On Physics (past current future)

here is some interesting list from net [1] that could be helpful in researching this topic, lack only brackets with why explanation … yet would like to add in every category JPF or maybe even better he to add remarks for every important theory of those scientists and tie them in one fractal of unified field theory, what probably to large extent its done in his last UFT book, tho few updates will not hurt noone …


what is most interesting of all this thread, all mine and from others exploring on GDS, even from elsewhere on net, even all that is neatly archived, is that when reverse polar solar storm hit us, or when due to geopolitical turmoil someone switch the emp lever eg. coz fear some a’i’cerberus not to burn out all brains with cortical modems (()wired by nano or xeno bots()), that then all current efforts Physics to come to its right mind, yep would evaporate!, dont think that if military labs have something, that know everything, yeah useful idiots, knowing just what kind of causality they have!

anyway the books of JPF will stay!, but it would be useful someone to print out all the Interviews and Vidchats!, cmon some volunteers?, still take Blessing for such stunt!, when as most useful approach will be from all videos to be printed out the transcript [1] altho as could be seen from this footnote like that timetags are also present, coz what I use another tool that removes them, eg. first find the video and/or upload one as private in YT, check whether is enabled the transcript option, it should be by default, then pull the transcript through YTT site [2] I am using this one so would later archive it eg. here is the transcript from the first video of the previous post [3] dont be lazy, also useful approach for audiobooks from all those previously listed scientists, especially those that cant be found in print!

forgot!, when copy paste the YTT text in eg. word doc, so would print it later, it will show You again time tags, but just run the copied text through the addressbar in your browser, and You’ll get clear from timetags transcript!, yeah brag even then about the grammatix!, now, be clever till there is still electricity, and still YT have for free that transcript option, in time PRINT OUT whatever is useful from video talks on this topic, actually every one You think it would be useful for reading in def times!, eh just how much Orthodox Christian videos I would like to have them as printed manual tomorrow, luckily my Brother Alex Lord Forgive His sins, due to eyesore taught me that, tho he printed out piles of classical economic books, with no use to me!, and I am still waiting to become elder’che so would print out such OC volumes on angelic copiers!, altho now it would be Great Feat such momentum to be reached i.e. to print as much as I can from JayD videos so later he would not brag astral how so’ this (or that) can be interpreted in all ways as one and the same!, tho I did start push it through YTT and archive.is half (or whole) of the vlogs from the “WOTE” playlist [4] but where are metaphysics and philosophy playlists … anyway, need to Print at least some of them!, and in time to underline where in the text he is speaking, and where others drop in!, haha someone tomorrow could accuse him for crosspollinated chitchatting with his guests, thats why eforums rulz, where piety comes by default …

as some conclusion of mine for this thread I’ll say in metaphysical terms Physics is all about Transcendence, actually as everything else ordered in this realm of existence for Salvation Of Mankind, coz we are indeed mirror of eternity i.e. measure of all things!, but as protagorian deductive (not inductive) syllogism [1][1][1] i.e. not as atheists want to interpret his proverb in deterministic way, but in transcendental libertarian one, if we can see libertarianism ideology of the free will [2] what brings us to the Transcendent Truth " “There is an unbridgeable gulf between man and truth. Man is on one side of this gulf and can find no way of getting to the other, where transcendent Truth is to be found …" [3] however this is not understandable to us [4] coz trans can be seen in ecclesiastic terms I’ll say as determinism parexcellence [5][5] but also by humanistic reductionist means I’ll say as monistic naturalism what leads to apotheosis, by any and every means [6][6][6] essentially inherited error that reduced the current mainstream physics to selfdelusion of trans’ition towards a dead end known as transhumanism, actually “they” are in trance, coz cant even transpose what about to transport “themselves” to eternal existence!, here I;ll say “they” are riding “their” cycles exactly in place, while we as Orthodox Christian prefer vector cycling that is something like spiraling frequency where through enough right employed or good tweaked Free Will we are reaching salvation towards higher realms finally in Eternal One … so if the Soul is measure of all things, then Time exist due to Souls logically, thus plasma physics derived from given eg. aether model is what we should pursue … logically!, or Spirit is the measure, both. like on two sides of the weighing scale, where if balance is achieved super, while when one side is heavier the other is lighter, when if The Soul is emitting greater light :slight_smile: that means The Spirit have descended extra!, i.e. go regularly on Liturgies and You will get Holy!!!, as much one is leaving aside the earthly so its gaining on the heavenly!, then You’ll not need to guess what is for measuring how in Physics, but You’ll know it sense it feel it, stil even someone drops in Grace due to graceless lifestyle the memory from the past feats is insurance … for many that would be first general confession, for others the merciful hearth, or unjudging stamina and forgiveness even for those that molested You, etc. etc. but noone is perfect so is not “our” exceptional mainstream physics, so be patient, find maybe good healing place like GDS and wait to see how things are advancing …

seen like this Physics has future, if and only if, the utmost wrong exceptionalism of humanists is left aside solely by them as (to be simple) some by arrangement authorities on the secular universities, where even slight eyebrow is experienced as heresy, what about revisionist elbows and postrevisonist knees to start jumping around!?, hm, maybe there is fear to be acknowledged that too long selfdeception became norm in the mainstream physics, where not just practically that is problem someones exceptionalism, but also technically there is huge problem around rewriting all the books, on top reaffirming titles diplomas and curriculum!, yeah funds labs and all the experimental will would need to be retweaked too!, if so their colliders will become gas pipes probably!, hm, maybe I need another rhyme!?, eh any ideas how we would turn back stravinsky on the folk roots [7] at the main drawing board!?, implications, no, just less lost time in vain!, and when even the very exposed authorities among mainstreams say enough, surely its question when things will come in their own more logical place …

its interesting how I was arguing with JayD on astral turf tho, that libertarianism could be seen as neopagan vs monotheistic [1-3][1][1] i.e. that we can mirror all kind of labels, coz ontologically in this world we experience dualism on all levels eg. one guardian Angel and another tempter, while we expect and sense Monotheism through Omnipotent Creator that still its above this dimension plane sky world whoever how prefers to see the 8D as levels of higher existence, tho again now there is also mirror maybe like 8 lower levels for what closest spiritual argument that exist is the jain cosmology [2] which tho has variations, but think 8 is indeed some perfect number, tho as vertical infinity maybe in this case, altho there are various perfect 8 vibes that project such probability [3] above all that the schumann resonances oscillate at only eight cycles per second, thus if the prime vibe of our planet as one where thrives life is such then that points to kind of higher epistemological proof, as is 3 for main basic shape in nature i.e. the triangle …

8 cycles, hm, here we can discern that there is fractal motion on top of energies, thus cycles that have direction, where the 9th momentum is reset, the revolution that on this created level is indeed possible, something like echo that the fractal cant continue, but is turned backwards, or its pushed towards beginning, i.e. in my opinion cycles are dynamic by nature [4] or fixed towards reset, but as I speculate in particular symmetric rhythm, hm go catch 13/8 [4] so not all sequences can reach perfect stable function altho that dont means that as asymmetric are wrong, on contrary it could be seen like syncopated rhythm that will awake focus ~ eg. there where boredom struck the flow etc. etc. variation how so asymmetry is needed but by default that dont means its wrong per’se!, simply perfection in totality its not possible on this realm of existence, there couldnt be reached heaven’on’earth, altho even in heaven as 3rd plane once entered the sin and Our Souls got lowered chance for redemption!, hm, we (Eve an Adam and we as their offspring by causality) were in row kidnapped and raped by trickery so earned fall!, is the same final, no, but it needs to reach particular cycle so would be completed maybe, sure such idea has logic!

and seen this out of the box, there are various theories of cycles, (seasons, circular motion, circle), eg. JayD would bring epistemological counter arguments about many of them as derived from neopagan humanistic systems, braking such fallacies on the go!, Respect!, fixing his focus on particular Monotheistic epistemological basis, that surely will differ from all the rest through which were derived various cycle theories [5] hm all encompassing view for all realms is not possible!, especially not in this one of existence!, eh some queen wanted to ride its bicycle, maybe like tricycle if want to become pure as Kids are, so would come in reach of eternity, lets speculate at least as projection in some videoart :slight_smile: coz many are called but not all will reach Salvation …

important, when we see kind of ontological cycles as rhythm of events in this world, and derive final cycle theories, in same time we should not confine such attributes or mirror to Our Almighty Lord so would not end up in a monistic error like eg. in totality hindu think its case projecting that Creator and created are same (as above so as bellow in totality) [6] so dont confuse Eternal Omnipotent Spirit with the created existence!, even cant confuse as same with His Essence eg. the ologocized emanation like The Orthodox Church Calendar that has own cycle resting not just on days but also tradition due to own causality thus having relation that shouldnt be broken, why u’ll ask, simply if we want that fractal to stay potent one we need to keep it intact till the end of our existence as Mankind!, even tho as astronomical observation correcting the calendar is logical, altho even as gregorian mood still its not perfect tweaking in context of super precise natural cycle [6] so here its not word for dialectic spin like this is correct or this not correct measurement, but whether Our Christian Tradition is broken even on such lets say not dogmatic level, but that dont means we are not braking particular cycle, hm I can even speculate that unum’sanctum’supremacy i.e. papism [6] as most wrong vatican bull that came in same time, whether due to the gregorian spin or vice versa the same lead to change of the ecclesial Church calendar!?,