Bird Flu, here we go again

Sometimes the best way to predict the future is to look at the past. I can’t remember how many times over the past 40 years I’ve heard scaremongering about this or that epidemic of a deadly transmissible disease being blared all over the media and scaring the heck out of the general public. Now it’s yet another “flu” . . . Same playbook, different decade.

Now that mRNA quackcine technology has done a successful end-run around the regulatory approval process (a corrupt process even when it’s used), and now that many billions of dollars have been invested in that technology, I expect we’ll see a lot more “here we go again’s” . . .

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PLEASE, for GOD’s sake, read everything from Tom Cowan about this subject. I sat in a restaurant yesterday listening to someone tell me she HAD Covid. She will fall for this BLEEP. It is up to us to stop the wave.

Many of the “experts” are innocent transmitters of the lies. They MIGHT be the majority. The rest of them are paid liars.

I’ve read some of Cowan and heard a couple of his interviews, but I was suspicious of all the fearmongering decades before I ever heard his name.

Apparently the ‘big guy’ has the cough now which begs the question…

how many boosters does it take for a fake president to screw in a lightbulb?

Answers on a postcard please.


Not to mention countless movies.

Here we go again…
Biden tests positive for Covid
The US president will skip a public appearance and self-isolate at home, the White House has confirmed

Add to that, covid or you know, a crummy cold bug, is going around right now.