when we would see clearly how some global academic tool like nobel prize is used in such way, then we need to ask ourselves isnt misused the rest of the education system for particular purposes!?, and for sure the very purpose for education to be mandatory has own aims, eg. future citizens to be prepared for sustainable life mids modern societies, or having meaningful life as longtime hungry for knowledge exploring, but when the system is corrupt as republican due to manufactured error i.e. as secular with graceless roots and disoriented due to selfish (individualistic) discord, then also the same posture is reflected on the educational niche too, either coz through corrupt valves poured teachers, or coz such poured stuff extorted teaching agendas, what lets say is case also when there is consensus about the curriculum and all ideas are filtered so would be reached some good educational praxis, but even then if the aim is coz building militaristic nation again we can say particular academic or educational tool is misused coz hm “higher cause”, and if basic (societal) hierarchy of needs by AbrahamM would be security and food [1] thus all the accents is given on military and agriculture while the rest is focused like secondary edu needs etc. etc., yet if we know that republican capitalism resting on individualism and usury is norm nowadays in most of the societies, then all the education is arranged so would produce at best pharaohs and broilers (yep wages slavery is not di slavery) what could be observed by the way how later broilers are rewarded with games&games where pharaos are playing tricks with Your minds like demons-anathema-to-them with theirs if by any means those elites are graceless as decadent or neopagan when eventually project “their” own curse to all the rest beneath that bow to “their” system run by owned or hijacked by plutocracy politicians workers and teachers, all of them just victims of the own basic needs when sell coz hunger own ideals and will eg. “principle “Victory at all costs!”, which corresponds to the principle “Profit at all costs!” – becomes a supreme and unquestionable sports principle” [2] in the end all neatly tied by hedonism mammonism and egoism in one fine bubble of secular decadence waiting just the day when it will burst in all its fallacy of neopagan lust for chasing heaven’on’earth by demonic design!, and as consequence death became something like motivation for survival of the hungriest enslaved souls that just long for some small peace of mind!
but when whole system is designed so would produce victory by all means, and as ideological basis the same has neopagan shoes, even citizens are Christians they will give by or without consent sacrifice for the lost in space 1% elite that “tied” the ties to their systemic boots!, the case with ukrainians recently, or earlier before ww I with germans, or before ww II with americans, exactly now as by design manufactured broilers for the euroatlantic machine [3][3][4] what should worry us is that the earlier pacified germany (in attempt) now is getting again warmed up by their elites for ww III through its edu system [5] altho the label as usual would be disaster preparedness [5][5] (yeah after 12 kids are ready to hold their guns in the hand even out of bed) and this should raise eyebrows how soon is now for such possibility!?, actually the info from this last footnote was inspiration for this thread alone, maybe giving pretext that russia educational system should respond in more effective lets say byzantine manner eg. by removing secularism from the schools would secure extra Grace for their homeland if more and more students would engage at least in Praise To Our Almighty Lord at least through morning Prayers!, coz if the hearth of ex-nazism is getting warming up for global clash, then indeed we will end up in most wrong future ahead which even from rear mirror vision would look gruesome [6] what eventually will lead to further disbandment of the current neopagan republicanism after the fall of its secular fence!, and like that in ideal manner by ethnic lines realignment of the current global order eg. compactness of whole Slavic Realm under one Orthodox Christian Alliance [7] but what cant be achieved if Russia dont help the liberation of the slavic lands helping the hijacked laos to removed the soldout local elites!