On The Gift Of Prophecy

first that I’ll point is not what is prophecy, but who is worthy to become prophet!, or is prophet someone who got wake or in dream some vision, or those who live holy life!?, simply put visions are projection of our older spiritual brothers Angels but as Apostle Paul says if get tempted question whether the spirit is from Our Almighty Lord sent, thats why when eg. Orthodox Christian Monks had have vision first of all they need to consult with their Spiritual Father then through Prayer the vision to be confirmed and then after as such eventually to be shared if has such character to be revealed to the Laos!, and here I’ll dont need to remind everyone that delusion is granted for those that trust in dreams [1] especially if we know that the same are happening in the astral realm usually where looms demons-anathema-to-them!, yeah go try discern what projection there from which production comes [2] thus all who are reprojecting later in this world directly or indirectly others visions always need to ask themselves whats the point to risk themselves or others to be tempted with visions, even more knowing that in the case of visions even if they are from Angel the chances to become reality depends from our will to Repent thus in essence they are just warning and most usually personal, yep go understand the symbolic language of the unconscious mind for whom how what means, when prediction error exist from start even when the observer is seeing the frame from side what about when its in it!, on top all of this living in sin as being tied to didactic linear reasoning instead to have clean hearth and mosaic mindset when exploring especially visions where one cant reach certain axioms but certain disorientation [3] thus dont fall easily even on prophecies by Monks unless proved and accepted by The Orthodox Church, and especially be aware of false prophets like mediums or prophets outside The Church coz we will be judged severely as Christians if we seek info from such delusional proud and possessed [4] (ah very informative sermon in this last footnote) so having this in mind here are few available online theories on the topic …


Orthodox Christian explanation of The Gift Of Prophecy

There is a distinction between Prophets, i.e the OT Saints and Apostles, which teach canonical divine revelation, and Saints that have the spiritual gift of prophecy for the edification of the Church. [1]


Philosophical explanation (humanistic perspective) about prophecies


my reasons (once tempted) to link or tackle prophecies …

almost by default when nowadays I’ll fall in temptation to loosen defocus or steam down some horrific geopolitical hype or risks eg. the ww3 hysteria provoked whether coz particular crisis or side effects from it, and on top knowing that it takes extra little in the current circumstances things instantly to boil up till hot phase of ww3 I am trying to consult prophecies per se Orthodox Christian one so would derail in particular topic fear pumping, and/or add focus on the Soteriological side mids all, in the second case sometimes coz witnessing remembrance that we live in world which is in fall due to our sinful nature and the misuse of The Gift Of The Free Will, also sometimes coz need to remind myself (not just others) Please keep calm the urge for fight and everything around it, knowing that the line between (methodologies technologies and will) for defense and occupation is so tin than one can instantly bring and fasten wrong judgements why something happened or its happening or it could happen and even right after easily to be located the potential culprit …

… eg. many by default will throw finger on ussA for all global geopolitical catastrophes, while taking the history and the prophecies in account I’ll always ambiguously take for guilty the spirit’from’this’world and all its inertia from cultural lobotomy till lobotomized elitism, on west both resting on neopagan chassis!, like this in the end prophecies will not have flow of panic and judgement, but flow of higher means like Patience Calmness and Salvation, also warning for preparedness for survival if not else, so these ideals one could seek later!, so my intentions are not per se so would claim certainty of some prophecy, but focus towards Metanoia … am I effective in this, hm not sure, but I do think it has effect this will of mine to unburden the subjective and personal heat from heavy topics, foremost so would give accent to solutions, or narrow the topic heat to risk-management ideas, instead constantly bashing globalloney like some solely problem in this world, and when want to do that, again usually I am finding demons-anathema-to-them as the prime culprit, along means how to chase tie or decimate “them” for a while if not for good, doable only through personal and more effectively Consecrated Inchurched Liturgical Life in Feat as Orthodox Christians …

my main concern actually its not how I tackle prophecies but what effect can have such approach i.e. per se I am sharing them not coz I’ve took them for granted nor that everything in them is correct, as said use them as motivation to loosen fears and provoke thinking towards Christian Metanoia coz Salvation, yet many could find themselves in trap that I am projecting who will be the real victim who real oppressor altho its known the projector that actually as source (its ideals and motives) can twist and alter like that the vision or its interpretation when is thrown like sure shot, as if the visions someone got are prophecy by default and not interpreted vision!

lets simplify this last point with particular example, where should be asked questions like why and how so certain events as plain interpretation are seen by some elder OC Monk … but first of all we need to be clear whether some vision is genuine and not modified by those that written what they’ve heard from particular elder, or whether someone intentionally throw in writing lines which will serve as local propaganda spin for boosting eg. ethnophiletistic patriotism coz not rarely such modifications were noticed yet go find the end of all that, what would be extra reason one not to accept blindly as true what will hear or read somewhere!, so for examination I’ll take the “prophetic” claim about the future rise of Constantinople, vision that coz was recirculated by few elders from the Greek Orthodox Church sounds genuine, but still we can also ask How So we can say coz same ethnicity they didnt influenced each other thus potentially we’ve got subjective interpretation in their visions!?, were the same affirmed by other Monks from the OC ethnicities, or someone made comparison to other similar visions and prophecies, or we should approach the shared naively as undeniable probability!?, hm, I’ll say take everything as possibility, coz noone can be certain as Why particular vision is shared even from above!, simply if modern Turkey needs to step out from the euroatlantic alliance such visions could be motivation for Metanoia, an warning in time to distance itself from the hands of the western neopagans, what if success to do it, then the outcome of the vision would be different, or if its hijacked by infiltration as one “prophecy” by unnamed author claims then it would be defacto later liberated like nowadays Ukraine from its infiltrations of euroatlantic determinism [1][1-7] so is it logical from OC perspective to be said Ukraine is under occupation, no, its in process of liberation from the neonazi and chabadian dictatorship, altho many ukrainians are used as meatgrinding pawns, but that dont makes them in totality evil enemies of Russia, only hijacked victims waiting all that expansionist nato madness to end!, but what if Russia is then infiltrated and hijacked as one other russian vision claims, tho the visions with the rebirth of Constantinople are for eventual future hot phase of ww3, while that for antichrist from north are for the end times [2][2-9]

The Prophecies of Sts, Cosmas of Aitolia and Paisios the Hagiorite on the Liberation of the Balkans and Constantinopl ~ https://orthochristian.com/133779.html

wow OC elder to long his country to expand [3][3] is this correct reasoning out from Love, sounds like zionist goyim conspiracy in greek cloths, yeah the blue colonies of city’of’london beic, but maybe I am wrong!, coz from Vatopedi was supposedly rolled out similar share [4][4] but here again I am seeing as more terrible the risk of hunger overall, eventually fallout thus crisis for medicine and wide criminal calamities, than who will attack who in the end times!

so my aim here is to remove the haterate that potentially could burst from such visions among greeks and turks, and the focus to fall on wakefulness for the turmoils that awaits us, and that motivation for faster personal repentance!, but as usual people will take out of context even my intentions, what about from visions or prophecies!, similarly if I would say for some catholic [5][5] or protestant visions [6] hey what time it is, would after francis come the last benedictine student, or after donald the last hillary-ous recruit, taking aside the risks that are emerging from any eventual future and giving boost only to mockery i.e. with the hype of Constantinople the fall of Turkey, instead I see the awakening of Monotheism as Christian so as Muslim, while in the end surely right before the Armageddon only few Faithfull will live thus it wont matter whether this or that city will be in hands of this or that state!, almost as if we are reading scifi novels when read about someones visions, enjoying to cheer about the outcome, instead to take if not else moral advice like hello what we expect will happen with our souls mids such calamities, stay hungry for months and will find out whether the animal in yourself will not wake up!, or if got lucky and prepped in time see in what kind of pharisee You will turn in when Children will die from starvation around while You are indulging in prep cans!

(attention focus on the second part of this post, the 1st footnote alert) … warnings are warnings, or!?, You see warning sign and caution alerts the mind!, are we instantly trembling and panic, no, yet we are moving forward with patience not to make mistake!, still when too many times we’ve passed by such sign, eventually we are getting loosen till disaster strikes, usually the bell, coz the consequences cant remain the same, but echoes on and on!, and its same with the visions and prophecies!

almost coz too many own and others visions, we are getting used to approach the warnings with indifference, if not loosen attention at best, not rarely even ridiculing particular risks on’the’go like the euroatlantic’nato’globalloney escalation towards hot ww3 in Ukraine!, “their” long’planning’determinism for final unipolar exceptionalism, secured by orchestrated tricks&spins, like:
1. color’revolution’coup in Kyev,
2. catalogization by bionic jabs of all western population through the past plandemix,
3. luring Russia to intervene in Ukraine, after the later one was preparing for mass attack on the rebelled regions,
4. (before&after) pouring billions of dollars for weapons for “their” zel(j)ensky dictatorship,
5. finally instant enlargement of nato with Finland and Sweden, and like that officially taking direct clash posture
6. trying before Trumps rotation to pull ordo’ab’chao if possible through nuclear plant diversion with icbm’s given to Ukraine! (to lure Russia again, and claim we didnt start the fire, so would not waste time on forced mobilization but get instant volunteering)
and this last 6th line sounds more like what if scenario, but what else could ukrainian pawn do strategically with icbm in “hand”, except to provoke nostril’for’tat precise response and like that even greater loss for all!?, what else “they” can achieve now when Trump secured the PChair in usA!?, why at all euroatlantic determinists to risk whatever escalation mids such circumstances, than for pushing total ordo’ab’chao scenario!?, some plan B would be to pause till dont secure again full control of washing’tone’mailbox!?, hm, if not prepare for telegraph times yet again ahead!

interestingly there is ecological alert by serbian cable from russian colleagues [1] that are alarming for certain fallout ahead, either this or the next month, alerting people to stock up reserves for two weeks, and start taking (even now preventively) organic iodine supplements if so, I’ll say stack adequate water filters too [2][2] (and I’ll add stack CBD too [3] also lemon peels reach pectines ideal for heavy metal detox [3] but foremost focus on Salvation through Consecrated Repentance coz You never know is it the immunity already under stress eg. due to emf radiation [3] or (direct or indirect) harm from the bionic jabs or own antijabbing [3] or debacle coz the fastfood lifestyle [3][3] or the lost grace [3][3][3]) … anyway, the cable maybe now is cut, but there was intelligence info about plan for attacking russian nuclear plants in Kursk and Novovoronezh, first starting with false flag attack on the South Ukraine nuclear power plant, that would be used for retaliation by “ukrainians” right after on the other two border nuclear plants in Russia, so “west” not directly but covertly would instigate hot phase in “their” ww3, is it!?, hm, is this possible, hm hm hm lets say the probability is high!, but as with the Zaporozhiye nuclear plant, things can get u-turn if Russia in time turn off the blocks!, to this also adds the russian effort to cut out the ukrainian NPP lines so would force ukrainians to close them down, altho “they” are claiming that the russian scissors are an kind of unhuman subversion as if the idea is to instigate revolution [4] but actually all russian rhetoric goes like “euroatlantic’ukrainian’regime is in panic” [5] so indeed somehow everything smells like tension’on’steroids!

now, lets puts this kind of possibility on test, eg. through some probable visions at hand … but again dont forget that all this ww3 tension started with the crossing of the russian red lines in 2008 and the nato enlargement with Georgia [6][6][6] to all this add the vision of the unnamed athonite Monk where is said “The first war was the one that took place in Georgia” but in the very next line we see claim that greeks will shift from presidential to monarchial rule “Greece will place its army under the rule of the upcoming elected Emperor” [7] what eventually is possible only if we witness collapse of the european union or global economic collapse (both&vice’versa)!, and only any eventual possible correlation to the current events regards Georgia from that vision is the current ongoing color revolution in Tbilisi [8] but again all this seen in context of the incoming Trump administration, whatever certain ww3 bubble to conflate anyhow now is less than possible, except if its taken in account the ilmayers vision [9] where as could be seen there will be fallout, but knowing how catholic church got extra theologically corrupted [10][10] lets say his vision (coz rolled with blessing of hijacked hierarchy back then) looks more like predictive programing i.e. how “someone” wants to look the ww3 turmoil, kind of projected mandella (umbrella) effect [11][11][11] on top there are precise analysis how ilmayer himself was not rarely false and fake on various things [12] and alone this is enough convincing to rule out (even through such glasses) certain hot phase of east west global conflict, whether through ukrainian or asraelly war hotspots, unless indeed Trump is surrounded by peers of the chabadean’messianic’cult, but even that cant be certain fix, eg. JoeB is christian zionist [13] but still hasnt foolheartedly went along bibi’s gaza holocausts, and only viable catholic (think possible) prophecy, that can be taken somehow in account as pivot how’soon’is’now for fallout, is that of Saint Malachy [14] interesting by the fact that as he was not hit by the schism as personal ascetic feat and gift of prophecy!, thus looks like we have some time ahead till fallout, yet that dont means things cant change, so Metanoia and Prepping coz Survival till Salvation should be some kind of norm as insurance and reinsurance even now!!!, clever people would always tend to be wakeful and eager to have risk-managemnt for any case!!!

what would be more important always question the warnings!, having in mind the hint from Saint John Climacus “he who believes in dreams is like a person running after his own shadow and trying to catch it” [15] but also the greeting of Saint Apostle Hermas to “question the truths and the spirits” [16][16] actually as Saint Apostle Paul orders the same " Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are of God, then continuing, explaining why: for many false prophets have gone out into the world (1 Jn. 4:1)" [16] I’ll add simply coz Our Christian Prophecy is sealed [17]

is it worthy, think not, but for the sake of all fooled&decieved that wander on this topic, I’ll try to point run away from the delusional prophecies of pagans and neopagans!!!, all those mediums of demonic’shadowy’visions … first of all ask Yourself why do You want to know the future!?, is it coz prepping for Eternal Life but for what one needs to seek Love Faith and Hope (secured only by Life in Feat as devoted Christian (true Orthodox one) tho as truthful also comes extra responsibility), and mostly coz lack all of that, many are seeking longer life here in this world, or even worst seek heaven’on’earth (become neopagans or alike)!, yeah is it so hard to get educated about the struggle with own passions and how effectively to calm Your own fallen bodily nature, or how to evade traps patiently!?
still, many from fun (coz blindly dumb for the spiritual struggle) are getting hooked to false “prophecies”, like that drop by drop till choking from river to river are getting lost up until get drown in a seas of disorientation which will pull them in the great depths of the oceans full of shadows, from where guess its really really hard to escape and get back on firm ground (luckily I’ve got just soaked in the vast astral’super’ocean)!, to be more tragic many are getting fried coz sake of power/pride money/greed and/or joy/lusts, becoming vision shareware to others!,the worst kind “those” that need to sell/earn even through sensationalism while sharing others visions, but also many coz indeed got sliced as pulled in some ocean mud are trying themselves to foretell and foreshadow future by various mancies (later even imprinting it eg. as logomancy) [1][1] yep even from fun like reading coffee cup residue someone can be drown by accident, instead vice versa to have interest in witchcraft and then after to start practicing it!,

eg. most famous, some will say true seers, coz havent official tariff, were Michael from Saint -Rémy-de-Provence (aka nostradamus) and Vangeliya from Strumitsa (aka baba vangya), but “they” surely accepted gifts otherwise how she made some own futuristic church [2][2] probably coz didnt differ by status its costumers and didnt took money in hand, while he was astrologer for the aristocracy and that probably cost him to lost everything [2] what is certain tho is that both were possessed and empowered by demons-anathema-to-them !, nostradamus used particular ceremonies and halucinogenics as the rest occultists back then [3][3][3] while vangya was obviously bogomil dualist [4] which first started to juggle with dream vision while in '41 supposedly met Saint John Chrisostom which told her from now on you will prophesize for the death and the live [5] and those who know a bit from Orthodox Christian Theology & Praxis instantly know that such empowering as medium comes only from demons-anathema-to-them coz by telling personal destiny to someone The Gift Of The Free Will is manipulated!, also another fact of possession is that when she passed away in the hospital the electricity went off and strong roar sounded (citation needed), and finally she got inspired by theosophy too through her visitors [6][6][6] simply she was white witch longing for fame and glory [7] the question is why again and again as her so as his “prophecies” are shared as correct, at best demons-anathema-to-them know only half cycle, altho even that I’ll say is borrowed from the visions of elders in Christianity and then shared through mediums!

must admit not rarely I am reasserting two repeating dreams of mine as kind of pivot for all what time it is, the first one that future asteroid is probably nuked in the atmosphere, and another for future flood, as more probable of all similar with catastrophic end, tho that with the asteroid is not so from that aspect but economy crisis mids the same (while walking cool mids boulevard with my gang no vehicles drive, just from time to time hear only motorcycle sound), all the rest local catastrophs think could be reverted if the citizens or the elites repent (probably all need to come to senses that as Orthodox Christians cant bow in front of secularism and freemasons, especially not if live in seismic areas) but eventually I dont took all these visions anyhow for granted, coz first they are 50/50 as outcome by default, and second need to be reconfirmed but not by layman but Monks, and that never happened till now!!!, luckily I dont wander anymore astral, nor enjoy in lucid dreams, also fencing myself with Grace, overall trying to escape any vanga alike destiny by all means, coz next level after dreaming and astral is playing with demons-anathema-to-them i.e. becoming “their” toy!, surely not even in my dream I would like to act white sorcerer, but how little is enough to become one, hm, listen death metal and join some theosophical cult while already been Baptized, and yeah its never too late!, can we add turbofolk + fortunetelling to the list, yep, some say vlachian magic was most “powerful” in balkans too, haha, are vlachians from Romania or Epirus, if later then maybe some distant manual from Dodona (orphic mysteries) got passed from elbow to knee, normally juggled along with all sorts of contemporary pagan and neopagan knowhow that entered this peninsula!, hm, some say tosk albanians (catholics under venetian influence) settled there [8] i.e. probably then Moskopole the vlachian capital was destroyed!?, hm, this with the vlachian’black’magic [9][9][9] could be only animosity from envy coz were among the first banksters here, probably as marginalized without own state wanted or not in close destiny’sorrow’shoulder for the balkan jews etc. etc. speculations that hm again like this open another axiom for consideration!, simply earlier slavic paganism overall has huge folklore demonology, that was not typical just for vlachians, but all other ethnicities in the slavic realm, thus claiming this or that neighbor has greater or lesser evil in its demonic juggling (black or white), i.e. with bad or good intentions summoning demons-anathema-to-them, its lets say bit naive!!!, if we’ve been Baptized as Orthodox Christians we will be most severely punished on the Final Judgement if anyhow follow even false prophets, what about if used swearing curses or magic!!!, even pagans and neopagans will be not even close (elders claim) to Our eternal suffering!!!

what is interesting about Epirus, is that the local oracle from dodona and that of delphi, both belonged to the orphic mysteries if we know who guarded python where [10][10] but bit later apollo slayed the dragon and the pelasgian sun shined above all i.e. the crossing from matriarchate to patriarchate (magna matter was switched by connan’the’barbarian :smiley: help yourself coz zeus is phoenician import [11] one can say coz its passage from neolith to bronze age and we need more earthly archetype that hercules or argonauts could fit the analogy), anyway this just adds to the wrong divination tradition on this peninsula, and as most famous story that is passed through history is the smack of the witch in delphi [12] hek as there so as among the european neopagan “prophets” main magnifier for empowering was the’devils’herb as we are calling it here in balkans [13] thus dont fall on/to/for nostradamus [13][13] so would not end up in gehenna!

as could be seen from the 12th footnote, Alexander The Great, probably coz it was talked by his mother with epirotean roots and occult boots [1][1] to visit delphian oracle by all means before his flight to persepolis, he practically obeyed but probably coz student of Aristotle also knew for the divination fallacies and simply secured its focus by own means i.e. became lord of his own free will!, probably in same way didnt bother with the gordian knot, but also didnt have patience to take breath and was carried by the momentum of exploring through his expedition towards the end of the known world back then …

the moral of this ancient story would be hey even pagans that didnt fall on visionary delusions (own or others) had have freeway in their lives and feats!, hm surely he followed own visions or not and stuck in sand coz that, coz as is good not to dreamscape, also is good to learn from horrible visions i.e. as we know from OC elders praxis to Angels is allowed to show us evil fate on our path so we would Repent or at least have second thought before end up in our own trap, surely if we live Graceful Life so would be sure that the vision is not astral dream where we are molested by demons-anathema-to-them that due to our lowered or lost shield of Grace we are scared and tormented in nightmares by and with various delusional suggestions or events from our lives!, also the essence of the vivid vision counts too, if we are standing on firm ground, yet who can say with certainty if that also its not delusion!?, thats why we always need to have patience and consult with our Spiritual Father if some own vision is overburdening us as repeating, and then after to accept his Advise and Blessing what we need to focus on, usually to revert some evil fate we need even greater Metanoia and even greater Prayerful Will …

… this kind of approach could be seen most probably through Saint Elena the mother of Saint Constantine The Great, who as convert to Christianity by Prayers helped his still pagan son to get vision how to become victorious against more stronger maximilian i.e. how to secure exit from certain failure, logically at least to those who know how Holy People are guided in Orthodox Christianity through Prayers (listen to whole sermon in the 4th bolded footnote of the first post in this thread) simply as she has found The Holy Cross in Jerusales so as later surely that was confirmed by OC Elders through help by Angels, altho current historiography resting solely on empirical traps is locked in circles to explain how so that was possible (as if it was chasing sightings of uof’s instead analyzing metaphysical events in this world) [2][2] and in my humble opinion it was same with the vision of the first byzantine emperor when most probably by prayerful intercession of Saint Helena he got vision how would survive [3] so the moral from this witnessing (by historical source) would be that our Spiritual Father and Spiritual Mothers can help us get on feet and/or climbing higher towards Salvation on just own but of others too …

its interesting that Alex himself had have visions too, but in my opinion what guided him were not his mother or his seers visions [1][1] but his tutors knowhow how to conquer with wisdom [2] and altho Phillip left him everything on plate as most modernized military or profound diplomacy even brought Aristotle for teacher, still how he embraced the wisdom from his teacher think was crucial!, simply he had Respect to all like no emperor before him, and only the roman stoic like Marcus Aurelius can be somehow compared, tho far from the balance (aristotles golden mean) that Alexander The Great exercised in all fields of interest!, in this respect he indeed was listening to seer and what they were peddling to him, probably so would have them as check and balance for his visions, yet his prime motivation was to come to the realm of the gods, and he did, as Starets Zosima claims that even the freat alexo in the end found that he is dust&ashes (I’ll add think that as his father arranged fake death and step back, ascetism also back then was norm for all enlightened, so as Alexo, tho maybe he was ill but not on deathbed) thus ordered to make his true coffin with two holes when will prepare for pass over so later noone to disturb his body once see there is nothing in there, while the rest sarcophagus ceremonies that were released in three directions would be decoy!, thats why still can be found nowhere!, the moral would be if he indeed was resting his conquest on vision, then surely he saw his death too, and acted accordingly to it!?, could pagans achieve that, hm, even if someone can still would had have end in hell anyway, while he was after higher realms, and that hm then was probably possible only like forcible tilt in the astral realm till Angels dont force his soul to its resting place!

the moral of this story would be, even Alexo didnt have use from vision in the end, but just rushing to finish his life so would hope start living good afterlife, and that even was doable for Christians still has no wonder and excitement but dullness like my salvation is granted so why at all bother to live, what would be most unuseful selfdelusion coz it will fireback like not even pagans or neopagans would imagine, coz they are living constantly on alert and driven by fears, thus once little sunshine touch their soul rejoice as we never cant as Christian coz we are accustomed to life in Grace, at least those who live clean righteous life in feat!

thats why when I see eg. ww3 (especially evangelical) “prophecies” [2][2][2] my stomach turns coz simply instead in feat instantly starting to live in fear, tho not that its bad to have normal caution, but to let the fears to consume me and start panicking, or letting myself loose and start laving in do’nothing mode, that is wrong!, tho coz particular wrong local secrete service molesting when I am home indeed I am pushing myself in do’nothing’tilting in front of my comp (arranged all my basic needs) but even then (like now) I am trying to explore and witness on some topics from soteriological aspect that could be from benefit to me or others and like that if not else harnessing soteriological points, coz eventually what we are in this world primarily is coz Salvation Of Our Souls!

anyway not just evangelical there are also orthodox apocryphal visions [3][3] which again can bring only useless tilting when how and why will happen if someone takes them for granted!, x2 with visions is always 50/50 remember that!!!, and lusting to dive in them with open mind is own predictive programing i.e. You are tying Your Will to them and like that defocus from Your normal life!, I mean its ok to have good preparedness habit (motivated by harsh dreams), useful for any case scenario, eg. like possible economic natural or geopolitical catastrophes, but per’se that to be awareness how in harsh times to be helped not just Your Family [4] but also Your Community [4] coz eventually we are all turned to eachother for Survival in such circumstances, what from Christian perspective is norm, still we tend to forget that Christianity is Sobor’ian [5][5] i.e. Catholic [5][5] so dont be selfish if then had have hand to give if nothing else, tho prepare in time …


in the thread OP shared interesting link about vangya that should be pointed here too [6-5] what in context of the past footnotes suggests sharply dont be catholic with neopagans or “christian” witches!, and I was really surprised about the amount in the footnoted link how much russians are spending on fortunetellers!, cant imagine then how much is spent on west where Orthodox Christianity is not even close to that in Russia!, but the popularity there came through the bulgarian’commie’connection on high level, after all atheists are most potent followers of neopagan seers “esotericism thrived not only in the underground but also in the official scientific institutions of socialist Bulgaria” [7] practically these two footnote should be added to the 6th one in the 4th post above [7] but think here have extra meaning in context of the next post i.e. stop falling in trance for VangaG!

all this in this thread, from visions till Eschatology, normally should be finished with The Bible Revelation that is Inspired by Our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ that is not comprehensible nor for the atheist what about the pagan or neopagan mindset [1][1][1] so all to grasp that Soteriology comes not from knowing the end times, but rushing till the end in Graceful Life in Feat … meaning to live with Love Faith and Hope for all (to the measure that they can accept it or we have to give it unselfishly coz we are not perfect nor need to expect others to respect or honor what we unselfishly give) coz we are doing it through and with Christ and not by ourselves [2][3] tho not as we are perceiving it in the world but through Sobor and by Humility, what yet is hard to be reached if we blindly (in extremes) had have thrown ourselves in as principles, but we need to have balanced approach with The Holy Law when in effect we are ologocizing the Royal Middle Path [3-5] coz its Path where we are walking with will to get unburdened from the bodily passions so we would become compatible as now temporary after the passover with Higher Realm so as after The Final Judgement with The Heavenly Kingdom in slavic Orthodoxy we are sayin Eternal Tsardom like higher than Heavens what would be the 3rd Higher Realm while this is 8th One Highest i.e. The 8th Day (my interpretation 8th Highest Realm that will become One with all where now by hierarchy all The Angels abide, dont ask for the 9th guess its reserved for us and the fallen one the astral realm, again mine interpretation, probably wrong!, havent anyhow studied pneumonology) day that we just know is Universal Restoration of Everything among what Resurrection For All The Righteous … "since after this present age, characterized by 7-day weeks, will come the 8th Day, when the Son of man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him (Matt. 25:31)" [4][4][4]

practically I dont have, nor Blessing for, nor Education on this topic, thus Forgive Me All that anyhow I’ve tempted You to explore this topic with me, solely by surficial approach, and hope without any passions evoking in anyone, coz its topic that is very difficult to tackle what about to talk about, hence You will understand me why I would not take anyhow opportunity to examine The Bible Revelation, simply coz as noone knows the time for the end of the world, so as its futile to examine either visions or The Bible Prophecies in context of when that end times actually will be!!!, thus just will point on examination by Orthodox Ethos where You will find also playlist like about The Signs Of The Times [5] so would give emphasis to the point Please for everything spiritual do consult Orthodox Christian Theologian Priests and even then seek for second and third opinion from their contemporaries or Saints!, logically so would not astray, coz everyone by himself will give answers to The Final Judgement …