Catherine Austin Fitts shreds Trump acolyte in the most brutal 7 minutes you will find on the internet

Is always been a choice in a line “pick your poison” more or less. Not that we should stop strive for the best in us and aroud us. But…this is a masonic concept, building Utopia on earth.
These are a valid questions and observations:

  1. Why Trump signed warp speed on vaccines?
  2. His first wife Ivana in a one of the latest interview said, that Trump is all about contracts, he reads them even in bed.
  3. Fasb56 signed into a law was a permission to treat US stock market as a cassino fixed by the owners.
    Couple of years ago dr. Farrell published here on main overt side of giza website, article written by one of us readers and contributors giving quite a reasonable explanations of FASB56 , done mainly to preserve market from Chinese influence.
  4. That red button that CAF often talks about starts with each and one of us.
    That includes her.
    And I don’t see her selling all her stocks to protest against rigged FASB-56. She is still an financial advisor isn’t she. What’s left besides stocks?: gold and crypto, right? , and all of them are rigged too, wouldn’t you agree?
  5. Yes building small communities that are self sustaining, may be an answer, not for majority though.
    These are just my today’s musings.


Investing the classical way thru Blackrock and similar ilk, I very much doubt it, she is very much a peoples person. She sees investments rather broad, not only the stock market.

Like I said. Most of so-called investments including gold and real estate is rigged and getting less transparent by the minute due to FASB56 among other things. There are companies, mostly coops that are not publicly listed, but again they are on the fringes and not available to most of the people. If CAF is successful in creating portfolios containing these kinds of investments, more power to her.

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Common consensus is that [their] plan was to keep everyone in lockdown for several years, while bankrupting independent businesses and the middle class, until they could get FDA approval for the shots, and (legally) mandate EVERYONE to take them. Trump pointed out repeatedly that with OWS he shaved several years off the timeline of getting the shots released, and in hindsight he was obviously referring to this.

I’m thankful for OWS that forced the hand of the cabal to release the shots early, under Emergency Use Authorization (not FDA approved) and because of that [they] couldn’t legally mandate that everyone take the shots, and I was able to avoid them.

To say that we/Trump took the path of the lessor of two evils is a drastic understatement.

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Unfortunately the jabs were still mandatory to keep your livelihood (under Biden?).


Let me just say this in parting.

The consensus you explained has been opined for quite a while, with Clinton as POTUS, it was allegedly The Plan. Nothing new. It was actually repeated in a Traitor Jones segment today, for the umteenth time.

Just think about this, food for thought, okay? Trump had the ability to crush The NWO in less than one minute; literally stop them in their tracks and likely destroy their plans on a world wide basis. He might have eventually given his life to do it, but that was his job as POTUS; to protect The American People.

All Trump had to do when in front of the cameras and the American public, via media on all stations, not only in The U.S., but was broadcasted in many countries, is say something on the order of, (para):

‘Under no circumstances will I mandate to The American People, through their governors or any other agency, the injection into their bodies of a briefly tested, unapproved substance, in which we know absolutely nothing about its long-term effects and what harm it might do to us and our children. If I hear of such attempts of force by anyone, for any reason, they will be investigated and if true, charged and taken before the courts. If you, as an individual, make the choice to take the shot, you are free to do so. You are the determiner of your destiny and have that freedom, but there will be no injection mandates whatsoever. Throughout history, it has been the practice to quarantine the infirmed and not the healthy.’ But he didn’t do that, did he?

What we’re seeing now, with the lawlessness, open border, stifling of speech, etc.; all of it followed Covid. Covid was the test to see how far they could push us. None of this would have happened if Trump had opened his already big mouth and spilled the words above, which would have taken about 40 seconds… I timed it.

Next, Trump appears at a rally in Alabama, where he casually tried to push the jab. He turns to his right, points to his left arm and said, “I took it”, and was summarily booed for doing so. Alabama might be full of hillbillies, as some say, but they showed no sign of being stupid.

Don’t you worry, Trump will return because that’s The Plan now and it’s on schedule without a hitch.

Catherine Austin Fitts is 100% correct in her assessment of the situation and I salute her for her courage. Either Trump knew, or he is incompetent; there’s no in-between. Forty seconds would have been all it took for him to become the hero President of the modern era; that’s really what he always wanted to be and everyone knows it, and I think all would have cherished the man for doing it. He could have saved millions of lives! But he didn’t do that, did he?

Regardless of what you think of my opinion, or of me, I do wish all of you the best of everything.


I fear you may well be right. Been on the fence for a while hoping DJT is not a Judas goat. That said, do you think that the death of his brother and ex-wife could have stopped him doing that? JFK came out with all guns blazing and look what happened to him.

@beaver I get it. Like I always say “pick your poison”. However, Trump’s 2016 election did give the silent majority a chance to roar. I guess we’re all bark and no bite or maybe the monster is bigger than we thought. It did give us a conscious decision on how we are going to live the rest of our life. Not knowing when you are hoodwinked and knowing leaves the ball in your court, so to speak.

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Yes @bluefalken , also viewed CAF’s video on Watchdog back then and again today after reading all the attention herein. Of course what she said about WorpSpeed is true. What is interesting, IMO, now is what else she said on the subject then and how it plays out now.

Have a high regard of CAF and have subscribed to Solari for many years; nevertheless, here are a few thoughts about what she said in the video:

“Everyone [was] screaming that they want the vaccine” yet today some still continue to get more of the fix; whereas, others regret it and the side effects are staggering. Seriously. Today, CAF does not even call it a “vaccine” and rightfully so. Hindsight.

Back then CAF said “changing the president won’t matter” and the “president is not in charge”; yet today, she supports Robert Kennedy Jr (financially, on the board of Children’s Health Defense), but doesn’t campaign more because she is working with Republican Legislators in TN, she says. Can Kennedy or anyone else make a difference given what we know about Babylon DC?

She said DJT was “incompetent or breaking the law” then; yet today, our current executive officer is not an “OR” but is both incompetent and a law breaker. Now, the only people who realize we have no RULE OF LAW are those who can still remember what the former American society took for granted.

She was so right about looking locally, yet in TN what was there at the time of this video is slipping away as those such as the TN governor, Lt governor, atty general, etc are conservative by affirmation; not by actions.

Lastly, disagree with CAF’s saying: “If you can face it; God can fix it.” Rather, God can fix it. Can you face it. (When is your next booster due?)


These two trips on Epstein Lolita plane are something I can’t pass by as far as RFKJ.
I have heard that in his young days RFKJ was a sex addict. People change and I strongly believe that he changed his life. None the less he is captured, especially when one hears his recent public talks on Izrael-Palestine conflict.
I am not a fan of narcissistic personality of Trump, but I just want to see if he will have guts to finish what he started in 2016. With narcissists chances are 50/50. I don’t see anybody on a horizon who can give me more.
Having said that, I also believe that politics is local and activism in one’s municipality is a must.


Same mentality as Bible Belt America!! :scream: