Bald Eagle sitting on some eggs in a nest


Amazing. Love it!

Is this how the government watches us? Takes some the fun out of it, you know?

She looked at the camera; she knows.


I bet they would sabotage the camera if they knew what it is, they are probably wondering why it’s there.

Great how the eagles take shifts sitting on the eggs! They say they may hatch in a week or two!

Now they are having a breakfast of fish!

My husband’s family have a cottage at a small lake in northern PA and we experienced an eagle’s nest first hand. It was quite an experience but I’m glad they’re gone now because they can be so loud. A lot of neighborhood cats went missing and when the eaglets were learning to fly and hunt (fish), they would sometimes drop the fish on our heads. There were dead fish heads everywhere on the ground not to mention the white poo splattered agains boats and cottages :flushed:.


Wow that does sound unpleasant to have fish falling from the sky, but if you had any pet cats I bet they would eat them.

Maybe not the whole fish heads though, even cats probably wouldn’t eat those.

The guano is annoying too.

There are a lot of eagles at one worksite I did some work at recently on a road named after eagles they chirp a lot but didn’t drop any fish, probably just the youth do that if they are too heavy for them to carry or they don’t want to eat the fish heads.


Thanks for this…amazing!!

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I agree, eagles are amazing! Windy there today by the lake.

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They’re not sure if these eggs are still viable because they haven’t always been sitting on the eggs consistently, sometimes away for hours at a time. These Eagles named Jackie and Shadow were seen mating recently so they’re may be more eggs coming soon.

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I hope the eggs are OK. All that co-work and dedication these two eagles have. I hope they still tend to their eggs. If they don’t, I wonder why they decided to abandon them.

They seem committed to staying with the eggs now, they will probably hatch soon if the baby birds inside are still alive. Wonder if the Eagles can tell how their babies are doing in there.

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I’m sure they can tell. If the babies weren’t alive I would think that’s when the Eagles would abandon them but you would think if only one would be alive they would still stick around. What are the odds of both not living🤔

Hope these will both hatch!

I remember reading someone said the Eagles may stay with the eggs even weeks after they may have perished, but difficult to know what’s really going on.

This is cool to be able to see them in their nest but honestly I wish they would take the camera down, rude to be spying on them like that.

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Hey with the eye on your laptop, speakers in your fridge and smart TV, what the heck if an eagle pair has a camera next to their nest. Maybe we can learn how to save the eagles… probably not the same goal for you and me!

The Eagle population is fairly stable now not considered to be critically endangered like some other wildlife is.

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Well this is one area I have real living experience with, living with the Eagles and their family. Up northern PA we had a pair of eagles that laid three eggs and two eaglets survived. One of those eaglets ended up dying from a broken wing when it was around a year old. The other one survived and mated with another eagle from somewhere else.

The original pair ended up having about 4 clutches total in that nest. I’m not sure of the survival rate with all their clutches but I can say with in 10 - 12 years there are sightings of eagles (young and mature) in the vicinity, however the original eagles never went back to their original nest. The nest looks all dilapidated now, and I am not sure if those eagles are still alive. Usually around 20 years can be a life span of an Eagle in the wild. The eaglets survive 1 out of 10 average to the age of five (mature eagle).

There are still many eagle sightings in the area so they are surviving. I can honestly say I’m glad they don’t nest/roost/ in the tall whites pines above are cottages anymore, for It can be quite messy and noisy :wink:

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Their cameras are out right now because of snow covered solar panels, but here is a clip of what looks like Shadow trying to strangle Jackie with a stick, what!? Maybe he didn’t mean to do that??

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