Clif High: Break-away

Astrologers busted Clif on his ‘data sets’ BS… Now he’s name-dropping & stealing from SSP Breakaway Civilization! Wish he’d shut-up about Corey Goode.

I dunno anyone else who called well in advance something as seismic as the attempted assassination of President Trump! Am I missing something…

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Clif did not call the assassination, he stole the July 15 date from astrologers, who posted the info in January & Dec. 2023. See the thread I posted on this.

Clif has been saying this date for some time now. The Remote viewers ( Richard Alguire et al) also all came back with something very very big as well.
The reason I responded is to clarify a couple points. Clif said the building tension and then the release would be 10x of 911. The attempt on Trumps life while hugely significant was not 10x 911. I am uncertain if they had been successful if that would have been 10x 911. Again my opinion I think that event is still going to occur ( don’t ask cause I don’t know). Again Biden declared he will not run ( that’s big for sure but not 911). What Clif did absolutely nail is that we would see something there would be pictures and video but we would not be sure what it is we saw. This perfectly fits the attempt on Trumps life. Was it staged, was it real, was the Secret Service that incompetent or were they part of plot to kill Trump. Was Crooks the “ lone gunman” was he a patsy or was he the only one. Personally I am not dismissing Clif or his large language model and I think again this is just the “ kickoff” for the big event I suspect will occur by years end…

PS we should revisit this topic in 90-120 days.


I’m not dismissing Clif’s general information, but pointing out the date, July 15, that did not originate with Clif or Alguire. He finally gave astrologers some credit, which pointed this aspect out months, in a few cases, well over a year before even mentioned by him.

I certainly agree there is no doubt much more to come in the near future. Again, astrologers have also prognosticated this for a long time.

The squabble started because Clif claimed that the date originated with him and Alguire. There’s a lot that went on in the last week behind the scenes that you don’t know about, and has been resolved by Clif and astrologers.

Make of it what you will.

People been saying that would/could happen for years.
Joseph P.Farrell,; look no further.
“Option C” as it was called in the circles of Roger Stone,Alex Jones and more.
Gerald Celente, David Icke, Tucker Carlsson and most everyone else has said this would happen.
So as usual he probably heard something he thought sounded smart, as usual, and went with that.
And predicting the Trump assassination attempt; I don’t think no one predicted it quite like this guy: