Biden gives Pfizer, Moderna immunity from being sued for vax injuries

This is no suprise. I hope there are ways around it to get justice.


… I agree Ellie this was not a surprise but, … Really? … Really? … in light of recent events someone(s) advised PJB that this was “something he should do”?


In belgium or Europe , they decided - before the launch of the VCC- to take the responsibility if ever someone went to court . they reserved up to 250 000 euro for a claim , but at the end , people had to sign the informed contend ! so…if one did not read the little letters . guess you’ll end up empty handed

but, but but, solely orange man bad!
For one group grey is turned off and let opposites kill each other, the other group only operates in the grey, the shadyer the better.

The question is this, “Do criminals have immunity from justice on their side when it furthers a planned criminal act”? Or in other words do criminals have the right to pardon themselves? We have all read about the never, ever ending ‘crimes’ of DJT, but that only calls into question the ‘crimes’ committed by the pharma criminals, and have they been pardoned?


According to 42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22, “No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.”

IOW, Biden has no authority. This is congressional determination. The key is “unavoidable”. If the person has already shown signs of being allergic or to have reactions, then a case can be made and how Children’s Health Defense, et al have been successful.

Truth is, whether it is your children, you or your pets, giving vaccinations for something that actually does not cause disease is irresponsible at best.


But what if the crimes were elevated to criminal status?

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“in light of recent events someone(s) advised PJB that this was [“something he should do”]?" What does he care he’s on the way out the door, nary a chance for a return to politics for the rest of his life? This is what makes the lame duck pres so diabolically dangerous, on the modern era! This lame duck time could be the entire reason Biden was installed, the right has just sighed a huge sigh of relief, their guy won and it’s Christmas time, time to rejoice. The Left is in disarray! Everyone focused on the drones or shopping! Boom, time to drop the hammer on the bust the economy OP! IDK, just thought spewing on the page here.

IMO, back in the olden days, when things moved at a slower pace, this was the time for first ladies to get together and swap out the decor! The pomp and circumstance of the social pecking order.


… not in terms of how his granting of immunity to Pfizer and Moderna would effect PJB … but how this immunity might be throwing gasoline on the fire of the idea of getting at certain categories of business executives or researchers.

I bet that Nancy Pelosi, upon being notified that PJB had in mind granting this immunity, either before her fall, during her fall, or after her fall from the comfort of her hospital bed ordered the purchase of an incredible number of shares of stock in numerous private security firms.