Can't we just have a different Liar this time?


Something is definitely brewing in that department. Recent statements by Ted Cruz of abolishing income tax, now Trump no tax on tips and payroll are part of a greater plan. Saving middle class or preparing for basic income and cbdc, well will see.


I have a lovely exotic tropical island in Kansas I’d like to sell you.


Synthesizing things I’ve heard several places lately; the payroll tax was largely necessary to pay the government debt. The trial run Crowdstrike computer meltdown could have been an exercise / how they intend to crash the financial system (great reset) and ‘too hard to recover the computers…let’s just start over’ introduce a digital currency system (although I hear DJT likes Bitcoin and will address a conference on that later this week).

So, for a time until debt rises, they might be able to wipe away all the debt and have no income tax while the economy re-builds. Truth is if they crash the financial system, there will be no income on which they could levy tax for quite a while. So no great loss to TPTB.

Highly speculative I know…just thoughts.


Have heard, incoming taxes in this country are not enough to even pay the interest on the national debt. If the national debt is secured by tangible assets, (i.e.: land and natural resources, labs in The U) then what happens:

Foreclosure by the debtors? (i.e.: Royal families)
Nationalization by the original owners? (i.e.: Native Americans, Royal families)
A divine mandated jubilee? (debt is forgiven and assests go back to the original land/assets holders)


Sure you can, on both sides of the fence!

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Oh heck yeah, you bet. I’ve been reading about poor puppy Vance.
People buy into the cult of personality at the drop of a hanky.

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They all do it.

… I’ll trade you a bridge in New York and one in San Francisco for your Kansas Island. :slight_smile:


Nah. I’m a farming type, so need to keep the land.
Love to swim, but not in those waters.
Try again…

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