Belgorod Raid and the Nazi International

Recent analysis from Brian Baletic:


As an European it breaks my heart what Europe has become. What did all our recent ancesters die for?


As a part time European, I am not surprised. Europe throughout entire history was plagued by conflicts, especially at so called borderlands or limitrophes. This is what’s called human condition by some.

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Another weird report of British anarchists fighting alongside Ukrainian Azov Battalion members - among other peculiar bits of info (link between Extinction Rebellion & intelligence community?)

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Interesting thanks for sending.

You’re welcome - I thought it unusual, if really wordy, and the author makes a point that I think is true - perhaps even more so - about the US left, which is willing to collaborate with the administrative state (who view them as useful idiots), and ignores the unsavory side of Ukrainian battalions like Azov (can’t they just be for humanitarian aid to civilians without collaborating w violent groups?)