wow was cia or dia brainwashed fomenko by push’of’button (nanobots were in action even then experimentally) or maybe by psy warriors was kicked in the head
accidentally or not as “they” were mocking yeltsin so as all russians back then, the problem is that many even nowadays slip smoothly on the same spin!, and yeah probably he got payed off big time for the feat!
can we say he shock the medium by academic means in an era where the euroatlantic determinists were certain that “their” stroll towards “their” utopian n’w’o is going smoothly ahead, when just from fun rolled someone to mock its own tradition heritage and basis, surely, “they” are the grand deceivers that will project what “they” want to be as global cabal officializing that wish even in such way through fomenkos house of cards with book titles, but “they’ve” deceived only “themselves” that “they” are what “they” are!, maybe for not so long, maybe for good, coz its up to “themselves” how long will delusion lasts, maybe with a bit more taiwanese memory it will fade away quicker!?
History: Fiction or Science? Chronology Vol.IV
by Dr Anatoly T.Fomenko
Editorial Review
Product Description
Why, oh why the mainstream historians do not gratify prominent mathematician Doctor Fomenko with laurels, but call the riot police? For example, the English historians rage at the suggestion that the history of Ancient England was de facto a Byzantine import transplanted to the English soil by the fugitive Byzantine nobility. As te sign of recognition of the special role of the English historians who consider themselves the true scribes of World History, the cover of the present book portrays Tintoretto’s Jesus Christ crucified on the Big Ben. The Russian historians brand it all as pseudoscience: because Dr Fomenko asserts that there was no such thing as the Tartar and Mongol invasion followed by over two centuries of slavery, providing a formidable body of documental evidence to prove his assertion. The so-called ‘Tartars and Mongols’ were the actual ancestors of the modern Russians, living in a trilingual state with Arabic and Turkic spoken as freely as Russian. The ancient Russian state was governed by a double structure of civil and military authorities and the hordes were actually professional armies with a tradition of lifelong conscription (the recruitment being the so-called ‘blood tax’). Their ‘invasions’ were punitive operations against the regions that attempted tax evasion. Dr Fomenko proves that official Russian history is a blatant forgery concocted by a host of German scholars brought to Russia by the usurper dynasty of the Romanovs. Their ascension to the throne was the result of conspiracy, so they charged these German imports historians with the noble mission of making Romanovs reign look legitimate. Dr Fomenko proves Ivan the Terrible to be a collation of four rulers, no less. These rulers represented the two rival dynasties - the legitimate Godounovs and the ambitious Romanov upstarts. The European historians fume because Fomenko blows consensual Russian history to smithereens, successfully removing a crucial cornerstone from underneath the otherwise impeccable edifice of World History. Per Dr Fomenko all medieval European Kings and Princes were but breakaway vice-regents and vassals of the Global Empire who badly needed glorious and very ancient past in order to legitimize their independence from the Empire. Dr Fomenko adds insult to injury, wiping out one by one: the Ancient Rome: the foundation of Rome in Italy is dated to the 14th century A. D., the Ancient Greece and its numerous poleis, which he identifies as the mediaeval crusader settlements on the territory of Greece, the Ancient Egypt: the pyramids of Giza become dated to the 11th to 14th century A. D. and identified as the royal cemetery of the Global Empire, no less. The civilization of the Ancient Egypt is irrefutably dated to the 11th to 15th century A. D. following the breakthrough in decoding of the ancient Egyptian horoscopes cut in stone. Arabic historians may find some consolation in the crucial historical role of the Ottoman Empire in the 16th - 17th century. The trouble is that this empire was initially a proto-Christian state, with Hagia Sophia identifiable as Temple of Solomon, but built in 1550-1557 A.D. by Sultan Suleiman according to Fomenko! The Divinity excommunicates Dr Fomenko because the history of religions according to Fomenko looks as follows: the pre-Christian period (before the 11th century and Jesus Christ ), Bacchic Christianity (11th to 12th century, before and after Jesus Christ), Jesus Christ Christianity (12th to 14th century) and its subsequent mutations (15th to 17th cy) into Orthodox Christianity, the Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism, and so on…and The Old Testament written after the New Testament in xiv-xvi cy A.D.! Saint Augustine was quite prescient when he said: ‘be wary of mathematicians, particularly when they speak the truth.’ … Read more
Customer Reviews (5)
a must read!
Interesting, especially map comparison. Russian armor with Arabic writing… the only problem is, this book is expensivI’m glad I bought it though.
A must read book
This is a must read book that should be studied seriously, and data – verified. Can modern historians reject and/or find support based on data and evidence? So far, as I have seen, there have been no evidence-based works that show Fomenko wrong. I am sure reconstructing history would create errors, but if studying history is agreed to be a necessary societal endeavor, I think we should investigate all Fomenko’s claims; perhaps even re-thinking and re-evaluating what is a myth and what is closer to reality is not a bad endeavor and investment. Clearly, a thought-provoking and potentially dangerous set of works!
Dr Fomenko started his research back in 1973, was badly mauled as ANTISOVIET and ANTIRUSSIAN. Nowadays the same crowd of Russian (formerly soviet) historians attack him on his Russian nationalism. Dirt cheap. There wasn’t a single academic valid refutation of his theory. Forget about c14, the poor Nobel Libby must be turning in his grave after calibration' of his method. By
calibration’ on statistically non-significant number of wood samples from Egypt with ARBITRARELY suggested age of 3100 B.C. the Arizona university radiocarbon team simply smuggled the consensual chronology into c14 method of dating. Dr Libby honestly earned his Nobel by developing a valid dating method, too bad that this method became very un-precise because unknown tonnages of c14 isotope were dumped into atmosphere in the course of US-USSR-France-UK nuclear tests in the fifties, moreover it was turned later into a sheer fallacy by calibration'. The dendro-chronology was ordered to expand its scale over 12 500 years, which is another fallacy as the number of ancient samples is truly non-significant.Just try to submit to any c14 lab a sample of organic matter and ask them to date it. The lab will ask your idea of the age of the sample, then it fiddles with the knobs (
fine-tuning’) and gives you the result you’ve `expected’. True, Dr Fomenko’s ideas find sympathy with nationalistic crowd, this sympathy evaporates as soon as they find out that in Fomenko’s book ancient Russians are not Nordic Arians, but Turks and Tartars, that 1100 years of noble Russia are simply not there.
An unfortunate modern phenomenon
Fomenko is nothing more than a product of the Russian intelligentsia’s insecurity about Russia’s place in the world following the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The underlying theme in all his works is to establish Russia as the most important civilization in world history and to suggest that the Russians are the legitimate rulers of the world.
All of his number-crunching, all of his smaller theories are developed in support of this overarching conviction, which becomes more and more transparent in successive volumes of his work.
I have been to Russia as recently as this past February, having been born there and a constant visitor, and I saw first-hand the out-of-control frenzy among the people and the media to rewrite history and economics in Russia’s favor. Meanwhile, the actual living conditions in Russia, especially outside of Moscow, fail to keep with this conviction of Russian economic and intellectual superiority.
This is simply a cyclical manifestation of racism during hard economic times, and writers like Fomenko emerge as an opiate for the public. This fascination with race and nationality as defining economic thought and prosperity is certainly a modern Russian phenomenon.
The Russian intelligentsia are always trying to fight “the Americans’ and the British’s convictions of Anglo-Saxon economic and intellectual superiority,” but the Americans and British themselves hold no such convictions in modern times (in the past some, like Winston Churchill, certainly did).
It’s a particular cyclical current of racism in this particular era in Russia that leads to the manifestation of works such as Fomenko’s.
Fantastic book! Extremely interesting, very thought-provoking.
Despite the efforts of critics, skeptics and “debunkers” this book is gaining popular acceptance very fast. Everyone i know who is interested in history is stunned by the ideas the Fomenko Group present. The idea that Ghengis Khan was the Turkic/Eastern name of a Russian prince is breathtaking in it’s implications. Or, the case for “Mongolia” to have been a corruption of the Greek “Megalion”(or Great) representing a “Horde”(or “orde/order”, the Russian name of it’s Medieval professional horse-soldiers) as the historicists distortion of the Mongol Hordes as being of Far Eastern origin instead of being Russian Cossacks(Khazaks).
This book is so filled with shocking and exciting ideas about how history has been obfuscated, hidden, and changed to suit the local needs of political factions that it has completely altered my perspective on current worl events and the “how” and “why” of Central European and Middle Eastern politics! Many modern “historians” rail against Fomenko’s theories because they are both obviouly, intuitively accurate and totally opposite established thinking that most history books would have to be completely re-written. And no one who spent ten years getting his doctorate in convential history wants to admit that everything he thinks he “knows” is just plain wrong! I know it upset me at first, but the long, long list of explanations, “coincidences”, facts and inconsistencies listed by Fomenko et al can’t help but change your perspective.
These books are not the usual poorly-written, poorly-researched imaginative tripe provided by most “historical revisionists”.This is the work of one of the world’s leading mathmeticians and other highly-educated scholars. In fact, there is so much raw data in this series that even i, who reads constantly, have a hard time moving through it. But the subject matter shakes the very foundations of so many assumptions of modern history that it’s worth every bit of effort.
Don’t let the convcentional history proponents convince you these are false- read them for yourself. If you can read the whole series and STILL think the history of the world is what you’ve been taught then you might be right, and i might be wrong. But i don’t think i am: Fomenko is a pioneer, a radical, a free-thinker and revolutionary in the field of scientific historical anhalysis! …