Bre, NikolaT hijacked this thread, but I’ll need to steal another one post once I’ve dive in his knowhow, tho whole subforum for his ideas is little, but dedicated thematic eforum will be needed so would be addressed all his ideas experiments and patents!, anyway, obviously he lost his Orthodox Christian Armor and Weapons and stuck inbetween the new’age’era of his time, tho choosing as pivot the vedic niche, at least didnt became luciferian (freemason) altho was surrounded by “them” and by the logic with whom You are that You’ll become, just like NovakDj nowadays and his tantric kundalini, so as NikolaT think hit a wrong bump with his 369 meme!, let me explain, as evidence I’ll use one supposed assertion of his “the spirit of God is not what you think” voice in his head (if so) [1][1] quote that cant find it in any available book or paper on net, and altho sounds like out of context thrown interpretation!, we can speculate that such event was more than possible!, which due to all his astral dives defacto would be inner voice of demon-anatema-to-it!, plus knowing how he fell in apostasy with his vedic flirt [2] however we would try to find grateful understanding [3] such straying for Baptized and earlier devoted Orthodox Christian, in his childhood tho, thrown him in various risks, alone how he was practicing astral without Blessing by itself is prelest (selfdelusion) coz one never know whether the wisdom or knowhow that was derived from there was not from demons-anathema-to-them!, but how to explain to people that salvation through arts&sciences altho possible is far less probable than by humble naive unrevealed Christian Life in Feat, i.e. piety vs pride, because with every knowledge and freedom derived from it also comes greater responsibility and its from us asked greater feats!, i.e. what we have done with our talants!!! [4][4] so NikolaT also used ascetic spiritual technique for astral strolls quests and exploration, and trough almost alchemic trials&errors came to tech revelations reached to unique mastering over the aether fields, tho not in fullness, also it would be alchemic if he became humanistic peer, and finally that had have toll on his side of Salvation, as I can see indeed it was Our Almighty Lord Providence as innovator to end up jobless on prolonged hotel vacation so would have time to meditate on his own soteriological mismatch how from Orthodox Christian became vedist and to Repent and reach tomorrow by Mercy secured Redemption, but how his body ended up in ashes in urn, speaks by itself that he stayed lost in space and lost such chance, unless that to be framed by mistake eg. till his nephew came for his body, “someone” probably freemasonic fbi [5][5][5] arranged such spin so he would be more appealing later as newager than Orthodox Christian!?, hm, surely Orthodox Monks would had have found out about, yet its not mine to judge!, i.e. is kunadalini juggling of NovakDj total apostasy or in question is just prelest due to unawareness that he cant and shouldnt play with pagan practices while in same time still being Orthodox Christian [6]
but lets get back to 369 teslas meme!, is the same an vedic math spin of his [7][7][7] or is it tied to the sacred geometry of ancient civilizations [8][8] or in question is the alchemic hype of freemasons for magic squares [9][9][9]-[9] or sabean worship [9-6] or new’age’numerology [9] etc. etc. possibilities of where what NikolaT found as mathematical model for derivation of his auditory vision about the Holy Spirit and his meditation over the same that lead him to 369 vector, as Creation3-Procreation6-Reset9 on this dimension plane sky (whoever how would prefer), i.e. its not some problem to see such vector like something that is imprinted pattern of life cycles embedded in whatever existence of energy matter cells etc. events and/or circumstances, but that to be mystified as if per’se symmetry on all levels come from such pattern on top that to be seen as solely riddle to the universe, that think is secure path at best towards gnosticism but not rarely alchemy!, imagine recognizing that in 365 days of the year, where our earth has 4 more centuries till its full cycle as habitable planet for our souls and consequently end of all creation if by all means Man is measure of all things in this universe [10][10][10] or from 0 to 30 years life we are shaped in survival knowhow then from 30 to 60 we are molding ofspring and from 60 till 90 we are finalizing our existence on this plane of existence!, etc. etc. pattern of 369 riddle meme [11] that tho its far from what is Holy Spirit as essence i.e. Trinitarian Orthodox Christian Dogma [12] altho it could be seen as side effect of given uncreated energy and how the same trough Him its laid in this world, i.e. how NikolaT saw it technically except philosophically, in a way was trying to find physics/methaphysics correlation in scalar vector form!, as is said in the 11th footnote he seen 3 as base number and not 369, 369 would be the vector, i.e. 3 for him should had have remind him on Orthodox Christianity but he yet again tilt in the’new’age’spirit’of’his’time, altho did reach the conclusion that 3 is basic complete form, as 3 geometric points of triangle as straight lines or for circle as oval lines, that are everywhere in the nature!!!, I’ll add negative energy would flows through the sharp lines, while positive from the oval one!, so be wise how All of You are falling in wrong interpretations of someones visions!, coz solely You will gave account for Your own wrong memes on the Final Judgement, even tho as intercessor Your Spiritual Father will share that weight, if You have one [13] so be creative and start in right manner not to waste in vain Your life, seeking for ultimate revelations and/or exceptional knowhow, that eventually will not release You from old’age’crisis as civilizational noospheric cycle on the hedonic treadmill, nor if some wisdom is reachable that that it will bring useful causality, especially not now when the main scientific hype is neopagan (alchemic) humanist (reductionist) empiricism (unethical trials&errors), yep atlanteans “they” want to become again, yeah their atlas is the salty water of the neoroman atlantic ocean that will swallow “their” pride and utopia, tho its sad that even pelasgian minds got lured and hijacked to push up “their” lusts of u’agendas!, in the end left only with own selfpity why at all went in new york so would become blackmailed hostage, that end up disoriented till such extremes that altho he ridiculed einstein&co like mathematical poets, he himself become one eventually!, eh simple recipe for making 369 cocktail would be layered one 3 divided by egg white, with two 6 straws, in flamed 9 glass [14] pirouettically in 3 cycles of 360 degrees served by waiter with NT mask, normally in some pelasgian bar from bronze age
especially if havent engrams of evil spirits in him [15][15][15-7]
now, not that by default what NikolaT was doing was from demonic nature, far from it, coz demons-anathema-to-them are subordinate to The Wil of Our Almighty Lord!, but what the use of everything to get in this world, in teslas case ultimate knowledge, if one lost his soul!?, indeed from experience I can witness that by diving astral instantly its opened door for “those” spiritual parasites to enter the soul and darken the Nous [15] and altho everything is given to us not everything is useful for us would say The Apostle, so altho NikolaT succeed to focus on chasing mechanical betterment for Mankind, yet eventually from that also came extra misery for many, weight out the soteriological cost benefits regards the advancements due to the second industrial revolution (what would be 1888 [16][16] and not 1870, coz in 1888 Tesla invent the electric polyphase motor using alternating current, while Hertz revealed the electromagnetic waves suggested by Maxwell, plus Dunlop invented the pneumatic tire [16]) and beside all progress still its not hard to guess that many drop by drop as individually so as collectively started to loosen for Salvation or got lost, the machinegun became rocket and cinderella close to cylon’sex’doll, Solon would say hey I’ve played U atlantis was not past but futuristic myth which was echoed astraly on Ur past ancestors!, oh, You’ve got lost ‘finally’ as societies due to ideological reasons like the wide cultural splash of secularism and profanity after ww2, but also the electronic revolution with d’tele’vision, and finally now internet when many lost their edge for Consecrated Christian Life in Feat, even they were earlier devoted Orthodox Christians!, hek NikolaT was such case but swayed in pagan ways coz the booming new’age’trend among new’york’elites in the beginning of the last century, altho in his case coz all his will was not for richness coz end up poor, nor for glory coz went sharply against the “mainstreams” thus from start bashed ridiculed and disgraced, alone coz that all his inventions cant be signed off and declared per’se as evil, but inventions that can be used whether for good whether for evil depending who how is using them as mean, just coz that he could receive Our Almighty Lord Mercy yet we need all to be Thankful for all he has done and at least as pelasgians (ethnicities on the balkan peninsula) to gave from time to time a Prayer For Pardoning of his vedic apostasy!, like that maybe we will reach some of his lost echoes and yet again to give to the world chance to become if not else for a while better place for Survival Safety and Salvation, an Nikolas 3S that maybe Serbian Orthodox Church understood correctly and is trying to evoke it!? [17][17] at least for NovakDj its easier!, but who to help Mihailo Pupin coz he became freemason, maybe Ohrid Residents [17][18] hm most highest virtue tho would be prayer for the bucharestan butcher of Macedonia who by irony is also with macedonian roots [19] I mean the point is at least dont judge so would not be judged, but also be aware that noone knows why some causality happened how!, maybe teslas father was guilty that had have at home scientific literature as OC Priest, yet who knows Our Almighty Lord Providence and why that was case, i.e. NikolaT to become what he has become!?, maybe his mother was astral seeker by mistake and passed her secluded habit to him!?, surely there is also chance roosters and hens from Smiljan to passed on him some parasites, etc. etc. assumptions that will just point, that even You were born in OC Priestly Family and even became most influential inventor, still that is not certainty that You will earn Salvation …
… thats why we need extra focus on the soteriological side in our lives, especially mids times when only certain thing is the sin … practically decadence and ecological footprint reached level of noreturn, an apostasy"feddback’loop, ballooned by humanistic brainwashing and wrong neopagan social engineering or exploitation on steroids, name it I can go on and on from perspective of lusts greed and pride (hedonism/materialism/egoism) blessed by neopagan utopian selfdelusions of mechanistic reductionist cosmology of the euroatlantic determinists that is pushing us towards man’machine’devolution [20-7][20][20] did NikolaT have such will hm think not tho “they” would misuse his inventions in such context!, he simply naively thought that will succeed to fool the 1% humanistic’bankorp’elites and “their” rosicrucian magi, but just got “their” hostage, and eventually left this world without honor, without close ones, without smile, alone abandoned and forgotten, nobel would surely say Ya All humanists Go Blast Ur Heads with my dynamite, coz maybe Tesla already did [21][21][21] anyway x2, NikolaT did left us antielitist pattern for following, and that is for True Respect coz he done that mids the mouth of “their” serpent!, altho we need carefully to remove the wheat from the chaff out of his ideas so we would not tilt out in his traps that surrounded him from all sides, whether astral one, whether social, whether scientific, coz his bona’fide was in same manner utopian, and that simply in this realm of existence at best its not constant possibility, but just moment of variably tweaked cycles that exist so would be fulfilled given plan of Our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ for Salvation of Our Souls … hm, 9 moths pregnancy thus coming out from other dimension, while 90 years going out
as “scientist Marco Rodin said, “3, 6 and 9 represents an energy field from the 3rd to the 4th dimension”” [22][23][24] also other believe that the magnetic flux (unit of magnetic induction) on earth is such relation, at least thats how sounds the next quote unlike the same in 22nd footnote “scientist Marko Rodin believes that 3 6 9 represents a “flux field” or a vector from the third to the fourth dimension” [25] huh Dirac would tilt too “Aetheron Flux / Monopole for its dynamic nature and the fact that Magnetism is always coupled to it” [25] so if not else Tesla intrigued many with this kind of meme!, and most genius thing about him was how cleverly kept everything in his mind mids all those spies around, then actually main secrete service were freemason fraternities up till the secular emergence of modern secrete service agencies, i.e. luciferians directly were trying to control the flow of knowledge and power, so NikolaT think outsmart them how wasnt enough convincing with his ideas eg. didnt bother to explain “them” why “they” cant become deists (self gods) thus afraid of him “they’ve” secured “their” fears and decided enough is enough so removed him, almost bizarrely selfconfident that new NikolaT will again emerge, yeah just in “their” dreams 
Tesla read voraciously and is reported to have had an eidetic memory, going beyond the visual recall of a photographic memory. He is said to have envisioned complete diagrams of inventions, sometimes working only from memory, not bothering to draw them. He spoke seven languages. Like many great scientific minds, he required little sleep, and is reported once to have worked 84 hours straight without stopping to eat or rest. [26]
hm, do “they” as neopagans dream with “eyes wide shut”!?, NikoL where are those, TomK would want to know!
While researching Tesla’s statements, Lyne discovered that more complete statements concerning these discoveries could only be gleaned from scattered and sparse sources, because Tesla’s papers are concealed in government vaults for national security reasons. When Lyne specifically asked for these papers at the National Security Research Center (now the Robert J. Oppenheimer Research Center) in 1979, he was denied access because they were still classified. In his 1938 lecture, Tesla said he was progressing with the work, and hoped to give the theory to the world very soon. [27]