Originally published at: https://gizadeathstar.com/2025/03/concerning-that-alleged-discovery-beneath-the-great-pyramid/
Every regular reader of this website probably already knew that I would be blogging about this story this week. In fact, I think the website established a new unofficial record for the amount of people from all over the world who sent various versions of this story to me. So before we get down to…
A machine to (re)-bind humanity to source and or to manipulate humanity away from source? If one reads up on various cosmological models, it is not decided yet, and therefore that ancient war is still ongoing? It seems planet earth is becoming more and more actively involved. If human consciousness can steer outcomes it makes sense of the worldwide outroll of genocide.
Very well said Dr Farrell. I’ve been digging into the technology a bit to try and understand how it may work. I won’t geek out here (well, maybe a little), I’m still doing more reading. But I’ll try to describe what’s going on, and point out some difficult to overcome imaging data problems.
The technique uses the constellation (4) of Italian multi-purpose satellites in a solar orbit and can image anywhere on the earth due to their orbits (a little bit at a time…can only collect 450 images a day).
In it’s most high resolution mode (spotlight SAR) the imaged area is 10X10 kilometers. The area of the Cheops pyramid in an image of this size is about one tenth of one percent of the image (sparse data on the pyramid in the image)
The satellite(s) traversing the sky in their orbit form the synthetic aperture. The radar ‘chirps’ many multiple times as it traverses the pyramid area and forms an image from these individual ‘chirps’. The satellites are designed to form an image of the (stationary) surface of the earth, and can be used for multiple purposes including predicting earthquakes (distance from satellite to earth surface decreases because surface is bulging).
So far, so good. It’s what the satellite and onboard Synthetic Aperture Radar was designed for.
The technique claims to be able to measure microscopic surface vibrations of the pyramid and ground around it. I don’t yet understand how this is possible (they say using phase shift of radar waves returning from earth to satellite) but give them credit for this as being a possibility.
The technique further claims that the surface vibrations they are sensing are from earthquake / naturally occurring displacements. This to me would seem to be a difficult ‘displacement/vibration’ source. It’s not consistent from event to event. The quake events happen from different displacement sources at different locations, have different amplitudes (intensity of the quake) at different distances and each will have a different (think heartbeat chart) vibration signature that happens over seconds. Within just one quake/imaging event, if the satellite happened to be in the right portion of it’s orbit traversing the pyramid area when a quake event were taking place, the amount of vibration energy being reverberated by the structure would change from low to mid to low to high etc during the course of the image data collection due to the ‘heartbeat’ pattern of earthquake activity. The data stimulating the pyramid to shake is inconsistent during the course of the data collection. It would seem impossible to get good consistent data during the (it takes many multiple ‘chirps’ of the radar to form one image) imaging timeframe. But maybe…perhaps they figured out a way to smooth the data. Again give them possible credit.
The technique claims to be able to characterize voids within the structure/ground based on how the above vibrations manifest on the surface of the structure…again by analyzing micro-millimeter movements from space (by a radar whose object size resolution on the surface of the earth is 1 meter at the smallest). This seems highly problematic. Especially since the data it produces to claim ‘new’ voids in the pyramid do not clearly identify known voids in the pyramid (the chambers we all know). This sort of claim needs to be verified on much more simple objects before it can be reliably applied to ‘unknown’ voids. Example: they should pick a temple or cave or similar structure with a very simple structure, a known internal void…apply their technique and verify the technique produces data that represents the known void in the structure. This kind of application would produce confidence in the data they are collecting / their projections that they can predict internal structure.
The extrapolation of the fuzzy ‘void’ data to line drawings of what some surmise is below the surface is pure fantasy and I suspect based more on the (previously referenced on this site) remote viewing data than on the fuzzy SAR image data. There is a much greater similarity between the images being shown and the remote viewing sketches than between the SAR image blobs and the images shown.
I believe Dr Farrell has taken the correct position in his blog about this new data. We all would love to see it verified as truth and to learn more about any structures in the future. But what’s being present has too finite a level of detail and speculation about geometric details based on the data provided by the satellite SAR data / earth-shake events.
here’s a link that describes the satellite being used:
“But again, this concerns the argument that there are previously unknown internal chambers and structures to the Great Pyramid, a fact that is not all that surprising to me, nor to anyone else who knows of the history of the structure, and the discovery of the familiar chambers we already know.”
In keeping with the ‘weapon theory’, might another set of chambers be an example of a double barrel shotgun if the 2 ‘sets’ match? Or, a combination style weapon (1rifle & 1 shotgun barrel each) where one barrel fires a solid beam/bullet and the other a ‘scattershot’ should the 2 sets of chambers/passages not match? If there’s multiple chambers might there be one main ‘firing pin’ to set off the chambers like a Gatling Gun? Just some quick thoughts…
In Langley they have 20 authors typing around the clock, dozens of acting teachers and technicians preparing the knock off Dr. Farrell, that the algorithm can promote.
Repost from the day the news broke, my conviction grows by the day
I cannot fully commit to any theory which does not account for the pyramid complex connection to the cosmic transmission of aggregated thought forms. Did any of the “SAR” articles articulate a hall of records type construction?
I’m unsure of your meaning @aurajenn. Despite the poor correlation between the SAR image data and drawings of structures below the pyramid, I would not dispute that said structures may exist in one form or another and have relationships to other Giza platform subterranean structures. I dispute that the data presented in the recent article represents these structures/relationships with any clear resolution.
Your thought, if I understand it, is that there is a connection between the hall of records, subterranean structures on the Giza plateau, human consciousness etc. I like the idea. I read many years ago that a device/machine was present (on earth, moon?) that controls the recycling of human souls. Could it be this machine has been in full view all this time? It’s not hiding on the dark side of the moon or a thousand feed underground in Alaska? It’s a thought worth pursuing.
Is everyone else seeing the images embedded in this post? Thanks.
Nope, no. Any other ideas saying no?
I cannot view the photos in the blog - i just see little placeholder square icons. anyone else?
Nope, me either
this is for 20 characters
Same for me, only the icons
Here’s a Lehto video on the Pyramid imaging story that just posted. He goes a bit deeper into the measurement technique.
Redacted ran a piece on this as well.
The image links are all broken, and take me to an Outlook site.
Perhaps the webmaster can teach Joseph how to post images to something like Imgur or some repository where they don’t get lost?
Hi Joesph,
Can you also look into this report on the Great Pyramid?
The Ethical Skeptic, “Exothermic Core-Mantle Decoupling – Dzhanibekov Oscillation (ECDO) Hypothesis”; The Ethical Skeptic, WordPress, 12 May 2024; Web, Exothermic Core-Mantle Decoupling - Dzhanibekov Oscillation (ECDO) Theory
It is very compelling alternative for what it was made for. The author is a systems engineer.
Here is the main components: Master Exothermic Core-Mantle Decoupling - Dzhanibekov Oscillation Theory
Its constantly updated with new material added in the last few weeks.
Its definitely worth your time for examination.
If you want to bring things to my attention, EMAILing me is the way to do it.
I did a quick read through. It’s an interesting theory with implications of a natural earth geology causation for climate change (the crust de-stabilizes and internal heat spills to the surface), but the mechanism for pole shift / how stored momentum of the spinning sphere once released from the stabilizing electromagnetic field of the core is a new one on me. I always wondered how that might work. Previous theories were impacts from space objects. Seems Gaia may just pitch a fit and re-arrange the furniture periodically. Probably worthy of a separate thread.