Anon on Q Board Gets Virtually Ripped to Pieces By Suggesting Trump Shooting Was "A Show"

The first quote below is from my post on the thread I originally posted after the assassination attempt. After all the discussion, I do not dismiss what the ‘vapemister’ (Joe Rambo) had to say about The Show. The first video below my quote is him trying to explain what he thinks to other hard-core Q followers; Feisty Cat among the first Qer’s and very dedicated. The pile-on in the video is nowhere near as serious as what happened on the other board when he tried to discuss it days ago; the guy was ripped to shreds. I really feel sorry for Joe.

When you look at the first few comments in the original thread I posted here, you’d see some skepticism from of few posters in the first part of the thread. What happened to that skepticism?

I’m no expert on forensics, and neither is anyone else around here. Most everyone in my hood has been shot at, whether on purpose, or accidentally, and it’s disturbing, to say the least. You can hear the round, feel it pass you, and you have no doubt as to what it is. Make of it what you will.

1st quote - "Was just listening in on Q board conversations. One guy put forth that he still thought the entire Butler shooting was a show; Trump not shot, nor anyone else. Nobody who wanted an explanation from him got a chance to ask before anons piled onto him like you wouldn’t believe! LOL!

As I recall, there were a number of people here who might have thought the same right out of the gate; maybe some still do. For others, there was a process of changing ones mind.

I found the guy who got ripped up on the board a bit later, and lo and behold, there were a number of people also asking questions as to why he thought it all a show. Unfortunately, I couldn’t stay for the entire explanation. Just thought it was a fascinating phenomenon."

I can’t capture the conversation on the Q-board in question, but here’s the video broadcast of Joe, with Feisty. From about 1:19:00 onward.

Article below includes butt-hurt statement by FBI asserting that woman in back of Trump is a Deputy Director is wrong. (Would they tell us if it was her?)

I’m not a real fan of this woman, but she brings up some excellent points. Tracking at Trump rally, etc. (When the opposition is telling me what they’re doing, I listen.)


Whitney has been on fire since Trump assasination attempt.
We are screwed. Trump is a part of the cabal. One question remains, who wants to kill him then?


I agree with you. His associations with Chabad, and many other things just smack of cabal, not to mention, once again, USMCA (which allowed Biden to do what he has done).

With regard to who wants to kill him, I have no doubt the list is long and distinguished. All I can do is try to look at a timeline. Given he’s an actor, a life-long Democrat, etc., Trump was a farce when he took office, or slightly afterward. Certainly in late 2018 when he signed The Agreement. Later in 2019, it seemed to go off the charts when news of Covid came out.

August 2020, his brother Robert, who was primary in MAGA campaign died suddenly of cardiac probs. In Oct. 2020, Trump gets Covid and goes to Walter Reed. I still maintain that whatever happened at Walter Reed was the determining factor of what we’re seeing now. As the kids here would say, he went ‘fully rogue’. I have my own opinion of what was said & done. July 2022, Ivana Trump dies by accident. These are 2 absolutely classic markers of mob-style hits as warnings to him, no doubt about it!

If Trump is angry & vindictive enough to have essentially given TPTB the high sign, and no longer aligned with the cabal, then, I think it’s what that attempt was all about; and yes, I do believe they meant to kill him. Trump, in his quick thinking ‘actor mode’, made a real show of it, turning it to his advantage. It would not surprise me to see another attempt on his life. This does not mean that Trump is now on the side of The People. I look at his VP pick and other things and it still seems dirty.


The Republican Convention was filled with World Wrestling Federation (WWF) people and references. It’s a big hint that this whole charade is a WWF match…as the Presidency is just a “fake front” for those really running the show.

The “winner” is decided way in advance…and all of this wasted energy, time and money are spent on the circus.

The best thing to do is just side-step the entire thing and focus on creating a whole new paradigm…Buckminster Fuller style.


I am leaning towards the idea that Trump is the face of a new cabal - it is not globalist, it is Big Tech coming into their own. Their deal will be more fair to the Working Man for awhile. They are less about greedy warmongering white people like the old GOP - more like libertarian entrepreneurial (any race can win the game) and more about $$$ through trade not war. This is the new cabal and we saw it on full display at the revitalized RNC conference.

There will be a downside- esp regarding Transhumanism, Digital Surveillance and pushing Big Pharma but without mandates. Also a capitalist Darwinism that will be efficient and cruel. Amoralism. As far as religion they have enough respect of people to say, you do you.
Still better than that Globalist crew who are batshit weirdo crazy and Satanist. Most atheists have far high moral standards than Satanists. I see this Libertarian Tech Cabal as ascendant but in 20 years they can run amok just as bad, as they don’t have any sense of karma. Even the Satanists didn’t do some things directly because they actually do believe in karma.

Yes, Kenndy is on the Libertarian ticket, but real power Techies are not going to fool around with a 3rd party, but yep, they will make deals with the 3rd party that reflects their interests, we’ve already seen that with the RFKjr leak.


I almost completely concur with your assessment @Voxypopuli . Trump is forming new "improved " deep state. If one considers that he may hold a missing peace of tech coming from his uncle John Trump/MIT prof. then now, with a help of Thiel/surveillance mogul and Musk/space hardware mogul, he may try to organize a competition to old boys from “skunk works”.

Problem is that In-Q-Tel a business venture of CIA was started with money of Lockheed Martin, so unless they(Thiel, Musk ) went rough on old military industrial complex, we are doing the circles.

The most warrisome thing about Trump right now is his promise to build “iron dome” for USA. Another words invisible fence works both ways keeps enemy out but surveys all under it. So, with Trump we are closer to mark of the beast, a total control of citizens. Unless, it is all the ruse on his part to quiet down nefarious forces, but then of course with that statement we are closer to Qanon and "trust the plan " territory.


Here’s some high octane speculation; If you were Hillary what would you do? I’d martyr Kamala for maximum chaos now that the Assange deal has been sealed.

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As Richard Morris used to say " if Hillary is breathing, she is running for the office" :rofl:


And looks who’s in town to hammer on everyone…
The king of high-tech country himself; at least, where US is concerned.

Food for thought…


Apparently the Iron Dome doesn’t work at all anymore. I don’t have a link but i heard on Duran the last big volley from Iran went mostly through the Dome.