On Physics (past current future)

if past present and future are one for us, then we wouldnt have Free Will but everything would had have been predetermined, and thats is possible and knowable only for Omnipotent Being like Our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ, His Sacrifice by Incarnation in this world is more than time shortening coz Our Salvation but per’se Resurrection Of Our Souls …

hm, can someone compare kozyrevs views on free will, are they maybe similar to the relativistic one!?, here is some pivot for comparison [1][1] to be more precise as (almost) all humanists cant accept the free will [2][2][2] due to own manufacturing mistakes [3] then is kozyrev resting his free will on deterministic ground!?, to be honest havent read anything from him, so it would be awesome someone insightful to contribute with such answer in this thread … in essence neopagans (humanists alchemists etc. alike) move their Free Will in context of choice towards becoming gods (deistic apotheosis) and practically such system then is basis for the rest of their sciences!, believe that by their own will alone can reach utopia yeah, dont mistake there are also Christian denominations that presuppose such inertia i.e. dominionists [4][5][6] yeah isms isms where actually fells kozyrevs knowhow do someone know!?

also how where in which Aether theory could be derived particular philosophical basis?, can someone make some infographic about?, can we say we can determine when some system of knowhow stays empty, logically if cant be proved in reality eg. regards particle physics the consistency of the standard model due to the failure of LU recently [7]

here is some interesting list from net [1] that could be helpful in researching this topic, lack only brackets with why explanation … yet would like to add in every category JPF or maybe even better he to add remarks for every important theory of those scientists and tie them in one fractal of unified field theory, what probably to large extent its done in his last UFT book, tho few updates will not hurt noone …


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what is most interesting of all this thread, all mine and from others exploring on GDS, even from elsewhere on net, even all that is neatly archived, is that when reverse polar solar storm hit us, or when due to geopolitical turmoil someone switch the emp lever eg. coz fear some a’i’cerberus not to burn out all brains with cortical modems (()wired by nano or xeno bots()), that then all current efforts Physics to come to its right mind, yep would evaporate!, dont think that if military labs have something, that know everything, yeah useful idiots, knowing just what kind of causality they have!

anyway the books of JPF will stay!, but it would be useful someone to print out all the Interviews and Vidchats!, cmon some volunteers?, still take Blessing for such stunt!, when as most useful approach will be from all videos to be printed out the transcript [1] altho as could be seen from this footnote like that timetags are also present, coz what I use another tool that removes them, eg. first find the video and/or upload one as private in YT, check whether is enabled the transcript option, it should be by default, then pull the transcript through YTT site [2] I am using this one so would later archive it eg. here is the transcript from the first video of the previous post [3] dont be lazy, also useful approach for audiobooks from all those previously listed scientists, especially those that cant be found in print!

forgot!, when copy paste the YTT text in eg. word doc, so would print it later, it will show You again time tags, but just run the copied text through the addressbar in your browser, and You’ll get clear from timetags transcript!, yeah brag even then about the grammatix!, now, be clever till there is still electricity, and still YT have for free that transcript option, in time PRINT OUT whatever is useful from video talks on this topic, actually every one You think it would be useful for reading in def times!, eh just how much Orthodox Christian videos I would like to have them as printed manual tomorrow, luckily my Brother Alex Lord Forgive His sins, due to eyesore taught me that, tho he printed out piles of classical economic books, with no use to me!, and I am still waiting to become elder’che so would print out such OC volumes on angelic copiers!, altho now it would be Great Feat such momentum to be reached i.e. to print as much as I can from JayD videos so later he would not brag astral how so’ this (or that) can be interpreted in all ways as one and the same!, tho I did start push it through YTT and archive.is half (or whole) of the vlogs from the “WOTE” playlist [4] but where are metaphysics and philosophy playlists … anyway, need to Print at least some of them!, and in time to underline where in the text he is speaking, and where others drop in!, haha someone tomorrow could accuse him for crosspollinated chitchatting with his guests, thats why eforums rulz, where piety comes by default …

as some conclusion of mine for this thread I’ll say in metaphysical terms Physics is all about Transcendence, actually as everything else ordered in this realm of existence for Salvation Of Mankind, coz we are indeed mirror of eternity i.e. measure of all things!, but as protagorian deductive (not inductive) syllogism [1][1][1] i.e. not as atheists want to interpret his proverb in deterministic way, but in transcendental libertarian one, if we can see libertarianism ideology of the free will [2] what brings us to the Transcendent Truth " “There is an unbridgeable gulf between man and truth. Man is on one side of this gulf and can find no way of getting to the other, where transcendent Truth is to be found …" [3] however this is not understandable to us [4] coz trans can be seen in ecclesiastic terms I’ll say as determinism parexcellence [5][5] but also by humanistic reductionist means I’ll say as monistic naturalism what leads to apotheosis, by any and every means [6][6][6] essentially inherited error that reduced the current mainstream physics to selfdelusion of trans’ition towards a dead end known as transhumanism, actually “they” are in trance, coz cant even transpose what about to transport “themselves” to eternal existence!, here I;ll say “they” are riding “their” cycles exactly in place, while we as Orthodox Christian prefer vector cycling that is something like spiraling frequency where through enough right employed or good tweaked Free Will we are reaching salvation towards higher realms finally in Eternal One … so if the Soul is measure of all things, then Time exist due to Souls logically, thus plasma physics derived from given eg. aether model is what we should pursue … logically!, or Spirit is the measure, both. like on two sides of the weighing scale, where if balance is achieved super, while when one side is heavier the other is lighter, when if The Soul is emitting greater light :slight_smile: that means The Spirit have descended extra!, i.e. go regularly on Liturgies and You will get Holy!!!, as much one is leaving aside the earthly so its gaining on the heavenly!, then You’ll not need to guess what is for measuring how in Physics, but You’ll know it sense it feel it, stil even someone drops in Grace due to graceless lifestyle the memory from the past feats is insurance … for many that would be first general confession, for others the merciful hearth, or unjudging stamina and forgiveness even for those that molested You, etc. etc. but noone is perfect so is not “our” exceptional mainstream physics, so be patient, find maybe good healing place like GDS and wait to see how things are advancing …

seen like this Physics has future, if and only if, the utmost wrong exceptionalism of humanists is left aside solely by them as (to be simple) some by arrangement authorities on the secular universities, where even slight eyebrow is experienced as heresy, what about revisionist elbows and postrevisonist knees to start jumping around!?, hm, maybe there is fear to be acknowledged that too long selfdeception became norm in the mainstream physics, where not just practically that is problem someones exceptionalism, but also technically there is huge problem around rewriting all the books, on top reaffirming titles diplomas and curriculum!, yeah funds labs and all the experimental will would need to be retweaked too!, if so their colliders will become gas pipes probably!, hm, maybe I need another rhyme!?, eh any ideas how we would turn back stravinsky on the folk roots [7] at the main drawing board!?, implications, no, just less lost time in vain!, and when even the very exposed authorities among mainstreams say enough, surely its question when things will come in their own more logical place …

its interesting how I was arguing with JayD on astral turf tho, that libertarianism could be seen as neopagan vs monotheistic [1-3][1][1] i.e. that we can mirror all kind of labels, coz ontologically in this world we experience dualism on all levels eg. one guardian Angel and another tempter, while we expect and sense Monotheism through Omnipotent Creator that still its above this dimension plane sky world whoever how prefers to see the 8D as levels of higher existence, tho again now there is also mirror maybe like 8 lower levels for what closest spiritual argument that exist is the jain cosmology [2] which tho has variations, but think 8 is indeed some perfect number, tho as vertical infinity maybe in this case, altho there are various perfect 8 vibes that project such probability [3] above all that the schumann resonances oscillate at only eight cycles per second, thus if the prime vibe of our planet as one where thrives life is such then that points to kind of higher epistemological proof, as is 3 for main basic shape in nature i.e. the triangle …

8 cycles, hm, here we can discern that there is fractal motion on top of energies, thus cycles that have direction, where the 9th momentum is reset, the revolution that on this created level is indeed possible, something like echo that the fractal cant continue, but is turned backwards, or its pushed towards beginning, i.e. in my opinion cycles are dynamic by nature [4] or fixed towards reset, but as I speculate in particular symmetric rhythm, hm go catch 13/8 [4] so not all sequences can reach perfect stable function altho that dont means that as asymmetric are wrong, on contrary it could be seen like syncopated rhythm that will awake focus ~ eg. there where boredom struck the flow etc. etc. variation how so asymmetry is needed but by default that dont means its wrong per’se!, simply perfection in totality its not possible on this realm of existence, there couldnt be reached heaven’on’earth, altho even in heaven as 3rd plane once entered the sin and Our Souls got lowered chance for redemption!, hm, we (Eve an Adam and we as their offspring by causality) were in row kidnapped and raped by trickery so earned fall!, is the same final, no, but it needs to reach particular cycle so would be completed maybe, sure such idea has logic!

and seen this out of the box, there are various theories of cycles, (seasons, circular motion, circle), eg. JayD would bring epistemological counter arguments about many of them as derived from neopagan humanistic systems, braking such fallacies on the go!, Respect!, fixing his focus on particular Monotheistic epistemological basis, that surely will differ from all the rest through which were derived various cycle theories [5] hm all encompassing view for all realms is not possible!, especially not in this one of existence!, eh some queen wanted to ride its bicycle, maybe like tricycle if want to become pure as Kids are, so would come in reach of eternity, lets speculate at least as projection in some videoart :slight_smile: coz many are called but not all will reach Salvation …

important, when we see kind of ontological cycles as rhythm of events in this world, and derive final cycle theories, in same time we should not confine such attributes or mirror to Our Almighty Lord so would not end up in a monistic error like eg. in totality hindu think its case projecting that Creator and created are same (as above so as bellow in totality) [6] so dont confuse Eternal Omnipotent Spirit with the created existence!, even cant confuse as same with His Essence eg. the ologocized emanation like The Orthodox Church Calendar that has own cycle resting not just on days but also tradition due to own causality thus having relation that shouldnt be broken, why u’ll ask, simply if we want that fractal to stay potent one we need to keep it intact till the end of our existence as Mankind!, even tho as astronomical observation correcting the calendar is logical, altho even as gregorian mood still its not perfect tweaking in context of super precise natural cycle [6] so here its not word for dialectic spin like this is correct or this not correct measurement, but whether Our Christian Tradition is broken even on such lets say not dogmatic level, but that dont means we are not braking particular cycle, hm I can even speculate that unum’sanctum’supremacy i.e. papism [6] as most wrong vatican bull that came in same time, whether due to the gregorian spin or vice versa the same lead to change of the ecclesial Church calendar!?,

haha “7D: take preventive measures” [1][1][1] especially if get lost in juggling with sacred geometry [2] i.e. chasing 8D in 4D eg. “8D spinors (with four complex dimensions) over a 4D vector space” [3] so just as You think You’ve find cycling pattern that will lead to stable discovery or satisfaction of exploring all results could crumble due to difference in the observation or maybe someone its resting his hope on different perspective what should be established as truth etc. etc. variation of balancing team work and/or good scientific practice, tho for whom what is good if needs to check own and others ideas MRI comes to mind [4] hm, could a.i. help at least such friction to be suited, probably not, but who knows!?, do someone salt fluorite in his salad [5] but without pagan or neopagan almonds in it [6][6][6] so also avoid such numerological dressings coz science per’se cant be reduced on “someones” visions from the past which would be pivot for discoveries, I’ll evade even apocryphal one [7] i.e. scientists need to start from the position that they are currently in as systems already standardized in context of exploring, otherwise risk to choke even on salad level, and never reach to lunch or dessert, at best will end in evening supper but as overindulged dinning could lost their dreams eg. for free energy!, also be creative, good chef comes only through 50/50 education and practice …

~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SO(8)
~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight-dimensional_space
~ https://medium.com/@disruptiveconcepts/the-hidden-geometry-of-the-universe-a-new-spin-on-eight-dimensional-manifolds-273d5562dc2a
~ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/371274543_We_live_in_eight_dimensions_and_no_they_are_not_hidden
~ The Mystery of Spinors ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7OIbMCIfs4&t=2955s [1]

jump start in context of the preceding to the last the #24th post, I’ll add annex to it, that as edit could be confusing, so here it is in new spin … so, some say that d’blavatskaya’witch had have own cycle theory

One of the most notable landmarks in the dynamics of historical development is armed conflict. These frequencies most often attract the attention of researchers. This concept originated from the German scientist E. Sass, presented in the “Prussian Statistical Journal,”and was endorsed by E.P. Blavatskaya references this in her article “the theory of cycles,” but unfortunately, it has not yet been discovered. E. Sass established periodic patterns in the occurrence of armed conflicts, illustrating cycles lasting 1000, 100, 50, and 10 years [7]

but think all this is just observation not of some cyclic nature of history, but specific causality driven eg. by the inherited sins, when due to blocks spikes or mirrors of our personal and collective lives, in the noospheric realm in our dimension, its occurring something like sand’clock causality!, eg. as modern observation we could say if once pelasgians reached maximum with the macedonian empire later the same struck bump that further spiked in another form as byzantine empire but yet again dissolved so nowadays again maybe to mirror itself once again if and when Russia as successor to that very same causality coz it got its Baptism and Literacy through Ohrid Archiepiscopy (Macedonia) it will repeat the cycle yet again [8][8] so eventually now the larger pool of pelasgians will emerge with even greater stamina, tho for that Russia first need to become Tsardom!, doable and reachable in our lifetime!, altho whether it will happen or not its not per’se due to our will, but also there is Omnipotent One of Our Almighty Lord that has own soteriological plan for our souls!, thus its not word for repetitive historical cycles, nor for certain causality coz always there are new variables in the mosaic, even less random uncertainty, simply nothing is accidetal in this world yet if and when we are acting through Prayer indeed we can change the direction or even revert certain stream path or events through Help From Above coz as Omnipotent Creator simply He can undo whatever wrong or certain causality (niniveans comes to mind), but even Orthodox Christians are not perfect thus can wait indeed in vain for some global momentum to be changed, enough just due to our etnophiletistic heresy [9][9] eg. if Russia remove the R from its Patriarchate and turn to its true roots as Moscow Patriarchate, like that evading the enlightenment era nationalistic reflections, which are problematic even just surficial emergence in its name alone, if so then it would be fully effective while Invoking Extra Grace upon Russia and whole World!!!

hm, if the time is tied to the spirit, and cycles reemerge due to particular sinful causality, then how to explain all the spikes in the natural occurrences, hm hm hm, if every place location constitution has own guardian or even tempting spirit, we know this from the christian theology, then surely we are witnessing spiritual battles over particular periods in the geological events, isnt [10] context in which we can see all Mountains as gds pyramids too as dr. SamirO suggests [11-III/8] tho if that is case then how Russia would reach the highest momentum in the pelasgian cycle, normally once would free the pelasgian especially the macedonian lands from the otanized reality, in which nowadays the socalled balkan peninsula dwell, then indeed it will get full Help From Above hm “If Macedonia’s mountainous terrain could be flattened, the country would be larger than Russia” [12] tho that is not fix if dont remove the ethnophiletistic mud from its Orthodox Church and normally if dont become Tsardom, or eventually if the OC followers of Christ somehow astray in some later ecumenical heresy or universalist apostasy [13-4]

probably this post should be about time travel, but that would be something like fairytale examination!, I’ll say possible only from witness account, seers comes to mind, but that something could be changed as event, and that to circumvent all causality in this world, that simply its not possible!, what eg. from Orthodox Christian perspective would mean never ending cycle of heretical influences in The Church if we know that pagans and neopagans actively seek to impose such possibility, hm probably due to lack of effectiveness so from sorrow are trying to find comfort with hope that eventually will reach “their” heaven’on’earth in whatever utopian nightmare of “theirs”!

visions about the past and the future tho are real possibility, and that says big about aether as medium, altho even then, in the very same layers of the trenches in the wheel of time, one could easily stuck and never come back, eg. those explorers that act like astral historians, the socalled akashic records comes to mind [1][1] when those claiming saw their past self i.e… what were in their past life, its actually only reach to demonic illusions, or at best (most probably) some ancestral sinful or bodily genetic link, and not some regression of reincarnations!, somehow stupidity rulz in the neopagan syncretization of all fallen reasoning derived from the occult knowhow in antiquity, on top all the esoteric texts that reached in europe in the middle ages were not originals but translated in arab memos will say!, but the far greater stupid thing is that many modern’new’agers are falling on such lost in translation exploring, that only effective way for soberness is such seers every morning and evening to drink Glass of Holy Water …

again, time travel practically would mean entering in the spiritual world on small door, and there someone to play aetheric composer its not possible, if again we take as pivot the aristotelian anecdote about the Time and Soul from the first post in this thread … so going up and down on the ladder of causality, as I am parroting, is possible only in form of astral journalism, but even then useful only if the quest is accompanied by Angels!, what for pagans and/or neopagans is not case, so good luck (so would not stuck) when taking “their” “prophetic” projections for granted, I’ll say foremost delusions, for sure coz demons-anathema-to-them can reach at best only half cycle of the past or future providence [2] in my (more than) humble opinion that rests on practical astral diving i.e. know exactly what I am talking about [3] so we are as we are, lost by greater magnitude if think time travel is effectively possible!, John Titor would surely say hey as cia so as dia secured me a quite good pension for the experimental mass projecting few decades ago [4-10] but even more surely “they” will not stop the hype for chasing TT’bolids TT’phoneboots or TT’shirts!, indeed, at least someone earns salary for such kind of projecting!, still there are many theories about TT, audi has one too but lost souls prefer ferrari yeah, so let someone explain to me which TTT has potential to escape the gravity and the space trajectory of this world!?, none!, eventually doable only by Omnipotent Intervention From Above!, but who is worthy for such Gift where by power of the will will not just travel in time with his soul, but also there to materialize itself, or to intervene anyhow!?, once I knew one good fella that claimed he can!

so again and again, I’ll say Stop fantasizing for such possibility, simply You are not in this world so would live forever, or act demiurge!, plus if You are confident that Higher Realms exist and physical laws are in place to hold all existence coherent, then we should calm our urges for causality that would bring disbalance to the hedonic’treadmill at best, for the worst cant even speculate, if at all by some means this kind of paradox becomes in reach to someone in future!, eventually doable if its done by Blessing, but knowing how we are all prone to sinful feats, whether executed by invisible or visible sins, even with Blessing such possibility could bring cataclysmic side effects!, hm, maybe someone already is trying such possibilities!?, as probability, darpa and the current californian wildfires comes to mind!

what I am certain, what we can get as maximum from any eventual Intervention From Above due to Prayerful shift of our causality, is mandela effect i.e. erasing of the aether memory for some person and events surrounding the consequences that someone prayed to faint!, again physics exempt from spirituality can only fantasize for this kind of logicism!, what bugs me tho is why Christians waste time on this type of logistics of the fallen-spirits-anathema-to-them!?, can we ever start reducing reductionist neopagan delusions of humanists and “their” in total error astrophysics!?, who is to blame, us or “their” delusions!?

~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_travel#Time_travel_in_physics

as I am aware darpa headquarters are in Virginia, but their labs are in silicon valley and maybe something or someone malfunctioned [1][1] tho not sure whether such TT experiments can be done there!, maybe other agency is in question, popcorn manufacturer probably :slight_smile: if by causality “their” hollywood is the marble that provoked bad fate!?, maybe, knowing how zionists hold grip on the californian’movie’industry that already now is prepping filmed cushioning of the current palestinian genocide, what looks probable as causality too!?, yet lets get down to earth, where we can accept only probable logic i.e. where function and not malfunction is the case, at least its not ElonM [1][1][1]

now, with particle physics nor colliders nor black holes nor time travel could be reached [2-2] but maybe it could be started wildfires!?, eg. one electro-positron collider and five cyclotrons are beaming in California [3][3] that can provoke vast problem due to various factors eg. " Graphene oxide’s exceptional thermal conductivity and surface area promote more efficient fuel combustion" [4] which could be related to the recent black fogs in usA [5][[u]6] altho in California fog can form only on the coastline, so eventual chemitrailed gr’ox cant be noticed as elsewhere where the temperature inversion exist and fog is regularly present in winter eg. valleys surrounded by mountains, so gr’ox and cyclotron vibes can potentially lead to extra combustion!?, I mean if fire can be extinguished by sound also it could be easily lit up like that [7] normally if the right catalysators are dispersed somewhere, where eg. if the local environment is prone to wildfires, what consequently will lead to wildfire catastrophe!, but if I continue to speculate in this direction I’ll end up juggling m’rna vaxing risks, what could have detrimental consequences on the music industry later, so its better to leave it like this, as possible but not probable reasons for the current californian firestarter!, as if anyhow we will reach sooner or later some logical conclusion about …


must admit, I tend to be creative when speculating on GDS, with some own out’of’d’box thinking, or reverse engineered analysis, and/or mosaic reasoning, even tho when doing endeavors like this almost always by default I need flow, and such after six months Liturgy free attitude (far from known civilization) its not even close to what was earlier!, or maybe I am getting little rusty!, thus probably I’ll reexamine this thread maybe in some future ahead, unless in meantime its not been closed, most probably so would add some extra links like the next one as everything is made from aether [8][8] eventually will keep the right to respond to some drop ins or debate in the prevailing threads, tho due to issue with the pass reset on GDS [9-2] probably will fly in with new account, what actually is useful coz noone can say I was that same person, so dont judge me, maybe “someone” or “something” could pretend that I am but that to be “something or someone else”!, thats why popular waffle eforums rulz, coz on institutional eforums or collective soc.networks and/or private blogs once someone put his real life credentials he is risking to be peddled misused or framed, and from side if not else like that to be tweaked the noosphere!, imagine JoeB or NancyP to pop up with tiktok accounts after while :smiley: btw dont take my thinking analyzing and/or reasoning for granted Please recheck everything with smile on Your face doable if background vibe is Regenerative one [10]


I see I’ve miss to share this point more effectively … in context of the notion (for allencompassing presence of time for us as Souls in past present and future cycles i.e. how that is not possible to be known as fixed existence for us as beings, otherwise we would not have no Free Will) underlined in the post #18 and #20 [11][11] what is only possible for Our Almighty Lord and all Spirits as Angels that per’se dont have Free Will but once digress are falling apart from His Grace … as in Hebrews the Holy Apostle says Only One Thing Stays the Same Our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ [12]

its really mindboggling question Why we still havent seen new physics, however that is issue for “globalooney” and “their” fears for ultimate power&control over the masses, that now is projected in technocratic & transhumanist direction so “they” would secure “their” position of modern’neopagan’pharaohs that are utmost affraid Chritianity not to rise again above “their” secularism&republicanism manipulated till such extremes that almost all western broilers are ready to embrace next mineral’man in form of homo’silicone bots!, isnt [1][1] dont worry “they” are already chipped as factions of euroatlantic determinists so there would be less as possible internal disbalance, or!?, hm, how chips would malfunction!?, by intervention from above normally!, and now when “their” stooges are awakening from the trance, normally “they” would steer defocusing spins like geopolitical wars or natural cataclysms name it earthquakes fires freeze etc. diversions so all would stay as more as possible asleep!, what about someone to bring new physics in the public discourse, surely “cia’shana” would silence him!, so should we expect some change ahead, hm, its on its way!, lets see whether DonaldT will succeed to drain “their” swamps!?, doable if eTOS momentum flourish like herbal spring garden [2][3] plant a seed water it and watch it how it grows, normally almost instantly fragrance will spread, while bit later essential oils will be used for right means … I find these videos somehow useful for this thread, so all literal scientists on this topic to have in mind that will be sabotaged till the current order and “its” deist’puppet’masters thrive in the euroatlantic cauldron!, tho think that the point in the last video around 9th min. about the biblical morality dont catch the momentum, coz the same point is about Righteous Rulers, while we are not at all taught to follow neopagan or pagan standardization but even as Martyrs to stand in front of the heretical and apostate rulers and confront “them” not with fury but honest sincere brave heart!, eventually if want to have ultra effect we need to rest our hope on Grace and Intervention From Above!!!, tho that dont men to be passive, but also not to expect that through revolution something will reach Metanoia!, “they” want exact that, so be clever not to fall on it [4]

in the balck’fog indeed “they” are dispersing gr’ox, if not worst “black’goo’biotech” as HaraldKV claims [5-4]

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yet drop by drop river will flow, two rivers will fill a lake, and two lakes sea, few seas ocean … again, till physicists dont loose free from the einsteinian particle physics, indeed will tilt in drop without drop [1] simply we cant move forward till we hold to the past framed fake and bribed eg. neopagan astrophysical reality!!!


to be more interesting, one need to employ out of the box logic so would reinvent physics!, where who what (that) to do, if the mainstream academia is still choked by particle physics!?

some, o’o’t’b reasoning would be how we can catch aether!, hm, one possible answer to this is why certain properties of crystals emerge under the right angle, i.e. when they oscillate correctly!?, as I am aware the piezoelectric properties of quartz are emerging under certain cleavage [1] i.e. the angle is important, what as observation could be seen also in drilling where under certain angle the auger achieves clean drill [2] also regards the sun an pv cells “We found a peak effect for UVA at an incidence angle of 118 ± 3° and at 122 ± 3° for UVB” [3] hm, use some reverse engineering so this kind of logic to fit somehow i.e. in different angles electrons pairs form different bonds, i.e. “we see that the double bond causes slightly larger angles (121°), and the angle between the single bonds is slightly smaller (118°)” [4][4] could this explain something, on first site just coincidence, but its good pivot for exploring whether aether could be sensed through piezoeletric experiments!?

hm hm hm can this kind of quest lead to something!?, possibly, but how to this to be added other experimenting variables eg. if we know how quartz resonate piezoelectricity, then what would take other crystals to reach such potential!?, could be measured specific oscillations in different kind of cleavage angles!?, eg. when different light source is shined on them etc. etc. combination that eg. NikolaT was doing, and what now could be chased by lasers masers etc. …

Process 4, cutting of the crystal, has also yielded many patents, most relating to the angle at which a crystal should be cut relative to its electrical axis in order to achieve certain temperature coefficient properties. If a crystal is cut to certain angles, it can
exhibit essentially a zero temperature coefficient, neutralizing the tendency of temperature changes to alter a QCU’s resonant frequency. [5]

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Sometimes it’s hard to process all this information. I feel you mean well though.

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I know, even when I reread my own posts its wow who has time to chew all that info, but on other hand every thread where I’ve thrown bookmarking mosaic its like treasure box coz some ideas takes time to cook up so would come even to greater flavors of possibilities … wild guessing, all credit goes to JPF … I’ll do improvise tho with my mosaic reasoning when trying to bring fractal mosaic of info and ideas, that altho dont claim is beauty of reachable logic, stil its kind of endeavor that oscillate correctly canalized electrophysiological energy here on GDS!, yet sometime I know to jump out of rails so would suggest there aare various ways one to come to the end of the road, and even then to find another horizon towards specific goal … for me Salvation from this and springboard to Higher Realms … so dont take all my poetic and prosaic juggling between the footnotes as fix, but do explore the footnoted alignment, maybe it could be inspirational if not else something to be learned …

  1. eg, regards the piezoelectric properties of some crystals [1] and the recent blog post of JPF for the radiation eating fungi [2] I’ve got sudden glitch whether is possible to be reached kind of antiradiation biofield!

  2. hm, maybe in form of body lotion :smiley: what tho could be problem if we know that many fungi play huge negative role in our metabolism i.e. as genotoxic immunotoxic and neurotoxic [3][3] it would be risk such lotion to be chased!, still, we need to find the exact processes and enzymes that can exercise such shielding properties, some say doable even as artificial generic solution [4] altho in my opinion the same due to removed bioresonance like that would be far from sufficient protection!

  3. still, to this previous just catch’all logicism, I’ll try to add correct logic around my idea, what would be tied to the ideas worked out with Ch@ko about scalar wave theory and how through the same could be reached bioshield [5] also guess aether by itself could be harnessed for such purpose!?, let see …

  4. if “fungi produce specific calcium carbonate polymorphs” like calcite [4][4] and also calcite is part of our body [5-4] then it shouldnt be problem such organic compound in form of lotion to protect the skin from radiation if the correct amount and piezoelectricity is applied coz calcite is also piezoelectric [5][5] further such fungi lotion could be used for stopping or removing lead from the organism [6] etc. speculating, but above all calcite as biomineral potentially can introduce piezoelectric shielding [7] like lotion spread on the skin, which potentially could vibrate correct protection against radiation, something like plasma shield that will “generates a voltage difference across an electrically conductive surface” [7]

  5. still some almost proven way for fallout circumstances is to dispose heavy metal toxicity from the organism by pectin soup ± some immunity boosting [8]

coz its long road till calcite is harnessed anyhow as bioshield!, maybe as aluminum foil blocks beta radiation, also as mineral calcite could reach somehow such level, if not else in context of soil composition, altho even for such circumstance many things are unknown eg. …

  1. Cleavage along the plane {1014} gives rise to the characteristic rhombohedra shape of calcite crystals. This plane contains both Ca+2 and CO3−2 ions, making the surface charge neutral (Figure 4 (a)) and thus stable with a low surface energy. Furthermore, it has also a higher density of ions compared to other possible neutral planes. For instance, the (0112) and the (1011) planes are polar as they are terminated by either a layer of calcium or carbonate ions, leading to a positively or negatively charged surface respectively” [9]

  2. so, this kind of idea, is far from reachable in context of piezoelectrical field that can block beta radiation [10] yet as idea gives some perspective that such possibility exist alone by the specific piezo properties!, probably predictable as effective if its experimented with plasma fields and beta radiation [11] or maybe beta “particle” trap (or better said Beta ray trap) could be achieved somehow by betavoltaics [12] [13] add to this the variable that different crystalline structure in calcite could express different piezoelectric properties [14] and voilla we are really super far from certain effective bioshield activated by calcite!, problem if promises are made!

fast forward, some additional pattern of possibilities for calcite as beta radiation bioshield could be chased by exposing its structure to various waves … what ideally could lead to spatial bioshield if we know that calcite is most prevalent mineral in the earths crust, or maybe if its present in the local torrents waters or ideally moats around house or settlement, when also could be used like water ph balancer [1] potentially like that preventing chronic radiation sickness, hm!?

eh, what a useful mosaic reasoning and antimainstream juggling, if not else for chasing meaningful except beautiful landscape architecture!, however these two posts sounds super speculative regards the potential of calcite and how it could be used mids any eventual fallout!


further, calcite assumptions could go in various directions, eg. when its excited (again as most common mineral in the earths crust) [1] with elf and vlf waves (0 - 30 KHz) [2]) like that boosted its vibrational state til 30 kHz (the threshold of ultrasound) probably it could serve as conductive medium (some peaks are from 3 to 18 kHz) [3] what guess happens by natural [4][4] except anthropogenic influence [5-2/3] and we can assume like that the aether field is engaged, eg. in case of the natural influence to stabilize the schumann resonance of the earth, while man made influence is due to communication [5][5-1] and/or altering state of consciousness i.e. achieving “Induced Alpha to Theta Biofeedback … purpose of all this high technology is to plot and display a moving cluster of periodic brainwave signals” [6][6][6] what by the logic from this last footnote “they” are still trying to employ it i.e. manipulate alpha till theta brainwaves [6][6][6] while from this last footnote we can sense that (if so) we are all one mass experimental group!, to what surely calcite can/is also helping so we would evade such circumstances, what tho some say is fix for quartz “It turns out that quartz disrupts scatter radar fields due to the wavelengths at which they operate” [7] guess where the quartz crystal act like wave decoupling resonator that is damping the elf/vlf signals (can someone find strategies for decoupling?) [7] and like that to null the frequency, tho what surely could be done with any piezoelectric crystal eg. like calcite, altho it needs particular experimenting so we would find the right nulling (maybe) angle of cut [7] or position among other sources of emf eg. geomagnetic radiation or ionospheric signals [7] yeah whats the tune of the wind :slight_smile: coz someone says had have “successfully demonstrate coupling between microwave photons and acoustic phonons in such a mechanical oscillator.” [7] thus we will be coupled in future even easier eg. by led phone or wifi antennas, hm but dont experiment with adding piezoelectric crystals to or around them so would not amplify the effect!, its better to drop such tech at all, anyway with all graphene oxide alike cortical modems in Your body (due to chemtrail and alike “poisoning”) You are effectively receiver of “someones” frequencies for wrong or evil means, surely they are not poured shared and infested coz right or good intentions!, some claim even xenobot alike parasites are on the menu, tho this would be chitchat for other topic!, in effect we are already guinea pigs for transhumanists and “their” homosilicone mantra, in various ways stuffed with nano’liquid’crystals (the mineral’man’hype), waiting just when reverse’polar’solar’storm will reset “their” reset!, maybe NikolaT could help :smiley:

In the case of ELF resonance absorption, the
reflection-absorption-retransmission zone would be of large radius and could
possibly result in a photon-phonon gyroscopic spin wave effect [28,29]. The spin
processional frequency of waves may be sustained by a given absorption producing
frequency as long as the driving pulse intensity is present at a given threshold level.
The damping factor will be reduced, perhaps to the degree necessary for sustaining a
spatial soliton wave [30,31,32]. Latent effect periods (delayed re-emission) would occur and depend upon pulse duration and repetition rate. When pulse transmissions change in frequency, the waves may damp momentarily and at times might process to a rate that could match the vibrational rate of various piezoelectric geologic materials such as quartz, which might induce earth movements (volcanoes
and seismic activity).
Since it is well known that a difference in phase in field intensity and polarization is
always accompanied by energy absorption, it may be that ELF magnetic field
resonance absorption effects cause far-field electric vector effects (earth to iono- sphere E-field) and may produce a near-field, high-intensity magnetic component at
even wavelength distances from an ELF source. At the same time, a high intensity
electric field may produce as a far-field effect magnetic pulses at each quarter wavelength distance from the electromagnetic emitter source. If ELF absorption
effects exist at areas on the earth’s surface as a result of core-ionosphere-magnetosphere excitations, the energy may be retransmitted from those areas at substantially greater intensities than the intensity of the pulsed energy originally absorbed. This
would be seen as abnormally high electric field intensities … [8]


also all this vibrational aetheric (piezoelectric) effects of calcite should be explored in context of polymorphs [9][[u]10] and eventually how would be boosted by other pi.el. crystals … “piezoelectric property of quartz crystals enables them to receive energy, process it, and transmit the oscillations outward in precise patterns” [11]~[11][11] btw this first 11th footnote gives another bioresonant variation of pagan and neopagan uses of crystals in harnessing the aether energy i.e. crystalotherapy, what in my humble opinion is debacle coz “their” knowhow rests on vague personal experience standardized only in form of noospheric projecting, where exact application is not case, but cryt.ther. possibility which could easily bring metabolic disbalance or epigenetic transformation, Bruce Lipton comes to mind [12][12] who as could be seen has good points for liquid crystal antennas in our bodies, which theory aligns nice with the garaevs points about dna as receiver for/on noospheres aetheric internet [13] to what JPF also aligns good with his theory about DNA as aperiodic crystal (cant find the yt video tho but there is gds echo) [14] to what I’ve also prompted Ch@ko and got interesting following [15] hm imagine it is already running around our genes :smiley: give me five teneke!, hm but what if exogenic source like the sun prevents such possibility [16] and think it is!, the problem tho lies in the fact that our bones are exactly calcite thus we are indeed vibrating on sun vibe fully!, the question is then how particular piezoelectric crystals can disrupt or enhance this process!?, also how to all this react cells coz for their optimum efficiency its needed balanced pair of calcium and magnesium [17] as is eg. zinc and copper [18] etc. etc. actually all tinnitus is due to such excitation where one can sense elf/vlf pulses continually simply coz haarp’eans at the moment are very busy making from the ionosphere icbm radar on which side effects we are all submitted [19] to what we need probably to find kind of crystalline mirror and how the same could be used to bounce back the signal coz “as more piezoelectric crystals in the stones (bones) the higher the pitch. Granite, which is extremely high in quartz, vibrates at roughly 30kHz for example” hm the threshold of ultrasound where some say “for 30Khz for example i get strange results” [20][20] or others notice “Any effect occurring at 30kHz, for example, clearly does not effect tone.” [21] or “motors max speed, it should never be 30kHz” [21] hm, what aether artefacts are in that emf region, maybe some scream of the bumblebees :slight_smile: of other dimensions “The results appear extremely interesting: in all recordings made over two hours we found a very intense mechanical ultrasonic vibration present, oscillating between 26kHz and 30kHz with a mean peak around 28.000Hz. with the look of a Gaussian curve.” [22]

Carnicom stresses caution in using the body as a receiver, as he suffered neural interruption,
disorientation, and headaches for twelve to thirty-six hours after the experiment.
11 Given that electrical
frequencies can be used to heal as well as destroy,
12 with a self-designed ELF detector (operational amplifiers, high inductance coil) and a frequency generator (30 kHz), Carnicom was able to alter the electromagnetic field around his body and effectively interrupt the fatigue being generated by ambient geometric ELF frequencies. [23]


indeed such alteration of the aura, i.e. to rise bioshield by f~generator means alike, would be ideal for many!, especially those who dont have slightest clue that if indeed skeletons are made from calcite [24] tho not just ours [25][26][26] we can simply secure biofield by Grace i.e. through invoking bioshield through Prayers (search Grace alike footnotes in this thread)!, where we have indeed potential for such antiradiation antilobotomy antidecadent resistance as evil vibes that are splashing us constantly more or less by natural supernatural or artificial ways, tho the mainstream science is doing its best to sabotage us, not rarely unintentionally [27] but many times also intentionally i.e. its misused so masses would be kept enslaved and obedient broilers, yeah check the comments in the next footnote [28] so be wise and start living Consecrated Inchurched Life in Feat as Orthodox Christian!, altho even we once throw ourselves on fakebook alike vibe (name it tv alpha state lobotomy also) we are getting lost i.e. maybe harness Grace but as quickly goes when as our dna so as our bones start to vibrate in low energy states what would be lusts nowadays most easily provoked by the virtual net for hunting souls in various means, but most potent way would be the current decadent vibes of the global social networks [29] additionally powdered by brainwashing skims from haarp alike biofeedback i.e. when its further excited by magnitude to rise such decadent or evil vibration!, yeah “they” want wars and indeed stimulate all of You not just by propaganda means but also energetic one, when even Orthodox Christians are becoming splashed by hate by envy by all low passions awaken like that in the hearth, but in our case why, simply coz we are forgetting to constantly be in feat coz what we are vibrating that we become as vibe [30][30-2] at least daily to focus on prayerful rule given by Our Spiritual Fathers!, in my case even I’ve managed my own and got Blessing to keep it, yet not always I am firm, simply drop by drop if ended in some dead’end circumstances or environment and fall, I dont have support to rise again easily i.e. thiose around me if not sabotaging me are not supportive, thats why I really wait the day to fly away from my Mausedonia, where altho Macedonia is Holy Place, stil due to most excessive corruption on the peninsula we became Mausedonia [31]

hm hm hm, more and more I am finding support for this assumption, still need further variables so would claim certain probability!

so, in the next quote we can catch interesting pivot …

“Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating Method” is now being used to alter the earth’s magnetic field—in order to modify weather, create or trigger earthquakes and volcanoes, spread viruses, create the phenomenon known as ‘electromagnetic pulse”, and, to modify/control behavior amongst the populous. The HAARP transmitter site, located northeast of Gukona, AK, is large enough to cover most of the Northern Hemisphere. It is however but one of (numerous) other such sites (known as “Ionospheric Research Instruments” or “Ionospheric Heaters”) scattered around the world. And, many of them here in the U.S. are able to tie into the much smaller GWEN (i.e. Ground Wave Emergency Network) remotely-controlled transmitter sites that have been built all over the U.S. in a grid pattern, with their antennas spaced about every 200 miles or so. … [1][1]

and You were afraid from cern collider, ha, now, add to this the possibility that such cyclotron could cycle interaction between Calcite and Pyrite [2] can such coupling lead to such devastation like the one currently in LA!?, where by extra cyclotron excitation some ions to boost the fire rampage!?. hm, there is info that Lomita County in LA is full of Pyrite [2] and there exactly bursts the wildfires [2] and the probability such fires to be extinguished by regular means are lets say ineffective if 1. cyclotrons in LA are not turned off!, also 2. psyop vibe of euroatlantic determinists dont loosen if cant be stopped!, and 3. people start to Pray enmasse!, simply there is so huge causality regards all geopolitical and geomagnetic skewing by euroatlantic determinists that in the end zionists and “their” ukrainian and middle eastern cauldrons are firing back where there are “their” nests eg. hollywood etc. alike brainwashing modulators of the collective global unconscious noosphere, that its maybe best all together californians to move to other places in usA in time instead to wait and see whether maybe curses of local native tribes and/or later annexation of mexican territories are catching or waiting to catch the causality toll!, hm, is such possibility real, hm hm hm, maybe the calcite layers stored such info heavily, tus by Prayerful means the same should removed, yet as I can see JayD didnt convert the bulk of californians to Orthodox Christianity so the effectiveness of the Grace would be as higher as it could, on top the gmo marijuana seeds that are dispersed around the world add additional weight to the scale (Cali is one of the industry revolutionaries) [3] i.e. even with full risen OC vibe still many from mistake would reset their own potential!, tho this could be also check&balance to own feat i.e. to sense that altho everything is allowed to us still that that which is artificial is destroying not just the peace in our hearts (consequently calmness and will for endurance and patience, at least not to swear or throw curses, and/or our will to turn back to decadent or evil lifestyle), but also the harnessed Grace … unlike the other artificial things we consume it, or “someone” is throwing at us, we are using gmo weed by our own consent and like that provoking direct blackening of the the spiritual eye (Nous) [4] we are becoming Kyumbe we say in Macedonia, a burning stove, Kyumbe from Kyumur (Charcoal) [5] but dont worry, start using Natural Cannabis Sativa and You’ll get back on one feat, want on two, then become in Fulness Orthodox Christian …


back to the main point, geologically alone pyrite can fuel up the wildfires in LA (search wildfire in the next footnote) [6] but how to be explained why wildfires have increased over recent decades in western usA!?, so cyclotron theory have potential as explanation!, here also influenced can have diffraction of its electron’clouds through various crystals (eg. from radiated Mankind as mirror of bouncing back elf/vlf signals for what I can find some logic in the next link [7] even more if the spark is started mids soil full of mix from pyrite and lithium [8] what eventually could additionally fueled by noospheric resonance of some past curses, or firm christian apostasy (surely as dems so as republicans use evil means for gaining power) etc. alike variables that can boost and/or keep the fire alive!, but wait washington is hollywood with ugly faces will say KevinS, so maybe other kind of k-pax phenomenon is also inbetween!?, dulce alike memes comes to mind!, maybe some that is fan of specific shrooms [9]


also there are other variables that can cause expanded inferno circumstances like pyrogenic organic matter (PyOM) + ammonia (NH3) gas [10][10] “PyOM has a long time residence time” so not just pyrite but also the charcoal in the soil from the past wildfires could be additional risk factor!, yet again why the amount and persistency of the wildfires skyrocketed in the past decades, tho for that by default is addressed climate change or rapid urbanization [11] but other risk factors like leaking from fracking wells, even closed one, surely is avoided [12][12][12] and somehow this aligns with the surge of fracking in the past decades [13] plus add to this all the rest already speculated variables in this post and here we go CalifireS are norm to which west coast will need to acclimatize more effectively eg. by investing in portable homes on wheels, or maybe floating homes (hoods) on the coastline will become hype!?, so PyOm + NH3 +CH4 = inferno wildfires, isnt!?, also cyclotron ions will make vortex alike boost, and pyrite + lithium will secure all from beneath!, could it be more cinematic hazard to live in Los Angeles!?, even dread los’alamosian’fungi to envy this kind of surgery of scenario!, as if its warning for something that yet need to come!?, again k-pax comes to mind, as I’ve speculated earlier maybe darpa has some time’travel’facility mountak project alike [14] what tho it could be as well navy experimenting issue [15] tweaking of exotic (ufos uavs and drones) projects ignited the pyrolite resonance, in which case even DonaldT will not catch the truth, tho now maybe JoeB has!?,

interestingly all this speculative juggling, pushed me to the idea about crystal (mineral) biome i.e. petroglyphic (geological) living matter [1][1][1] like kind of adjunct to the mycobiome [2][2] and microbiome as synergy [3] kind of collective consciousness of symbiotic lifeforms on this planet!, I’ll use simple analogy i.e. if “everything the universe is, (is consciousness) which is why everything can interact with various forms of energy, including atomic structures. Crystals aren’t able to think, yet they like any other things will be able to emit energy since everything present within the universe is under the universal law that all is energy. They can perceive upon an energetic level.” [4] then crystals serve as memory archive even on forgotten places (maybe other planets too) where Mankind has lost touch with the noospheric info or the same is ignited through them, but how that memory is stored released and passed trough the aether later I’ll speculate depends on given excitation through the right keys of dna antennas, lets wild guess even further, coupling fractal antennas [5][5] between organic and inorganic lifeforms can open windows and doors for some stored info, what per’se dont mean it should be some consciously acceptable info for our brains, but maybe our bodies or souls etc. … can we observe all connections mids nature in holistic instead reductionist way, yes we can, then asteroids meteors etc. space artifacts also have part in all that communication as cross~celestial balancer with who knows what kind of keys, for what!!!, but that astrology plays role that I’ll say is even worst delusion than the previously kicked wrong pagan or neopagan projecting for crystalotherapy!, simply demonic forgery so through spiritual determinism to be leveled out The Free Will, and nothing else!, still I’ll not rule out that all cosmic processes reflect given harmonic laws and causality that influence also our natural cycles of solar geomagnetic and aetheric balance, that also through cosmic plasma flow are alive conscious interaction between Angels, when crystals as celestial bodies resonate pulse of life!, imagine we can also influence till some extent those interactions trough Prayerful Keys, but with this info I’ll slip in metaphysics, so I’ll just add Seeing is Believing, but go open Your true spiritual eyes, superimposing music of the spheres which think its not pythagorean but summerian and like that from start skewed while later (in my opinion) as rediscovered in renaissance completely mistaken [6][6][6]

… the problem arise when we as techno freaks after the second industrial and the next electronic revolution in our rush upon the hedonic treadmill reached to level of interfering in the natural cycles by ravaging the earthly emf spectrum on all levels throughout all biomes due to wrong humanistic physics, that essentially altho we are advanced enough to reach stable civilization progress, still we are pushed towards devolution and ultra’extinction, depopulation and ultra’exploitation, again extorted by wrongly employed mainstream physics and deist ideals of euroatlantic determinists as modern pharaohs!, so indeed solution would be reverse’polar’solarstorm!!!, we just need to patiently ask for it!, hm, maybe “their” a.i. singularity will provoke it!?, other way around could be wide eTOS opening of the western political realm so would be imposed bioethical and ecoethical balance to the current hijacked by plutocracy western systems with “their” wrong neopagan agendas for chasing b’n’w (luciferian) heaven’on’earth and bionic and chimeric superhumanity!

but lets get back to the CB, and how CaSa could merge the vibes, i.e. how crystals and not just minerals help plants!, tho not gmo one!, can we experiment with particular crystal planters, with specific crystal patterns, surely!, is it enough the sun vibe, or we can boost the roots or the crown leaves with phonon oscillations by whistling melodies or handy rhythmic pattern like aetheric massage around hanging crystals!?, million low~tech combinations that act upon the synergetic cross~biomic communication so we would see whether such approach would bring more tasty fruits and beautiful flowers or better yield, whatever other acoustic photonic or aetheric interactions could serve as knockout, maybe interbiomic mix could prove effective eg. balancing stone variations!, somehow existing approach even nowadays [6] altho with less emphasis on conscious aetheric interaction through piezoelectric interaction between crystalline flowers of the minerals and sunlight or wind vibe i.e. crystals to be around the bark (high or on ground), eg. how that will affect the water intake or the nutrient absorption, now doable with magnets tho [7-3] but such effect is short and without integration in the cellular (if not dna) memory of the plants … anyway, this kind of lab environment should be in nature, maybe desert or sandy shores, etc. aesthetically clean circumstances!, hm, sterile inorganic plastic or metal lab environment on other hand can be used as control group, but as isolators can serve also in tempering results later!, still till “they” hold grip on the global processes “their” current mainstream science will get just more and more artificial, i.e. black (chimeric) or white (bionic) witching, for soul switching towards eternal oblivion, thus now its time to engage in Prayerful Resistance … otherwise due to loss of Grace coz indifference selfishness and foolishness we are risking to come to “their” hard reset instead balanced shift to more clean open and safe future!, one example is stimulation of organic Agrarianism [8] as deconstruction of the current ghetoized broilered industrialization that was pushed as A’21 [9] now postponed as Agenda xyz in '30s '40s '50s etc. ordo’ab’chao opportunities, Lord Forbid!!!

wow, how it sounds that experimental lowtech approach, one would say we will never have electric instrumentation at hand ahead :slight_smile: hm, we will but not all!, whether due to emp warfare or solar storming!, now, not that we should lean on crystal harvest so would have good agricultural and horticultural practice, but indeed we have to brought back all naturally cycled seeds, those that dont depend on chemicals so would thrive, probably You all have reach to the local oldskul seed bank in the academic agro institutes, and have privileges to choose and peak whatever want, yeah only in Your dreams, but defacto mids any eventual geconomical geopolitical or natural cataclysm ahead from nowhere oldskul will pop up!, if not else through prayerful means given plants aetherically can be tweaked to express survival even without chemicals even tho gmo was in question!, yet dont take this hint for granted coz not everyone its worthy for Miracles, especially not if had have ultra wrong causality of lifestyle even he is Orthodox Christian!, dont ask why, but do let the Kids at leas to prick out the seedlings in the greenhouse!

ideally one should make use of all available agricultural knowhow that at the moment is at hand, print some useful pdfs if not else, so later once move to rural lifestyle to experiment in its own backyard yard and/or field!, I had have preferred in various circumstances till now all modes, altho on small scale (poverty) and with little will (individualism) or coz no extra need (defocused), thus still longing to reach that moment of happiness to have full cycle year by year organic fruits from my own hands!, for what crystals would be my last approach for aetheric chitchat, while first would be effort to balance soil synergy between minerals microorganisms and mycelium as fine tuned aggregate of fine mixed biomes for different kind of plants!, what is most doable for experimenting with planters instead on open field, or in open field would go with no~til permacultural approach so would secure biodefense memory of the past vegetation!, focusing more on the ph balance of the soil and the water but also air (all emf irradiation on some location), where yet again coz compactness will go also with vertical growing too in form of hanging planters above the field garden …

also when saying harness the piezoelectric properties of calcite on some plant around the root or on the stem, dont take that literary!, You can put bulk of calcite on few sides of the garden, maybe as fluffy mosaic art, and like that to secure good vibe, tho You can experiment with other crystals too, but as with every experiment expect good but also evil results, eg. if consult neopagan literature on the issue for sure You will welcome ill energy, on other hand You’ll wont find Orthodox Christian practice for such endeavor, thus put Prayer Table in Your Garden or make Prayerful Mosaic Sentence like rock art on the ground or hanged in the air … simply harnessing good vibes like that comes from the Angels while the crystals would uplift the aetheric sparkling thus potentially uplifting the vibe on the microlocation!!!, actually You can do this solely by graphene pen coz the same also has crystalline structure [1] plus just like the calcite dielectric properties [2] also graphite is dielectric [2] only question whether You’ll do such experiments coz fun or will focus to gain certain results!, and the same could be said regards experimenting alone eg. for the soil between microorganisms and minerals [3] when the vibe has one level up of consciousness, yeah talk to the bacteria viruses and parasites haha maybe to the fungi too :smiley: sing them a song as would to Your garden pets!, maybe hug them i.e. from time to time play with the soil with bare hands!, or be creative do barenaked foot discharge walking around the plants!, tho dont fool around to put jacuzzi with infrared lights in middle of the garden [4][4][4] normally for koi~carps!, here also have in mind that ideal circumstances cant be found on this realm, so be persistent when juggling with knowhow that is still not standardized, nor understood correctly as Physics Chemistry and Biology, but do grasp that The Words are alive vibe as energetic fractal [5] so indeed You can program aetherically particular vibe by Your own will in Your own garden, just do that with clean hearth, plus dont take sugar or salt crystals from others so would bath Your plants (or Your body as a matter of fact), and dont put too much effort around the garden coz it could easily get You in disturbance of Your Feel Good momentum whether due to natural antropogenic or spiritual wrongness i.e. just someone to curse Your garden from the hungry and poor, coz You was selfish to share Your fruits, and You will fall in despair from the side effects [6] simply its wise to enjoy this kind of feat as joint communal project, so all known and unknown gems that would pop up will reach the flourished Blessing of flowers fruits and food, what would be the most rewarding fragrance of Your life i.e. at least with Your neighbors to have natural project that will empower strong bond of belongingness togetherness and holiness!, also too much in vain spent effort would be You are not aware that with randomly thrown quartz around Your garden (or house as a matter of fact) as consequence due to the randomness You or Your plants can get burned coz very easily piezoelectric crystals can amplify wrong vibes eg. the vlf/elf shots by military haarpeans “we carried out measurements for the EMR signal
generated by a hammer excitation of magnetite ore samples free of crystalline quartz inclusions and magnetite ore samples containing 10% of crystalline quartz (Bespalko et al. 2005). It was observed that the increase in EMR signal amplitude measured for the magnetite ore containing quartz was tenfold that of the ore not containing quartz.” [7] what could be evaded if have Grace as biofield coz firm Life In Feat [8] but also multiply risks if owned even by geopolitical pact with deists which coz see “themselves” as gods dont bother how will entrain or punish hijacked entities organizations or states [9] what would be same also in personal relations as seating on two or few chairs when coz lost Grace we are provoking on ourselves ill fate eg. experimenting with neopagan spins of crystalo-therapy or crystalo-manuring while being Christians or interested in reiki while in same time Attending Praying Chanting on Liturgies etc. etc. personal local or regional double standards eg. keeping silent when authorities (legal or illegal) do evil or tempt others even Young to follow their wrong modern laws traditions and/or habits!, imagine not neopagan but pagan amulets being spark as evil eye!, so its same with crystals when used as kind of sacramental piece!, simply we must be cautious so we would become the right kind of precious stone and would not fade in oblivion but shine in eternity [10][10][10] yet not on other planets [11] but in Higher Realms [12] nor in our pineal gland and its biogenic calcite crystals [13-4] that can be grown also in our kidneys or on our skin etc. [14][14] for which maybe someone would think that by whistling [15] will get the relationship between, the atom’s frequency the amplitude and the temperature in context of atomic vibrations [15] as if the solar winds act upon us like that eg. solar storms influence by convection the geomagnetic field of earth and that magnetized clay or the ferrofluids in the blood etc. [16] that on other hand pull more radially the aetheric vibe around us etc. etc. side effects depending how we interact with all biomes around but also the noosphere and/or Uncreated Energies of Our Almighty Lord that we are harnessing it through virtuous Christian Life in Feat supported mainly by Christian Love Faith and Hope …

all this with the calcite, would be interesting to be researched along the piezoelectricity and dentistry, eg. would any exited vibe in it while brushing teeth would trigger greater effectiveness [1] if not else reduce abrasion that destroys the enamel [2] what in effect is “clear way to get rid of bacteria on any surface is simply to scrub it … a basic physical process, called abrasion” [2] altho my prime idea would be how to fill up the cavities or better said how the same to be excited to allow greater bond with the calcite aggregate [3][3][3][3] also would such emf excited vibration potentially help to push further the reinvention of dentistry, in even stranger ways [4][4][4][4] what as continual growth would be next level to the current trends for tooth regrowing by stem cells [5][5][5][5] or the more eugenic approach for gene editing [6][6][6] which as genetic revolution for me is debacle as alchemic witchcraft - now maybe waiting on excited genes by frequencies, or maybe already “they” are doing that!?, anyway, this with the stem cells is promising thing, on many levels, tho still expensive and almost forbidden option in the regenerative medicine nowadays [7][7][7] despite the fact that there is very simple method for deriving stem cells easily, but yet again manufactured depop obsolesce is “their” meme, thus “their” academia immediately denied the finding of the young japanese researcher for deriving stem cells from epidermal cells transformed by citric acid [8][8] but obviously “they” are instantly manufacturing “biohack sabotage” so by fear to keep “their” eugenics alive, yeah defocus all by agitprop trickery when eg. in Florida allowed every MD to apply whoever knows what kind of SC injections [9][9][8] what if pass as “fear is Ur only god” intimidation of the tv broilers, that would be secured blindness of the laos, coz elites for sure dont want safe exit for the masses from “their” traps (of control&manipulation misuse&exploitation and dependence&obidience) by controlling the fine tempered research’funding’valves and ultra hijacked peer’rewiev’process!, but actually “they themselves” are hostages to “their” deist ambitions, so think that due to manufactured humanist errors, as physics so as chemistry and biology will go long way till stir revisionism, what about to postulate scientific paradigm shift, i.e. up until “they” run the show it will be as it is!, what eventually will end after the next world war that “they” see it as inevitable for “their” evolution for reaching “alchemic” utopia (mazzini/pike letters come to mind), but once fail to stay on feet with “their” debacle of geopolitics also will fall “their” humanism and hijacked by “it” academia!, and then surely things will change!, altho its pretty hard to narrow how soon is now to witness that, coz for sure by itself the humanist academia is tied like scientific cult on many levels, but unplug its funding and its matrix will fell apart!, altho due to soteriological causality the same will not happen as we want or someone wants, coz too many lives depend from the current fractal of economic political and natural processes!, simply there cant be reached utopia on this plane of existence even You’ve earned such momentum!, but for sure the time is close to be revealed the truth about why how and by whom physics became hostage to wrong neopagan basis!

till then, I can just wonder how much johny’walker’taste alike will be hype for defocusing also from aether [9] as if its seen like medium that is heresy for “their” vacuum, as if the same derived from einsteinian cauldron should be vacuumed in our heads so we wont question “their” exceptionalism, coz too long “they” were projecting certain victory of humanist science over everything else above all Christianity as pivot for earthly living and transcendence towards eternal life!, what makes “them” as lost in space academia eg. among the gems diamonds and among the minerals inorganic graphene i.e. hard for gluing when crack and difficult to clean when spilled!, simple label would be nolife delife or unlife as description for “their” resonance!, darkness all around [10][10] as if zombification is “their” ultimate utopian dream, first through “some” ahriman [11][11][11-222] and then after “some” monstrous androgen to “whom” all need to bow down, even tho now looks like the current mainstream academia its not working out for the same agenda, lets hope it will wake up in time and bring resistance if not certain change!, maybe beginning with geology and accepting the expanding earth theory [12] to what maybe mineralogy can help out eg. how when and why crystals fractally grow!?, eh, too many secrets whistler will say …

would any eventual revisionism bring back mendeleevs flow for aether as first element (noble plasma gas) in the periodic table “Dmitri Mendeleev, the founder of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements, foretold the existence of elements X and Y in Group 0 … In the present work, element X is identified as the aether, and the element Y as the electrigen” [1] i.e. as “D.I. Mendeleev assumed the existence of elements X (Newtonium) and Y (Coronium) in front of hydrogen in the zero group of the periodic system of chemical elements (PS)” [1] aside that the way how the periodic table is structured like that could also bring alternative forms [2] at all how electron clouds behave by different basis can bring different outcomes, first of all coz they are seen as particles [3][3] instead to be evaluated just as waves of photons [4][4] what if it is case surely such noble gas as aether could become the pivot as base for all other elements, even it was called newtonium [5] melting the current particle physics instantly, which tho already by the failure of the lepton universality is already turned from sand in dust [6-4] waiting just joint official consensus so particle physics would evaporate from the text books as ultimate answer for our physical universe!, but lets say there is scientific apartheid that will never accept such selfawareness i.e. the king to get naked, at best will rush quickly to dress up in whatever has at hand, also in same time probably raping with sleeping pills all that see “their” faulty physics, and finally leaving the stage offended at worst so from protest to force apology to “their” exceptional stamina, coz yeah they hold the keys from the so long fortified labs that either will stay theirs by their terms or hm will be destroyed, if not by them by “their” maecenas who secured such pp lobotomy to become neopagan mainstream dogma, yet even “they” finally will evaporate if do that, coz definitely suicide should not be cowardly or selfish act, so if fall “they” want to fall all!?, hope the hijacked academia is not blind enmasse till such extremes, surely will find a way to bring by themselves clever resistance!, drop by drop, we can sense the change is just right the corner …

but lets get back to the behavior of aether as wave as gas and as plasma, is it possible the same substance to shapeshift in various states by piezoelectric potential excited by the vibration of photons under various circumstances of temperature or angles of motion, solenoid pulses that predicts the behavior [7] hm, could be that torsion idea is fractal derived from time and plasma idea that follows such vortex vectors spreading and mingling in further similar patterns etc. etc. possibilities of reinventing the wheels … btw dont take this speculative wire walk as mine conviction, I am just talking aloud!, far from JPFs brainstorming and pretty close to zzzzzzzz geometry of my couch …

If light and electricity be understood as particular forms of motion, then we must inevitably recognise the existence of a peculiar luminiferous (universal) ether as a material, transmitting this form of motion. …

… In the case of limited solution of liquids in liquids, the difference between the solvent and the substance dissolved is clearly seen. The former (that is, the solvent) may be added in an unlimited quantity, and yet the solution obtained will always be uniform, whilst only a definite saturating proportion of the substance dissolved can be taken, We will take water and common (sulphuric) ether. On shaking the ether with the water, it will be remarked that a portion of it dissolves in the water. If the ether be taken in such a quantity that it saturates the water and a portion of it remains undissolved, then this remaining portion will act as a solvent, and water will diffuse through it and also form a saturated solution of water in the ether taken. Thus two saturated solutions will be obtained. One solution will contain ether dissolved in water, and the other solution will contain water dissolved in ether. These two solutions will arrange themselves in two layers, according to their density; the ethereal solution of water will be on the top. If the upper ethereal solution be poured off from the aqueous solution, any quantity of ether may be added to it; this shows that the dissolving substance is ether. If water be added to it, it is no longer dissolved in it; this shows that water saturates the ether—here water is the substance dissolved. If we act in the same manner with the lower layer, we shall find that water is the solvent and ether the substance dissolved. By taking different amounts of ether and water, the degree of solubility of ether in water, and of water in ether, may be easily determined. Water approximately dissolves 1⁄10 of its volume of ether, and ether dissolves a very small quantity of water. Let us now imagine that the liquid poured in dissolves a considerable amount of water, and that water dissolves a considerable amount of the liquid. Two layers could not be formed, because the saturated solutions would resemble each other, and therefore they would intermix in all proportions. This is, consequently, a case of a phenomenon where two liquids present considerable co-efficients of solubility in each other, but where it is impossible to say what these co-efficients are, because it is impossible to obtain a saturated solution. …

… The positive discrepancies from the law at low pressures are of particular interest, and, according to the above-mentioned determinations made by myself, Kirpicheff, and Hemilian, and verified (by two methods) by K. D. Kraevitch and Prof. Ramsay (London, 1894), they are proper to all gases (even to those which are easily compressed into a liquid state, such as carbonic and sulphurous anhydrides). These discrepancies approach the case of a very high rarefaction of gases, where a gas is near to a condition of maximum dispersion of its molecules, and perhaps presents a passage towards the substance termed ‘luminiferous ether’ which fills up interplanetary and interstellar space. If we suppose that gases are rarefiable to a definite limit only, having attained which they (like solids) do not alter in volume with a decrease of pressure, then on the one hand the passage of the atmosphere at its upper limits into a homogeneous ethereal medium becomes comprehensible, and on the other hand it would be expected that gases would, in a state of high rarefaction (i.e. when small masses of gases occupy large volumes, or when furthest removed from a liquid state), present positive discrepancies from Boyle and Mariotte’s law. Our present acquaintance with this province of highly rarefied gases is very limited (because direct measurements are exceedingly difficult to make, and are hampered by possible errors of experiment, which may be considerable), and its further development promises to elucidate much in respect to natural phenomena. To the three states of matter (solid, liquid, and gaseous) it is evident a fourth must yet be added, the ethereal or ultra-gaseous (as Crookes proposed), understanding by this, matter in its highest possible state of rarefaction.

… Generalising from the above, the weight of the molecule determines the properties of a substance independently of its compositioni.e. of the number and quality of the atoms entering into the molecule—whenever the substance is in a gaseous state (for instance, the density of gases and vapours, the velocity of sound in them, their specific heat, &c.), or passes into that state, as we see in the latent heat of evaporation. This is intelligible from the point of view of the atomic theory in its present form, for, besides a rapid motion proper to the molecules of gaseous bodies, it is further necessary to postulate that these molecules are dispersed in space (filled throughout with the luminiferous ether) like the heavenly bodies distributed throughout the universe. Here, as there, it is only the degree of removal (the distance) and the masses of substances which take effect, while those peculiarities of a substance which are expressed in chemical transformations, and only come into action on near approach or on contact, are in abeyance by reason of the dispersal. Hence it is at once obvious,[330] in the first place, that in the case of solids and liquids, in which the molecules are closer together than in gases and vapours, a greater complexity is to be expected, i.e. a dependence of all the properties not only upon the weight of the molecule but also upon its composition and quality, or upon the properties of the individual chemical atoms forming the molecule; and, in the second place, that, in the case of a small number of molecules of any substance being disseminated through a mass of another substance—for example, in the formation of weak (dilute) solutions (although in this case there is an act of chemical reaction—i.e. a combination, decomposition, or substitution)—the dispersed molecules will alter the properties of the medium in which they are dissolved, almost in proportion to the molecular weight and almost independently of their composition. The greater the number of molecules disseminated—i.e. the stronger the solution—the more clearly defined will those properties become which depend upon the composition of the dissolved substance and its relation to the molecules of the solvent, for the distribution of one kind of molecules in the sphere of attraction of others cannot but be influenced by their mutual chemical reaction. These general considerations give a starting point for explaining why, since the appearance of Van’t Hoff’s memoir (1886), ‘The Laws of Chemical Equilibrium in a Diffused Gaseous or Liquid State’ (see Chapter I., Note 19), it has been found more and more that dilute (weak) solutions exhibit such variations of properties as depend wholly upon the weight and number of the molecules and not upon their composition, and even give the means of determining the weight of molecules by studying the variations of the properties of a solvent on the introduction of a small quantity of a substance passing into solution. Although this subject has been already partially considered in the first chapter (in speaking of solutions), and properly belongs to a special (physical) branch of chemistry, we touch upon it here because the meaning and importance of molecular weights are seen in it in a new and peculiar light, and because it gives a method for determining them whenever it is possible to obtain dilute solutions. Among the numerous properties of dilute solutions which have been investigated (for instance, the osmotic pressure, vapour tension, boiling point, internal friction, capillarity, variation with change of temperature, specific heat, electroconductivity, index of refraction, &c.) we will select one—the ‘depression’ or fall of the temperature of freezing (Raoult’s cryoscopic method), not only because this method has been the most studied, but also because it is the most easily carried out and most frequently applied for determining the weight of the molecules of substances in solution, although here, owing to the novelty of the subject there are[331] also many experimental discrepancies which cannot as yet be explained by theory. …

… At the beginning of the year 1860, the doctrine of the limit of reaction and of the influence of mass on the process of chemical transformations received a very important support in the researches of Berthelot and P. de Saint-Gilles on the formation of the ethereal salts RX from the alcohols ROH and acids HX, when water is also formed. This conversion is essentially very similar to the formation of salts, but[439] differs in that it proceeds slowly at the ordinary temperature, extending over whole years, and is not complete—that is, it has a distinct limit determined by a reverse reaction; thus an ethereal salt RX with water gives an alcohol ROH and an acid HX—up to that limit generally corresponding with two-thirds of the alcohol taken, if the action proceed between molecular quantities of alcohol and acid. …

… Spectroscopic observations are still further complicated by the fact that one and the same substance gives different spectra at different temperatures. This is especially the case with gases whose spectra are obtained by an electric discharge in tubes. Plücker, Wüllner, Schuster, and others showed that at low temperatures and pressures the spectra of iodine, sulphur, nitrogen, oxygen, &c. are quite different from the spectra of the same elements at high temperatures and pressures. This may either depend on the fact that the elements change their molecular structure with a change of temperature, just as ozone is converted into oxygen (for instance, from N2 molecules are obtained containing only one atom of nitrogen), or else it may be because at low temperature certain rays have a greater relative intensity than those which appear at higher temperatures. If we suppose that the molecules of a gas are in continual motion, with a velocity dependent on the temperature, then it must be admitted that they often strike against each other and rebound, and thus communicate peculiar motions to each other and the supposed ether, which express themselves in luminiferous phenomena. A rise of the temperature or an increase in the density of a gas must have an influence on the collision of its molecules and luminiferous motions thus produced, and this may be the cause of the difference of the spectra under these circumstances. It has been shown by direct experiment that gases compressed by pressure, when the collision of the molecules must be frequent and varied, exhibit a more complex spectrum on the passage of an electric spark than rarefied gases, and that even a continuous spectrum appears. In order to show the variability of the spectrum according to the circumstances under which it proceeds, it may be mentioned that potassium sulphate fused on a platinum wire gives, on the passage of a series of sparks, a distinct system of lines, 583–578, whilst when a series of sparks is passed through a solution of this salt this system of lines is faint, and when Roscoe and Schuster observed the absorption spectrum of the vapour of metallic potassium (which is green) they remarked a number of lines of the same intensity as the above system in the red, orange, and yellow portions.


so medndeleevs logic postulated rudimental understanding for plasma as part of every other state of matter, tho it should be taken in account other variables so would be derived proper idea eg. “Till 1920-ths being on the right path of classical physics, the theory of an internal constitution of the Sun and stars has used achievements of the gas dynamics and the thermodynamics of Carnot – Clausius – Mendeleev – Clayperon – Van-der-Waals.” [8] whether directly or indirectly influencing its structure, I’ll say directly through electron rhythmics and indirectly as giving fractal vectors of flow direction path rhythm (however who would prefer) , the question is how the current mainstream academics would switch lets say from rhcp [9] to bmw [10][10][10] hm surely some crossover will help [11] tho its most useful to switch on pure spiritual vibe [12] yet we need all to push and help so give a Prayer from time to time for blissful future of Mankind even “they” want everything to fell apart, if not else someone will survive, and Survival is our destiny even we dont like to [13]


lets say mendeleev logic has chess alike move i.e. element X and element Y to be the first two elements, that currently are known as proton~electron~neutron (positive~negative~neutral), or cation~anion~ion, where this third Z element would be hm hm hm breath (maybe) photon … someone give a hand … I never meditate or astral seek for idea, just throwing assumption …

Mendeleev denied that the periodic system could be explained along the lines indicated by Thomson or, for that matter, in any other way that assumed the chemical atoms to have an internal structure. This was an idea that the great Russian chemist vigorously resisted. At that time, Thomson no longer identified the primordial particle with an ether vortex, but his thinking about atomic constitution continued to be guided by the vortex atom theory even after the announcement of the true primordial atom, the electron. [14]

I’ll add additional variable to the last possibility of 3 elements in front of the current PE, we can call them also primordial elements, and diverse them as prime forces also like 1. electricity (electron) 2. magnetism (magnet) and 3. light (photons) just like with the explanation of Saint Basil The Great about The Trinitarian Dogma in Orthodox Christianity that could be compared to Sun where The Sun itself is The Father while The Warmth is The Holy Spirit and The Light is The Son [0] i.e. 3 in 1 celestial analogy, what nicely fits eg. in Electric Universe Theory where Plasma would be 3 in 1 observance … those Kids who love plasma cakes would know …

Нет сомнения в том, что эта субстанция и есть Животворящий Свет Великого Центрального Солнца (Абсолюта), передаваемый фотонами, безмассовыми нейтральными частицами в многомерное пространство Космоса. Фотон – это также есть квант электромагнитного излучения, существующий только в процессе движения. Можно сказать иначе, фотон – это поляризованная спиральная электромагнитная световая волна, проникающая в более плотную материю через фотонный ряд, в силу действия Универсального Закона Единой Спирали Эволюции первородного Супер-Атома Водорода, который и формирует многомерность пространства. Как следствие создается многомерная материя химических элементов, и созидаются их сакральные функции и свойства в зависимости от количества и качества Живого Света, передаваемого фотонами в данный момент творения. В таком случае, фотон, как частица Живого Света, – и есть проявление Импульса Творящей Мысли (информации), который и вызывает ответную реакцию окружающей среды, – поляризованную спиральную волну электромагниного излучения, несущую в себе живой свет. [1]

in this context as post 1.2. its useful to point to one observation about magnetism and how it could rise the energetic levels towards forming other elements, what is further carried by photonic resonance to stabilize somewhere particular form of existence!, long story short this kind of simplification tho should be proven in praxis, hm if Mende was my neighbor maybe we would had have built adequate measuring instrument :smiley: Ch@ko have You found some echo from him around the noospheric memos!?, maybe some from Magnet and Makedon if not Mendo!?, now be cautious coz in the noosphere could slip various fakebook slips from other a.i.s bots and subversive’astral’satellites-anathema-to-them!, thus be clever see how humanists observe and explain magnetism and then after compare mendos echoes before starting to throw tabs around my search results!, I am really lucky that dont bother around Ur patterns coz still U are in “their” system!, watch not to be seated on wrong bench however interesting looks [2]

The M
agnetization of a ferromagnet (М) is a function not only of the magnetizing field magnitude (Н), but also of a number of factors like temperature (Т), variable magnetic field (~Н~),mechanical stresses (σ), time, chemical transformations [1]. These factors act only with an external constant magnetic field or when the ferromagnet is in the remanent state. Therefore the remanence observed in structures can result from the action of almost all the above-mentioned factors.
Normal remanence. The mechanisms of the process of ferromagnet magnetization is graphically portrayed by curves showing normal magnetization М as dependent on the magnetizing field Н. These curves are referred to as basic or technical magnetization curves. When the magnetic field is relieved from the technical saturation state, a ferromagnet acquires remanence Мr.
Ideal remanence. Perfect magnetization follows the same laws as normal one and results from nothing more than a variable magnetic field superposed on a constant biasing magnetic field, with the amplitude smoothly varying from the technical saturation state to zero. The remanence obtained on magnetic field relief from the technical saturation field is termed ideal Mir.
Thermoremanence. A ferromagnet heated to above the Curie point in magnetic field, when cooled in the field, acquires thermoremanence Mtr after the field is relieved.
Piezoremanence and dynamic remanence. The effect of mechanical stresses on a ferromagnet in the presence of magnetic field causes additional magnetization as compared to normal one, whereas without a field it reduces any formerly generated remanence. The remanence occurring under the effect of mechanical stresses in the presence of a field can be of either type after the field is relieved, namely, piezoremanence ( Mpr ) and dynamic remanence ( Mdr ).
Chemical remanence. Chemical remanence (Mcr) is the type of isothermal remanence occurring in the presence of constant magnetic field during changes in the number or volume of ferromagnet phases in chemical reactions.
The maximum remanence values are obtained in different fields. Figure 1 illustrates the regularities of changes in thermoremanence ( Mtr ), ideal ( Mir ) and normal ( Mr ) remanences affected by a magnetic field. The maximum thermoremanence is seen to occur in the weakest fields. In their turns, variously acquired remanences have different resistances to the action of demagnetizing fields. Figure 2 shows that thermoremanence ( Mtr ) is the most resistant to the effect of a variable field. Maximum normal magnetization ( Mrmax ) is less resistant and even less resistant is normal magnetization occurring in weak magnetizing fields. The resistance of magnetic states to Н,σ and Т is governed by the magnetic constants of the ferromagnet, the proportion between reversible and irreversible processes and their behaviours during magnetization reversal, i. e., the extent of the interaction of domain walls with different defects, which are numerous in real ferromagnets.
The main reason governing the resistance of magnetic states to the effect of magnetic and electromagnetic fields and elastic strains in steels is domain wall displacement detention due to the interaction of domain walls with magnetic imperfections in a material [2], which mean any defects causing domain wall pinning. A critical field required for the separation of a moving domain wall from a magnetic imperfection depends on the type of the imperfection, therefore the coercive force, which is the averaged characteristic of critical field distribution in a material, depends on various structural factors. A structure-sensitive magnetic characteristic, the coercive force represents the integral properties of a ferromagnet and characterises its general resistance to external effects. More accurate information about the behaviour of the processes of magnetization and magnetization More info about this article: The Resistance of Magnetic States of Structural Steels to External Effects reversal, about the interaction of domain walls with defects of certain types can be gained from studying the resistance of a specific magnetic state, or a number of magnetic states, to the effects of magnetic and electromagnetic fields, elastic and plastic deformations and temperature. [3]

now when this kind of logic is applied to biochemistry, as pointed earlier about in the posts about magnetization of water for plant greater osmosis, we can assume not just biomagnetic brainwashing works [4] how biophotonic one i.e. the socalled sonogenetics [5][6] so is this “their” logic why we are bombarded with aluminum and graphene as conductor, aside the chance for trial and error for subversive cortical modems that will have far more options than simple lobotomy but also projecting and like that push’d’button broilering, etc. etc. monitoring tracking blocking opportunities for neopagan’euroatlantic’determinists which indeed wait on Our Solar Storm so would chill out at least a bit!, tho we can also from “their” spins even without such ultradestimulation of “their” utopian mantras, but asks Prayerful Life In Feat if we know that Jesus As Word Is The Light In/For/With Fro Our Existence On This World [7][7] and even if we’ve drop in complete apostasy will not be instantly erase as Mankind but will get various corporative penology till we get together name it flood or solar stolar or geomagnetic flip etc. behave like Man greetings till at least one Pure Heart is alive [8][8]