Anyone else having a bad feeling?

Not yet unfortunately. No tree service will even return my calls, and they’re not even answering personally

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That cannot be a good feeling.
Hopefully you’ll get that sorted out.
Maybe someone in the community you trust could help you out?
I have used people who take small jobs on internet.
There are some sites online where you could see if there’s anyone available,like “” and “”.
You cant live in fear of getting a tree falling in you head daily.
Im sure Shilo would love the sticks for a while :joy:
I heard the last “news and views” by the way,and now you even have her doing the “goodbye”!
Shilo had me laughing for some time with that one
Best of luck

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Michael Heiser, PhD in Hebrew and Semitic Studies (reads Hebrew), 2 MAs one in Ancient History (Egypt & Syria-Palestine. BTW: Dr. Heiser died this year from a fast acting cancer.

If you decide to read any of his several books, be prepared to read about things beyond the Bible stories you may have been taught as a child and to learn a lot about those verses few understand or want to talk about. Kinda made think a lot about things I wasn’t taught, things I was discouraged from exploring, things that go in between, and things I haven’t quite gotten my head around. Dots are definitely connecting.


As a child, while swinging alone on the swing set in the backyard, I was told there are things going on around me that I couldn’t see. Things are happening. It waxes and wanes, but moves along with more intensity. Some know, some try to hide, some have chosen not to see, some are fine with it all.

I swallowed/11 without a second thought, until I really looked at it one day, and was thunder struck. This journey began.


Many thanks, I’ll look them up.

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I have heard and read there was a lot of people having premonitions before 9/11
Painters who painted the images that rolled over the TV for months.artists with album covers of this image.
I also heard it actually was in some way as well, a significant jump in some recorded frequency.
Yet,people do not not seem to have these premonitions before other horrific tragedies it seems, but rather before world-changing events.
And if that is what we have in front of us I feel it will unfold a chain of events.
Pure logic of course as we are at a point where a false flag OP in the Ukraine i.e, would be the spark for a grand war.
Another incident in France could ignite even race wars at this point, or at least muslims vs christian Europeans.
There’s the digital currency /certificate that will meet some resistance,and a complete crash of the economy could pave way for that
There’s a reason the food storages were burnt to the ground,
There’s the reports of antibiotics no longer working, not even the “last resort” one ,when all other antibiotics no longer are working ,it only has effect in 10-20 % of the cases.
Gates predicted that “the next pandemic was sure to get some attention.”
I just see this and lots of other things to be making a “perfect storm” for things to go really bad should just one of these things happen now.
And either way status quo is not a sustainable situation.the political leaders are too corrupt and the committees and organizations, self elected “politicians” are way too nefarious for this to go on forever

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Billy G would know since he’s manufacturing them.

And wha’ts going on with people?
Grandma’s are even tilting en masse these days.
Just years ago these clips went viral, now they 're so many you just scroll right pass them.
But people seem amped, wired a little different than they used to.
I don’t know if it’s the vaxx/5G/ freqyency tweaking going on or if people are just so tense they are set off by the smallest things.

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Oh yes, every morning when I wake up and realise “F###sake, I’m back here again-and it wasn’t just a dream”- but with added extra Endtimes Vibes…


Holy Smokes! The inner turmoil erupting. I have been ‘expressing’ myself more clearly lately but I’ve got a ways to go to catch up with her.

I have mentioned before - in vidchats as well - that I had a ‘spiritual experience’ of sorts in my 20’s. It was bewildering for me, leaving many unanswered questions…Why me? What did it mean etc etc. My feeling since that experience has been that I need to be ‘awake’, as at some point in my life - now would qualify lol! - I would be called to fight in some manner the ever encroaching ‘evil’ that my intuition had been awakened to. It has not been continually unsettling, and I have lived a ‘good’ life mostly (good career, married twice, one son etc). The hardest part was that my need to investigate and be aware was a lonely pursuit, as no-one in my circles had any similar concerns for the global changes that have been more obvious to me…globalism, transhumanism, tyrannical governments everywhere, the encroaching feeling that evil is at work; I have worked hard to try to understand what is happening now, and my small role in fighting all of this. I remain optimistic too, which has been a hallmark of my psyche…my ‘feeling’ is that my awakening led me here and a few other good ‘ports of safety’, joining with so many others to ‘do battle’. My joy, if I can put it that way, is that I have met so many now who are similarly involved to small and larger degrees…life is less lonely these days, despite knowing that the war we now fight is a big one, and the enemy forces appear to have so much power. :slight_smile:


Remember; the people/ the elite on the top of the pyramid, will fall as soon as the ones holding it up decide not to.
This is why they have to create the image they are more powerful than they really are.
The moment the people understands what power they hold, the whole structure would come tumbling down in an instant


Unless, perhaps, it is, in actuality, an upside-down pyramid…

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That is why I would strongly suggest any Bible Readers to check out Hebrew Scholar, Mauro Biglino’s new book “Gods of The Bible”. Stripped bare of all the Theological Human Reasonings put upon it over the centuries, The Old Testament Stories take on a whole new meaning!! The Controllers are being stripped of their power over us as more & more people awake to what has been going on for centuries!! :+1:

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I’ve had an odd, eerie feeling throughout 2023. It’s not in dreams – it’s while I’m awake – and it’s stronger than I’ve ever felt before. The best way I can explain it is that it’s like the feeling of a strange, unsettling calm before a very bad storm.

I think a lot of people are in a state of anxiety for very concrete reasons: economic problems, all the fallout from the “pandemic,” and the unusual level of craziness going on in various parts of the world. It’s not as if those things don’t affect me, but the eerie feeling I’m talking about isn’t coming from them. It feels as if I’m picking them up from the ether, so to speak. Maybe from other people, maybe from some collective “zeitgeist,” maybe from some mind-manipulation technology being used on the population… I have no idea.


I used to think mind control was a technology, some kind of brain hacking that had been developed during the MKULTRA experiments back in the 50’s. That may well be one aspect of it, but increasingly, I am of the view that mind control is delivered via social and cultural engineering. Perhaps this is why so many of the elites agenda projects need such a huge lead time in planning.


Mind control aka worldview is shaped by the information exposed to and interpreted by the individual, each person’s is different depending on multiple factors such as their awareness and knowledge of knowledge.

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Not just the information or misinformation one is exposed to, but the way it is communicated can make a huge difference too.


The way it’s communicated would be included as part of the knowledge of knowledge angle.

Not sure what you mean by that, the knowledge of knowledge angle?