I can observe that as humanist science tied to prima materia as pivot, in all fields of interest it was chased similar pattern, harmony is one of those meditated since antiquity [1][1][1] later revived as neopagan gnostic vibe in the medieval alchemic times [2][2][2] and except that was projected in the humanist mathematical poetry, or chased throughout art, first time that got applied observation was in crystallography …
the Curie brothers showed that piezoelectricity can be present only in hemihedral crystals with inclined faces –
in other words in acentric crystals – and that electric dipole moments can arise only along polar directions. Thus, knowing the crystal symmetry it became possible to predict the orientation of electrical axes. “This was by no means a chance discovery. It was the result of much reflection on the symmetry of crystalline matter that enabled the brothers to foresee the possibilities of such polarization”, wrote Marie (Curie, 1963).
While, Curie is today rightly recognized as the forefather of the modern crystal physics, which is based entirely on symmetry laws, his ideas on symmetry in nature have penetrated into all branches of modern science.
It is commonly stated that piezoelectricity of crystals was discovered by the Curie brothers in 1880. This assertion must be qualified. In 1817, Häuy published a communication “On the electricity obtained in minerals by pressure” (Haüy, 1817). Pierre and Jacques Curiere discovered this lost and incompletely described phenomenon. For sphalerites, boracites, calamine, tourmaline, quartz, Rochelle salt and other compounds, the Curie brothers showed that piezoelectricity can be present only in hemihedral crystals with inclined faces –in other words in acentric crystals – and that electric dipole moments can arise only along polar directions. Thus, knowing the crystal symmetry it became possible to predict the orientation of electrical axes. “This was by no means a chance discovery. It was the result of much reflection on the symmetry of crystalline matter that enabled the brothers to foresee the possibilities of such polarization”, wrote Marie (Curie, 1963).
In 1894, Curie published an especially important paper on symmetry: Sur la symétrie dans lesphénomènes physiques. Symétrie d’un champ électrique et d’un champ magnétique. This paper begins with a following sentence: “I believe that it would be very interesting to introduce into the study of physical phenomena the property of symmetry, which is well known to crystallographers” (1894). This paper contains the most important ideas on the universal significance of symmetry. Reflections on these ideas can be found in the biographical sketch by Marie, Pierre Curie, with the Autobiographical Notes of Marie Curie: “It was in reflecting upon the relations between cause and effect that govern these phenomena that Pierre Curie was led to complete and extend the idea of symmetry, by considering it as a condition of space characteristic of the medium in which a given phenomenon occurs. To define this condition it is necessary to consider not only the constitution of the medium but also its condition of movement and the physical agents to which it is subordinated.” And, “For this it is convenient to define the particular symmetry of each phenomenon and to introduce a classification which makes clear the principal groups of symmetry. Mass, electric charge, temperature, have the same symmetry, of a type called scalar, that of the sphere. A current of water and a rectilineal electric current have the symmetry of an arrow, of the type polar vector. The symmetry of an upright circular cylinder is of the type tensor” (Curie, 1963).
“The characteristic symmetry of a given phenomenon is a maximal symmetry compatible with this phenomenon. The phenomenon can exist in the medium, which has a characteristic symmetry of this phenomenon or a symmetry of a subgroup of the characteristic symmetry. In the other words, some symmetry elements can coexist with some phenomena but they are Histories of Crystallography by Shafranovskii and Schuh 19not requisite. Some symmetry elements should be absent. That is, dissymmetry creates the phenomenon” (Curie, 1894)
Shubnikov best characterized Curie’s emphasis on dissymmetry: “symmetry must not be
considered without its antipode – dissymmetry. Symmetry treats those phenomena at
equilibrium, dissymmetry characterizes motion. The common conception of symmetrydissymmetry is inexhaustible” (Shubnikov, 1946).
Curie formulated several important consequences to what is now called Curie’s Universal Principle of Symmetry-Dissymmetry. “Superimposition of several phenomena in one and the same system results in addition of their dissymmetries. The remaining symmetry elements are only those that are characteristic of both phenomena considered separately. If some causes produce some effects, the symmetry elements of these causes should be present in the effects. If some effects reveal dissymmetry, this dissymmetry should be found in the causes” (Curie, 1894).The statements cited above were illustrated by Curie with the infinite symmetry classes. He emphasized the special importance of class L∞∞P: “Such a symmetry is associated with the axis of the circular cone. This is the symmetry of force, velocity, and the gravitational field, as well the symmetry of electric field. With respect to symmetry, all these phenomena maybe depicted with an arrow” (Curie, 1894).
Curie’s principle does not allow us to consider the resulting crystal in the absence ofits growth medium because the symmetry of the growth medium is superimposed on the symmetry of the growing crystal.
The resulting form of the crystal can preserve only those symmetry elements that coincide with the symmetry elements of the growth medium. Of course, the internal symmetry, the crystal structure, does not change. The observed crystal morphology is a compromise resulting from the superimposition of two symmetries: internal symmetry of the crystal and the external symmetry of the medium. Thus, distorted crystal shapes, frequent in nature, are indicators of growth medium dissymmetry.
Vernadsky writes: “The physically faithful definition [of symmetry], that we encounter throughout this book, was given by Curie…This is representation of a symmetry as a state of the earth, i.e. geological, natural space, or, more accurately as states of the space of natural bodies and phenomena of our planet Earth. Considering the symmetry as a state of the earth space it is necessary to emphasize the fact was expressed by Curie and recently stressed by A.V. Shubnikov, that the symmetry manifests itself not only in a structure but also in motions of natural bodies and phenomena”
P. Curie is known to broad audience of scientists as an author of influential works in the field of radioactivity. But he is almost unknown as the author of profound studies in the field of symmetry and its applications to physics
Vernadsky revealed theconnection between the planes of gliding, the crystalline facets and elements ofsymmetry. Here for the first time, he underlined the need to make several qualificationsin our conceptions about the complete homogeneity of crystalline polyhedra inconnection with changes in their physical features in their surface state. According tothis idea, crystals are viewed not as abstract geometrical systems, but as real physicalbodies (Shafranovskii, 1980) [3]
now when applied this kind of logic regards piezoelectricity and symmetries in crystals to teslas logic we can assume aether is pulled alive once there is vector with different polarizations on the ends V<—>H what essentially would be scalar field vector …
When the potential is small the end of the filament may perform irregular motions, suddenly changing from one to the other, or it may describe an ellipse; but when the potential is very high it always spins in a circle; and so does generally a thin straight wire attached freely to the terminal of the coil. These motions are, of course, due to the impact of the molecules, and the irregularity. in the distribution of the potential, owing to the roughness and dissymmetry of the wire or filament. With a perfectly symmetrical and polished wire such motions would probably not occur. That the motion is not likely to be due to other causes is evident from the fact that it is not of a definite direction, and that in a very highly exhausted globe it ceases altogether. [4]
bit later supersymmetry was projected theoretically also for particle physics and its standard model as supersymmetry, coz indeed as PP “they” have problems around the clock, maybe “they” want static cycles of vectors instead axial vector [5] hm who knows whats running around “their” heads when project how “their” standard model will reach ideal state “Supersymmetry is an idea that history repeats itself to solve similar problems” [6][6][6] < " Supersymmetry is an unusual and profound generalization of symmetry" what later is chased on all false levels of the einsteinian astrophysics up till black holes, altho by default it dont means what is symmetric on first site that it will open all doors in every circumstance, coz some things follow different causality and have different end goals, eg. seen from aspect of beauty, we can compare spiritual beauty vs material one, that dont go always hand by hand on this plane, i.e. so if we want to rise in the spiritual vibes as souls, consequently we need to lower ourselves for the material vibes, yep doable but also labor intensive, what projected on the level of ideal balance even tho is reachable, stil even then its not eternal circumstance on this plane of existence!, i.e. probable earthly perfection dont comes coz something has potential but if has means and right circumstances to reach such state, which yet again is not constant nor it can become finite as such!, still that dont means its not given to us or whatever element chance to follow such pattern that through lets say good energetic practice can reach certain equilibrum …
some other hyperborean phantasmagories of the humanistic mainstreamers that “superimpose” supersymmetry to other quantum system dynamics are superconductivity and superfluidity [7][7] yeah complex system dynamics [8-13] waiting to jumpstart probably superelasticity in same manner [9] wonder do they get funding for the cocktail parties on the same symposiums as for the labs where these theories of warm water in cold fryer are tested, or coz labs are arranged like bistros symposioners hang and held there regularly chitchats about the future of martian travels waiting to happen in the oval rooms of western plutocratic spokesman, lets hope DonaldT will get out from that trap!?, yeah jump room in oval space can be issue indeed [10-8] wonder ElonM gave him that idea or someone from dod!?, anyway exempt from einsteinian basement of quantum spirits, more logically is superconductivity and superfluidity to be seen as electric field behaviors or states of the wave mids aether, tho many tied to funding cant allow themselves openminded arrow so shoot with double standards of excuses tho with accent on emf line [11][11] yet they would even try to catch photon in proton [12][12] and like that above the cern maltshop to catch neutrino umbrella, eh quackademics could really afford some gelato corner in some swiss bunkers!
some affordable use of the prefix super could be seen with the photonic invention of supercrystal [13] not sure whether ever drop such photonics in line with the quazicrystals [13] or how to be added to it the notion about the ice crystals of water as piezoelectric state of the water [14] i.e. how light would change the specific crystaline structure of the water so would be reached supercrytal in such way!?, also MasaroE comes to mind mentioned in 8th footnotes of post #13 above [14] i.e. how photon as phonon will do the job … hm, do someone wonder whether elf/vlf haarpean vibe that is constantly on maximum in recent decades is not melting the glaciers like this!?, O Great Solar Storm when You’ll fry “their” sonar circuits, when “their” bionic mindset!?, or we need to focus same countervibe so would null out “their” source, to phase out the artificial elv/vlf spectrum with natural one, Prayers come to mind!. i.e. …
The Field Is Real This put a more solid foundation under the concept of potential energy. Maxwell showed that wherever a field exists, energy is distributed throughout that region of space. It is this bank of energy on which an object draws when it converts potential energy into kinetic energy. Negative binding energy arises from the fact that when two objects that attract one another are close together, their combined field contains less energy than their separate fields did when they were far apart. Maxwell also found the speed of electromagnetic force transmission terribly suggestive. Perhaps light itself could be some arrangement of electromagnetic fields. He quickly discovered a pattern that would do the trick. An electric and magnetic field are at right angles to one another and in motion. The moving electric field generates a magnetic field, and the moving magnetic field generates an electric one. If they move at the speed of light, the two fields exactly sustain one another, without any need for an outside source. Light is such an arrangement, in a repeated wave pattern as shown in figure 6.4. We will learn more about these waves in chapter 7. There was a clear implication in this work that other kinds of electromagnetic waves might exist. Within a few years, these were discovered in Germany by Heinrich Hertz. Modern radio and television are based on these waves. So a revolution in communications, and a worldwide industry, can be traced to the effort to find mathematical unity in electricity, magnetism, and light. Once light or any other electromagnetic wave is sent on its way, it can travel across the Earth—or even across the universe—until something gets in its way and absorbs it. Its existence no longer depends on the electrical charges and currents that produced it. Faraday’s fields had now acquired momentum, energy, and an independent existence. What more need one demand to call them real! Maxwell’s ideas had implications that went beyond electromagnetism and light. It seemed likely that any fundamental force, such as gravity, might act through a field. If this field did not propagate instantaneously, but at a finite velocity like that of light, then it too must produce some form of radiation to carry the momentum and energy when the field is somehow changed.
His principal work, the Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism published in 1873, rivals the Principia in its significance. To the mechanists, only one seemingly small step remained, to find a mechanical interpretation of electromagnetism. Maxwell tried to do this by imagining a substance called the aether, which would fill all space. This was not a new idea— light was known to have a wave nature, and there had been a great deal of speculation about what medium light traveled in. But Maxwell hoped his mathematical laws would nail down the properties of the aether precisely. Electric and magnetic fields would be strains and flows of the aether, while light would move through it as sound waves move in air. But the aether had too many contradictory properties. It had to be as rigid as a solid, yet flow like a liquid, while never impeding in any way the motion of the Earth and the planets. Even worse, Maxwell found that he could not tie down a single unique set of properties. And if he wanted to account for gravity as well, he would need a different sort of aether entirely. Though he remained convinced of the reality of his aether, he reluctantly concluded that it was not yet good solid science, and left it out of his Treatise. It was a wise decision, for the attempt to install this one last part in Descartes’s universal machine was to end the long reign of Newtonian physics.
(and this is the main problem, maxwell will succeed with his aether if approached it through nondescartian system)
(next big issue is the newtonian mechanistic cosmology that removes the free will of The Soul and The Spirit (as in the micro so as in the macro cosmos) what removes any possibility whatever natural law that exist to be skewed by intervention whether from Above (other planes of existence) or by the power of the will (Faith))
THE NIGHTMARE OF DETERMINISM The spectacular rise of Newtonian science led many thoughtful people to give considerable credit to its claims of universal validity. This view of reality ultimately led to the conclusion that everything that happens in the universe is a consequence of the motions and interactions of atoms. In Newton’s physics, motion is governed by perfectly deterministic laws. Early in the nineteenth century, the mathematical physicist Pierre Simon de Laplace speculated that if one could only observe at some instant all the atoms in the universe and record their motions, both the future and the past would hold no secrets. Put another way, all of history was determined, down to the last detail, when the universe was set in motion. The rise and fall of empires, the passion of every forgotten love affair, represent no more than the inevitable workings of the laws of physics; the universe marches to its unalterable destiny like one gigantic clockwork.
(plus add to all that the fallacies of alchemists and we are where we are with the current mainstream physics)
DOES CHAOS RULE THE UNIVERSE? It is important to remind ourselves that faith in determinism rests on one achievement that was without precedent in science, and that has not been duplicated since. Newton’s derivation of Kepler’s laws seemingly described the solar system as it has existed for all time, and will exist into an unending future. But Newton himself was fully aware that this could not be the whole story. Kepler’s laws apply perfectly only in a solar system ruled by the Sun’s gravity alone. They take no account of the forces that the planets, through their gravity, exert on one another. [15]
when on other hand all this would be projected to chemistry or biology, we can be sure physics will arrive sooner or later to unified field theory through aether …
Now researchers are investigating a whole slew of movement disorders, epilepsy, migraines, and some rare inherited diseases for possible mutant ion channels.21 All over biology, ion-channel physics revolutionised the treatment and conceptualisation of disease and disorder. ‘It is difficult to exaggerate our misunderstanding of heart action potentials before we knew about calcium channels,’ wrote one cardiac electrophysiologist.22 Ion channels are important drug targets, but our understanding of them is incomplete. We keep finding more unexpected variations of them. One is gap junctions, which were first noted in the heart but now seem to be in every one of our trillion cells. A gap junction is a special ion channel that pokes between two neighbouring cells, creating a sneaky door only they share, like adjoining hotel rooms. In heart cells, gap junctions synchronise the activity of cells that need to operate in tandem, but they also festoon the membranes of skin cells, bone cells, heart cells, and they even occur on blood cells. They are everywhere. They all talk to each other using these electrical synapses. What on earth for? New ion channels aren’t the only surprises. Another recent observation is the electron current expelled by cancer cells as they make the transition out of good health.23 On a larger scale, there are also aspects of the nervous system we didn’t appreciate until the turn of the twenty-first century, when it started to emerge that the nervous system doesn’t just act on the feeling and moving bits, but also regulates organ function and the immune system. These are the kind of insights that are beginning to form the outlines of the electrome.
Until recently, knowledge of these disparate electrical features of biology was sequestered in narrow subdisciplines. That’s because the study of bioelectricity had been increasingly siloed into neuroscience, and in electrophysiology, which focused a lot on nerves and neuroscience – to the extent that scientists assumed bioelectrics were only used by nerves. One of the more astonishing features of the electrome is that animal electricity is by no means confined to animals. We’re not the only ones with these ion channels. All the other kingdoms are run on the same stuff.
Electric kingdoms
We had had glimpses of that reality, too, much earlier than we could reasonably account for it. In 1947, the physiologist Elmer Lund found electric fields coming off algae.24 He wasn’t alone; these confounding electric emanations seeped from every other biological surface people thought to measure: Venus flytraps, frog and human skin, fungi, bacteria, chick embryos, fish eggs, and oat seedlings. Reports from disparate fields of study indicate that the electrical signals used by plants, bacteria, and fungi are all weirdly similar to our own, and the research is beginning to suggest that they use these signals to very similar effect. Bacteria use electrical calcium waves to coordinate themselves into biofilm communities (disrupting these electrical control signals is a hot research topic in the fight against antibiotic resistance).25 Fungi use them (among other things) to communicate along their long tendrils whether they’ve found a nourishing food source or a dud.26 Plants use electricity to activate chemical defences against predators. The list goes on and on. We have wondered in the past twenty years, as we discover ever more similarities between their electrics and ours, why these signals (in bacteria, in fungi, in protists) are so similar to those in our nervous system. But now a lot of people are starting to wonder if perhaps we’ve been getting the question backward: why are we so similar to them, and what does that mean about our electrics? All creatures, brains or no, use a collection of similar ions to create voltages across their cells. We all use these voltages as a basis of communication. Animals use them to make their nervous systems function as a command and control centre; other kingdoms use them for signalling and communications without a nervous system. ‘Flipping the voltage potential is how, I think, all signalling probably began,’ says Scott Hansen, an electrophysiologist at the UF Scripps Biomedical Research Institute at the University of Florida. And that is raising a wild idea: could we have another communications system running in parallel to the nervous system? Recent research strongly suggests our bodies are running at least two – if not more – electrical communications networks. Evidence has begun to accumulate that the bioelectricity in the nervous system – the animating force behind animal spirits – is not the only electrical communication network used by the animal body. Strange electrical features and behaviours connect all the cells in our body. Skin, bone, blood, nerve – any biological cell – put it in a petri dish and apply an electric field, and they all crawl to the same end of it. It’s as if they can sense the electric field, even though we don’t yet understand how cells could possibly sense those things. All we know is that electric fields affect the bioelectric properties of a cell – any cell, and sometimes whole organs – in a way that can be used to make it do things it normally wouldn’t. It is for this reason that some scientists are beginning to think bioelectricity can be understood as a component of epigenetics – which describes how the environment can cause changes that alter the way your genes work without changing the actual DNA. ‘More and more epigenetic factors which drive the organisation of biological information patterns and flows are being discovered,’ writes the physicist Paul Davies.27 Bioelectricity is emerging as a major – if as yet poorly understood – epigenetic factor, he thinks, providing a powerful way for cells to manage epigenetic information. But other researchers are finding that it may be more than just another aspect of epigenetics. The word ‘epigenetic’ means ‘above the genes’. And maybe electrical signalling functions as a kind of ‘meta-epigenetics’ – one ring to bind them, if you will. As you will see over the next few chapters, electrical guidance exerts control over a great many complicated aspects of biology, from how genes are expressed to whether inflammation will commence in the immune system.
The bioelectric code
A granular understanding of the electrome, then, could also provide a way to control the genome almost as easily as we can control our computer hardware with software. Indeed, the Tufts University researcher Michael Levin is among those who have found evidence to suggest that the electrical dimensions of life can exert control over genes, providing a way to hack other systems we previously thought were too complex to precisely control. Levin suspects that this deeper understanding of bioelectricity will yield a bioelectric code. This code is written not in genes but in ions and ion channels. That code controls the complicated biological processes that formed you in the womb, by executing a controlled program of cell growth and death. The bioelectric code is the reason you retain that same shape throughout your entire life; it prunes your dividing cells so you keep being recognisably you. And if it could be deciphered and manipulated, it could be used to precisely re-engineer the human physical form, rescuing it from birth defects and cancer (more on that in Chapters 7 and 8). If we can profile the electrical properties of biological tissues in the same way we have profiled its genetic basis – that is, to complete the human ‘electrome’ – we can crack the human bioelectric code. [16]