You may be wondering why I’ve put a blog about an article that, in turn, is about a radiation-eating fungus and mold under the heading of “Cosmic War,” but patience, we’ll get back to that. I knew, however, when I saw this article that was shared by T.S. (with out gratitude), that I’d be blogging…
I have read an idea that fungi spores are space travelers (can survive in the cold and non-atmosphere of space), and all the species we have found homes here through a kind of panspermia process. The gamma radiation eating ability must have evolved (or been created) in some radiation rich environment somewhere in the cosmos. How far could this evolution have gotten in a few billion years? Are some ETs actually fungi? Kordylewsky cloud fungi colonies? Ort cloud colonies? Lots of threads that can be imagined from this beginning.
This appears to be the paper. From our friends at the NIH none the less!
Indeed, seems like a ticket out of earth/moon system, and even beyond Mars.
Good heavens, don’t let the “We Wuz Kangz” crowd get a hold of the paper. We’ll never hear the end of it.
Ah yes, Mansa Musa the smartest of all humans, ever.
Why is it that we never see references to the existence of nubian giants, whether the product of fallen angel hybridization, or subsequent breeding programs to account for the Nephilim infertility? It seems to me that only the Indo-Aryan/European peoples were selected for hybridization, which eventually spilled over into giant clans of Amero-Indian persuasion, Caucasian, Iranian (Aryan), and Asiatic. In that case, I see the point about white devils.