Bill Maher's take on Canada

Excellent assessment of the current state of affairs in Canada by Bill Maher

I went downtown a few days ago and had to hold my breath four times to avoid inhaling fentanyl fumes .Possession of minor amounts is now legal as well as weapons up to a 4-inch blade . Addicts can smoke where they please including in hospitals and the government is providing tax payer funded “safe supply” and pipes.

Here is the latest :example of this total insanity – Court rules Ontario health plan must pay for gender-affirming surgery in Texas - The Globe and Mail - the surgery will turn this guy into a hermaphrodite !

Jordan Peterson’s take

Narcissistic Delusional Fetishist Enabled in his Appalling Self-Destruction by Canada’s Criminally Compromised Courts All this while the genuinely ill die or indeed are killed Oh Canada indeed Hang your heads in shame, Liberal Party .
This the world your fey prince (Trudeau) produced A curse on all of you who are still asleep


Great video! Thanks @sunnyboy

Re. Peterson: In what sense is a ‘Narcissistic Delusional Fetishist’ not ‘genuinely ill’? Also, when it comes to delusion, Peterson might take some of his own advice and get his own metaphysical house in order before kicking the defeated to boost his own profile.

If I understand you correctly, I agree with you that anybody wanting two sex organs has a serious mental condition and needs help similarly to the Ontario teacher in Maher’s video who had the sex change with massive breasts. I am not a fan of Jordan Peterson although to his credit he has taken a lot of abuse and threats as a promoter of freedom. There is so much weirdness going on in Canada right now that it is easy to react with anger as it keeps cranking up whereas more empathy and compassion is sorely needed.

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