hit the LIVE button at the top right of the page
wow she is pulling the veil away from Trump’s fiscal behaviors last time and also this time, including DOGE
My live feed for INfowars is totally down and has been now for 15 minutes - very unusual.
Anyone else?
I just tried but missed CAF I guess. It’s working for me.
You don’t have to watch it thru Infowars and their propaganda spin, you can hear straight from the horses mouth here.
I’m looking for CAF not Kash lol. I’m so confused.
That’s funny - I posted about our own CAF on AJ show for people to watch that. And you give me a link to something else.
Thanks for the link anyway but I found an alt link. She’s off now so I won’t bother reposting.
You know i wasn’t either reading completely or CAF wasn’t registering as Catherine Austin Fitts for some reason with me.
Of course her spin is acceptable, also was unaware infowars was employeeing her as a talking head.
No problem. That is why I spelled her name in full.
this is why we post!
She is not a regular presenter, but he did ask her to come back soon and have an uninterrupted hour on the show. good stuff
Here is the CAF (Catherine Austin Fitts) interview done today January 30, 2025 with Alex Jones
She was dragged through The System & knows how it operates!!! Too bad they can’t put her in charge of rooting out the Baddies!!!