Another Us Made Virus - Bird Flu

Again, no surprise here.
What will the new administration do?
At least ‘X’ is busy.


The progress/march of disease development has come a long way since Plum Island hasn’t it? With all due respect it took a little time for the Nazis to get settled in and share their ‘knowledge’. :upside_down_face:
“Traub visited the Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) in New York on at least three occasions in the 1950s.”

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As I recall; Hurricane Bob hit Plum Island, in 1991.

Prelude to Hurricane Katrina in manipulating hurricanes.

Some say Lyme Disease originated from Plum in 1991.

WHO knows what Plum manufactured & released?

Live experimentations have been going on, it seems, forever.

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