Authorized Use of Deadly Force - Against USSA Citizens - By the USSA Military

One month before elections the DOD authorizes use of deadly force against silly villains[military slang for civilians]; whether real, orchestrated or protests. Civil disturbance can be; whatever they want it 2B.


The US Constitutions is simply ‘toilet paper’ to the DemonCrats and Republic-thugs in power. What is needed here is to have some outside FORCE to ‘intervene’. But of course tens of millions of immigrants have ‘flooded’ over the southern borders to end the UNITED STATES as it was created, so it ‘meaning any scant sense of a Republic’ is almost nearly over.

Perhaps those DASTARLY, Ruskies will actually need to ‘head-off’ the insurrection, or in more plain terms ‘stop’ the insurrection that is being planned, but they have the Ukraine to deal with first, and also BRICS.

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Writing on the wall:

Bill Baker (R-CA10) was the sole Bay Area conservative serving in the U.S. House. He was defeated in the 1996 election by Democrat Ellen Tauscher.

During her campaign, she was quoted as saying, “The Constitution is like an old blue dress I wore in kindergarten–it doesn’t fit anymore.” (The only reference I found online is shown below.)

At the time, I thought for sure that would tank her chances to unseat Baker. Nope. Crickets from the media.


More people need to understand that most elections are ‘rigged’, and the ‘will of the people’ no longer applies.


It’s getting hard to find an [s]election that’s not been fixed.


So, who is directing everything?

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Could be the rabbit hole leads off-world; through another dimension.
Something to do with the treaty; that limits their power, to a point.
Can’t see them in full control. - they’re getting help.
And, it ain’t the good guys.


My stance is to not underscore the content of certain conversations that would or could lead others to a conclusion about the existence of others in the Universe that swirls around the Earth, Moon, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and that strange planet we call Saturn.

However, since the discovery of another Galaxy which is situated beyond, and hidden behind our Galaxy has been reported on it does deepen the game a bit. Adding more mystery to that discovery was that appears to have been discovered by an observatory situated in Antarctica. Now how weird it that?

Here is one report, but if a Person looks deeper they will be rewarded,


I was very surprised to hear about “pocket universes” as that is dealt with in the last novel of the series, “Sand of Time” by Dr. Sean D. Morton. Also, Al Bielek tells of the A.F. taking over Montauk in 1999 & blasting apart an asteroid that was heading for Earth that kept changing its course! He & his brother took various trips to Mars via the time tunnels, or whatever they are called. So much has been going on that we know nothing about!!

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Some people believe we never went to the Moon because of the existence of the Van
Allen radiation belts.

Van Allen radiation belts

And some people believe that our military would shoot innocent AMERICANS.