to get back to EricD and his point about hollow sun, hm, when compared with one interpretation of kozirev mirrors as loop in nonlinear time, then sun would be perpetual, what by simple intergalactic observation its not case!, eventually possible as coexisting echo of past present and future just like genetic information is carried so as the imprints of energy that yet again are also connected to other realms, thus mirrored in multidimensional reality tho bound by particular laws of existence and possibilities for their change, hm, energetic rubiks cube in hands of Angels can open portals between dimensions and/or time travel in given dimension, but go master the keys of merit power and will, given only to those that have obtained such pass (word) [1]
According to Kozyrev, time is not a linear constant but an ever-present framework where past, present, and future coexist and are accessible from any point in space. This radical perspective lays the foundation for a scientific understanding of psychic phenomena, suggesting that consciousness itself could operate through these exceptionally fast and pervasive torsion fields. …[2]
I’ll say time is cyclical, spiraling and bouncing as 3d frequency, indeed good point earlier, in the first quote of the 14th post above, about sound and light, now if the same is confined in the aura of the soul and spirit, then kozirev mirrors are exactly that mirroring it in whatever manner, mostly like in faraday cage in aluminum cylinders the same as tied to the soul when the same act like cycling in place, like that probably trying to reproject own past present and future as information, something like when circulation stops in the bloodstream for a moment, we’ve called that as kids game black hole, but that like that one will get astral or in another dimension hm hard!, who knows maybe if he is electroschoked inside the alu chamber!?, for this kind of need there are other meditative techniques, and then if can go where You can!, guess then if stuck in kozyrevs alu chamber You have problem!?
maybe I am to simplistic with my explanation, but kozyrevs mirrors to become timetravel plasma screen first would need security clearance by Angels or demons-anathema-to-them, tho the later can only push half cycle, and again that dont depends from else than the firm cosmic laws from above, altho we have Free Will and can experiment with it, but as the Holy Apostle said “All Things Are Lawful But Not All Things Are Profitable” [3] simply behaving like Angel on this earth will provoke super wrong causality, coz as greater freedom one has, so as greater responsibility have!, it would be same like this forum blogging of mine here on GDS when takes super little to be penalized coz behave nontypical, yet its far less risky opportunity for greater feats [4] than strolling astral, realm where demons-anathema-to-them rule!, so Awareness is also Gift, but who how when is using it its different thing, same as excepting good deeds of science but not alchemical one eg. generic artificial pharmakia as cure parexcellence, maybe patch from weakness for Holy Life in Feat but not norm for blind following [5]
so, all the hype with the kozyrevs mirrors think is less effective unless, metal container that could serve as switch for electrostatic bouncing of the energy, and the information that is compacted in it!, hm do someone knows imprisonment in such metal cages or jail cells what kind of results gave [6] maybe I am wrong but kind of spiritual faraday cage can be raised by Grace, surely such energy contained in metal room will radiate even more to the same body!?, hm, would metal necklaces and bracelets prevent smooth penetration!?, as is case some say with emf bracelet or amulet shields [7] but having then metal Cross should prevent too the Grace then what think its not case!, or maybe it is, depending on the metal as well the crafted or engraved patterns!?, actually it will not be if one is splashed by Grace as Priest but is it same with the Laos!?, here I am talking about maybe more about bioresonance per’se coz cant say with certainty that The Holy Grace is energy that can be contained but attracted!, hm, what in 8D system fell as dimension to The Uncreated Energies Of Our Almighty Lord or the same are emanated logically from Above i.e. another dimensions i.e. penetrating throughout all dimensions!, hm then is the sun indeed plug to the other realms …
hm hm hm foremost I’ll build room from Calcite mosaic walls and rise the energy levels enmasses after what just give direction to the will, than to tilt in scifi metal chambers!, am I right, not sure, but smells on such spirit!?
~ the next quote from the Synthetic Telepathy thread [8] yep seeding aluminium in air and soil [[u]9] would interact as caging of our soul, or!?, tho we are intake aluminium through tetrapack or canned products also, surely various other metals like barium or whatever useful for “someone” chemtrailed metals [10][10-4] lacking only ideas how such cortical modems are receiving whatever “twisted” torsion ideas [11] i.e. for what purpose!?, imagine You’ve swallowed the most potent drug in Your life, that could project from Your eyes particular implanted (aired) reality projected through them on everything, hm, possible!?, usually the blue beam projects alike conspy theories are interpreting the sky as silver screen on which will be projected thus thats why such tin fine chems, hm maybe in both case should be executed live hallucination!?, maybe videodrom or existenz scenes are not so far away!?, tho surely in different phases different agendas exist!, but push’d’button lowering/pumping frequencies is fix for now!, yeah give double octo’cube resistance [8][8] what would be Love in and out …