On Education (past current future)

what I see potentially as risk management in case of natural cataclysm eg. global flood due to mass ch4 leakage as from anthropogenic so as from natural factor (thawing of the tundra) [1-2] where such eventual scenario would reveal till 2050 or even earlier if we have additional weight from the apophysis asteroid [2-2] and eventual hot phase of ww3, thus margin lowered from 2040 onward, if so then think that in time every country should prepare high altitude infrastructure for educational means, what currently it could be in form of School Camps and Children Resorts, that eventually could be used now as motivation for all Kids that have good grades i.e. to be laid system for regular off-grid vacation reward as motivation and boosting of the learning curve, what eventually later could serve as kind of insurance as reserve school infrastructure for harsh times!, tho it would be enough to be parked in mountain regions an suitable machinery for wood clay and straw processing, coz most fast method for raising suitable complex in such times would be strawbale construction [3] altho it would be ideal masses alone to provoke initiatives for subsidized rural reemigration and in time all to have at least reserve safe house on higher ground [4] tho in such times due to mass continental migrations cant say for certainty how effective would be such safety approach, hm surely will be, yet is it enough to have such insurance only for the local population or there is need to be taken in account eventual future migrant tsunamis, for what again local municipal machinery rings could become reinsurance!

what is interesting, as I’ve saw in such kind of mass flood vision, if the same could be taken for granted, is that many settlements eg. in eastern europe will form around Monasteries where surely then will be raised even universities there eg. as was case in late antiquity [5] but yet again there should collected and stored enough books and transcripts copies copies copies [5] that ideally should be pushed through particular state funded projects for cultural and scientific preservation, and as bunkered libraries later to be revealed for restart of given society …

likewise home schooling in such times will be norm, so every family should raise in time own libraries, at least print out Your most useful pdf’s, go to the nearest photocopier, nowadays the new machines accept pdf, on top box and shelve the copies in some improvised bunker, dig a hole and put pvc fabric around them, in such times it would be expensive commodity [6] yeah put some vinyls too and some oldskul cranking gramophone, lucky had have collection of BobM albums that left it to keep friend of my friend, coz otherwise my office was robbed and I would have lost it, now indeed would put it underground for safekeeping, earthworms would cheer Uprising of water is near we will dance on a kinky music [7] yep put some acoustic instruments too!!!, secure Your nephews mental wellbeing while enjoying sunbath at the mountain beach!, surely then in schools they would learn about byzantium [8][5][5][8] altho some say that is not true [9][9] and one day surely that will not be case at least in eastern europe … especially if someone print out JayD loudspeaking [8]

now dont imagine, but see it coz aether is medium through whom its poured Grace as uncreated energy by The Holy Spirit [10] so would make the Kids spiritual warriors, eg. in Macedonia there should be introduced at least through charter schools Orthodox Christianity and Islam consequently as subjects, for those parents that want to keep at least the tradition in their families, instead like now to be taught the humanistic (read neopagan) history of religion as multicccccccccccccculty in ubutnu style prepping for one’love’ministries the local dominant Orthodox Christian Church and Muslim Ummah [11][11][11] as comparative (at best in ecumenism or worst universalism) wrapped subject (which is mirror to the european humanistic trends for “the Enlightenment ideal of Religious Studies”) [12][12][12]

I am curious and keen to know more. Where did the scholars at Bologna come from and what do you mean by secular protoalchemic? There are a lot of gaps in trying to understand history especially further back we go. Plus there is no shortage of active dis-information - for example “Victors get to re-write the narrative”. But one thing for sure - the sort of classical education or the sort that Alexander the Great had, I doubt exist anymore - even the ultra wealthy care for different things now.

secular coz it was not under the church hat [1][1] and protoalchemic coz Albert Magnus was considered one of the first european scholars that supposedly released esoteric manuals [2][2][2] not sure whether while teaching for few years at Bologna or later tho, think at Bologna coz there had have opportunity to hang with all kind of edu gangs!?, what I really wonder tho is how such figure was also teacher of Aquinas [3][3] hm maybe he was something like JPF of the medieval times :smiley: but unlike our Doc this one got somehow lost or attributed to him various fake signatures so later western chatolic Monks to be tempted!?, coz as with the vaticans faltz fiction [4] surely there was also neopagan one too, monkey see monkey doo eg. with hermeticum [5-III/7]