Truthstream Media: The War on Speech Is Turning into a Monty Python Sketch


around 19th minute there is interesting point, what as circumstance could be resolved if there is eTOS system in place, in the following link-in-link tho is suggested Party eForum [1-4] while for the issue Melisa has it should be introduced Institutional eForums …

… altho the inertia could go vice versa, and such eTOS system to be introduced from top to bottom level as standardized by law with all screws and plugs in place as type of structuring eForums as eTools, from participation till moderation, or from architecture to security, normal secured from misuse and agitprop, yeah skewing some debate by propaganda means would be issue, coz for sure there will be infiltrators that will use various subversive and/or intimidating tactics so would impose own (lobbied) opinions for following, what if it is for the sake of some community or public interests it would be ok, but it will not be always like that, tho at least when things are debated publicly (instead behind closed doors in some gov. commission) surely many will have instant means to alert all hey You are fooled yet again [2-5] so what matters now is such eTOS system to be laid, at least on academic level if not else maybe like thematic eforum about the educational system where docs from all states will start debating the gains pains and needs of the state universities!, as I usually claim till You have still electricity, altho even after whatever global political economical or natural calamity, again this kind of Open Government approach will be more than useful …

… eg. in respect to the central government there should be NGO eForums as informal citizen lever between the laos and the ruling elite, while regards local government, municipalities should be in direct contact through (someone from the team of) the local representatives (probably every one of them, has at least someone willing from the election office core, that helped them to reach council chair, who would engage in such direct debate) so on Municipal eForums they would communicate directly with the local citizens, or their representatives from the local councils will do that, hm, ideally every neighborhood should have own eForum, in Macedonia that is called Mesna Zaednica (place commune) i.e. like Hood Suburb or Village Councils, where ofcourse udba-shana were/are present (look at the end of the next link) [3]) so’ it will be on such super local eForums too but as elint surveillance, still when the conversation is about the local matters it wont hurt, normally the rest of the kinky talks could be done on the local square, tho turn down the light there too [4][4] altho even to write on paper thought scanners (even thought police) are already in place, so dont bother to hide anything [5][6][7]

here is the point of Melisa …

and now here we are with all our technology and you’re not allowed to say anything to this Parliament member who’s supposedly supposed to be your elected representative she’s supposed to be there representing you and you’re not allowed to say anything to her you seethe problem does everyone see the problem I mean this is our whole entire Public Square has now moved online but we’re not even going to treat it with the same with the same rules we would have if we were walking down a sidewalk cuz if you see her on the sidewalk you could say whatever you want she could run away or put her fingers in her ears but she can’t put you in some kind of force field that disables you from being able to talk to her right but she can do that online somehow this is okay and I I don’t really have any room to talk as an American either I’m I’ve been blocked by a congressional representative right nowhere and I I don’t even know what I said or did to earn that block I have no idea but I I apparently pissed off a congressman from California a Democrat from California with something I said at some point and I am blocked by him [8]