Philosophical Assumptions

I think this kind of thread could be beneficial for GDS, if not else like insight in the basics of Research Methodologies for all that are trying to puzzle in or out some mosaic of theory or theories, especially when in question are alternative historical topics …

be patient find time at least to look around the next links if have intention to dive in some true exploration of particular strange ideas or need for revealing discoveries, for what most suitable approach would be mosaic reasoning [1][1][1] altho from experience would say have in mind that the brain can take You hostage if its loosen to tilt out chasing extremely final solution/s,coz the problem of this kind of reasoning is always how and what kind of info someone has gathered, whether true or false and/or real or phantasmagorical > altho the line between all these axioms is so tin that we can never be certain what exactly will come out from the hypothesis in the end < especially not in alternative historical religious technological etc. research i.e. one need to be always open for revisions postrevisioning or complete pause of the researched, simply sometime it takes time things to settle so we can find maybe the right alignment of the mosaic pieces!, what counts in the end is did someone come from all that fulfilled with Joy what usually comes if the work is done rather from love for some knowhow than profit or pride, altho if too much energy is wasted in the process we are reverting the exploration coz exploitation, and thats why is better working in group, equal preferably, but eg. on this eForum I dont see such debates, not sure about the Vidchats (still not member), tho the very categorization and moderation of the platform cant open huge room for neat fractalization of topics and knowledge, tho
understandable why, yet even 100 Docs would pop up throwing balls and sticks around still the carrots will be hard to be packed in the right manner, what about now when many of us here are just half-literate funs of JPF knowhow, but at least we can try to balance our ideas more creatively smooth, and for what maybe this kind of thread can come handy …

  • Theory

Philosophical assumptions relate beliefs about ontology (the nature of reality), epistemology (what counts as knowledge and how knowledge claims are justified), axiology (the role of values and ethics in research), and methodology (the process of research) [2]

  • Practice

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as already mentioned its better to narrow the approach of examination firstly on mainstream or revisionist and postrevisionist theories i.e. to find where own hypothesis flow, and then after by examining the prevailing theories in the same hype to build up own hypothesis, that when gathered enough evidence or assumptions that points to probable resolving of particular mystery like that to be reached stable theory, that again surely will be ridiculed by many, but as every new thing its takes time to be fully accepted as relevant substitution for the prevalent trends!

thats why I like the fractal exploration of JPF on topics and theories that interwove in one unified theory of everything, and like mosaic of books gives in the end so vast clarification of our reality that even everything is still not clear to me from his reasoning still only by few tesserae of book titles life gets beautiful by the accumulated revelations on top I (we) have the privilege/s to ask him for further elaborations on whatever is not clear in the Vidchats, even more to engage in our own explorations here on GDS so would test our own knowhow!, Respect for the approach as Cosmic Explorer to find time and will for etool like this eForum, eh if only all prolific authors to had have such mindset, ideally every Fruitful PHD in every realm of our societies, eh maybe then we would see if not else some clarity on the horizon about many current deadends that hold hostage our chance for better tomorrow, compared to the sacramental life what would be not just confession of knowhow poured in a book but also active continual consulting with the Spiritual Father and the Likeminded community so would be reached Metanoia as fast as possible and like Life To Get Wonderful as much as possible!!!

hm, this last logic was for a while pushed by me as most needed approach for our modern societies i.e. to be implemented on all levels eTOS reality [1] when many insightful in some field would join forces on academic ngo or institutional eForums, yep imagine 100 alike Doc’s like JPF actively debate on GDS on all of his books as subforums with threads for every specific chapter and juggle all the relevant mainstream revisionist and postrevisionist theories on the subject in question, when would be delight to learn that everyone altho maybe on the same page still have own view of/on the mosaic and through it subjective analysis on the objectively proposed theory!, in the end such emergence will bring even more clarification and happiness coz simply one by one examining some eg. problem or deadend its for sure extra waste of time that otherwise could be used for hiking to other dimensions of our fractal reality and/or fractal dimensions in or beyond our realm of existence!, maybe like that we can grasp more easily how to plug the Tesla Spirit Radio in plasma turbine (maybe turban oon (UN) the head) yeah everyone then could become false prophets [2][2] “hello nephew please I need one afternoon Prayer so would climb to the nearest mountain from this other side of the life” would message the 5 century crossed away ancestor :slight_smile: that maybe in return would thanks with remembrance of some historical fact eg. where his gold was buried before the afterlife …

practically this thread is result of particular need to elaborate one recent tartarian hypothesis of mine [1] to some extent closer to some lets say mainstream basis from the past century where is mentioned one interesting detail which is pivot for locating pelasgian genesis for tartaria (see the next paragraph) … and probably many would say ha he is biased coz have pelasgian origins, but that would sound like mezzoamerican flow relates nowadays with eg. canadians, yep there were huge influences in the past, but btw through the centuries inflow from europe changed extra on the go!, still what is different with the balkan peninsula is that somehow stayed as always unconquered for good by invaders or once they succeeded to hold grip here for few centuries (eg. the subjugation by the ottoman empire) couldnt impose complete cultural assimilation or genetic sweep, even less spiritual mopping!, thus I can freely say here we have continuity of dozen millennia since eneolith onwards, what could be reconstructed easily by the ornamental art (eg. the heliolatric cult present as on the rock art so as the neolithic seals and the after the macedonian sun from antiquity and day after the standardization of sun’day as 7-th day for rest in the week by Saint Constantine The Great in Byzant (altho had have done that in Milan) and later also we can see the very same sun from antiquity in various forms as specific stamp for the iconographers here typically used on The Icons Of Mostholy Theotokos) also there are many other niches that point to such histo-cultural continuity, but in this post I would not elaborate such knowhow but will try to examine whether mine assumption have right basis so would offer correct hypothesis maybe one day pushed till provable theory, what tho will ask for quite big academic puzzling of everything available as historic sources and archeological recognition, hm maybe that quite is not reachable thus dont have high hopes, yet I would be happy to share my reasoning and get factual verification or constructive challenging!

for this kind of conclusion, that tartarians are brothers to pelasgians, first pivot is the 1835 book of William Pinnock “a comprehensive system of modern geography and history” where is suggested that tartars deduced their origin from Japhet the son of Noah [2][2] now if that is case and pelasgians are also lineage through Japhet as his nephews from his son Javan [3] i.e. Dodanim and Kittim would be per se pelasgians as settlers in the balkan peninsulla [3] while Elishah was in Italy and Tarshish (wait a bit for the geographic location) all of them supposed that are the line of the white race, now, my subjective assumption why tartarians claim that are also line of Japhet would be through his nephew Tarshish eventually [4] and many speculate that his location as tribe was in iberian peninsula, but if they had have gold or iron then as tribe from iberia surely there would blossom the iron age, on contrary in the Black Sea there were tails about the golden fleece, and there by all the mythology are found pelasgians in my understanding as native around the Black Sea i.e. they were first who brought the iron revolution in play (the socalled sea people in the bronze age [[url=]5[/utl]][5][5]) if its taken the argonaut myth and where argonauts were chasing the golden fleece [6] when defacto as their arrival in Colchis and in age of shift from bronze to iron they surely didnt chase gold but something that could bring extra gold easily if used in war [7][7] yep what did they search there, maybe as I am trying here to find whether the root TAR is same for tarshish and tartaria knowing where is tartary and knowing how some tartarians said they are from the Japhet lineage!, so here I have assumption from the upper 2nd footnote book assertion that if such empire existed it was from pelasgian origin, and just then later the remembrance of its might was projected to the newcomers who as turkomongols there took the naming of the conquered territories above the Black Sea later known as tatars when tho coz mixed with the native population kept the myth about their origin as white race lineage … long story short all these axioms can be true or false and I cant attest discovery per’se but can assume this is more probable than possible explanation for tartaria and tartarians, altho far from the modern fantastic lore about lost advanced civilization, even less dugin alike attempt to be built modern sinno-russian bound by ancient cybelle archetypes and his turanian hype [8] that can easily slip in tartarian alike hypothesis of his, yet be creative and do check this logic of mosaic reasoning and give Your own idea am I far from reaching theory or there is firm basis for further exploration!?, eventually such flow could lead to constant reshaping of this mosaic in various combinations due to various assumptions or claims from various sources, hm, maybe some a.i. could juggle out such feat more easily, still for me like historiographic amateur its pretty possible hypothesis …

now compare to this kind of mine reasoning eg. extremely imaginative hypothesis like the next one [9] (search in the link turanian or tartarian) and continue exploring this topic in whatever way You prefer, philosophically assuming can we bring for so long twisted and falsified historical sources through the centuries like pivot and through it bring theories!?, hm, just in the 2nd footnote derive some claim as pivot and coz sounds convincing to my subjective understanding where pelasgians were thriving to colnclude thattartarian civilization was actually pelasgian i.e. belongign to the pelasgian substratum of people …

I’ve missed the first footnote, forgot for whom is all this thread about, so lets get it back [1]

and in the end is this final word of mine or stance on the issue, think not, but just attempt to find exit from the question what is tartaria, an utopian place, fictional space, historical interpretation, or maybe real spin that coz someone got one or another blueprint of some book now to be seen in various ways, but we still need agreed theories and probable hypothesis so would find peace of mind once again and again the same topic pops up out in on below our horizons …

here prime pivot actually would be somehow racial if the white race is identified by Japhet, altho knowing that ottomans were not fully white but mix of asiatic substratums, thus we can say tartarians were remix of kind in its time whenever that was actually case!, hm, maybe its even now, what would be exactly what Alexander Dugin suggests seen that realm as turinian civilisation!, yet again if russian origins are pelasgian as by genetic flow like its in whole eastern europe so as by cultural vibe like slavic ethnos (altho even that is/was mix in the beginning with ugrofinish vikings taken genetically or slavic paganism culturally) we can easily say the russian realm as always was more pelasgian and less turinian, if its taken by pivot this hypothesis, and by the mainstream logic that tartarian flow was reached after the incorporation of the tatar vibe after the conquest of Siberia!, interestingly bulgarians as turkomongols even earlier suceed to settle on the balkan peninsuala like tribal khaganat mixing with the slavic (pelasgian) ethnos, what suggests that the same intermixing till these days is fastened til such point that AlexD logic holds even here, altho still the pelasgian vibe is far from compact and accepted as joint tissue in eastern europe, even as slavic is not homogenous due to the neoroman tactic for divide and conquer through the enlightenment era concept nation what about to be reached strong bond among slavic “nations” through preslavic pelasgian vibe roots will in which case russian and the balkan states should form longstanding cultural if not economic and political aliance or even better Tsardom due to the need to be pushed out the luciferian (fremasonic) subversion of Orthodox Christianity by secularism, what as event in my opinion is already showing itself on the horizon, but lets Pray that not to come too late or through extra pains coz for sure luciferians would not left easily one of “their” assurance policies as it is the balkan (pelasgian) peninsula if not else coz its richness of fresh water and unpoluted arable land or the connection point between asia and europe …

again those that are unfamiliar with the biblical racial division pulled from Noahs sons i.e. that Japhet is synonym for the white race [1] would had have even greater problem to grasp the notion that pelasgians are the prime representatives of it, and what first could be seen where Japhet sons stretched i.e. nephews of pelasgians are etruscans illirians trachians macedonians etc. the last mentioned bringing the pelasgian ethnos till imperial status the Macedonian Empire and one can easily grasp how the same was pelasgian simply by the name of its imperial capital Pela and valley where its phalanx was trained Pelagoniya, while logically the peninsula as elsewhere in the world should be named by the largest empire there thus macedonian instead pelasgian peninsula, but first luciferians by the divide and conquer tactics labeled it as balkan, whether mocking it as their balcony, or by the bulgarian balkan mountain where tatars put hand etc. etc. but for sure it wasnt turkish label coz the european ottoman land was named rumeliya, and can remember italian or french slip was the first mention of the peninsula as balkan, point to point here we are still west european vasals instead naturally as Orthodox Christianity to be unified and independent!, thats why on other hand its better the future naming to be pelasgian peninsula so someone would not get upset due to the modern macedonian state and like that to be thrown in cheap nationalistic envy, eventually what should get together is the root history what would be pelasgic and slavic culture and all that secured and blessed by Orthodox Christianity, what in same time like that opens room even for incorporation of the greek or bulgarian flow, the first one mix between the phoenicians and pelasgians [2][2] while in the second of tatars and slavs [2.1] here its interesting to be mentioned that the ethonym Slav was synonym for the those that have the glory in the past glorious, and later when recognized Christianity through one such pelasg as Saint Constantine got The Word Of Our Almighty Lord became also known as Sloven i.e. literate …

I must admit I’ve used intentially as pivot that claim from proposed book for tartaria in the 2nd footnote of the 3rd post in this thread, so would provoke elaboration how one can easily strech particular mosaic reasoning in such way so would try to resolve few mysteries in same time 1. how so in the book turks claimed that they are descendants of Japhets lineage, then how that could sound as possible i.e. then they are twins of pelasgians, and also 2. how so through Tarshish axiom could be reached such explanation till particular objective ontology that demystifies any eventual such possibility!, still to become such flow probable that is possible only if we are talking about remix i.e. between the white and the yellow race that indeed was even in preimperial macedonian times in the eve of the pelasgian migrations from asia minor towards europe and beyond towards america on west or india on east when popped up interracial mixing and whatever remembrance was left for some glorious past whatever as toponym eponym or ethonym was passed upstream to the later generations wherever in whichever land some remnants of some tribe stuck and/or got assimilated and/or was remixing maybe among the other racial substratums …
anyway, factual mainstream knowhow its fact that Alex d Great (as macedonian with pelasgian origin) had have issue with tartarians, that were also known as scythians (as horde) that those also claimed as in case of tartarians that were japhetines, i"ll say ok but like mix between the white and the yellow race, but if so this gives firm idea that we cant say per se they were pelasgians [3]

now what I’ve found interesting along the search through some links is that someone has come up with theory that suggests how ot the pelasgian but the macedonian toponym was somehow oldest ethnonym for all the white race [4] what as macedonian for me sounds lets say just like every other aryan hype and nothing else, yet it sounds happy to hear in ear even such claim coz simply as macedonians nowadays we are under extra negation [5] maybe “someone” is afraid pelasgians to stand up yet again in glory coz macedonia at least here now in balkans is the prime and missed link that can join all around but first all need to circumvent the western neopagan subversion through the concept nation, but macedonian label cmon all surnames are by the oldest ancestors and not the nephews however famous the successor became!, but however such trip would be possible (the 4th footnote above) still it will lack eschatological backing like > apollo the bearer of the macedonian sun again to slay python < so there would be peace in the world :smiley: and if the serpent is an western neopagan cult then hm here is nice retrovisor (rear mirror) hypothesis [6] maybe if russians as slavs bring its slavic roots to extremes through Ohrid as middleage cultural capital of the macedonian region on this pelasgian peninsula and right after wake up in them pelasgian flow so would bring the ancient macedonian imperialism that got its second awakening through the division of roman by the Byzantine Empire and the rise of Christianity (again Saint Constantine was form Naisus and follower of the heliolatric cult as were all pelasgians earlier) … and then after Pelasgians will rise again in full glory … but kets see AlexD would prefer the turian flow in their bowl, but if he is the only geospiritual influencer in Russia that would be sad, no he is just most commercial lets say, more philosophical initiator of geopolitical assumptions tho steady on many tradional values but among which also some that are pagan one, its enough that as Orthodox Christian did his spin through his noomakhia (war in the mind) and the pagan archetypes he has used to project imperial and ethnic existence in this world and voila western humanist methodologies grab him by the neck, at least thats like looks to me as observer with shallow objective knowhow of his 2 cents coz havent read his books (poverty rulz nowadays here in balkans) and just as in case of JPF opus I can only lean on net videos and nothing else, but it dont takes too much so would grasp that Orthodox Christian to allow himself even with philosopher mask to flirt with pagan narrative so would project own truth upon the rest its more than debacle, even greater when its done as methodological scientific work!, again I am just saying read whatever careful but even be more careful when trying even like this on eforums to play with hypothesis, I mean if Your goal in this Life is to acquire ticket for Eternal One …

wow the fictional Fomenko alike spin from the 4th footnote in the previous post can be really tempting to be seen as hidden message about the western and eastern empires through the ages, earlier lets say in atlantean pre great flood times would be north south animosity, but whoever wrote it in such cypher sounds indeed as looney toons scenario still Respect for the imagination!, tho defacto there are many similar local spins about some unique macedonian genesis, but the problem is not who how see the pelasgians or the white race but how nowadays almost everyone is trying to build modern myths throughs nationalistic prism, and at least here in balkans coz Orthodox Christianity is not just wrong but I am certain is ethnophiletistic heresy thus grieve sin against our slavic if not OC unity!, thats why I am fiercely trying even more to impose the pelasgian narrative as common glue so we would all easily find common ground at least like modern states that in any eventual future global turmoil yet again will be pushed on greater collaboration coz survivability, what again as narrative its not at all fiction nor possessive local tripping but firm link coz greater means …

after this kind of examination of mine assumptions and even proposition of someone lost in space cypher, almost voynich alike modern historical spin, I can only say be patient when reading ultra alternative historical hypothesis or theories, not all are educated or have exploration spirit like JPF, what about to be exact in their explications, but usually even by themselves disoriented in the bulk of mosaic and fractal connections among them, on top not articulated neatly, so be thankful not just that we have Doc to our fortune, but also that left space we as halfliterate to speculate debate or get crash courses here on GDS …

ha was AlexD upgrading on Fomenko, who would say, I havent read anything from him, but obviously he blast the tartarian theory enmasse …

In Fomenko’s world, the “Russia-Horde” built the Great Pyramids, colonized America, and inspired a fiction the rest of us know as the Roman Empire.

I dont want to think that he was playing the “publish my book” card and rolled scifi hrono edition, which lacks only 4chan alike QAnon hype but with FAnon peak!, and can this kind of spin throw russians in political delusion tomorrow, hm surely, even in greater coz Fomenko is not secrete figure, nor AlexD is unpopular pivot with his turinian echoes, still unlike in USA in Russia for granted The Russian Orthodox Church will not and cant accept such delusion simply coz its roots dont allow such spinning so the same would become alive for all, but this kind of mandela flushing can reach more or less maybe just QAnon alike hype and nothing else!, Saint Augustin, being prescient, said, "…beware of mathematicians, especially when they speak the truth! " [1]

Fomenko has published and sold over one million copies of his books in his native Russia. Many Internet forums have appeared which aim to supplement his work with additional amateur research.[65]
His critics have suggested that Fomenko’s version of history appealed to the Russian reading public by keeping alive an imperial consciousness to replace their disillusionment with the failures of Communism and post-Communist corporate oligarchies.[38]
Levashovism has been inspired by this pseudohistory, taking the form of a racial occultist narrative about the Slavic Aryan “Great Tartaria”.[66] Another off-shoot on online forums has been the Tartaria conspiracy theory, which draws inspiration from historic architectural photography of demolished buildings as evidence of a long-lost civilization.

and if we search for more logical explanation, I think the next one hits the bell like bee flower, indeed if nationalism is luciferian skim then ultranationalism is entrance in tartarus [2]

so we are coming right again to the pivot of Tatar as Tartar but has Tarshish something in between :smiley: surely as pelasgian kick among tatars i.e. projections about the infusion among the white and the yellow race!, which eventually later was echo that gave tatars the name, what would be way more logical etymological demystification for me than the prevalent mainstream hype [3][3]

wow was cia or dia brainwashed fomenko by push’of’button (nanobots were in action even then experimentally) or maybe by psy warriors was kicked in the head :slight_smile: accidentally or not as “they” were mocking yeltsin so as all russians back then, the problem is that many even nowadays slip smoothly on the same spin!, and yeah probably he got payed off big time for the feat!

can we say he shock the medium by academic means in an era where the euroatlantic determinists were certain that “their” stroll towards “their” utopian n’w’o is going smoothly ahead, when just from fun rolled someone to mock its own tradition heritage and basis, surely, “they” are the grand deceivers that will project what “they” want to be as global cabal officializing that wish even in such way through fomenkos house of cards with book titles, but “they’ve” deceived only “themselves” that “they” are what “they” are!, maybe for not so long, maybe for good, coz its up to “themselves” how long will delusion lasts, maybe with a bit more taiwanese memory it will fade away quicker!?

History: Fiction or Science? Chronology Vol.IV
by Dr Anatoly T.Fomenko

Editorial Review

Product Description
Why, oh why the mainstream historians do not gratify prominent mathematician Doctor Fomenko with laurels, but call the riot police? For example, the English historians rage at the suggestion that the history of Ancient England was de facto a Byzantine import transplanted to the English soil by the fugitive Byzantine nobility. As te sign of recognition of the special role of the English historians who consider themselves the true scribes of World History, the cover of the present book portrays Tintoretto’s Jesus Christ crucified on the Big Ben. The Russian historians brand it all as pseudoscience: because Dr Fomenko asserts that there was no such thing as the Tartar and Mongol invasion followed by over two centuries of slavery, providing a formidable body of documental evidence to prove his assertion. The so-called ‘Tartars and Mongols’ were the actual ancestors of the modern Russians, living in a trilingual state with Arabic and Turkic spoken as freely as Russian. The ancient Russian state was governed by a double structure of civil and military authorities and the hordes were actually professional armies with a tradition of lifelong conscription (the recruitment being the so-called ‘blood tax’). Their ‘invasions’ were punitive operations against the regions that attempted tax evasion. Dr Fomenko proves that official Russian history is a blatant forgery concocted by a host of German scholars brought to Russia by the usurper dynasty of the Romanovs. Their ascension to the throne was the result of conspiracy, so they charged these German imports historians with the noble mission of making Romanovs reign look legitimate. Dr Fomenko proves Ivan the Terrible to be a collation of four rulers, no less. These rulers represented the two rival dynasties - the legitimate Godounovs and the ambitious Romanov upstarts. The European historians fume because Fomenko blows consensual Russian history to smithereens, successfully removing a crucial cornerstone from underneath the otherwise impeccable edifice of World History. Per Dr Fomenko all medieval European Kings and Princes were but breakaway vice-regents and vassals of the Global Empire who badly needed glorious and very ancient past in order to legitimize their independence from the Empire. Dr Fomenko adds insult to injury, wiping out one by one: the Ancient Rome: the foundation of Rome in Italy is dated to the 14th century A. D., the Ancient Greece and its numerous poleis, which he identifies as the mediaeval crusader settlements on the territory of Greece, the Ancient Egypt: the pyramids of Giza become dated to the 11th to 14th century A. D. and identified as the royal cemetery of the Global Empire, no less. The civilization of the Ancient Egypt is irrefutably dated to the 11th to 15th century A. D. following the breakthrough in decoding of the ancient Egyptian horoscopes cut in stone. Arabic historians may find some consolation in the crucial historical role of the Ottoman Empire in the 16th - 17th century. The trouble is that this empire was initially a proto-Christian state, with Hagia Sophia identifiable as Temple of Solomon, but built in 1550-1557 A.D. by Sultan Suleiman according to Fomenko! The Divinity excommunicates Dr Fomenko because the history of religions according to Fomenko looks as follows: the pre-Christian period (before the 11th century and Jesus Christ ), Bacchic Christianity (11th to 12th century, before and after Jesus Christ), Jesus Christ Christianity (12th to 14th century) and its subsequent mutations (15th to 17th cy) into Orthodox Christianity, the Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism, and so on…and The Old Testament written after the New Testament in xiv-xvi cy A.D.! Saint Augustine was quite prescient when he said: ‘be wary of mathematicians, particularly when they speak the truth.’ … Read more

Customer Reviews (5)

5-0 out of 5 stars a must read!
Interesting, especially map comparison. Russian armor with Arabic writing… the only problem is, this book is expensivI’m glad I bought it though.

5-0 out of 5 stars A must read book
This is a must read book that should be studied seriously, and data – verified. Can modern historians reject and/or find support based on data and evidence? So far, as I have seen, there have been no evidence-based works that show Fomenko wrong. I am sure reconstructing history would create errors, but if studying history is agreed to be a necessary societal endeavor, I think we should investigate all Fomenko’s claims; perhaps even re-thinking and re-evaluating what is a myth and what is closer to reality is not a bad endeavor and investment. Clearly, a thought-provoking and potentially dangerous set of works!

5-0 out of 5 stars Nationalist?
Dr Fomenko started his research back in 1973, was badly mauled as ANTISOVIET and ANTIRUSSIAN. Nowadays the same crowd of Russian (formerly soviet) historians attack him on his Russian nationalism. Dirt cheap. There wasn’t a single academic valid refutation of his theory. Forget about c14, the poor Nobel Libby must be turning in his grave after calibration' of his method. By calibration’ on statistically non-significant number of wood samples from Egypt with ARBITRARELY suggested age of 3100 B.C. the Arizona university radiocarbon team simply smuggled the consensual chronology into c14 method of dating. Dr Libby honestly earned his Nobel by developing a valid dating method, too bad that this method became very un-precise because unknown tonnages of c14 isotope were dumped into atmosphere in the course of US-USSR-France-UK nuclear tests in the fifties, moreover it was turned later into a sheer fallacy by calibration'. The dendro-chronology was ordered to expand its scale over 12 500 years, which is another fallacy as the number of ancient samples is truly non-significant.Just try to submit to any c14 lab a sample of organic matter and ask them to date it. The lab will ask your idea of the age of the sample, then it fiddles with the knobs (fine-tuning’) and gives you the result you’ve `expected’. True, Dr Fomenko’s ideas find sympathy with nationalistic crowd, this sympathy evaporates as soon as they find out that in Fomenko’s book ancient Russians are not Nordic Arians, but Turks and Tartars, that 1100 years of noble Russia are simply not there.

1-0 out of 5 stars An unfortunate modern phenomenon
Fomenko is nothing more than a product of the Russian intelligentsia’s insecurity about Russia’s place in the world following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The underlying theme in all his works is to establish Russia as the most important civilization in world history and to suggest that the Russians are the legitimate rulers of the world.

All of his number-crunching, all of his smaller theories are developed in support of this overarching conviction, which becomes more and more transparent in successive volumes of his work.

I have been to Russia as recently as this past February, having been born there and a constant visitor, and I saw first-hand the out-of-control frenzy among the people and the media to rewrite history and economics in Russia’s favor. Meanwhile, the actual living conditions in Russia, especially outside of Moscow, fail to keep with this conviction of Russian economic and intellectual superiority.

This is simply a cyclical manifestation of racism during hard economic times, and writers like Fomenko emerge as an opiate for the public. This fascination with race and nationality as defining economic thought and prosperity is certainly a modern Russian phenomenon.
The Russian intelligentsia are always trying to fight “the Americans’ and the British’s convictions of Anglo-Saxon economic and intellectual superiority,” but the Americans and British themselves hold no such convictions in modern times (in the past some, like Winston Churchill, certainly did).
It’s a particular cyclical current of racism in this particular era in Russia that leads to the manifestation of works such as Fomenko’s.

5-0 out of 5 stars Fantastic book! Extremely interesting, very thought-provoking.
Despite the efforts of critics, skeptics and “debunkers” this book is gaining popular acceptance very fast. Everyone i know who is interested in history is stunned by the ideas the Fomenko Group present. The idea that Ghengis Khan was the Turkic/Eastern name of a Russian prince is breathtaking in it’s implications. Or, the case for “Mongolia” to have been a corruption of the Greek “Megalion”(or Great) representing a “Horde”(or “orde/order”, the Russian name of it’s Medieval professional horse-soldiers) as the historicists distortion of the Mongol Hordes as being of Far Eastern origin instead of being Russian Cossacks(Khazaks).

This book is so filled with shocking and exciting ideas about how history has been obfuscated, hidden, and changed to suit the local needs of political factions that it has completely altered my perspective on current worl events and the “how” and “why” of Central European and Middle Eastern politics! Many modern “historians” rail against Fomenko’s theories because they are both obviouly, intuitively accurate and totally opposite established thinking that most history books would have to be completely re-written. And no one who spent ten years getting his doctorate in convential history wants to admit that everything he thinks he “knows” is just plain wrong! I know it upset me at first, but the long, long list of explanations, “coincidences”, facts and inconsistencies listed by Fomenko et al can’t help but change your perspective.

These books are not the usual poorly-written, poorly-researched imaginative tripe provided by most “historical revisionists”.This is the work of one of the world’s leading mathmeticians and other highly-educated scholars. In fact, there is so much raw data in this series that even i, who reads constantly, have a hard time moving through it. But the subject matter shakes the very foundations of so many assumptions of modern history that it’s worth every bit of effort.

Don’t let the convcentional history proponents convince you these are false- read them for yourself. If you can read the whole series and STILL think the history of the world is what you’ve been taught then you might be right, and i might be wrong. But i don’t think i am: Fomenko is a pioneer, a radical, a free-thinker and revolutionary in the field of scientific historical anhalysis! …

was brainwashing him, or has brainwashed him, or still is :slight_smile: but how to be explained AlexD turanian hype [1] so most probably there are cia-shana in fsb i.e. selfmutilating slavic neopagan bots of the true Orthodox Christian roots of Russia, certainly this cant be assumed correctly, most probably dia worked out Fomenko earlier, while later coz geopolitical aims gru polished Dugin!, how else to be fastened the chinese connection till cultural bond!?, and by no means I can say this is for granted case, still smells like it, an aryanistic russian spin, at least max mullers kick in the turanian theory boosts that smell, altho the gru’s motivation per se is not aryan but geopolitical!

and here we are coming to the senses, the hearth and how we are getting pitched by the consciousness when exploring deep down the trenches of history, when defacto when we have hintch we are stimulated on such aha momentums while lost in the mazes of uncertainty by Angels or demons-anathema-to-them!, probably when its “gut feeling” coz the stomach is the are of the bodily pleasures the pitcher is some wicked spirit and we are getting wrong assumptions, but if we are deepened in sinful life or deprived from grace coz greed or pride we are being pitched in the head or through the eyes or the ears!?, even more if we are not Christians and fencing ourselves with Prayers, but even then due the level of cleanness of the hearth we can get clear voice by the nested spirits inside, and that hm is almost like when to pagans or neopagans the universe is talking to them through various temptations from the surrounding, some recidive of mine is tv’mancy (check the next link to grasp the point [2]) luckily I am recognizing instantly the risk of such exploration adventure so yeah would come to usually false assumptions or answers, still its really tempting to get spiritually bugged by own consent especially when lost and in need to finilize some hypothesis theory or simply life complexity!, thats why its always better to ask for help from above just in form of Consecrated Incurched Life as Orthodox Christian i.e. not in meditation as some scientific hermit but just go with the flow with regular Liturgical Life …

seeing things from the bright side, whoever whatever theory has come up with, simply its better useful and workable to seen it just like another one in the row of possibilities, than to hold it to it like possessive position of knowhow, perspectives and points of view brings different truths for the very same results!, so dont follow the path of arrogance and being blindly selfish that Your is the last word!, even when theological dogmas are in question where everything rests on final axioms of Faith Love and Hope secured by The Law and Order Of Our Almighty Lord … coz noone should judge others through prism of incompatibility or superiority even less their emptiness, simply we are here on this world not to bring heaven on earth but help each other to reach even higher, thus when one is certain what is what even more in the theological matters its not fruitful if not wrong to judge the rest coz they got lost!, but giving hand on other hand dont means to get lost Yourself!, so stay firm in Your own but be open for talk eg. in case of modern yt apologetics that would be JayD [3]

as could be seen from his previous [1][1] and current turian narrative obviously indeed looks like gru softened if not rolled AlexD to make revision on his euroasian perspectives, obviously he did [1] here one really need to know asian geopolitical history so would grasp that he wasnt some main ideological pivot in Russia but everything rolls by the Andropov Doctrine!, i.e. China just recently got aligned to Russia fullheartedly, otherwise in whole past history even the communist one had have disalignment disbelief and brawls, and actually as modern empires recently fully aligned when the military wing ahead with XiJiping pushed out the economic wing and their deal with ea-determinists!, is that damoclean sword for Russia, think not, but if and only if China fully embrace their trinitarian confucian legacy what would be Filial Piety and Tian (Father So and Heaven) [2] and ideally shift from the current communist apotheosis towards theosis tho not as monism but Monotheism as Orthodox Christians, process that is rolling with firm steps even now mids communism [3] still its question how all this could be achieved in fullness!?, and knowing that there cant be reached heaven’on’earth in totality, finally the question will be, not whether utopia will ever happen, but who among the Mankind will be written in The Book Of The Living …

how I’ve put the ideal merger between China and Russia I am claiming China has to smooth out complete theological shift till complete bond, while AlexD has different approach now pushing Russia to embrace the current chinese stamina [4] what in effect would divorce the state from the Orthodox Christian Church and push it towards totalitarianism i.e. those ties now are on personal level coz Vladimir Putin is indeed devoted Orthodox Christian that even all would like to he cant become tyrant!, eventual shift of Russia toward Tsardome would need righteous legal approach mids the current republicanism and most logically obligatory citizen referendum till certain change ahead!, simply in republicanism citizens are the solely sovereign and it need their legal consent given political elites that are just their representatives so they as sovereign citizens would not bother about and around the servicing of the system thus vote them to rule, but I am not sure is this exactly like this framed in the Russian Constitution, in Macedonia at least is, yet elites here made some wrong move and overrun the obligatory referendum by trickery for joining the nato couloirs of euroatlantic determinists but what eventually will produce sooner or later (if not already) extra wrong causality for “them” as otanized euroatlanticism, as if “they” trapped “themselves” from greed to grab the second to last free balkan country, tho it was only completely free balkan state (Serbia was/is occupied) coz we had have luck greeks to block us to join the most deadly military alliance in the world if we know that the same is owned and pushed by freemasons and zionists, and the subversion went by bribing “their” local quislings to spin constitutional falsification so would achieve to our misfortune double negation i.e. first historical erasing of some nation (so the greek veto would be removed) [5] and forcible nato militarization without referendum (that was constitutionally obligatory) but pulled by political spins, now ending as result with if not else my personal mockery of mine birthplace as Mausedonia, and take my word I am glad and waiting to evaporate as soon as possible from here coz the wrong causality for sure will looms also here on and on up until the criminal elites are exposed in totality!, what suggests grim future in one or another way, lets say as 2 million population now we are ideal ground as control group for covert transhumanist experiments how without question or objection nato soldiers and personal can wander around, yep the benefit of being otanized!, and knowing that ideal selfliberation by reverting the unconstitutional process by postfestum referendum will not pass smoothly, the we need to hope that Russia should could and would free Macedonia as soon as possible, actually all here in balkans coz in totality compatible like Orthodox Christians, making natural slavic if not else alliance and awakening of the pelasgian might!, what also could be done through softpower means mids any eventual global economic collapse when for sure eu coz still didnt reached level of federalism [6] will burst like finest geopolitical historical bubble, actually (among other) why there is hard push for controlled geopolitical chaos currently [6] so would be implemented western’totalitarian’superstate as future euroatlantic empire for what surely its already prepared as economic so as political and military basis, the last one through nato already secured, we just need to await the next phases [6][6][6] just not certain whether masses will be entrained for compliance through some advanced F16 agitprop means!, watch out when free budged or cheap production music videos are shared with ease (vevo alike shareware comes to mind) [7] projected simulation good enough “to change the station but that will not change the situation” coz we are entrained on dullness and submission even by direct’satellite’radiation yeah take a pill so your tinnitus would be unnoticed [7] lets hope reverse solar storm or emp greetings will reset “their” covert skims instantly [7] interestingly for the solar storm I am guessing [7] while about the apophisis asteroid we are warned in The Bible Revelation and also I can confirm such vision altho in one where the same is fragmented [7] logically global flood could be due to fragments heating up the atmosphere and like that melting the ice caps (think few average degrees are enough) but also global warming due to methane leakage in row can exponentially lead to such cataclysm [7-2]

while searching some info for the On Physics thread [1] i’ve stumbled to interesting theory in context of this thread, that somehow aligns good in context of another assumption about language as live fractal vector regards the mirroring opposites of slavic [1-3] and roman languages [1-1] add to this the fact that culmination of that very same causality lead to alchemy, which as energy on west by default painted itself in black and as enlightenment adore d’great’serpent mimesis [2][2-18][2] till dont complete own cycle [3][3] what tho dont means that on east there was no such hype eg. as slavic pagan folklore, yet it didnt bounce beyond some popular neopagan revival even less standardized system of culture science and rule!, somehow here on the pelasgian peninsula we had have luck Ottoman Empire to fence us and keep our Holy Tradition safe from harm!

so, how to explain how someone astrayed than through metaphors, altho by “themselves” european neopagans did revealed “their” true stamina, when the metaphor became symbol, tho in totality its simulacrum of eternal happiness and actuality path towards eternal barbeque!

In the ontological cycles Lakoff and Johnson suppose that there is a relation which is in a
certain respect the reverse of the previous one: certain properties of data are predicted and
explained by the hypotheses of the theory. So, inferences may arise in some of the ontological
cycles that are, indeed, not simple reversals of the corresponding inferences in the
methodological cycles, but adopt a different perspective. In the methodological cycles the
inferences are part of an argumentation process which starts from linguistic etc. data and
proceeds toward more and more abstract and/or general hypotheses, and via this, to the
elaboration of the theory. [4][4]

also I’ve stumbled on good GDS thread about our manufactured reality i.e. how everything is rigged framed and manipulated in our social life nowadays, what would fell under the premise from the first post “axiology (the role of values and ethics in research)”, where we cant act blind that there is no covert agenda behind the scenes of the euroatlantic determinism for man’machine’future [1][1] but that will not ease our pains, on contrary it will increase it, simply either we all will start debating “their” covert and subversive fraudalism [2] or we will end up on the dump of oblivion, defacto doable if Electronic True Open Society [3] became at least ngo norm …

from these two topics we can sense fraudalent’manipulation’parexcellence to which can be added one additional link, that I’ve posted in the edit of the #31 post in the thread AJPF [1][1-4] where is summarized how so the Christendom is brainwashed to lust through the past millennia for the fallen preflood’postflood’occult mind, for what only soteriological logic why that is case is the fall of the byzantine empire as 1k reign of Christ in this world with His followers, while after that its given to anathemago 1k years to fool the nations before The Final Judgement [2][3] what means there will be another 300 years of temptations in this world up untill The Book of the Life is not closed [3] i.e. Byzant as recognition of Christianity was established in 330 and dissolution as empire came in XIV century [4] actually right after paleolog dynasty embraced the two headed eagle [5-6] so now we are in the beginning of the end, that as time goes by so as will be difficult Souls to be saved!, here we can number the genetic and bionic revolution, but also all our decadence, exploitation of the poor, and sexploitation of the young and unborn [6][6][6] and we’ve been fooled again and again to follow blind “their” neopagan subversion, actually many declare themselves Christians but live worst than pagans, coz pagans at least will have respect for those that throwing curses to them knowing that if wrong the same vibe could fireback!, while we have The Oath Of Love (The Gospel i.e. Evangelion) yet throw curses from sleeve!, as its said one can throw anathema only to the fallen spirits and not Man!, imagine people do that in various ways eg. by reading such belletristic works or hear and sing such empowered music!, hek while dive in sport betting, or from envy pride hate towards own Brothers and Sisters, what would be worst than murder, coz murder surely will be confessed, while who to remember all curses from sleeve that had have thrown!, especially problem are those that have few seals like Baptism Marriage Oats, on top many dont even know but are becoming members of cults when accept some ring or pen or pin from some close one, an trojan horses, that even taken like that could fire’up the ground beneath the feet, what about when officially someone would enter occult circle!, to be more idiotic there is The Holy Mystery of Confession yet many from fear shame or forgetfulness will not throw their burden, so like that drop by drop becoming Pharisees as Christians by declaration while worst than pagans in reality!!!, after what the traps in which they are falling inertly go from worst to worst till completely denounce Christ and earn even in this life reward for it, in case that is aware from pride done act!, tho many from delusion fall in blasphemy, others are framed, and there are also such that simply are lobotomized, thus Our Almighty Lord is not rushing on judgement but leave us the rest to have feat and give a hand coz The Church Is like Flock [7-5] we are all forwarded together towatds Salvation!, tho when someone till 77 times stay in his deadly sin even all to want to give a hand 24/7 life will evaporate!, the same is with the Forgiveness when as Christ is saying to us give 77 times hand for peace trust and/or reconciliation and then after You are free if the other side from pride is refusing the hand!, in a way we need to do that with neopagans and pagan too, tho there the amount guess its narrowed till 7 times coz they dont bear The Seal Of The Holy Ghost, hm not sure!?, coz always there are many variables regards particular causality, and thats why its good every Orthodox Christian to have Spiritual Father [8] so would consult on such matters eg. reading mine apologetical juggling here on GDS … so dont judge so would not be judged, but also dont hope on unconditional Mercy from Above coz if we asleep its our own fault why we were postponing to work on our own Salvation i.e. Our “Creator is not grudging in His mercy and forgiveness but He is immeasurably patient. He compels no one, but He will in fact wait until each and every one of His rational creatures voluntarily responds to His love. Divine love is stronger than all the forces of darkness and evil within the universe, and in the end it will prevail. “Love never fails” (1 Cor 13:8); it is never exhausted, never comes to an end. This appeal to the invincibility of divine love is the strongest argument in favor of universal hope.” [8] yet glory without merit is like jar without oil honey or milk, some will spill it and some even break it, so go then taste something!, and we should all know that The Final Judgement is not just motivational anecdote, but real event in future that will remove the goats from the sheep, coz to inherit chance for Higher Realm one needs to become compatible with It … so universalism is indeed more than heresy i.e. its sola gratia apostasy that can lead to joint worship with pagans and neopagans eventually [9] blind’one’love salvation with deists and polytheists, where, in hell ofcourse!, so be wise like serpents are, but dont become one in totality!, seen like this we are all in eschatological philosophical assumption like " We came into this world to become similar to Our Almighty Lord" [10] and not to imitate idols or idol worshipers!, but who is perfect?, so thats why we need to bolden our will and keep standing up once fall, just like Kid falls and its eager to get up thus gets help, so as we are when Pray to be delivered from our labors, isnt!?, but usually we are waiting to reach dead-end and just then focus on the lost time and chances for Salvation, isnt!?, tho its not end of the road till we are still Alive, yeah where is my Jar :slight_smile: or where is my mind and/or who is to blame [11][11][11] lets begin, again recognize where You could fall more easily on a pagan or neopagan dancefloor [12] traditional vs modern trance of turbo folk’pop’electro!

yep traditional vs modern, sometimes its better to find ontopic analogy …

send them all to JPF or Jay Dyer for theological laser surgeries …

Response to “Who’s got the gateway drug?” ~