixed in important points videoarts if not continual ontopic debate!
yep, ideally schools if have eTOS vibe like that surely those kids that are advanced will enjoy to search around in the eforum subject chitchats and debates from the higher classes!, surely those in love will be clever enough to reread everything their loved ones were posting, at least like that getting prepared for the later years if not life through side kicks, instead like now tilting on fakebook where is shared not rarely unintentional blows, of personal local or global paradoxes, of happiness calmness and belongingness [3][4-13]
hm, should such School eForums, with subject categories and subject subforums by topic or period would be enough for whole school, hm hm hm, maybe for every year different eForum should be placed, so Parallel eForums for every next level of school year should exist, at least like that to be wired the primary education, so drop by drop Kids to be tweaked in right manner for ngo or institutional debate later!, normally such eForums should have also own Blog and Chat boxes on every topic, ideally on every post so overburdened forum blogging would be evaded (just attached wider explanation to the post), but in same time space for loosen chitchat!, also instead opening new and new thread on some comment, there to be option to open new parallel thread to every post so fractally would continue the debate in other connected digressing yet still the thread to be kept clean and fluid!, and finally like this Kids could be judged more effectively, coz some are more prone to end up on exams, by reading about some theories, while others by debating the same!
yeah I would not rarely consult my close ones for opinion about some topic while exploring and like that if not else juice up the debate with some kinky details that cant be found in books eg. when I was hanging on an macedonian thematic forum about urbanism architecture and construction, kind of local mirror to skyscraper city, where yeah we would hang a bit the local urban mafia with kinkyness, altho as we lacked indeed expert debate coz most of us there were enthusiast, yeah experts are bouncing their heads on fakebook or twarter alike dump’holes where their knowhow is observed only by few or fait after some time at best, while what I’ve written on 10 years ago still hangs there neatly categorized and dated!, You can check some exploring thread there so would see that also forum blogging is good thing as condensed info in one thread instead for every fracking link to be opened a new thread [5] so maybe its also useful to be left explorers to dive in individual forum blogging with their fractal mosaic reasoning while some debate pop up and on the same topic to be opened x2 new clean thread!, again every school should approach such cultural tweaking through collegial decision, coz for sure teachers should keep track of own students from time to time, while moderators to be future on practice teachers and/or safe members from given by topic ngo’s, like that also motivating students on volunteerism too!, still to this will never come coz You are all powdered by Fine F~16 Frequencies on Fakebook where “someone” has ideal ground for lobotomizing throughout decadent social engineering!, just stay there, at least for emergency situations is ideal loudspeaker, and probably its emergency now, but for what burning of Your souls how You all became voyeuristic bots due the very same causality of that social network [6]] having eg. 1k private chains of bioresonant klin’chorba’vibes, on top You’ve tempted with Your blueprint the Kids what reflects in various ways [6] and not just the Kids but also the Youth tho the later has promiscuity to balance own pressure [6] even topper driven up and down on the luciferian roller’coaster of conditioning by the 7 deadly sins [7][7][7] probably 7 deadly viruses how are in torsion bioresonant way shared there enmasse!, actually they are 8 as described first by Evagrius The Hermit in his Antirrhêtikos ((talking back) to demons-anathema-to-them) i.e. one that is usually left behind is Acedia (lack of care toward Christian discipline) [8] what maybe its not directly but indirectly pull us in all the rest death’metal’mining!, so top top top as personally ill by some disease You find comfort in further tilting till dont left there (fakebook) only the likes and the dullness and the need for fake belongingness and borrowed if not fake waterfalls of love compassion and sincerity, fake as it could be, and all would fake it till they make it, what, to become yet again normal!, tho for many just Blessed Are The Sick will be comfort if at all (at least) try to stand up and walk, here is motivation once U will escape the faltar’of’madness then U’ll really start walking on the path of Blessings as sick as U’ve become coz wandering on desolate virtual place, hope I am wrong but what if I am right!? [9][9] demons-anathema-to-them are playing tricks with You by magnitude of perdition in flesh!, normally the percent matters if not else, but do stand there in awareness as if You were all mids global village pyre, dont forget there You 've thrown also Your Kids [10]