Cat, Rabbit and Fish

Here’s a picture of one of the new baby rabbits in my yard and my cat.


Ruh-roh! Fingers crossed the bunny gets away. I am visiting the male counterpart to your cat, his name is Micah.

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Yes bunny is safe, looks like my cat is a hunter but she is not she only eats fish.

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I hope the fish you feed her doesn’t have brown fur and long ears. :wink:


Rabbits eat FISH now ???

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Lol no but now you made me want catfish for dinner.

The cat eats the fish wuwu, not the rabbit!

I think wu wu is being a rascally rabbit.

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i hope she is a good swimmer so won’t drown during the hunt!

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i feel an inbalance in power
the representatives of cats, rabbits and fishes are beatin’ the bush.
if any of u deposits a reasonable amount of money, i will defend all the cases.


Some cats are cool some bunnies are Bad asses. You can’t judge a book, by it’s cover… yet it’s never stopped me. I imagine a scenario where I would feel OK with disclosing the ET information held by our government. But dang I can’t come up with even one. Not a realistic one. I would try to undisclose at all times. Not enough is known, would be the immediate overriding prevailing wisdom replaced soon with too much is known lol lol to torture the poor and burdened souls of mankind with such chaos fear and indeterminate thoughts. I feel it with just an imagination. Most they worry about telling, won’t believe it, never accept it yes. But majority of us will react, how? Spend less? Work less? Stress out more? More violence? More crime? More troubles for youth? Sooo many unanswered questions, buzzing whirring computers crunching scenarios playing out endgames predicting the possibles, as we tremble with only faith in the good lord, wait a minute he’s responsible for all this right? Where’s my cat? My bunny?…

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Even rascally rabbits know better than to eat fish, their gut couldn’t handle that.

I like the way you talk that jibber jabber, Brando.

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The fish are petitioning for dams and dikes to be taken out or fish ladders built so their fish runs upstream can be restored (and now they have federal support for that!)

Unfortunatley for the fish, this is just so that there are more of them to be eaten by the whales.

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I was complimenting wu wu on the mastery of tongue in cheek glibness with my rascally comment. :joy:

The speed at which it is delivered sometimes makes my head spin.


I’m waiting for Yosemite Sam to step into the conversation. :grin:

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I’m so glad you just did! I had snippets from old episodes running through my head of the whole cast of characters! Good times…

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“I’m no doc, ya flea-bitten varmint. I’m Riff-Raff Sam, the riffiest riff that ever riffed a raff!”

  • Yosemite Sam.

There he is!:rofl::rofl::rofl: Thanks, Bahri!!!

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So I was mistaken, cat did chase the rabbit some, but now they have become friends: