As confined to humanism and its utmost belief in empiricism its logical that euroatlantic determinists and all owned institutions will rest “their” hope on science by data crawling, but what is worrisome from this method is that “they” hope to reach real assessment from “thinking” machines, problematic from all kind of aspects especially knowing that such supercomputers cant count anyhow spiritual variables!
Still blinded by the fallacy of “their” humanistic exceptionalism “they” are adamant to pursue this goal further, but what envisions even greater risks to our nature i.e. trying to hack our biology as dna along our minds as synapses so would gather even more data that would be fed in “their” a.i. with hope like that will get more precise projections, what would mean the hype with the genetic and bionic revolution except chase for superhumanity is also secured by defense excuses, thus knowing how expendable we are to “them” as broilers in “their” wanna be utopian farm its understandable how without any guilt “they” rolled out the experimental mRNA jabs which essence is wrapped in graphene oxide that obviously acts as cortical modem [1][1]
~ We Were Warned about Computer Driven Self-Fulfilling Prophecies - YouTube
~ m'RNA Vaccine Risks? | Page 15 | Political Forum
Its interesting that if sabeanism (astrology) is real cult among euroatlantic neopagans then its not at all strange that this kind of metrics can be intertwined in “their” financial casino, some guess of mine is that even till now was exploited as such by socrates software [2] what can very well be used as experimental approach if not else, at least till decide to switch to western technocracy and planned economy, when there will be no need to act democrats and liberals but will shift to technocracy and marxism, how else to cope with “their” lust for unipolar new world order in circumstances when “their” current financial casino is getting extra hot in context of the current theory of games and all its recidives i.e. whats left for “them” than to shift to socialism so at least would reach to western superstate as merger between usE and usA, for what “they” obviously need controlled economic chaos so masses would not fiercely object but smoothly embrace as technocracy so as planned economy, for what w’e’f already shared the blueprint as “green deal” and bug’food or 15min cities and the rest alike policies towards “their” heaven’on’earth!
To me what is troubling from this kind of a.i. ghost mirroring of our reality is what if indeed “they” have means to program our dna except projecting in our brains (check the first footnotes above), will that mean once all mankind is stuffed with graphene oxide (whether shared by jabs chemtrails food or beverages even water) could like that be executed eugenic program to forcefully change our nature not just to homo’sillicone but homo’chimera reality and like that deprive us from chance for Transcendence!? hek if all the past century scifi conditioning through comics and movies was projecting x-man reality ahead then dont need to guess “they” want this to be case, the problem is that “they” seek in eugenic manner all to be bugged down towards such reality, but what is even worst for that rest “their” hopes on supercomputers, the same that patented the mrna sars’cov’2 genome for “their” last jabs, what tho it could be eye opening if not else for “them” that “their” a.i. is far from perfect or that cant be taken as utmost effective conductor of true solutions ~ assuming most of “them” werent aware that is word for plandemix and gave thumb for those experimental jabs!