Anyone else having trouble getting the News?

Used to get all kinds of news on email (Epoch Times, Breitbart, CBN, …), now next to nothing. Got one notification re trump from AMAC of all places. Heard about the bank/airline/hospital/etc crash from a local bank saying they were not effected. Used to get News, now mostly how to make herb tea or the name of the new Moon. Duh!

Even after learning of any event by happen stance, it is difficult to get information to learn more about it. Sometimes its the same story - word-for-word posted on most sites.

So, what is really going on behind the flashing lights and rock music? Something is happening in the background!


I have this song in my head lately. There is definitely something happening in the back round


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what email service are you using?
i’ve caught the AI deciding i shouldn’t get mail that i dearly wanted to get when they call and followup with questions why I was ignoring them. (but i’m dumb and attached to google)