Boeing has reported 5 incidents on planes in the last week


Too many.
Too sudden.
Too sensationalized.

I smell a rat, like maybe grounding of all or some models of Boeing aircraft at just the right time. What time? How about during an overhyped eclipse? Or anytime, really as it would be chaos, like after 9/11.


Trying to make people too afraid to fly, and given where and when the parts were made, they should be afraid. Plane parts have ‘expired’. Sorta like the vacuum you bought at Walmart, lasts a year or so. Will take some time to work on peoples minds but IMO, a strategy of keeping people in place, discouraging travel of any kind and cutting off escape routes. Similar to Baltimore harbor, key port for autos. Price goes up for gas-powered, forcing people into EV’s, made in The USA. There’s numerous reasons for these portions of The Plan, I’m only jotting down a couple of them.


Yeah, I agree with this bearded one.