On Physics (past current future)

about future of physics, hm, lets assume the western academia is hijacked by large percent … to follow wrong ideals for reaching superhumanity and heaven’on’earth by becoming borgs and chimeras [1][1] … and “their” puppet masters have idea (as presented in the last footnote links by TomH) to make hosts from us so “they” would enjoy the passions in this world from 1st person perspective (except throw us in hell), hm, … would then be possible we anyhow to see certain change ahead towards truthful or correct physics!?, as if NikolaT was intentionally silenced so “they” would keep control over the masses with “their” by debt driven economy!?, surely who would risk among “their” bancorp stooges to loose control and power!?, and as possessed elite (yep) by aliens [2] what brings “them” peace than to bow and serve “them” till extremes, even ready to swap us with graceless clones, for what surely there is agenda too i.e. how to embrace “first” contact and stand in the row for recycling [3][3-4/5]

(here I’ll digress heavily, so dont respond to this paragraph in this thread!, quote it and open new one!) imagine half of the leading scientists are replaced by clones!?, hm in such case only solution is Orthodox Christianity to cast Anathema to clones so we would remove the wheat from the chaff on small door, but like that it could be tempting to see many relatives among us turning in zombies!, could You kill Your own parents in such case, or own cloned child, or own pets etc. etc. yeah bees would get decimated on half maybe!?, so in a way we need to rush up for such stunt, but on other hand arent we already too late!?, can we assume what time is now, and how long we can keep quite!?, hm hm hm, so would be certain Your close ones arent clones, I’ll propose turn to Orthodox Christianity and Baptize them, plus start living Inchurched Consecrated Life!, first of all use on them Holly Unction from Liturgies or Holly Places in Orthodoxy [3] but keep such Sacred Mystery always at site and watch not to spill it, simply that would be first step towards Baptism altho for that take Blessing from Your Spiritual Father coz it could turn them mad even they are not clones if continue to live decadent way of life without prayerful fencing by themselves or by others that foster for their Spiritual Life i.e. if the basis for this world is the Spiritual World then if You cant by his Prayers the Spiritual Father Brothers and Sisters do keep others that are or got asleep as Baptized till they by themselves dont start to denounce Our Almighty Lord by partaking in wrong apostatic behavior or becoming members of some cults clubs or temples, hm could that be done virtually nowadays!?, fakebook network comes to mind, hm hm hm, yep if freemasonry or cabalists invented invested and blessed such network hm arent You there like that under “their” luciferian grip, as is the new modern gmo marijuana full of thc thus becoming ganja (in sanskrit the claw of shiva I’ll say [4][5] those who are OC and got clean, would easily notice how demons-anathema-to-them just like in kundalini instantly are hooking their claws on the chakras when smoking high potent thc weed, what in essence are the modern (for granted) gmo strains blasted by thc!, ganja in India was made from Indica strain high in thc and boiled as drink by high thc paste … yeah the thc oil would be unholy unction of shiva, see the last comment in the 5th footnote!!!, tho thc olis it could keep calm those that are possessed when used i.e. demons-anathema-to-them are satiated, You need just decadent or ideally orgy lifestyle so “they” would get full feed of demonic ceremony, arent lusts “their” food [6][6][6] drop by drop You’ll become slave due to trendsetting if not else, yeah natural Cannabis Sativa cant be found anywhere to joy the hearth, but only chainsaw psychosis herbs and oils, do take my word I’ve grown myself in true happiness instead thc lobotomy, check this out [7] dumb no U are ultra stupid if as OC follow such thc poisons!, tho I know to act stupid too but just so would show to my close ones that OC Sacred Life is victorious even when You are mids fire!!!)

when talking about zombies I’ll digress bit further, the same could emerge due to transfer of madcow disease to human, so in a way “they” can make from us zombies too so dont rush killing Your close ones :smiley: how so, first “their” meme is trans this trans that as transmutation as many are aware [8][8] and what “they” long is viral vector transfer eg. from bats or hoofed animals to Man [9][9] so by vaccines to secure obedience i.e. dont need to put gun on Your head so would bow to “their” demons-anathema-to-them but by Urself then U will bow without hesitance!, didnt U already!?, hope not!, coz in essence the’mark’of’the’beast should be voluntarily accepted so would be apostasy in totality, otherwise go confess that You were misused by transhumanists and the half hijack would end, I’ll advise hurry till You are with one leg in the live sand, hm how, Forgive Me Father that I took part in experimental vaxing for which someone says is transhumanist biotech!, the same goes for every wicked or wrong thing or habit eg. gambling sport’betting voting’in’republicanism etc. etc. yeah prove me wrong!, if You are correct my bad, but what if my assumptions are true, then fasten Your seatbelts, the times ahead will not be so comfy!, or!?, practically republicanism or betting is wrong when done coz supporting greed or tyranny, except like in ussA if the main marks emblems and constitution are secured by stars roses and/or pyramids!, power to the people but down under the sphinx that as cerberus keep us hostage beneath “their” pyramid!, dont worry become Active Orthodox Christians and You’ll escape “their” matrix!, also sorry for all this digressing, probably useful for all that want to become Independent Scientific Authorities …

here I’ve exaggerate a bit, surely could, but not as wide reachable commodity, mostly as homegrown autochthonous Cannabis Sativa, if at all the plants arent cross’pollinated by the “CBD” industry seeds and their gmo hype!, on top for the regular joe its more efficient to grow home skunk, coz small indoor gmo strains are easier for growing than natural Cannabis Sativa crops, circumstance that pushed me few years ago to stir movement for rural marijuana legalization in Macedonia, so everyone could have chance to grow own natural CBD remedies [1] but obviously the local’ss’elite panicked and fearing that could lost means to racket the current urban broilers, if they start moving to selfsuficient lifestyle (theoretically the potential was huge) thus “they” scared the masses to take part in the Maklezet eForum that as movement logically could have lead to centrist party, so by making from me some kind of (probably fakebook) reality show as pushback, “they” indeed succeed to halt any inertia!, hm, I’ll need to thank “them” coz I didnt took Blessing for the stunt, and above all when there are no sponsors in front, its bit tricky to be pulled effective campaign in the end, aside that to me the same its not so important life achievement, hence I’ve drop the inertia once saw almost noone (even none of my friends) didnt pop up to give support!, but at least I’ve left blueprint of my will so tomorrow others to use it as pivot when reasoning how to bring natural Cannabis Sativa to all the tables as most necessary natural immunity booster [2][3]

now, what has this with Physics, hm hm hm Bioresonance i.e. while trying to find opinions about CBD as alternative for the m’rna vaxing in the past plandemix, I’ve run to some heated opponents which claim not all studies confirm immunity benefits, I guess those are with generic CBD and not plant extract, still the ignorance is high among mainstreamers [4][5] to what I’ve responded with ease like Ur physics is at best halfmineded neopagan bot!, simply for the current physics Bioresonance dont exist, and on such basis dont accept even that 5g frying has wrong side effects [6] what about to acknowledge that the right CBD~THC balance provokes immunity response [7] acknowledgement that surely will make many happy, coz its not revelation that will only boost the immunity, but the cardiovascular system too [8] and only looser from such clarity would be the big’pharma’profit and/or advancements in medicine [9] coz the risk of lesser patients if CS becomes regular healing spice in every Kitchen …

imagine Ch@gpt sees opportunity for Bioresonant revelations if scalar wave physics is taken as pivot check 4.4 in the next footnote [10][10][10] but “their” peer’rereviewed’boards simply cant allow such reality to become imbued in mainstream physics and chemistry [12-2] where above all is the ego how “their” reductionist atheist reasoning is so exceptional that even when cia agent would polygraph plants and got bioresonant results in his research [13] even then “they” will say nah bollocks, dont look sideways from “their” GrrrrrCh [14] and hm will “they” repent, think not, for “them” only god is delusion which father is lucifer-anathema-to-him that seeded “their” enlightenment era and all the alchemic rosicrucian freemasonic humanist and transhumanist agendas for total enslavement of Mankind, isnt!?, and to be honest artificial and decadent utopian lifestyle isnt so bad how there is no alternative to it at the moment, but do take for every unnatural things You are doing Blessing, coz from trap of the fall once legalized The Church will give eg. Blessing for Eucharist to those that got generic pills as prescription, above all we all eat food with pesticides and additives even Priests, so dont make fuzz if someone got hooked on wrong “natural” humanistic sciences, such that as technology of food brought eg. the white sugar for which I have direct experience how blocks the hearth (soul) for sensing The Grace and/or makes You emotionless if consumed regularly, here tho I am speaking about lusts spiced by artificial sweeteners, or eg. sex boosted by drugs etc. etc. alike simulacrums of happiness!, go grasp in the end what is the balance as middle way!?, simply unjudging hearth!, dont judge so would not be judged!, and if can help do help, if witness do that with understanding that there cant be reached heaven on earth even in organic way in these times of almost total dependence from the merits of the industrial revolutions!, the point is for what something exist or is consumed, Salvation or perdition, so it wont make You ill viagra but the will to make idol from sex i.e. those who have impotency problems they do need maybe artificial boosting, but overall the essence of emotionless circumstances is due to dull despiritualized lifestyle etc. etc., so be creative and if You want to surpass Your dullness do get Inchurched in true Orthodox Christian Life in Feat … easy to say, but drop by drop like everything else one will get up and run in fullness of joys in its hearth as Graceful Natural (or not) Person, tho I do had have chance as wwoofer to sense how really organic food and lifestyle could bloom up the Nous!, tho nosferatu is always waiting on the next corner once I’ve descend in the urban jungle!

I am certain bioresonance will hit the bell in Physics sooner or later, but the problem is how western reductionism will embrace any eventual mathematical system shift or change so would get acceptable empirical results!?

to some extent about this in physics we have Gregg Braden (the science of prayer) or Fritjof Capra (tao of physics) or Nassim Haramein (our holographic universe) [1][1][1] but the problem with all of them is that they are trying to find joint pipeline with the current mainstream physics, as if they want to push pumpkin in a bottle!, what by all means is ridiculous, altho interesting approach for getting smashed bottle or penetrated pumpkin!, anyway eastern mysticism through Trimurti do had have observed what is really about, but it got corrupted till such extent that nowadays there are so many wrong sectarian interpretations about what was passed through the 10 Patriarchs as Monotheism [2] the question is how we can effectively remove the wheat from the chaff there when its poluted skewed and misused flow of eastern knowhow, hm maybe doable … anyway Akasha could be Aether but also Prana could be seen as such as well …

~ http://implizit.blogspot.com/2011/08/light-color-bioresonance-golden-spiral_4929.html

hm, I am not so insightful in eastern mysticisms, but I do know from Orthodox Christianity that as Elder Cleopa says pagans will be also judged by merit of their consciousness, what made me really happy, altho who has clean consciousness among them is hard to guess, probably just few!, so waiting on their bodhisattvas will not do the job, and someone even said Jesus Christ is 8th as Love while the 9th will be the same but as Judge … eh if all could become Orthodox Christians that would be ideal, yet again Christians will be most severely judged coz had have to reflect Love in every sphere of their lives, but not through lusts, but mercy forgiveness compassion sacrifice and feat for the close ones, while standing in truth for the OC tradition … blind piety, no, but wakeful humility, in a royal balanced middle way, the long forgotten aristotelian golden centrist mean, that nowadays isnt employed nor in natural nor social sciences!, practically string theory has some basis in its vibe but coz tweaked as antitheological flow lost its way [3][3] and ha it didnt reach balance among relativists and quantumers, xo the calculus tilted out them all … still stringers do sound credible to me from aspect of 8 dimensions, and how I perceive such probability in given cosmological system [4][4] altho this is solely from sleeve thrown modeling of possibilities by didactive logic and not some contemplation on the matter even less particular scientific inquiry!, hm if I get astral searching for answers maybe I would reach affirmation or debunking, and till then it will be only good speculation worthy for physicists to juggle with it and see where how it fits in their quest for unified field theory …

as complex as it sounds, most probably on the high end of finding relevant unified’filed’theory, the problem with the current mainstreamers is not alone their reductionism till atomic’ant’mindset (yep insecticism rulz in “their” heads) [1][1-III/1] or rationalization til self’replicating’machines [2][2][2] or the problem with “mechanistic’universe’calculus” [3][3-9] but also particular formalism in their coordinate veins “that Euclidean geometry is a formal axiom system—that prompted Bréton to try to formalize the logic of Proclus’ proof.” [4] i.e. indeed we need to find out some fractal mathematical method that can described and derived through the spiral motion of the oxygen atom, good luck :slight_smile:

this on other hand asks for reverse engineering approach first!, for what think AlexU got good mood, we need just to see where nazis hid “their” gold [5] hm I really do find enjoying his videos, but without wide academic revisionism we will not await either alternative postrevisionistic consensus about eg. teslas knowhow from perspective of non’cartesian systems …


neither alternative postrevisionism, hm, if AlexU mood is revisionistic, then eg. Thunderbolt Project would be postrevisionism [1] and what from that is correct reasoning I cant tell but just share what they said [2][2] but if the same is still derived and described by the current known (accepted) mathematical model, then probably we will see future repostrevisions except tweaking through trial&error pattern like in the current mainstream physics till shtf in some public funds or hidden bags, the later used for chasing “ufo” tech so would reach utmost exceptionalism, hm maybe paranormal mood is “their” true mainstream [3][3][3] so like “their” cuzins nazis earlier by default “they” are tilting in at best half effective or half potent knowhow, just as is case with “their” mainstream physics with all its pitfalls and downfalls how is derived managed and imposed on all as norm for following!, did AlbertA consult some cabalists when tweaked his relativity [4] imagine You can do that too in Orthodox Christianity if ask Monks to Pray for solutions to Your dilemmas!!!, yep Angels and not demons-anathema-to-them know the exact answers, ask NikolaT how he became wonnabe technocratic monk coz it was using hesychastic methods while trying to find solution to some problem, tho that eventually lead him to wrong watermills where if indeed stuck we should all say Lord Forgive Him for his blindness and apostasy, after all we own him at least that even that wasnt case coz somehow I am thinking maybe he was murdered once at the end of his life “someone” wanted to learn more about his mysterious discoveries that he kept them firmly hidden to his hearth!, hm maybe I am wrong but indeed he worked on Philly Experiment and step’back indirectly leaving vonNeumann to trip out the teleportation of the boat that we all know how ended up, at least from that what we know, hm, was bermuda continuation of its trials&errors dont know but it smells on wrong spirit, maybe there are witnesses that can whistle hey usaf has even wronger experiments, ask darpeans (and alike) to assist!

lets be honest, what is Physics, related to physicus [5] and can we say alive thing in the world are organisms eg. bodies, then knowing that those have Spirit and Soul, then metaphysically seen we employ in fullness the life when living as worthy Orthodox Christians, and lets say we can ask from our Almighty Source of Existence everything then would we get it, I claim surely, but are we worthy, or arent we living in world bound to causality!?, thus not everything will be granted to us, thus in the Apophatic Orthodox Christian tradition thats why we say ask only Salvation and everything else that is in that context will be added and even more than we expected eg. Love by magnitude of Joy above Joys in this world, but it dont comes per’se through decadence mammonism or egoism but chance to partake in the Uncreated Energies Of Our Almighty Lord … imagine to walk on the surface of stars or running around the slanted kosmosT bridge, also accompanied by Angels whether driven by flaying crystal balls or floating in lively space!, and lets assume we are not worthy then for sure if stubborn we will end up in vacuum cleaner or rolled by crawling’α-keratin’scales in some lava lake!, so chose wise what You wish and whether Your hearth got cleaned enough so would withstand stubborn asking I must get this or that O Lord help me out, so be creative dont rush but Pray for Salvation coz there will be no heaven on earth anytime soon, but chance for exit and delivery from “ur” own matrix just like eg. mesopotamians got when The Righteous Forefather Abraham like resident of Ur got out and step on the narrow path of Salvation …

about NikolaiK I’ve shared some info here and there on GDS [1][1-10][1] but here would be most suitable thread for examination … definitely we can defy gravity only if we know how to use correctly energies, tho is physics near complete understanding of Scalar Wave Phenomena and how as field interacts with all the rest confirmed and/or observed!?, what in my opinion is not the complete mosaic, but till 8D we have more to explore [2][2] but first we need to add this scalar variable to 4D and then after to expand it as 5D till 8D, practically as with kozirevs mirrors 4 dimensions are for the visible material world while another 4 for the invisible spiritual world, if we want to banalize about the mosaic, altho defacto all are interwoven, and one thing that can expand our understanding of Physics is the need to be removed the humanist exceptionalism arrogance and ignorance for the alternative physics theories and theoreticians, what surely will happen one day …

The phi spiral of scalar energy carries information, hence, scalar energy is an intelligent energy. Every prayer, thought, emotion or physical action is a broadcast of scalar energy; hence, our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical state is to be attributed to scalar energy as the animating force responsible for all action. It is scalar energy, the Life Force, that gives life to the universe. [3]

and hm, can we expect soon any certain change, hm hm hm, what to say ~

  1. first till we are tied as world to the current wage slavery by intimidation extortion and exploitation we will never be able to reach stable scientific progress!, simply the same is hostage to the very same moment in form of planned obsolescence [4] so who how to expect any change ahead if on top the current euroatlantic pharaohs want to introduce even greater slavery through future technocratic and transhumanist reality for all!?, will like that the Free Will will be better managed by some a.i.!?, would that lead it to useful revelations, or just another torment of uncertainty and devastation!?, yeah “they” were chasing evolution but instead reached devolution!

  2. would the current elites allow this kind of knowhow to become mainstream one, hm, if we hijack “their” a.i.‘s that are running around “their” brains, then maybe!, coz otherwise for “them” this kind of freedom is not acceptable for “their” useless eaters that serve just like foder for “their” geoeconomical geocultural and geopolitical games!, strange but when this logic will be confirm by a.i. like Ch@gpt suddenly clarity hits the bell with babylon is fallin’ vibe!, isnt “14. Control and Manipulation of Knowledge: The control and manipulation of knowledge could become more challenging for those who seek to manipulate and control information, as widespread access to advanced technologies could empower the masses.” [5]

  3. if there is competition between western transhumanism and russian cosmism we are again in trouble [6] coz the path ahead it will end up in choose between the lesser evil through noomahia hype in pagan trap [7][7] I mean think in terms of theory but project such vibe in reality and NikolaiK will say trial&error isnt easily doable even with plain concepts [8] what about to mix Orthodox Christian Monotheism with pagan vibes when we’ll end up not in heresy but apostasy if indeed some russians made alchemic remixes [9][9] or the same notion is just agitprop spin coz russians as all the slavs were heavily infiltrated by the western neopagan enlightenment [10-II/2] lets say we need firm stance what is what and why on this world needs to be revealed by whom, coz in the end if we cant find balance even now what about later once huge asteroid or global deluge hit us!?, think twice, are You in this world to live in lush, or to Save Your Soul, yep SYStem in modest middle balanced state of existence coz Survival through Grace instead technology per’se!, not that tech is wrong, but to become slaves to it, hm that is too much!, I know working all life hard for new car that is made not to last, be clever buy second hand stuff if dont have money, why going in debt and risk “someone” to hold You by the balls, if indeed had have put spell in some constitutional republican papers as RomleyS claims [11]

from this last quoted footnote I’ll quote one sentence which if its true then altho we can expect shift in Physics eventually the same will lead to the very western utopian ideals but in eastern clots “In their view, Cosmism stands in place of the fallen ideal of Bolshevik society and therefore allows to renew an imperialist and messianic conception of the finality of science.” and indeed stalin saw technocracy as highest ideal that led soviet union towards top to bottom system automata [1][1] now they just lack yet again technocratic party that will reshape the new Orthodox Christian reality and coz easier acclimatization for the current westernized modernization it could use western blueprints too [2] thats why we need to Pray as soon as possible Russia to become Tsardom [3] so the science would not be skewed as in west for neopagan apotheosis means!, otherwise if things stay as they are currently, expect to see new’soviet’man [4] awaken from some cryogenic dream [5] and shapeshifting in new’russian’men as kind of russian nationalism on steroids, eventually if socialism rings the bell again, then we will see national’socialism there, with which remnants russians are now fighting in Ukraine!, paradox isnt!?, to be more illogical if zionists were infiltrated in ussR by magnitude in the ruling echelons and anyhow again reemerge, we cant rule out that the new’soviet’man could be clone golem alike [6]

Father Vitalii was also at pains to stress the importance of immortality not being realized through human effort, “as Fedorov and the Cosmists wanted.” 44. For the critique of the notion of “personhood-as-brainhood,” … He condemned the influence of Russian Cosmism on contemporary transhumanism, calling it “Russia’s own brand of secular immortalism,” dangerous and Western oriented. From the position of the Russian Orthodox Church, Fedorov’s views are nothing but heretical, since they advocate active human involvement in resurrection. If for some transhumanists Fedorov is the only “Christian” philosopher they know, from the official Orthodox standpoint, he is more “secular” than “religious,” just as Russian Cosmism is rather “Western” as opposed to truly “Russian.” The Fedorov movement, according to this view, is a dangerous bridge in that it promotes, in a religious disguise, values that the Church considers secular. In a statement published shortly after the debate on an Orthodox online portal, Father Vitalii called transhumanism an alarming “globalist” trend that has taken off very well in Russia thanks to the persisting legacy of Soviet atheism. “It is via the ideas of ‘Russian Cosmism’ that the older generation of our scientists are attempting to find their place among the globalist trendsetters” (Utkin 2014). Yet, as I hope to have demonstrated in this chapter, contemporary Russian transhumanism has as many roots in socialism and revolution, the site of “the human” as the supremely plastic project, as it does in Russian religious philosophy. [7][7]

wow what a OC observant, I’ll say oc-fakir laying on alchemic bed with humanist nails!, tho probably back then if denounced Christianity would had have risk to end up unemployed, isnt!?, later the same became rolemodel for many peers of the soviet academia, and now those for the modern russian science, so expecting something new under the sky regard True Physics Revelations hm its bit questionable, altho unlike the euroatlantic determinism, in Russia the Free Will as epitome of Orthodox Christianity reflects possible change ahead …

Fyodorov was a strict observant of Russian Orthodox Christianity, but, at the same time, a natural philosopher. His main idea was radical life extension by means of science. He believed that spiritual and scientific development of humanity would lead to the fulfilment of the ultimate Christian idea: the banishment of death and revival of the dead, using the idea of cloning. Fyodorov also believed that space exploration was necessary, because the resources of the Earth are depletable. Later, his followers, who called themselves ‘biocosmists’, propagated the idea of “immediate development of space communications”. The teachings of Fyodorov were taken into account also by Sergey Korolev, the creator of the first Russian space flight. [8]

the problem tho is that indeed some russians are mirroring the western inertia eg. regards cloning [9] tho probably are way back than their western counterparts [10][10] and this is more or less unimportant coz there are ways how such inertia to be resolved easily by anathema as I’ve already pointed in the 3rd post [11]

I find the next quote very amazing, that from side soviet scientists were in contact with NikolaT ideas, the question is whether soviets had spy in his surrounding, or was it direct link!?, also remain mystery whether his confiscated knowhow (by fbi) was later remote viewed by russian psi-agents, and how eg. was mirrored the philadelphia experiment which actually was research based on AlbertA unified’field’theory on which NikolaT was forced to collaborate but give up [1][1-5][1-17][1]

so, the next quote and overall all quotes in the link sound really incredible!, probably if this is true then we already have as on west so as on east zero-energy momentum, but everyone waits the current order to exhaust and bit later free energy revelation to come, as regards cosmic scalar energetics so as scalar wave physics … currently noone of the modern empires dont have need to abandon their fossil fuel hype coz like that will lost secure obedience by the addicted to fuel masses!, altho how fracking got wrong hype in ussA either we will see fast sfw revelation or will reach global deluge in 2 to 3 decades [2] yep Scalar Field Waves will be something out of this world revolution of theories eg. [3] parading like on Physics Fashion Week, we will be all like wait a minute is this or that knowhow better!, 700 patents of Tesla wow that will be really interesting then [4]

“I have been regularly sending my ideas to Soviet scientists for twenty years. However, apart from letters of thanks I never received a concrete response. It is possible that the leadership of the USSR is busy, among other things, with the current state of war, so there are not enough resources to devote to my documents. It is possible that they are angry because of my doubt about Lenin’s electrification plan. At that time, it really seemed impossible that after the world war, and later the civil war, a devastated country like Russia would build 30 powerful hydroelectric power plants in just 10 years. Later I admitted that I had been mistaken and asked Skvirsky to personally deliver my letter of apology to Stalin. He assured me that everything was fine and said, “The plan was so fantastic that even Herbert Wells didn’t believe in it.” I am ashamed that I did not believe Lenin then. Every time someone doesn’t believe in my ideas, I remember Lenin’s electrification plan.” [5]

yeah, definitely he became pagan alike, I mean astral excursions in Orthodox Christianity are leveled as prelest [1] unless he got Blessing from his friend [2] and probably thats why his balkan’trans’express’exploring didnt turn in false prophesizing Vangya alike, tho he had have utopian visions too about pink future ahead [3][3] hm maybe strayed in some subspace of the pink unicorns :slight_smile: I mean those who could tap in “the source” of knowledge know that clarity is always one step from reach, thats why he was also pushing his experimenting through constant trials&errors otherwise he would throw certain findings from sleeve, was he :slight_smile: practically he was trying to find correct explanation about things he managed to work around, but when asked how his inventions fit the prevailing physics models he would answer let the mathematical poets alone dont bother me with!, logically cant compare independent’techno’ascet with euroatlantic’techno’asset, tho indeed he bounced on wrong serbian glitch like now’or’never :slight_smile:one of the most Brilliant Minds of our time, a megalomaniac who believed in All or Nothing that was one of his character flaws, his Illusions got ahead of the Practical Engineering says Bernard Carlson” [4]

hm imagine he didnt stay OC till the end, then no matter what good left to us in this world, its not fix it will earn Salvation!, and thats why we all owe him a Prayer!, thats why there should be no playing with ascetic feats in the world, coz even with guidance and even in controlled environment like Monastery, still one could get lost!, otherwise wouldnt be norm in Orthodox Christianity wakefulness but dreams!, eventually whatever he found the euroatlantic determinists as neopagan elites buried in bunker, coz first “they” dont want “their” fodder of slaves to become happiness for equals, and second coz “their” puppet masters feast on torment shock raping exploitation fear etc. horrors which are granted mids the current system and its leverages for existence!, imagine free energy is common thing, could then anyhow be possible centralization of the system eg. like its nowadays case in ussA or elsewhere!?, but coz NikolaT was thriving in NY all the blame could be directed to the usA bipartisan establishment played by the neopagan forces that plot in shadows!, whether cabal papal or fraternal!, so his good will from bona fides became bones for skull’ers, modern empty’headed’pharaohs that now see only malthusian ordo’ab’chao skims as sustainable way ahead for “their” humanity!, what in effect it will fireback to “them” if executed, with greeting from me like Babylon Fallin’ so fasten Your seatbelts [5]


here we need to remind ourselves that as NikolaT was in one way techno seer, there were also others that copied him, but without OC ascetic knowhow, “they” were using black magic techniques that eventually didnt made “them” free and prosperous but enslaved and exploited!

first in this post I must point seers like VangyaG or NikolaT always bump to variables that only in particular causality are seen as possible, but that dont means are probable and will happen!, it takes only one stone so the avalanche to change the path in the wheel of time!, and when even Jesus Christ as Son by essence eternally begotten of Our Almighty Lord says dont ask for the times, then we need to be clever and stop juggling with someones visions as if they are certain!, eg. one of vangyas visions that ww3 will burst in Syria in the beginning of the conflict when BarackO was president (the infamous nofly zone that neocons expected from him) didnt happen, simply that was possibility, and to become probable circumstance it depends from complex causality that changes constantly, and unblessed seers regularly end up in mess with their visions, even if saw something their understanding is at best half true, yeah drive Your car on two wheels, maybe in 2D world!

about the next assertion be cautious, coz its due to some analysis than vision of mine, thus even lesser possibility than the claims by VG and NT, think some far timeline of Armageddon is after 300 years, tho as is said to us Pray for the times to be shortened!, and to this aligns one interesting logic by vangyas vision about direct contact by aliens (probably angels from some of the higher realms) or eventually other cosmic civilizations (if to that we can mirror the Jesus message “I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them in as well, and they will listen to My voice. Then there will be one flock and one shepherd.” [1] we know that this was said about the gentiles so dont project certain interpretation), and aside that, what I do know tho that first contact with us will be done by the fallen aliens (demons-anathema-to-them) and then after will come Angels (who also defacto are aliens, as beings not conceived in this world)

and regards this topic, in the next quoted footnote we can assume that Aether indeed will be recognized as field and energy, in one or another form, so things will move towards somehow more truthful physics, what dont means we will rip in good faith such revelation, having in mind our constant misuse of the Free Will as Gift from Above!, also to this text in the footnote I’ll add some clue who could have slipped in “her messages” notion about future ice age, i.e. euroatlantic determinists through “their” stooges probably done that, so would project certain mandela inertia (search ice age in the next footnote) [2] also the analysis about thot, in the next quoted footnote, need to be taken with utmost reserve, surely vangya didnt have clue about egyptean mythology, tho her niece had have slipped in occult agni yoga circles, so either she projected such trippin’ or the author of the text did!, what tho its also questionable for me whether vangya at all grasp the relativistic cosmology about 4 dimensions and that whatever knowhow about the 5th dimension will be revealed!

still this would be only suggestion by some seer that we will see rewriting of the current physics, that tho in my opinion is already known to the eastern and western elites and the scientists that work under silence for their governments!, in this context (I’ll say as vangya alike experience) maybe goes also the dulce revelation [3-2] and along add TomH warnings how ussA’government is waging covert chimerization and cyborgization of the western population [4][4] and we can witness soon (if not already) strange physics unknown to us!, what would be (if not else) enough good reason through eTOS reality even such claims to be rechecked, and affirmed or disproved, as should be case with this next quoted claim too!, maybe the same at best was channeled by some psychonaut from dulce couloir, coz rupi’tetka was talking with “someone” definitely while “prophesizing”, definitely demons-anathema-to-them, and we have many similar witness accounts when Priest will use The Cross and suddenly the medium will mute itself [5] thus dont take this quoted lines as some kind of fix!, coz maybe its shared by some sorosoid!?, if You want to bring clarity in Physics then as scientists debate debate debate, but not on conferences but on eForums, without prejudice, with respect!, what to say, HNY western netizens :slight_smile:

“The Messengers” also told her, that humanity would realize their existence some two centuries later, using a technology that would be developed in Hungary. From that moment on, the situation on Earth would experience a new equilibrium. But in the meantime, humanity will see many advances held back due to extreme personal indulgences, corruption and decadence (or, more simply, as Vanga said, humanity will experience ups and downs.) … Among these “inventions” could be humanity’s access to free energy and the fifth dimension. The “miracle of miracles” Vanga was talking about … [6]

I had have intention to post these blobs of text after Christmas, but when I saw overall how it sounds, and that as such could make someone sick, decided its better now than then!, Warning, yoga is for yogies, not Christians!

its interesting that scholastic approach to science would be almost total error, holistic also can do extra harm if the scientist get lost in the labyrinths of the billions of combinations between the seen and the unseen in this world, thus all need to be careful how they are trying to reach eg. 8D revelations!, I myself (if needed) I’ll use fear tactics so would remind myself that at beginning of the stick is The Fear From Our Almighty Lord and on the end is His Love so would not anyhow astray in my exploration, if tempted to do so!, eg. as fear research tactics would use as pivot lines from text about yogis practice, what by all means as eastern pagan mysticism when seen through Orthodox Christian position would be complete apostasy [1]][1]-[1][[1]-[1]][[1] knowing that that what is buried we need to leave it so we would not become zombies if hug it, archeology and bioresonance comes to mind, which on top as neopagan knowhow could be even more dangerous i.e. could make You cloned zombie [2] yet if by any means as I’ve said got tempted to explore beyond 5D physics will need to remind myself that I am risking to gamble with my Salvation as NikolaT did, go after sorrow for the life You’ve lost in vain while trying to become eureka maestro!, yet again in some circumstances one will get trapped and will try to escape its own curiosity so then wanted or not will stumble on various doors passages and portals but when not secured by extra Grace it could easily get lost if not end up sliced, so do be careful how approach pagan and neopagan knowhow coz its mostly painted by wrong axioms of the truth, altho one can find from time to time some interesting analysis that are interesting as observation of “their” couloirs like the next quote from an yoga manual, which can be deemed useful maybe in context of kozyrevs ideas, tho that cant say for sure whether indeed express such axioms!

Seditious and forgotten nowadays astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev asserted that time transforms the Universe into a flat wave front and is an equivalent of Aether due to what all macrobodies possess ability of instant communication. If, according to one of the hypotheses, the mankind has descended from one pair of protopeople, so today this matrix consists of billions of “cells”, and dubbing-in at the physical level is inevitable. When the total number of people on the planet exceeds twenty billions (the approximate quantity of brain neurons), occurrence of subjects with identical mentality becomes probable. [3][3]


on other hand knowing that kozyrevs ideas are unburdened from philosophical and metaphysical assumptions, the previous quote looks more like fabricated interpretation!?, and in the next quote it could be seen that, about deep philosophical thinking NikolaiK is on same line with NikolaT about mathematical poetry (which calculations rest on particular philosophical system), thus we can assume that he was theoretical visionary altho still used math to express his theories, unlike Tesla who simply couldnt fit in the current mainstream physics!

Kozyrev tried not to be distracted by such ideological philosophical questions, he agreed on there where science begins, there it ends philosophy [4]


this last video footnote is from the site chronos,ms,ru linked in the 8th footnote of the 8th post above [4] to which site and yt channel could be found other videos about the work of NikolaiK [4][4][4] but I do lack example JPF vidchats so would compare similarities and/or differences in the interpretations!, yep still too poor to enter there!


anyway, NikolaiK used different name for the Aether Physics, connecting it to Time label it Torsion Physics, what after teslas points as Space, we get Space Time and we lack only Spirit as JPF points is case with plasmas, so Space Time and Spirit would be then description for this fundamental force!, STS where Time could be also eg. Memory, in which case we will get SMS :slight_smile: but who is sender and who receiver would be the next viable question!?, how entanglement between two three and more dots pieces vibes could be explained, or even that should be tied to quantum particles that actually coz the failure of the failed lepton universality (proved recently) actually its quackery so we cant relate to this phenomenon particle physics, at least not as its described, eventually on level of electrons protons and neutrons!?, let the quest begin, who among mainstreamers except AlexU will have courage to challenge the epoch of exceptional relativists dogmas!?, even NikolaiK didnt tried, nor NikolaT bothered, maybe JPF will :slight_smile:

the next quote is from syncretic’yoga’book, so here also I’ll remind be careful what is thrown overall in the book as new’age’bait!, altho I’ll take the opportunity to share this explanation for kozyrevs theories as written in proverbial language, yep useful coz quackademics will never find will to plug their brains, on this for them at best fringe pseudo scientific realm, so garage scientists will need to continue to, if we want to see scientific revelation reachable to the masses …

Fifty years ago, Professor Nikolai Kozyrev, a respected Russian astrophysicist, began answering this question, discovering a new force in physics, which he called the “density of time.” This force involved a twisting in space he called “torsion. Apparently anything with mass can create its own torsion field or wave. When a particle spin suddenly changes direction, the particle produces torsion waves, a form of particle radiation. Since all elementary particles have mass and spin, they can generate their own torsion field. The direction of the twist—to the right or the left, predicts whether entropy (defined as “lack of order” but also “information”) will be increased or decreased at the point of origin, with the opposite occurring at a point elsewhere. Thus is balance ensured within the entirety of a system. Hence we could say that when information “disappears” from one place it can also “appear” elsewhere. (forums comes to mind)
A torsion field can also create patterns with its spins, encoding these patterns with information. Subtle energy work such as that accomplished through the application of ESP, hands on healing, prayer, focus, or energy medicine techniques is often accompanied by the use of shapes to produce change, as I noted in an earlier mention of Dr. Ibrahim Kharim’s work.While particle shifts can create torsion fields that result in patterns, which in turn act upon the vacuum, the opposite also can be true. Patterns—or even colors and sounds—can invoke shifts that result in alterations of reality. Several physicists are now bending their minds to this idea, long held by ancient mystics. As an article by Meinard Kuhlmann in Scientific American points out, physicists have typically believed that particles and force fields underlie reality; instead, these energies might actually themselves respond to bundles of properties such as color and shape. Might it really take only one persistent thought or feeling (or color or shape) to spin a new reality—one that might persist on its own?

According to Kozyrev’s theories, these effects would be explained by the nature of a torsion, which can be imaged as a twisting vector between two points in space-time. The issue isn’t really one of weight but of time. Time is thinner at the end of a right-handed torsion wave and denser at the other end, shifting the nature of space and how much mass can be perceived on either side, producing an antigravity effect. Wherever time is denser, such as with left-handed spins, we actually have negative time flow and information is taken away; ESP becomes easier. Where time is thinner, as with right-handed spins, information is added. Frequency is basically altered, changing the relationship with the vacuum; the pattern of the spin decides what is going to happen with the information. [5]

hm, just when I’ve finished this quote, I’ve got likE in the another thread, and in the same and following post [6] I do find resemblance of the neopagan’exploring’will and this mine digging of info from what is available on net!, thus again and again I’ll need to remind all, dont take anything from this for granted but recheck debate and chew everything with tempered mindset for clarity than blind’heartedness!


these points from the last quote, regards twisting vector between two or more points, could be seen as probable explanation for recent claim about propulsion system that defy the current mainstream physics, and we will need to wait and see (if true) whether this will see the day anytime soon with greeting alike “huston we dont have a problem”!, somehow engineers always find ways to bend the mainstream logic with their workable inventions, the problem is bit faux, once one need to calculate how not to loose eg. ~30% energy from that that was sent through the cables!, alternate this and voilla You will reach mass space flight tourism, but again for whom!?, O (reverse polar) Solar Storm where art thou!?

former NASA engineer working on a propellant-less propulsion drive has claimed that the device can deliver enough thrust to achieve lift in Earth’s gravity, an effect which should not take place under our current understanding of physics.
Dr Charles Buhler, who worked on a range of programs while at NASA, has since co-founded Exodus Propulsion Technologies, which in 2019 applied for a patent for a system that they claim can generate force using asymmetrical electrostatic pressure. According to the patent, the system generates a voltage difference across an electrically conductive surface.
“The applied voltage difference creates an electric field resulting in an electrostatic pressure force acting on at least one surface of an object. Asymmetries in the resulting electrostatic pressure force vectors result in a net resulting electrostatic pressure force acting on the object,” the patent reads, adding that the invention could be used as a thruster to propel spacecraft. “The magnitude of the net resulting electrostatic pressure force is a function of the geometry of the electrically conductive surfaces, the applied voltage, and the dielectric constant of any material present in the gap between electrodes.

Buhler’s claim, were it to be proven true and not the result of another force the team has not accounted for, would be huge. During tests, the team claims to have found an even more puzzling result; the device was apparently sometimes able to maintain this thrust without a constant electrical input.
The most important message to convey to the public is that a major discovery occurred,” Buhler told The Debrief. “This discovery of a New Force is fundamental in that electric fields alone can generate a sustainable force onto an object and allow center-of-mass translation of said object without expelling mass.
(wow mainstream exceptionalism rulz always) If the force behind Exodus Propulsion Technologies’ design was proved to be the result of asymmetrical electrostatic pressure and not some other unaccounted-for force, and it can be shown to work on larger scales, it would be revolutionary to spaceflight.
There are rules that include conservation of energy, but if done correctly, one can generate forces unlike anything humankind has done before,” Buhler added. “It will be this force that we will use to propel objects for the next 1,000 years… until the next thing comes.” [7][7]

interesting, was maybe JFK wacked coz wanted to inform the public about such physics, sorry I cant hold my curiosity, mars is calling when I’ll see You again :slight_smile: tho first we will need to wait to see the next phase tests in vacuum which in effect could be easily sabotaged, unless other countries also will not hoop onboard and start experimenting with similar concepts, yeah maybe yet again antarctic deal will close the case!?, tho kinetic and hypersonic weapons will rip the benefits for sure!


do plasma physics can get inspiration from this EPT concept, but to it add the bubbles around the torsion fields, and we can expect even greater propulsion!?, I’ll use completely different analogy, more holistic than mainstreamly’flat’earthing!, just dont take me serious on this, tho nor ridicule the attempt!, those scifi crafts after all had have point around their shapeshifting. or that is coz impression flow!?, hairstyle was always issue for the advanced modern trendsetters!, what most probably can be avoided if the water that is used for cleaning the propulsion system is consecrated [8][8][8][8]

Use of specific shapes to contain and store water can be selected to maintain and support it’s energetic function, for example Shapes that are connected to the molecular structure of water can energize water thus morphic resonance effects, flow forms and egg-like shapes also have energetic effects upon water. For the means of transportation of water the shape of the water pipes used on the buildings should be energetically optimized to create a torsional motion in the interior of the pipes while straight lines should be avoided where possible. [7]

now to this should be added additional variables and the propulsion should be even greater …

Some experiments, such as memory effect (measuring after liquid stops rotating); information transfer about a rotating object’s state (rotation of discs) etc. confirming existence of nonelectromagnetic influence on charge energy of the semiconductor allow suggesting that the described interaction belongs to torsion field.
In works of A.V. Bagrov etc. equations of
small relativistic particle’s motion in external
torsion field are obtained. They show
dependence of kinetic energy of the particle on
the nonelectromagnetic component. An
expression for Hamiltonian is determined
forecasting torsion field’s influence on energy
levels. In case the component of pseudovector
of torsion exists, each level can be split in two
with a certain energy difference. The obtained
equations also show that interaction with
torsion bends a moving electron’s trajectory
while vector of spin precession in external
torsion field depends on speed of the particle.
That’s why these effects can lead to changing
of density and mobility of charges used in
semiconductor devices.

In external torsion field, spin of a moving particle is oriented according to the filed and correspondingly, energy level’s splitting occurs. Changing of levels occur due to resonance absorption of alternating field’s energy leading to increase of the particle’s speed. As the research has proved that such changing exists, we can suggest that torsion filed also has the variable component, which is possibly generated by Earth. Most likely, in case the frequency of spin precession coincides with the frequency of the physical field’s alternating component, resonance absorption and changing to another energy level happen. Experiments prove that, besides cross component of the alternating component, its longitudinal components appears (correlation of independent data).

On the basis of the implemented research we can make the following conclusions:
~ * ~ rotation is a source of the physical filed having the same characteristics as torsion field’s ones. Hence, the listed effects can be construed as influence of this field on matter. In this case, torsion filed considered a spin, which is a polarized state of physical vacuum, accordingly, spin influence on ultimate particles is possible. In external torsion field, spin of a moving particle is oriented according to the filed and, correspondingly, energy level’s splitting occurs. Changing of levels occur due to resonance absorption of alternating field’s energy leading to increase of the particle’s speed.
~ * ~ the system “radioactive source – detector” can be used as a sensor of torsion field, in order to research distribution of potentials in ambient space of rotating objects. The rotating object is a source of information of its internal state, hence, a nondestructive method of controlling internal state of rotating objects. [8]

now as conclusion to all this, to be honest juggling with assumptions, I’ll add be very careful how You are tackling this mosaic reasoning coz the same could as well lead You not just in apostasy but also apathy (experiment went wrong, or “someone” misuse its vibe / literature podcast and docus of pagan or neopagan knowhow) here are few good catholic exorcist points [[u]9] coz You’ll navigating on unknown terrain, where need to use regularly apophatic prayerful approach so would not astray, Liturgies by default but also Holy Unction and Holy Water should be Your regular means when tomorrow entering among scientists or enthusiasts with similar affinities whether in real life or in the virtual one!, dont forget its topic where many pagan and neopagan sidekicks exist and that by itself can grab You if unprepared or loosen, again good points by the cc’exorcist [10] and if already read these post You are practically exposed to various risky knowledge coz if I point to some source per’se I dont accept everything in it but need to give link so it wont happen that I am presenting my own understanding, mostly exploring given topic, and giving mine probable and possible assumptions in context!, I am nor authority on the matter nor some versed physicist, thus even if I knew or grasp something just like NikolaT cant express it, (but if get busy in my garage (that I still dont have it) maybe can come up with something, yep cryogenic fryer for potato chips [11] plus working without plug for electricity!, jokes aside,) just try to harness the piezoelectric field underneath Your fingers when cooking and the lunch will get nice propulsion of flavors, probably it takes some focus and ologocized chanting so would succeed, what tho for me came in completely different way!, and useful for various means [12][13] be creative but with calm will, when wrong apologize at least to Your close ones!, so sorry if I was temptation anyhow to You, Lord Bless those who read me, so would not get lost because of me …

probably its better to share these points now than later, I am on mountain anyway and dont have easy means for liturgical inertia currently, thus it would be more useful now to push up further MR (mosaic reasoning) on this topic, than for the 12 days of Nativity celebration in Orthodox Christianity … also I have another more synoptic reason tho, but about bit later in the post!

brey, most of the texts where it could be found summary of kozyrevs ideas are tied directly or indirectly to pagan or neopagan reasoning, almost as sure trap for soul’scraping if one continue diving beyond the quoted lines, and as we are all curious, even if we were fenced by extra Grace (as living inchurched cosecrated life) still we are at risk to be pulled and thrown in doubts, what at best could push us on universalistic mood leveling Christianity as just another drop in same bawl of omnireligion, what by no means is case!, so be careful what how You are swallowing and leave to penetrate Your hearth as conviction!, do take time after this kind of reading, to read also something eg. from the Desert Fathers [1][1][1] so would keep sober if get drowned by esoteric drunkness!

The Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev also discovered the secret of this superluminal ether as a scalar wave - Time is a form of energy. "Cause or Asymmetrical Mechanics in Linear Approximation "N.A. Kozyrev calculates the qualities of stellar matter where it functions as a transformer of time-form energy into heat-energy. It is concluded that the transformation involves several electrodynamical processes, but, generally, any closed mechanical system can produce energy also if it is an asymmetrical system. The asymmetry for mechanics by Kozyrev is cause-effect asymmetry, and if the mechanical system includes the non-reversible cause-effect connection it can take the energy from time-flow. By my opinion, this is the theoretical basis for any kind of perpetual motion system.

Joseph P. Farrell extrapolates on Kozyrev’s research to speculate on secret military powers and ancient civilizations - his “Grid of the Gods” 2011 book Farrell argues for an ancient global high civilization based on alchemy and then he includes a section called: B. Music, the Alchemical Medium, and Astronomy: The Vedic tradition is full of allusions to the “luminous nature of sound”. Indeed, the word for light (svar) is similar to the word for sound (svara). — This as I have observed elsewhere, is another clue that perhaps we are viewing a legacy of a lost sophistication in physics, for the idea of a “sound-light” can also be understood as “electro-acoustic,” i.e., as longitudinal electrical waves in the medium, recalling the “Sound- Eye” spoken of in the Egyptian Edfu texts.—…In other words, our “ancient topological metaphor” is also a musical metaphor…the use of musical codes in the Platonic and Pythagorean traditions— rather than the quantum mechanical and astronomical encoding, that points directly to the next necessary stage in our speculative case that pyramidal structures are hyper-dimensional machines, designed to manipulate the medium itself, in all its effects, including consciousness… The Pythagoreans, in otherwords, were preserving a secret of hyper-dimensional geometry…The key point of Kozyrev is that, unlike Western science, the scalar is asymmetric resonance and it was the key insight to explain paranormal research in the Soviet Union.

Asymmetry is a basic property of life. This can’t be a chance thing, Dr. Kozyrev thought. … Perhaps the energy of “time” flows in this pattern. Tim Maudlin - NYU Philosophy of Science Professor - The Directionality of Time as the Fundamental of Reality - time is asymmetric order: I think this is a really nice place to go fundamental…We shouldn’t try to give a further explanation or account of the direction of time…it’s doing a job that doesn’t need anything underneath it to further produce. The other thing about taking the direction of time, this is where we ought to end, at this asymmetrical before/after relation…It is the fundamental ordering principle. [2]

so this sounds that if astrophysics have sonocelestial vibe, then even more the microcosm of cells as sonogenetic and sonomorphic one!, thus it would be ideal if Aether is medium through whom we can speak out or thought out beautiful vibes, so sing sing sing, and as higher are the Praises so is the feedback [3-5] tho balance the vibe between Love and Awakening so would not end up in blind love nor selfish awareness!, what is almost impossible mids times like these, where the bulk of vibes are turned to grabbing instead of sharing!, the noospheric torsion field got cycled by fears uncertainty and possessivity!, so we need to invoke more Grave so at least we would balance the wrong weight!

These torsion fields [4][4] are actually “waves of time” which also cause ripples in gravity. Indeed, some scientists now believe that “electromagnetism, gravity and torsion waves are all members of the same family; they are just different forms of Aether vibrations.” [4]

and if this is true, then once this kind of awareness could be employed, if trained, then we can act upon emf spectrum and gravitational waves by own will, flying or teleporting ascetics comes to mind!, but could this be stimulated or prevented by particular push’of’button eg. if the aural vibrational frequency is lowered and the intention stranded!?, from first hand I’ll witness yep that is case, at least for those of us that (coz whatever reason) are not in ideal posture of their being, in my case I am waiting kind of controlled circumstances so would act in fullness eg. rolling rhythmic fractals of Prayers (Liturgy by Liturgy) so would change particular causality or side effects due to it!, in this case the intention is not how to become something, nor how to bring some thing, but how to regenerate given state space environment … renewing should come not in terms of revolution, but acclimatization i.e. the cycle is not static but exactly like torsion spiraling in new trajectory in its asymmetric bouncing spiral …

This idea of an Information Field that interacts through quantum processes with the matter has been substantiated by the models and research of interdisciplinary scientists such as:
• einstein’s protégé David Bohm (76) (Theory of Hidden Variables)
The Bohm Aharonov effect (77)
• Works of Stanford professor William Tiller (Tiller, 1993 (78)),
Experiments of Roger Nelson (Nelson, Radin 2019 (79)),
• Evolution biologist William B. Miller (Miller, Torday, Baluska (80)),
Russian cosmologist Nikolai Kozyrev (81), and
• German physicist and Heisenberg-student Burkhard Heim (82).

The Information Field is considered, by scientists such as Rupert Sheldrake (83), William Miller or William Tiller, to be a guide to understanding the William Tiller, to be a guide to understanding the evolution of life on this planet9. Also, Robert Becker addresses the concept of the morphogenetic (shaping) field from which the blueprint of growth is derived. These electrical fields (according to Becker) contain all information about the development of life (Becker, et al. (84)).The development consists of nonlocal information accumulating as the memory of nature to develop higher-order and more complex systems. According to this model, each local change, development, and evolution is stored dynamically in the Information Field in order to non-locally guide random processes and to increase the complexity and coherence of life. The existence of such fields does not conflict with quantum theory and even suggests that random quantum processes can connect the that random quantum processes can connect the communication between any dynamic system and the global non-local Information Field. In this model, the collapse of the wave function is not a purely random effect contradicting the designers of quantum physics such as Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrödinger, and De Broglie. Rather, it bridges the gap between the Unitarian development of the wave function and the seemingly meaningless collapse of the wave function. In the model of the Information Field, the random quantum processes like physical noise generators express the effects of the Information Field and of intention and consciousness (Henry Stapp 1993 (85)). … [5]

Russian scientists showed in the 1990’s that a torsion field exists (investigated by Einstein in the 1920’s) and that it is comprised of energy moving in a spiral. Dr. Korzyrev found that human thought and feeling generate torsion fields. Kozyrev, who published his first scientific paper at age seventeen, theorized that the torsion field that may be responsible for the spiraling shape we see in the nautilus shell and in the human body that reflects the ‘golden mean’ ratio of 1 to 1.618, and travels through the universe Somatic Intelligence faster than the speed of light. Kozyrev noticed that, “in the presence of this energy flow, objects that are rigid and elastic show weight changes, whereas flexible, elastic objects show changes in their elasticity or viscosity.” Japanese researcher, Masaru Emoto demonstrated years later how the configuration of crystallized water was reflective of the energy in emotions, thoughts, messages or music, and even in prayer. Kozyrev rediscovered Tesla’s non-electromagnetic energy traveling in spiraling waves and labeled them torsion waves. Scientists are working under the current theory that these waves carry information that does not degrade over long distances. Einstein and Cartan’s work in 1913 supports the torsion field theory with their discovery that electrons demonstrate either a right or left-handed spin that can be predicted depending upon their location. We can conclude that science is beginning to confirm that we have the ability to have an effect in our body as well as over long distances with our consciousness, with our thoughts, and our energy.

The Faraday cage experiment by Dr. Hal Puthoff in the early twentieth century confirmed Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev’s assertion that what he called, ‘aether’, or zero point energy, is “an invisible, conscious energy that all energy is formed from.” In an airless, vacuum space that was at absolute zero of -283º C, there was found to be an enormous amount of energy that was not electromagnetic. It’s the ground substance of all other energies. [5]


about the synoptic reason: now if all this knowhow is available to the elites and the mil.labs of the modern empires to experiment with, then defacto we should assume with certainty that clones are real occurrence in this world, where now when “someone” has huge databank of dna (swab testing mids the past plandemix) [6] but also shared to many nanobots (either by vaxing or through chemytrails and/or food&water/bevarages) that could not just program us (implanted memories and codes in dna) [6-3] but also pause us or substitute us for a while with suitable clone!, eg. some “western” leader coz selfawareness who are “its” puppet masters is trying to give resistance, instantly he is switched etc. etc. possibilities for using such momentum!, (DonaldT comes to mind, if its true vangas point that BarackO is the last true human president of ussA "the 44th president in American history would also be the last real president"[6]) but that could be said about the nanobots as controlled’man’machine presidents!, in both ways, what tho could be easily evaded if as I am claiming start living Consecrated (Sacramental) Inchurched Orthodox Christian Life, after what only what “they” could do is to molest You!, tho even then “they” could easily sway Your close ones eg. clone of ur’s to behave somehow wrongly in front of them, or provoke wrong doing or harm somehow someone!, hm, I need to consult with my Spiritual Father is it ok to throw curse on eventual clones of mine [7] in such way tho if I end up wacked my Soul could fly away yeah, but to avoid such selfcursing and stuck here on this plane of existence that is also wrong thing if someone reclon me constantly coz whatever reason (the soul stays 40 days on the earth after death), thus if I curse my clones like that I am freeing myself!, so probably curse it will be in my case, but just if I get certain I’ve position myself focused on Salvation and brought feats worthy for redemption … but lets see whether some military whistler indeed will confirm whether the biotech revolution came to such level, also how would be tied to the fintech commodities, as RomleyS said on paper we are already corp’ses as western citizens [7] probably not if didnt gave oath or signature is enough if its given on paper where pagan or neopagan symbol rests as issuer [8] torsion torsion now waiting just such reality to be re’secured by marked’obedient’clones!?, yeah twin’peaks’freakshow if this indeed is already case [9][9][9] what should had have be the 5th industrial revolution if the 4th is homo’sillicone’mineralman!, oh, is this possible!?, on GDS as topic shared for sure [10] but effectively by predictive programing it was shared through the pop culture for almost all past century [11][11][11] i.e. if cyborgization became already true event that was earlier also firmly projected [12] then why not in case of cloning and chimerization that not to be case!?, only problem is how such revelation will become case!?, yep if anyhow ww3 burst, I am certain Russian OC Anathema to clones and chimeras will be thrown so indeed fasten Your belts!!!, eh if this kind of warning scare “them”, probably we will not see geopolitical cataclysm, if not then only collapse of the western’humanist’empire!, btw sorry for all this digressions, the intention is purely wonnabe scientific scrapping of possible variation on topic aether fields, in this last case with probable ramification to biochemistry, for what You’ll need again to reread what I’ve chitchat with Ch@gpT in the g’doc at the end of the post in the next footnote [13] hm, I wonder was in ussR cloning also hype as in ussA?, as could be seen from savchenkos Otkritie Sebya it was case “After the 1967 publication of the novel Self-Discovery, in which Savchenko warned about the ethical problems involved in the creation of clones, Savchenko occupied the leading position in Soviet science fiction” [14][14] in same time tho if its to be taken for granted EH LBJ and Nixon housed cloning factories, then also ussA began “its” testing in same time [15][15][15] hm am I repeating myself!?, the point is that however stupid it would sound its not so strange way also we to be warned like this about evils that some elites as “our” representatives had have done, whereas we are victims, and only thing that we can done is to seek Salvation for our Souls, as I am continually claiming as Orthodox Christians …

eh I would like to hear ideas by JayD on this matter, but coz piety (I bragged on his discord remove the u’war’category people came for catechesis) some mod or he banned me, so if anyone is in contact do ask for such vlog [16]

I’ll speculate heavily in this post, so dont take my words for true or false, but just attempt to give explanation why clones cant have soul, even tho we can assume that if the original body is disposed that the replica will act as reserve vessel where the soul could enter!?, here memories of the cells would be glue, or energy that will attract the soul, but then again that body is not Baptized thus its not bearer of the Holy Spirit and as such is dimmed to oblivion i.e. would to such migratory soul be allowed passover to higher realms, even it had have with the previous body extra soteriological feats!?, Please Raise Hand For Anathema Of Clones before we are potentially all thrown in gehenna!

I know this kind of speculating its unwise, but do take my word, where is smoke in the woods, surely there is risk of wildfire!, now You cant see the dry grass nor from the trees even less from the forest, but we all know that synthetic biology became so advanced in the past decades that since ww2 till these days it should be certain fix that in the mil.labs this kind of biotech is advanced beyond our current popular scientific understanding i.e. is it really possible clone to be instantly brought to mature state in just few months if not days!?, hm, from my astral excursions I saw some of them like bodies exiting from big organic cocoon (or maybe its artificial womb) I’ve didnt explored the material, no liquids or similar stuff splashed when my friend exited, yet I cant be certain whether such bags are standard or there are different types of incubators!?

most probable idea from all this, is that such biotech has own short lifespan, again not sure whether coz the memory cant stay compact as environmental acclimatization, here factor would be various energetic fractals, or in question is the burden of emf pollution and the new bodies dont have time to adapt thus quickly experience anabiosis and right after apoptosis (cell death), but with this kind of wild guessing one thing that is certain is that with 4D physics chemistry and biology the current bunker’shadowy’mainstreamers will only waste time in vain till get to stable versions of “their” military golems!, defacto for other means currently such biotech couldnt serve the day, eventually ill billionaires to cheat for a while the death, yeah to meet “their” demons in person maybe, I’ll freely assume once someone would try to idle between the realms spiritual eyes by themselves will get opened!?, but what if scenarios in this context will help noone, except to give boost to paranoia, we lack just esoteric spicing and voila enter the twilight zone [1][1]

in this context somehow we can add the recent SashaL examination of kozyrevs theories in context of biology, but far from any answers where this genre would end up!, I’ll guess if something could be done regards medicine and torsion field is home videophone examination of the first symptoms through plasma screens or tv’s (as bigger as better), mostly so would be avoided unnecessary aura rows in front of personal doctors doors :slight_smile:

~ [1] https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/the-energy-of-time-nikolai-kozyrevs

some necesary aura row in the macrocosmos would be clusters of stars that are tho neatly arranged, there is no mess as constant, but just variable of changing doctors due to particular prescribed inertia of directional spirits and their causality!

I base this logic on some explanation about our Sun as empty vehicle, that some say is portal to the other realms from where maybe draws energy!?, i.e.:

What is actually the case, the stars are situated at a certain surface rather than a line, occupying a significant domain. This indicates that no specific energy source exists inside the stars. In these conditions stellar lifetimes, as calculated by Helmholtz and Kelvin, are too short: e.g., only about thirty million years for the Sun. Actually, by reliable geological data, the Sun lives much longer than that” (Kozyrev 1963, p.96)
A Substantial Interpretation of N.A.Kozyrev’s Conception Of Time [1]

what is also stated by EricD [2][3] just not sure whether he used NikolaiK logic or derived own based on NikolaT logistics!?

there’s no inside structure!, * is it hollow?, yeah its only a surface, there’s nothing inside!, is the sun actually combusting out from itself?, you know it’s not burning anything, there’s no fusion in the sun, that’s well understood!, * proven?, yeah, well there’s not the way to prove that there is not any, it’s only in the flares where you get fusion, as well the x-rays, the flares the arcs and the x-rays and the microwaves and whatever are result of fusion in the arcs!, there’s no fusion in the sun!, they don’t know how the sun works!, * how does the sun make light?, it’s a transformer, transforms from some other dimension, it’s not burning anything it doesn’t have to, it’s a converter!, * of what?, i don’t know, nobody knows, but that’s what it does, that’s the only thing it can do, because that’s how everything works!, * transferring from another dimension?, yeah you could say it’s taking energy from another dimension, counter space, there’s no energy, actually you can’t, most of it you can’t even measure in outer space, or can’t see no you can’t see the sun in free space … [3]

and to this I am not sure but maybe also we can add the hypothesis about the expanding earth as hollow earth [4] at least around the core or hollow between the core and the crust as some kind of magnet layers that are kept compact due to the torsion field of the earth … just not sure whether the sun or the earth has spirit thus consciousness [5] or if that could be case with this universe [5] i.e. if in Christianity we know that there are guardian spirits designated to every place and space then it could be as well to this dimension, or better said as energy they hold this dimension thus they are its consciousness!, trojan horse here would be our exceptionalism to claim that we know everything or by default we will finds answers to every mystery!, eg. how such Sun through particular portals is connected to earth and its residents [6][6-4]

but lets assume is the bodily hearth hollow, yes it is, but what goes through it, whats pump the same, so is the sun!, then we have aether as bloodstream that penetrates everything, but then what would be the lymphpatic system!?, where excess energy would drain!?, also what would be nerve system in our cosmos and what the rest main processes in the body, is gravity maybe the liver or the lungs :slight_smile: Protagoras maybe should be asked how what he was thinking about a measure of all things!?, maybe we need to repair aristotles instruments so would make suitable orchestra for this kind of reasoning [7] or we would ask for tet a tet acapella brainstorming [8] or if we are lazy surely will rest and leave someone to retweak the current deep freezer in some modern way [9][9] hm was this guy ridiculing maybe mainstreamers in own unique way :slight_smile: it could had have done that more uniquely [10][10] yeah definetilly thats how will sound mainstream reinterpretation of this kind of hollow sun notion!, are “they” indeed so darkoholics [11] be creative help “them” to get out of “their” misery in which had have thrown many, while now from the weight of that plentitude cant get on feet even most stable crane is brought [12] but it will do!, when the crane will get wings i.e. is pushed by Prayerful Christian Will … we are speaking here just to get out from the mud, not to become flyers themselves :slight_smile:

I’ll need to address this sentence so would not become traitor!, first vanga was inspired by demons-anathema-to-them, altho “they” can talk aloud about true traits so would stir disorientation [1-4] tho in my opinion DonaldT is not traitor, but patriot without competition!, simply coz for too long was fighting alone d’deeptate’windmills so all Respect from me for him [2] but as I’ve noted in the post #64 of this footnoted thread [2] defacto as good patriot surely he relied on the dod’s advising, and go with such (dia) mindset act independently, possible if he just starts going on Orthodox Christian Liturgies even as evangelical, I am certain then nanobots curses or plots will become just past for him!, he can easily do that with private Liturgies too so would not be defocused while attending the same, ideally if engage in Praises and chant down the ussA swamp with calm vibe!, coz like that will instantly reset whatever bipartisan deepstate subversion of or infiltration in his body cabinet and party!!!, hm, who knows maybe dems will awaken too if finally he would take Blessing from his Spiritual Father if become Orthodox Christian and reveal clearly who wacked JFK … Saint John from Bitola Shanghai and San Francisco to Pray to Our Almighty Lord for his conversion to the true Christian roots so he would become Solely True Western Freedom Leader …

the torsion field in that case would be complete if all such will of his would be directed top to bottom to eTOS momentum [3] for what he has now even ElonM to arrange that for him!, what if happens on whatever level, ideally on all, to some respect it will stabilize Make America Great Again with all the help from his compatriots … and this would be most effective explanation of Physics in this thread in context of Aether and the aristotles quote in the opening of the first post above …

to get back to EricD and his point about hollow sun, hm, when compared with one interpretation of kozirev mirrors as loop in nonlinear time, then sun would be perpetual, what by simple intergalactic observation its not case!, eventually possible as coexisting echo of past present and future just like genetic information is carried so as the imprints of energy that yet again are also connected to other realms, thus mirrored in multidimensional reality tho bound by particular laws of existence and possibilities for their change, hm, energetic rubiks cube in hands of Angels can open portals between dimensions and/or time travel in given dimension, but go master the keys of merit power and will, given only to those that have obtained such pass (word) [1]

According to Kozyrev, time is not a linear constant but an ever-present framework where past, present, and future coexist and are accessible from any point in space. This radical perspective lays the foundation for a scientific understanding of psychic phenomena, suggesting that consciousness itself could operate through these exceptionally fast and pervasive torsion fields. …[2]

I’ll say time is cyclical, spiraling and bouncing as 3d frequency, indeed good point earlier, in the first quote of the 14th post above, about sound and light, now if the same is confined in the aura of the soul and spirit, then kozirev mirrors are exactly that mirroring it in whatever manner, mostly like in faraday cage in aluminum cylinders the same as tied to the soul when the same act like cycling in place, like that probably trying to reproject own past present and future as information, something like when circulation stops in the bloodstream for a moment, we’ve called that as kids game black hole, but that like that one will get astral or in another dimension hm hard!, who knows maybe if he is electroschoked inside the alu chamber!?, for this kind of need there are other meditative techniques, and then if can go where You can!, guess then if stuck in kozyrevs alu chamber You have problem!?

maybe I am to simplistic with my explanation, but kozyrevs mirrors to become timetravel plasma screen first would need security clearance by Angels or demons-anathema-to-them, tho the later can only push half cycle, and again that dont depends from else than the firm cosmic laws from above, altho we have Free Will and can experiment with it, but as the Holy Apostle said “All Things Are Lawful But Not All Things Are Profitable” [3] simply behaving like Angel on this earth will provoke super wrong causality, coz as greater freedom one has, so as greater responsibility have!, it would be same like this forum blogging of mine here on GDS when takes super little to be penalized coz behave nontypical, yet its far less risky opportunity for greater feats [4] than strolling astral, realm where demons-anathema-to-them rule!, so Awareness is also Gift, but who how when is using it its different thing, same as excepting good deeds of science but not alchemical one eg. generic artificial pharmakia as cure parexcellence, maybe patch from weakness for Holy Life in Feat but not norm for blind following [5]

so, all the hype with the kozyrevs mirrors think is less effective unless, metal container that could serve as switch for electrostatic bouncing of the energy, and the information that is compacted in it!, hm do someone knows imprisonment in such metal cages or jail cells what kind of results gave [6] maybe I am wrong but kind of spiritual faraday cage can be raised by Grace, surely such energy contained in metal room will radiate even more to the same body!?, hm, would metal necklaces and bracelets prevent smooth penetration!?, as is case some say with emf bracelet or amulet shields [7] but having then metal Cross should prevent too the Grace then what think its not case!, or maybe it is, depending on the metal as well the crafted or engraved patterns!?, actually it will not be if one is splashed by Grace as Priest but is it same with the Laos!?, here I am talking about maybe more about bioresonance per’se coz cant say with certainty that The Holy Grace is energy that can be contained but attracted!, hm, what in 8D system fell as dimension to The Uncreated Energies Of Our Almighty Lord or the same are emanated logically from Above i.e. another dimensions i.e. penetrating throughout all dimensions!, hm then is the sun indeed plug to the other realms …

hm hm hm foremost I’ll build room from Calcite mosaic walls and rise the energy levels enmasses after what just give direction to the will, than to tilt in scifi metal chambers!, am I right, not sure, but smells on such spirit!?

~ the next quote from the Synthetic Telepathy thread [8] yep seeding aluminium in air and soil [[u]9] would interact as caging of our soul, or!?, tho we are intake aluminium through tetrapack or canned products also, surely various other metals like barium or whatever useful for “someone” chemtrailed metals [10][10-4] lacking only ideas how such cortical modems are receiving whatever “twisted” torsion ideas [11] i.e. for what purpose!?, imagine You’ve swallowed the most potent drug in Your life, that could project from Your eyes particular implanted (aired) reality projected through them on everything, hm, possible!?, usually the blue beam projects alike conspy theories are interpreting the sky as silver screen on which will be projected thus thats why such tin fine chems, hm maybe in both case should be executed live hallucination!?, maybe videodrom or existenz scenes are not so far away!?, tho surely in different phases different agendas exist!, but push’d’button lowering/pumping frequencies is fix for now!, yeah give double octo’cube resistance [8][8] what would be Love in and out …

what are good actually kozyrevs mirrors for, is as kind of experimental lever for proving the existence of (as in the next site is stated) Noosphere Biointernet, but that dont gives them potential to be tv’gate in time [1][1] nor its word for chamber that acts as time’travel’machine!, also in the next link cosmism is halted in separate menu, the eastern fallacy of salvation through art&sciences (check the 8th and 9th post in this thread) but not sure if NikolaiK embraced it as own philosophical pivot, simply he was pragmatic soviet scientist!?

~ https://kozyrevmirrors.com/kozyrev-mirrors/

hm, lets say deep’state’aparatus is running the show in washing’ton so how we could help DonaldT to release himself from “their” tentacles!?, normal if there is noospheric internet [2-3] then we need to act through Prayers!, what I’ve already proposed [3] but mention him on Liturgies in a lifebuoy way like O Lord Guard Christian Leaders from pagan/neopagan delusions and pagan/neopagan infiltrations as in eU so as in usA so we would not end up in global geopolitical turmoil or geopolitical cataclysm, give us a chance for Peace …

if past present and future are one for us, then we wouldnt have Free Will but everything would had have been predetermined, and thats is possible and knowable only for Omnipotent Being like Our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ, His Sacrifice by Incarnation in this world is more than time shortening coz Our Salvation but per’se Resurrection Of Our Souls …

hm, can someone compare kozyrevs views on free will, are they maybe similar to the relativistic one!?, here is some pivot for comparison [1][1] to be more precise as (almost) all humanists cant accept the free will [2][2][2] due to own manufacturing mistakes [3] then is kozyrev resting his free will on deterministic ground!?, to be honest havent read anything from him, so it would be awesome someone insightful to contribute with such answer in this thread … in essence neopagans (humanists alchemists etc. alike) move their Free Will in context of choice towards becoming gods (deistic apotheosis) and practically such system then is basis for the rest of their sciences!, believe that by their own will alone can reach utopia yeah, dont mistake there are also Christian denominations that presuppose such inertia i.e. dominionists [4][5][6] yeah isms isms where actually fells kozyrevs knowhow do someone know!?

also how where in which Aether theory could be derived particular philosophical basis?, can someone make some infographic about?, can we say we can determine when some system of knowhow stays empty, logically if cant be proved in reality eg. regards particle physics the consistency of the standard model due to the failure of LU recently [7]

here is some interesting list from net [1] that could be helpful in researching this topic, lack only brackets with why explanation … yet would like to add in every category JPF or maybe even better he to add remarks for every important theory of those scientists and tie them in one fractal of unified field theory, what probably to large extent its done in his last UFT book, tho few updates will not hurt noone …


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what is most interesting of all this thread, all mine and from others exploring on GDS, even from elsewhere on net, even all that is neatly archived, is that when reverse polar solar storm hit us, or when due to geopolitical turmoil someone switch the emp lever eg. coz fear some a’i’cerberus not to burn out all brains with cortical modems (()wired by nano or xeno bots()), that then all current efforts Physics to come to its right mind, yep would evaporate!, dont think that if military labs have something, that know everything, yeah useful idiots, knowing just what kind of causality they have!

anyway the books of JPF will stay!, but it would be useful someone to print out all the Interviews and Vidchats!, cmon some volunteers?, still take Blessing for such stunt!, when as most useful approach will be from all videos to be printed out the transcript [1] altho as could be seen from this footnote like that timetags are also present, coz what I use another tool that removes them, eg. first find the video and/or upload one as private in YT, check whether is enabled the transcript option, it should be by default, then pull the transcript through YTT site [2] I am using this one so would later archive it eg. here is the transcript from the first video of the previous post [3] dont be lazy, also useful approach for audiobooks from all those previously listed scientists, especially those that cant be found in print!

forgot!, when copy paste the YTT text in eg. word doc, so would print it later, it will show You again time tags, but just run the copied text through the addressbar in your browser, and You’ll get clear from timetags transcript!, yeah brag even then about the grammatix!, now, be clever till there is still electricity, and still YT have for free that transcript option, in time PRINT OUT whatever is useful from video talks on this topic, actually every one You think it would be useful for reading in def times!, eh just how much Orthodox Christian videos I would like to have them as printed manual tomorrow, luckily my Brother Alex Lord Forgive His sins, due to eyesore taught me that, tho he printed out piles of classical economic books, with no use to me!, and I am still waiting to become elder’che so would print out such OC volumes on angelic copiers!, altho now it would be Great Feat such momentum to be reached i.e. to print as much as I can from JayD videos so later he would not brag astral how so’ this (or that) can be interpreted in all ways as one and the same!, tho I did start push it through YTT and archive.is half (or whole) of the vlogs from the “WOTE” playlist [4] but where are metaphysics and philosophy playlists … anyway, need to Print at least some of them!, and in time to underline where in the text he is speaking, and where others drop in!, haha someone tomorrow could accuse him for crosspollinated chitchatting with his guests, thats why eforums rulz, where piety comes by default …