Are other people experiencing speech restrictions at local governments?

Yes it is.

Yes it does.


Do you want to share any more information about those answers?

More of a problem what I’ve seen is what people say being completely disregarded or their own words turned into weapons to use against them, so with that being silent may be a better idea than willing sharing any words with the enemy.

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If you don’t mind, may I ask to whom your question and thought is addressed?

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That was a reply to your most recent post, if someone is replying to an earlier post in a thread it will show that post as being replied to.

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Here @Divergent you can see just as an example this is replying to post by @FiatLux

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@Divergent, I would also like to hear your experiences if you feel it’s o.k. to share them.

Personally, my hair is on fire, given what I’ve seen, not just in the US but in other nations.


I see.


True.It is combination of gaslighting and spining or inverting ones words,or facts that one presents.

False.Retorting with facts, sharp words and a serious tone of voice cancels out the inversion they use as well as their spinning of facts or information.

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My statement is true, not false, as I did include this word “May,” very important word that also the name of the month.

I like your response though, to cancel out inversion of words that is impressive if you’re able to do that.

I usually try talking first, but if after many attempts to communicate they all fail then I try going with silence to see how that compares with talking.

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Ok. In short.And answer to @Bahri also.
I work in a large colective with over a hundred employees. The manager and some of his minions continuously convinced me that I should be vaccinated. They used phrases like vaccination is both for your own good and for the general good. They got vaccinated. I and a small handful of people didn’t. .Even to this day, they have consequences from the vaccines. Some of them are constantly sick from some virus. And some of them have changes in the cardiovascular system, that is, blood clotting.Some of them have changes in the sense of separation of the soul from the remaining part of what makes us all human, that is, they have psychological and neurological changes and illnesses. The part that they have changes in the spiritual sphere is also present and visible. In short, they are not the same persons they were before they were vaccinated. The part that there is what is called shedding towards the unvaccinated in a biological, psychological and spiritual sense is correct. There is such an influence and it is obvious.I also think it is necessary to add that two of my colleagues died at the beginning of the pandemic or plandemic due to the use of inappropriate drugs. Namely when fear was imposed on all of us and all kinds of drugs were used. None of the unvaccinated in the colective died.or had health problems. Except for part of the shedding process, but with mild physical, biological symptoms.
On the other hand, under the influence of the shedding process, the symptoms in a psychological and spiritual sense are more pronounced in them and in some other of my colleagues.

I apologize.Wrong choice of word from my side. I overlooked the “may” word of yours,in your sentence.

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I apologize @Ahzeld I owed you an answer, but things got a little mixed up here on your post , for example now there is an unwritten rule, for example not to say anything and never again about the pandemic/pandemic especially if the criticism is aimed at the current government. And also and for many other current local or global geopolitical problems, which are not in accordance with the mainstream policies of the government.The pressure not to express some truths towards the current or even past governments is evidently visible.

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I made a lot of mistakes on this thread so I understand!

What, you mean there was a covid measures problem??? :slight_smile: (ha ha!) Same here on covid although people are dying like crazy so it makes it really, really creepy.

Also in response to your other post. I’m sorry you got pressure to get a poison death shot. I’m glad you didn 't take it. I firmly believe at least some formulates of this shot are meant to take out human connection to spirituality. I think this is why Canada forces the shot on anyone who goes to an assisted suicide center. They want people unable to connect to themselves, nature, each other and spirituality. They want people to die bereft.

They also want control. When a person has this connection taken from them and has, as you also pointed out, their mind attenuated, they are much easier to enslave. They probably won’t rebel or even understand, after a certain point, that rebellion makes sense.

Thanks for your insights!


Interesting call I got from prosecutor office about problem with my neighbor, they said dispatchers aren’t supposed to ask people if they want to press charges about a crime, they’re supposed to ask people of they are willing to cooperate with prosecutors at court about those. Which means, unless investigation shows sufficent evidence of a crime taking place, cops won’t even send a report to the county prosecutor office and there is no case to go to trial with.

Some other news, learned yesterday that the governor’s police reform measures mean known shoplifters will not be arrested or prosecuted, and store employees aren’t supposed to do anything about being stolen from. Just heard about this at home depot, when they said there was a repeat offending known shopliffter in the store they were building a case against, but all they could do was just keep track of what door person walked out of after pocketing merchandise.

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Got call back from cops yesterday turns out they had missed message sent to them from dispatch because paper got folded and was buried under some other papers or something.

Planning to move forward with pressing charges for fourth degree assault, cops said they’ll send report to prosecutors but still may not go to trial if they decide to dismiss this outside of court.

I hope all will work out. I’m sorry it came to this point.

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By the way back to topic of speech restrictions at local government level, went to one of the more official meetings with all three county commissioners which are held in the basement of the local jail. People have opportunity to speak for up to three minutes at these but the commissioners can choose to not even respond to anything that was said.

I was a little late to this meeting and missed opportunity to speak, didn’t know public comments were only at the beginning not the end of the meetings. Might go to the next one they are on Tuesday mornings so then could do a 3 minute speech to the commissioners about something not sure what I’d want to talk about with the commissioners.

Last meeting was mostly about airport people want the port and county to buy so it’ll be eligible for federal money grants.