Busy day for my phone

I normally receive 1-3 phone calls/month which I block because i dont recognize the number and nobody leaves a message. Fine and dandy since they’re easy to ignore, at least for me. Yesterday I received one and as is my usual practice I ignored and blocked it. In the last 3 hours I’ve received 10 calls, the latest 3 while I was writing this. Is anyone else here as lucky as moi? Searching these numbers yields nothing more than an area code and possibly whether it’s a landline or a mobile phone. I have little faith that these numbers showing up when my phone rings, are the actual numbers of those calling (be they human or otherwise) since phone number ‘spoofing’ has become so common. Here are the numbers for anyone interested. So far, 2 are from Canada and the rest from the USA. I think.

Has anyone else ever had this happen? I’d love to stay and chat but my phone is ringing…again. :grin:

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Yes, I have an increase in phone calls and text.

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Oh, and the digital marathon phishing as well.:fishing_pole_and_fish:!


8 more calls. 8 more blocked. I hope someone isn’t waiting for me to give in and answer…blocking is fun. :smiley:


Uh… Yes. I have received messages from my “bank”, looked real, and I stupidly started to respond. I have gotten in the habit of copying these numbers and “googled them”. Yep. Most are fraudulent- usually from an international location (think India). How many of them are for some security software that you NEVER OWNED/PURCHASED and now owe $$$$? That is a favorite. It has gotten to the point of insanity.

How do you think they will stop?

When you get rid of your phone…???

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They’ll never stop. Too much easy money to grab.

Only 2 so far today. Somebody/thing might be getting tired of me. :grin:

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15 so far today…definitely not using a rotary phone. :joy:

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