Any new Catherine Austin Fitts interviews (not behind a paywall)?

@vardas3 maybe another possibility is Templar bank as a super deep state that runs Switzerland or at least its banking system. Putin holds all his money and his young children that he has with Alijeva in Switzerland and they are so far untouchable?


The canons of Switzerland are all corporations with noble family descendants and their conpardres on the Borg of Directors.


And if one goes far back the area produced the Vikings, pirates of the sea and plunders of nations. Think they might come up with a system to guard their stolen treasure from other plunderers and pirates?

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Kinda late to the party, the technocratic surveillance is already in place. All that’s left is little fine tuning…


Hope this is part of Dr.'s DJ interview.


Yes! CAF is so right!

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some old golden Fitts-predictions:

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Click = wants your email for your free podcast = endless loop?
My inbox is still empty
And click still want email…

Probably works with mastercard/visa
I’ll Pasadena.
[above two Fitts podcasts]

Interview with Blackbox TV today about Trump and the US election results.


Love Catherine Austin Fitts telling it, like it is!
Will Trump phase out the deep State[2:20]; or, strengthen it?[3:30 in].
Will he strip out the civil service, and replace it with private Big Tech?[4:20]
Will Trump change the organized crime cash flow? The war machine cash flow[4:44]
Will Trump get the right people approved by the Senate and/or House? [9:00]
And much more…

Excuse me for being Pessimistic, Realistic and Aware, but did not Donald J Trump promise to release all of the JFK files unredacted? OMG, is that one ‘thing’ not alone enough incentive for certain nefarious and dark forces to take him out prior to Inauguration Day?

Listen to what I am writing here, Trump is ‘calling their Bluff’, and this could be a ‘key’. Think of is as a game of poker, or as in a ‘game’ of 5-card draw. Trump is a ‘card-shark’, and therefore able to re-arrange the ‘deck of cards’ that are being dealt to the other ‘players’ that are opposed to him.

So, start thinking about how Trump knows, or at least is Aware? All one needs to know is about the highly contested election that prevented Killary Kinton from becoming the POTUS and preventing elements such as ISIS from transferring gold bullion to Libya’s dictator, Muamar Ghadaffy.

So that got many of us to think about what does ‘gold’ have to so with so many other important 'subject’s of interest?

2024, 11-05 2024, 11-05 2024, 11-05 2024, 11-05 RadiofarsSide on Trump’s Election win on AGAIST KILLTON. around a “round table”,

Why would ISIS a subsidiary of the CIA be transferring gold to Muamar Ghadaffy? Did they not stick something up his arse out of sheer spite and had the audacity to call it justice?

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Who can know the minds of folks like that, and why they do the things they do?

Investigate ‘gold’, which can never be fully destroyed. Gold can be heated to very, very high temperatures, and still not be destroyed. Instead, it changes into monoatomic gold. A white powdery substance, which those original Egyptians baked into cakes of wheat, or barley based on the pictorial inscriptions they left behind. Many places to go looking are dead ends, but a few informed people look to the original Egyptians and the Great Pyramid.

Problem is all of those people left Earth centuries ago, and so we have no first-hand guidance or instructions.