As if we need more proof!

I would be confident in saying that most people on this website are well aware of the whole ‘plandemic’ and of the health consequences re the quaccines. I have been living for the past two years with the consequences of them, watching the health of family and friends deteriorate rapidly (including deaths)…it has totally conditioned my life, and not in any good ways! I can’t bring myself to discuss much of this with said family/friends other than to gently suggest that the jabs were not effective, and ‘might’ have serious side effects (might be cowardly on my part, but I have to live in this environment and I don’t want to add to the shock of those who are suffering…the suggestion that their illnesses are the result of deliberate action is too confronting for most people who have never investigated the whole issue). Personally I am beyond numb at the damage done by such poisons as were pushed on us all, and I am NOT in the camp that believes this damage has all been an ‘accidental’ byproduct of the rush to market of the jabs…it was CLEARLY deliberate. Naomi Wolf’s interview on the Highwire shows just how deliberate it was, and I think it shows that they WERE deliberately targeting human reproduction, which makes eugenics front and center as a motivation for the whole plandemic. My biggest issue now is whether I share this one with family/friends right now, with geopolitical events taking center stage, and a nuclear war on the horizon. Life was never meant to be easy, but right now it is as bad as it can be sadly :frowning:


I’m sorry to hear it . . . I’d guess many thousands, maybe millions, of people are going through something similar. I’ve had analogous experiences, mostly regarding political beliefs and people close to me who have unshakable faith in the corporate media. No one close to me (that’s a very small sample of people) has died following quackcination, but friends of people I know have died shortly after.

For what it’s worth, I go back to what Dr. Farrell once said: Sometimes our job is just to plant a seed once – for example, by suggesting the quackcines might possibly have bad effects – and leave it at that. If the “ground” is fertile, one day the seed will sprout; if not, there’s really nothing you can do about it.

I think the scamdemic, and everything related to it, used some extremely powerful propaganda techniques. One of them was to have leaders and “experts” do things so outrageous and diabolical that the average person could never believe any of it was on purpose. Because “they’d never do that.” It’s nigh impossible to counteract such powerful propaganda simply by showing people data. It’s also nigh impossible to get people to admit to themselves they’ve been fooled, especially if they’ve been fooled into risking their lives for no good reason.

When it comes to close friends with unshakable faith in the media, I decided to stop discussing politics. If they ask me a direct question about my opinion, I’ll give it. Otherwise, I keep it to myself. In my experience, you can’t tell someone something they’re not willing or able to hear and understand.


One thing I am happy to tell you is that nuclear war is most definitely not ‘on the horizon’. Try disconnecting from the news and alternative media for a bit and connect to yourself.
And yes the motivation for the jabs is multiple , reproductive harm seems up there for sure

Maybe this presentation is not to confronting.
10 Hidden Secrets of Government and Media MIND CONTROL
Someone posted this on Solari and it isn’t bad.