about future of physics, hm, lets assume the western academia is hijacked by large percent … to follow wrong ideals for reaching superhumanity and heaven’on’earth by becoming borgs and chimeras [1][1] … and “their” puppet masters have idea (as presented in the last footnote links by TomH) to make hosts from us so “they” would enjoy the passions in this world from 1st person perspective (except throw us in hell), hm, … would then be possible we anyhow to see certain change ahead towards truthful or correct physics!?, as if NikolaT was intentionally silenced so “they” would keep control over the masses with “their” by debt driven economy!?, surely who would risk among “their” bancorp stooges to loose control and power!?, and as possessed elite (yep) by aliens [2] what brings “them” peace than to bow and serve “them” till extremes, even ready to swap us with graceless clones, for what surely there is agenda too i.e. how to embrace “first” contact and stand in the row for recycling [3][3-4/5]
(here I’ll digress heavily, so dont respond to this paragraph in this thread!, quote it and open new one!) imagine half of the leading scientists are replaced by clones!?, hm in such case only solution is Orthodox Christianity to cast Anathema to clones so we would remove the wheat from the chaff on small door, but like that it could be tempting to see many relatives among us turning in zombies!, could You kill Your own parents in such case, or own cloned child, or own pets etc. etc. yeah bees would get decimated on half maybe!?, so in a way we need to rush up for such stunt, but on other hand arent we already too late!?, can we assume what time is now, and how long we can keep quite!?, hm hm hm, so would be certain Your close ones arent clones, I’ll propose turn to Orthodox Christianity and Baptize them, plus start living Inchurched Consecrated Life!, first of all use on them Holly Unction from Liturgies or Holly Places in Orthodoxy [3] but keep such Sacred Mystery always at site and watch not to spill it, simply that would be first step towards Baptism altho for that take Blessing from Your Spiritual Father coz it could turn them mad even they are not clones if continue to live decadent way of life without prayerful fencing by themselves or by others that foster for their Spiritual Life i.e. if the basis for this world is the Spiritual World then if You cant by his Prayers the Spiritual Father Brothers and Sisters do keep others that are or got asleep as Baptized till they by themselves dont start to denounce Our Almighty Lord by partaking in wrong apostatic behavior or becoming members of some cults clubs or temples, hm could that be done virtually nowadays!?, fakebook network comes to mind, hm hm hm, yep if freemasonry or cabalists invented invested and blessed such network hm arent You there like that under “their” luciferian grip, as is the new modern gmo marijuana full of thc thus becoming ganja (in sanskrit the claw of shiva I’ll say [4][5] those who are OC and got clean, would easily notice how demons-anathema-to-them just like in kundalini instantly are hooking their claws on the chakras when smoking high potent thc weed, what in essence are the modern (for granted) gmo strains blasted by thc!, ganja in India was made from Indica strain high in thc and boiled as drink by high thc paste … yeah the thc oil would be unholy unction of shiva, see the last comment in the 5th footnote!!!, tho thc olis it could keep calm those that are possessed when used i.e. demons-anathema-to-them are satiated, You need just decadent or ideally orgy lifestyle so “they” would get full feed of demonic ceremony, arent lusts “their” food [6][6][6] drop by drop You’ll become slave due to trendsetting if not else, yeah natural Cannabis Sativa cant be found anywhere to joy the hearth, but only chainsaw psychosis herbs and oils, do take my word I’ve grown myself in true happiness instead thc lobotomy, check this out [7] dumb no U are ultra stupid if as OC follow such thc poisons!, tho I know to act stupid too but just so would show to my close ones that OC Sacred Life is victorious even when You are mids fire!!!)
when talking about zombies I’ll digress bit further, the same could emerge due to transfer of madcow disease to human, so in a way “they” can make from us zombies too so dont rush killing Your close ones how so, first “their” meme is trans this trans that as transmutation as many are aware [8][8] and what “they” long is viral vector transfer eg. from bats or hoofed animals to Man [9][9] so by vaccines to secure obedience i.e. dont need to put gun on Your head so would bow to “their” demons-anathema-to-them but by Urself then U will bow without hesitance!, didnt U already!?, hope not!, coz in essence the’mark’of’the’beast should be voluntarily accepted so would be apostasy in totality, otherwise go confess that You were misused by transhumanists and the half hijack would end, I’ll advise hurry till You are with one leg in the live sand, hm how, Forgive Me Father that I took part in experimental vaxing for which someone says is transhumanist biotech!, the same goes for every wicked or wrong thing or habit eg. gambling sport’betting voting’in’republicanism etc. etc. yeah prove me wrong!, if You are correct my bad, but what if my assumptions are true, then fasten Your seatbelts, the times ahead will not be so comfy!, or!?, practically republicanism or betting is wrong when done coz supporting greed or tyranny, except like in ussA if the main marks emblems and constitution are secured by stars roses and/or pyramids!, power to the people but down under the sphinx that as cerberus keep us hostage beneath “their” pyramid!, dont worry become Active Orthodox Christians and You’ll escape “their” matrix!, also sorry for all this digressing, probably useful for all that want to become Independent Scientific Authorities …