@omnimatter sorry if I am overwhelming with my grammatical juggling english indeed its not mine 1st com link, but think for those that is they dont have problem reading me … now, about Ur numbered points think I’ve left wrong impression on top wrong interpretation!
simply I am pointing that the western neopagan thought influenced the current scientific vibe, which in various ways in various times, lets say in full swing since renaissance, shaped the scientific trends among other eg. also newtons mechanistic cosmology which actually was descartean [1][1] but as could be seen from history as descartes so as newton in the end depart from such view, what must be pointed is case with many early natural scientists i.e. not all of them were choked by deism or determinism, but as open minded shifted regularly their knowhow trying to bring smooth knowhow that will be more or less compatible with the popular trends, but sadly some rosicrucian invisible college decided “they” needed strong scientific departure from Christianity thus imposed wrong standardization that would give credence to “their” deistic fallacies and through the first industrial revolution and the grip on the intellectual world back then by city’of’london succeeded to secure mainstream physics that would be followed till these days, all that wrapped in fine enlightened “reason” propaganda of particular wrong scientific exceptionalism!
neopagan flow which must point was never close to the hearth of Nikola Tesla, altho as every scientist back then surely he was influenced by all the popular trends, if not else to contemplate how much they hold water, especially in context with his experimental knohow!, here I’ll add even aether for him was way how to come to unified field theory, but foremost coz didnt used cartesian logic and system but noncartesian … eh maybe if he didnt went in usa things would had have been completely different nowadays, at least far lesser he would need to waste time on indoctrinated neopagans among his friends, aside that would not be dependent from the city’of’london fundations which were investing in scientific research, maybe he would stayed local homeboy tho 
also I’ll need to add, I’ve dont claim anyhow that the neopagan inheritance in modern mainstream science comes from kabbalism, but scholastics ¬ which later opened door on the western universities for flirting with various pagan esoteric knowhow, what as inertia think started with formalism [1][1] then spilled in nominalism [1][1] and like that drop by drop reaching to alchemy and deism [1][1] which introduced the emergence of “naturalism” and humanism, which flow shapeshifted in many later forms even till extremes like atheism and nihilism!
yes we can argue how much Tesla was in this or that ism deepened as spectator, but as I am aware he was never blind follower of “their” rosicrucian knowhow, and if so he would had have used cartesian system for elaboration of his knowhow, but obviously didnt!, on top he ridiculed as well “their” delusion of exceptionalism as “they” didt regards his noncartesian approach, some say!, must acknowledge this puzzle of his mindset and physics is knew info for me, but as puzzle fits smoothly in the complete picture why we still tilt in such wrong mainstream physics!, still as I’ve said it would be ideal we to see some heated debate among dedicated scientists on this subject, instead halfliterate like me to make claims!
on other hand yep probably zoroastrian (not kabbalistic) as dualistic knowhow influenced the western european neopagans (kabbalists were inspired by them too), altho such inertia in west first was rooted through paulicianism (and how crossed in europe through ermen’dualists bogomils patarens cathars) and then after as known to templars merged with the zoroastrian leftovers that popped up on east [2] and probably such vibe bit by bit influenced scholastics and eventually with infiltration of esoteric elites in vatican was secured fertile ground for heresies to sprout on the medieval european universities finally bringing full blown alchemic inertia and complete divorce from Christianity, also emergence of rosicrucianism, and finally standardization of the “age of reason” and all fallacies of exceptionalism that followed day after!, was Tesla under pressure from “them”?, surely!, after all he was educated through “their” curriculum, but did he accepted “their” memes as fix, think not, finally he did not embraced the wrong neopagan thought, yet didnt stayed completely on the OC roots, but tried to reach clarity through pagan vedic knowhow, for what again I am not sure how true it is i.e. how some swami influenced him in n.y. follow me, but probably as scientists was fascinated by the kinetic juggling of yogis and tried to figure out if he could too experiment with “their” prana, thus if so he was pulled more by paganism than the falsely occult neopaganism!, I am really bugged why he didnt stayed OC till bone, but yeah go stay completely sane scientific dolphin mids pool of insane occult sharks, he should have turn from time to time in e’eal so would clear his way out, but it is as it is, probably coz if his knowhow got mainstream then without any merit the western occult elites would secure “their” power&might for long and wide, what by “their” own causality would be impossible knowing how rejected Christianity and embraced the fallen metaphysics as deist apotheosis, echoes that keep “them” still locked to tilt from wrong to wronger circles!
@Scarmoge interesting share, where I’ve found nice point about aspect of the rosicrucian flow, dont know just how roger bacon instead francis bacon would jump in as ancestral quantum spin
maybe some kabbalist thrown “them” kind of fresh barley entanglement in “their” maltshop 
Concerning the Cartesian/Baconian metaphysics, Robert Markley (1991, 6) has observed that
Narratives of scientific progress depend upon imposing binary oppositions – true/false, right/wrong – on theoretical and experimental knowledge, privileging meaning over noise, metonymy over metaphor, monological authority over dialogical contention. … [T]hese attempts to fix nature are ideologically coercive as well as descriptively limited. They focus attention only on the small range of phenomena – say, linear dynamics – which seem to offer easy, often idealized ways of modeling and interpreting humankind’s relationship to the universe. [2]