...and speaking of the jfk assassination

Originally published at: https://gizadeathstar.com/2021/12/and-speaking-of-the-jfk-assassination/

Yesterday I brushed up against the JFK assassination in my blog about the FDA’s decision to try to withhold Pfizer’s…


From the article:

“There is another puzzler: Photos commissioned by researcher Murr show the inside breast pocket of John Connally’s Oxxford Clothes-brand jacket as having been pierced by the same bullet that passed through him.”
Correct me if I’m mistaken, but this bullet passed through the INSIDE of the breast-pocket, meaning not also through the outside? This means that the bullet STOPPED( perhaps meeting a wallet with military metal access cards?), and thus MUST have been deposited IN that pocket. Thus the bullet would have simply been lying in that pocket, neatly ready for forensics. Now that is a real puzzler. Just goes to show, if you’re going to wear a piece of metal over your heart for protection, don’t get shot in the back.:grin:


My FIL was a medical resident (jr, doctor) under one of the guys that did the autopsy on Kennedy and the man told him flat out that what they saw during the autopsy was NOT what was in the public report. He said the bullets came in from the other direction and I think he said there was more than one but I’m not sure. In any case, the doctors all knew the official report was fiction and even told the student doctors about not long afterward.


Here is an interesting article that starts out reflecting on a recent discussion between CAF and Dark Journalist. This could be the reason why Trump decided NOT to release information regarding the assassination. It would invalidate all the administrations from 1963 to now. (Not that I wouldn’t be happy to eliminate the present one!)


I’m not an atty or legal eagle, although I spend much time reading Bills submitted for vote, etc.

What is said in this article is absolutely, positively THE case. I’m also disappointed that this was not discussed by the two mentioned people in any way. When it comes down to brass tacks, it’s all very simple; but people don’t like “simple”.


People do seem to have a knack for missing the blindingly obvious.

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I have to take exception to the paper, and I wish I had the time to spell out adequately my reasons for so doing, but alas and alas, simply do not have the time. All I can ask is for people to think things through adequately. There are two issues with which I take exception: (1) that there is no “proof” of a coup d’etat, and (2) if there were, that it would invalidate the legitimacy and legislation of subsequent congresses and their signing into law by subsequent presidents. With respect to the first issue, no “proof”, I am not going to quibble over what constitutes proof. I DO point out that, unlike MANY if not MOST researchers into the murder of President Kennedy, I DID take the time in my book LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy to compare Edward Luttwalk’s classic study of coups-d’etat to the actual outline of the events of the JFK assassination. The result is a clear, and strong, prima facie case that the event was indeed a coup d’etat. Passing to the second issue, that a coup, if proven, would nullify all subsequent acts of Congresses or Administrations, I believe this is - quite frankly - nonsense, since a good lawyer could easily argue a case that course of performance rendered such acts legal, regardless of their original legality or not. Very simply, if society ACTS like certain things are law, or generally accepts certain things as law or legally binding, then they are. These sorts of fools’ arguments about legality - one heard similar things about Mr. Obama, his citizenship, and the legality of laws he signed - during his tenure as well. The only way I could see a case of invalidity of such acts being brought would be via a quo warranto suit, and the use of quo warranto in its original constitutional and jurisdictional significance is moot, since most courts in this country long ago abandoned such an understanding, making such a case (in my amateur opinion) very difficult to conceive, much less to file and bring.
'Nuff said…


While the above is likely true, I think the absolute mayhem it would cause might make Covid look like a picnic. If you think markets crashed then, huh… It would be a loss of trust in the sovereignty of The U.S., esp. hit treasury bonds. Markets don’t need an “economic” catalyst to nosedive; the heartbreak of the entire nation would be enough to do it.

Perhaps the really hardcore, open outrage and anger toward our elected officials, secret agencies, The Fed, & others might do us some good?

Agree @ebmason that most of what you have outlined is a strong possibility.

It also occurred to me that most of what you have outlined - has already occurred with a lot of people who did not get the jab and perhaps with most of them who have.

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Yeah, the priority of reading your LBJ and Kennedy book has moved-up on my list.

My cousins knew the guy who took pictures/movie and rode in one of the cars behind Kennedy’s limousine that day. He said what the FBI investigators was trying to put together was “a bunch of phooy.”

I really don’t think it’s happened yet; they will have to wait until Boomers are gone, say age 55+.

It’s like having a beloved family member, or close friend with a terminal illness. Your mind knows they’re going to go soon and you know to expect it, but when it actually occurs, you still react emotionally. Crowds react emotionally. You can apply all the logic in the world, but the shock & sorrow is still activated. It’s what makes us human.

This is why they must wait until all of us who have memories are gone, if they ever willingly (or forced) to release it at all.