having some issue with the hype for opening various planes whether in this or the aetheric or the astral plane, i.e. are people aware that such hype is not just macro spatial [1] but also micro spatial issue [2] so I’ll try to examine them in various ways eg. like emotional psychologic soulful physical skeletal etc. vectors of penetrating energy from one to another medium plane or space!, hm, here must add that the aggregate Phase of Matter and/or Form (as compact structural gram), OR Energy and/or Thought (as compact energetic engram), is probably crucial for greater opening and/or dynamics through some open path eg. for water crystal symmetry [3-14] when doors opens while gate push and portals flow …
also it would be ideal to hear some wild guessing about dieGlocke on this topic, or philliExperiment, and/or haarp tech!, but always have in mind the big picture when examine this kind of assumptions i.e. cook bake and fry all logic through someones intention whether anthropogenic angelic or biomic coz all biomes have life soul and communication [4] for what by philosophical means we can use the term Existentialism … where we or everything else is Portal Gate or Door to something someone or somewhere …