CIA / Nazi International / Francois Genoud Report in FRENCH NEEDS TRANSLATION

Hi all. Can someone who speaks French translate this report? I know this is a long shot but thought I would ask. It is a French police report of Francois Genoud’s whereabouts from 1915 - 1960.

Francois Genoud is of course the notorious Swiss-French banker who published elite Nazi memoirs and provided the funding for international terrorism and legal defenses for culprits of the Third Way.

Thank you and I wish everyone a Happy Halloween.

Has anyone translated this yet?

This is what I’ve come up with via Google Translate, note that I do not speak French. At times I am unsure of when the document refers to Genoud or Ibrahim Hafid

En 1956, GENOUD a plusieurs contaots aved le Dr SCACHT et le Dr Hans RECHENBERG qui le chargent d’etudier et de realiser des investissements au Maroo GENOUD rencontre a ce propos ben BARKA et SKOLLI au maroo

In 1956, GENOUD had several contacts with Dr SCACHT and Dr Hans RECHENBERG who instructed him to study and make investments in Morocco GENOUD met Ben BARKA and SKOLLI in Morocco on this subject.

*Note that Hjalmar Schacht is ORDERING Genoud to do this. It is necessary to observe the command structure of the Nazi International. Morocco is clearly another territory that must be studied in the context of the Third Way.


En Mai 1958, il effectue une importante mission de propagande pres de milieux politiques allemands pour le compte de Ferhat ABBAS.

In May 1958, he carried out an important propaganda mission near German political circles on behalf of Ferhat ABBAS. (Abbas was a prominent member of the Algerian FLN)

Contacts avec BENOIST MECHIN pour le compte du 'Comite de XXXXXXXXXXX Patronage de l’association internationale des amis due monde arabe.
Fait la connaissance de Youssfi ABDERAMAN, membre de l’Union Nationale de Forces Populaires du Maros, avec il continuers d’entretenir des relations suivies.
Collabore avec le’comite de liberation du magreb arab du XXX Entre an contact avec BOUDJEMLINE Mohamed de l’organisation JAMIAT AL ISLAM
Se lie entroitement avec BOUDJEMLINE qui s’journe chez lui a Villars sur Ollon. BOUDJEMLINE est l’un des personnages les plus importans de l’association des Amis du Monde Arabe. dont le secretariat se trouve (ou se trouvait Chemin des Epinettes a Lausanne dans les bureau de l’Union Internationale contre l’Alcoolismc - elle - meme dependants de l’organization des Quakers de Londres

Contacts with BENOIST MECHIN on behalf of the Committee of XXXXXXXXXXX Patronage of the international association of friends of the Arab world.
Made the acquaintance of Youssfi ABDERAMAN, member of the National Union of Popular Forces of Morocco, with whom he continued to maintain close relations.
Collaborates with the Liberation Committee of the Maghreb Arab of XXX Between contact with BOUDJEMLINE Mohamed of the organization JAMIAT AL ISLAM
Bonds closely with BOUDJEMLINE who stays at his house in Villars sur Ollon. BOUDJEMLINE is one of the most important characters of the Friends of the Arab World association. whose secretariat is located (where Chemin des Epinettes was in Lausanne in the offices of the International Union against Alcoholism - itself dependent on the organization of the Quakers of London

S’occuse en Suisse de la gestion des fonds et des biens appartenan aux trois Arm es de Liberation Nationale Tunisienne, Marocaine et Algerienne. C’est lui qui a mis au point en realise le systeme des comptes numerotes a signatures multiples et simultannees. A partir de Septembre 1960, en relations avec WAKHILL EL KABBANI du Centre d’Information Arabe a Geneve. Depuis Juillet 1960, est Secretaire du Conseil d’Administration de la S.A INTERLOGIN societe d’Import-Export fondee en Octobre 1959 a Fribourge

Responsible in Switzerland for the management of funds and property belonging to the three Armies of National Liberation Tunisian, Moroccan and Algerian. It was he who developed the system of numbered accounts with multiple and simultaneous signatures. From September 1960, in relations with WAKHILL EL KABBANI of the Arab Information Center in Geneva. Since July 1960, has been Secretary of the Board of Directors of S.A INTERLOGIN, an Import-Export company founded in October 1959 in Friborg

actuellement: Agent certain du S.R Egyptien. Il est manipule directment par le colonel FATHY EL DIB Mohamed de l’ambassade de la R.A.U a Berna. Celui-ci parait du reste etre le #1 du S.R Egyptien pour toute l’Europe occid ntale

currently: Certain agent of the Egyptian SR. He is handled directly by Colonel FATHY EL DIB Mohamed of the R.A.U Embassy in Berna. This one seems to be the #1 Egyptian S.R for all of Western Europe.
IBRAHIM HAFID: ne le 14 -5-1916 a Akouda (Tunisie) Cet agent S.R.A e etretement collabore avec Ben BELLA. Domicile actuel : 31 Calle Saenz de Baranda a Madrid. Adresse postale : Calle XX O’Donnel 4951 a Madird Se trouvait en France en 1940 et a ete interne a Bayonne du 1 Avril au 15 Juin 1940. Recrute par l’Abwehr des l’arrivee des allemands. Devient a 1942 President de l’Association des Etudiants Nord-Africains de Paris. En relations etroite et suivives avec RAHN et SCHLEIER pour les affairs interessant le S.R.A en Afrique du Nord. S’occupe ensuite de la propagande de pres des prisonniers de guerre et des travailleurs nord-africains et recrute parmi eux pour l’Abwehr. Effectue plusieurs voyages a Berlin pourencontrer le Grand Mufit de Jerusalem Amine el Husseini et Rachid Ali Kilani. Cree a Paris la Legion des volontaires arabes et prend la direction du recrutement des viontaires militaries et des travailleurs volontaires arabes pour le compte de la Wehrmacht. Mande a Berlin par la Direction de l’Abwehr.
Charge a nouveau du renseignement pur, centralise le rensignements de es propres agents et de caux d’Abderrahman Yassine fixe a Tetouan d’ou il dirige un reseau fonctionnant sur l’Afrique du nord.
Responsable de l’arrestation de nombreux francais, notamment M.MARTIN directuer de l’Office de Tunisie.
En Juin 1944, charge par Abwehr, avec l’accord de la Gestapo, de s’emparer des archives de l’Office de Tunisie et du service Nord-Africain de la Prefecture de Police. Ne peut y parvenir en raison de la debacle dea services allemands. A la Liberation, se refugie en Espagne, s’y deplace contamment et devient l’un des principaux agents des Informations Musulmanes Africaines, section musulmane de l’Abwehr, siege: Calle Saenz de Barr da a Madrid. Membre du Comite Yassine antifrancais, operant sur la Moroo et l’Algerie. Recoit toute l’aide du S.R Espagnol et collabore avec les services amercains. Hafid est alors charge des contacts sur la France par l’interm diaire de sa femme, francaise, ressoe en France.
Depuis 1946 se livre a la contrebande des produits pharmaceutiques en Espagne, puis devient l’agent officiel de plusieurs laboratoires. En Mai 1948 entre comme employe au Consulat d’Egpyte a Madrid et se dit egpytien. En 1951 devient gerant de la Sociedad Limitada Hispano Orients de Pro-

Responsable appointe du FLN a Madrid apres l’arrestation de Ben Bella. Novembre 1957 - Fait qui, e avec Abderraham Yousfi (lui-meme en relation avec GENOUD a partir de 1959) dit Tanjaoui, ex representant de l’Instiqulal a Paris. Egalement en relation avec le Dr. Abdelkrim el Khatib, de l’ ALN Marocaine

En1958 se rend au Cairo en compagnie de Abderraman Yousfi et de Fquih el Basri (Ce dernier a Ben Barka a ete arrete en Juil 1954 dons l’a faire du complot contre le roi du Maroc a Rabat)

Devient attache a l’ambassador du maroc a madrid, relations suives avec le Dr. Hussein Mohnes, directeur l’Institut Egptien.

En Octobre 1958 devient le principal acheteur d’armes pour le compte du FLN.

Janvier 1959: communce a travailler comme agent double pour le compte du S.R Espagnol
Le 6 Juin 1959 se rand en Italie par avion. Madrid-Milan
1960: Titulaire d’un passeport diplomatique morocain #125 delivr a Rabat. Visa Espangol delivre le 30 Mars 1960 par l’Ambassador Espangole de Bonn.

Se rend periodiquement a Tanger ou deux de aes fils sont en pensi on dens une ecole americains. Il y etait en Octobre 1960.

1961: Se trouvait a Rabat au debut de 1961. Entretiens des contacts avec les refugi a tunisens du Cairo. Est tout a la foia agent du S.R Egpytien et su SR Espangol Ex Agent important de l’Abwehr a sans doute encore une actividans ce sens

IBRAHIM HAFID: born on 14 -5-1916 in Akouda (Tunisia) This S.R.A agent works with Ben BELLA. Current residence: 31 Calle Saenz de Baranda in Madrid. Postal address: Calle XX O’Donnel 4951 in Madird Was in France in 1940 and interned in Bayonne from April 1 to June 15, 1940. Recruited by the Abwehr as soon as the Germans arrived. In 1942, became President of the Association of North African Students in Paris. In close and ongoing relations with RAHN and SCHLEIER for matters of interest to the S.R.A in North Africa. Then takes care of the propaganda of near prisoners of war and North African workers and recruits among them for the Abwehr. Makes several trips to Berlin to meet the Grand Mufit of Jerusalem Amine el Husseini and Rachid Ali Kilani. Creates in Paris the Legion of Arab volunteers and takes the direction of the recruitment of military volunteers and Arab volunteer workers for the account of the Wehrmacht. Mande in Berlin by the Directorate of the Abwehr.
Again in charge of pure intelligence, centralizes the intelligence of his own agents and of the calls of Abderrahman Yassine fixed in Tetouan from where he directs a network operating in North Africa.
Responsible for the arrest of many French, including M.MARTIN director of the Office of Tunisia.
In June 1944, charge by Abwehr, with the agreement of the Gestapo, to seize the archives of the Office of Tunisia and the North African service of the Prefecture of Police. Cannot achieve this due to debacle of German services. At the Liberation, he took refuge in Spain, traveled there constantly and became one of the main agents of African Muslim Information, the Muslim section of the Abwehr, head office: Calle Saenz de Barr da in Madrid. Member of the anti-French Yassine Committee, operating in Moroo and Algeria. Receives all the help of the Spanish SR and collaborates with the American services. Hafid was then in charge of contacts in France through his wife, a Frenchwoman, ressoe in France.
Since 1946 engages in the smuggling of pharmaceutical products in Spain, then becomes the official agent of several laboratories. In May 1948 he entered the Egyptian Consulate in Madrid as an employee and called himself Egyptian. In 1951 became manager of the Sociedad Limitada Hispano Orients de Pro-

Appointed official of the FLN in Madrid after the arrest of Ben Bella. November 1957 - Fact which, e with Abderraham Yousfi (himself in relation with GENOUD from 1959) known as Tanjaoui, former representative of Instiqulal in Paris. Also in relation with Dr. Abdelkrim el Khatib, of the Moroccan ALN

In 1958 went to Cairo in the company of Abderraman Yousfi and Fquih el Basri (the latter was arrested in Ben Barka in July 1954 for plotting against the King of Morocco in Rabat)

Became attached to the Moroccan ambassador in Madrid, continued relations with Dr. Hussein Mohnes, director of the Egyptian Institute.

In October 1958 became the main arms buyer for the FLN.

January 1959: common to work as a double agent for the Spanish S.R.
June 6, 1959 went to Italy by plane. Madrid-Milan
1960: Holder of a Moroccan diplomatic passport #125 issued in Rabat. Visa Espangol issued on March 30, 1960 by the Spanish Ambassador in Bonn.

Periodically goes to Tangier where two of his sons are boarding in an American school. He was there in October 1960.

1961: Was in Rabat at the beginning of 1961. Maintained contacts with Tunisian refugees from Cairo. Is all at the same time an agent of the Egyptian SR and his Spanish SR Former important agent of the Abwehr undoubtedly still has an activity in this direction

Unsure of how this escaped my mind. In Henrik Kruger’s THE GREAT HEROIN COUP he dedicates an entire chapter to Ben Barka. It is certainly worthwhile for those who posses that book to re-examine that chapter with this context in mind.