Concerns regarding Transfusions of Blood Products Derived from Genetic Vaccine Recipients and Proposals for Specific Measures

PDF research finding article Ueda, J., Motohashi, H., Hirai, Y., Yamamoto, K., Murakami, Y., Fukushima, M., & Fujisawa, A. (2024). Concerns regarding Transfusions of Blood Products Derived from Genetic Vaccine Recipients and Proposals for Specific Measures. is available here:

One issue the globberists (sic) have with Japan is they maintain their own scientific community and publish their research in Japanese much to the chagrin of the scientists with English only understanding. Drats

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During the pandemic thingy they (Japan) received something like 10 million vaccine doses from I want to say Moderna . Their government scientists randomly tested a certain percentage of doses and found so much unidentifiable foreign matter they sent the entire shipment back. They say Japanese society is homogeneous and also racist, maybe that’s not all bad ?


I worked in an Evil Pharmaceutical Manufacturing company and vaguely recall one of our existing products (already FDA-approved and being manufactured for U.S. customers) was planned for sale to Japan. That meant their FDA-equivalent had to visit and approve our GMP processes: raw materials, lab procedures, facility conditions, cleaning, documentation, quality control, inspections, equipment, training, maintenance, labeling, etc.

All I recall these many years later is how much more stringent their standards were. I don’t know if we made the grade or not.

I lived in Japan for six weeks while attending military training class near Yokohama. The cities were noticeably clean and the citizens uniformly polite and demure. They are different over there.


@ MarkSean…I have been waiting for over 3 years for someone to figure out that the global blood supply is contaminated. I was a blood banker over 30 years and I saw this coming like a freight train. I sent all my friends a warning email back in March 2021. This is just another means to murder those who were smart enough to evade the death shot. Over a year ago I was seeing stories about babies dying from blood clots after transfusions. If you need to have surgery demand to donate your own blood in advance (autologous donation) and you can have unvaccinated friends and family provide directed donations for you. If you find yourself in an emergency, I would tell the doctor not to transfuse me unless my hemoglobin level drops below 6.0 g/dl. A lot of doctors want to transfuse at 10.0 g/dl, but you can safely go much lower. I would immediately start taking ivermectin and nattokinase which can block spike proteins from attaching to the ACE receptors on your cells. I would continue taking that therapy for 120 days which is the life span of a red blood cell. I would also ask for a white blood cell filter for the blood transfusion since those cells contain a nucleus which may have mRNA actively replicating the spike proteins. Red blood cells have no nucleus to incorporate the mRNA. There is really nothing else you can do to protect yourself as the blood banks refuse to label whether blood donors are vaccinated or not. Good Luck to us all…


@LabGirl. Thank you for your fulsome input. Unfortunately, we can’t buy or be prescribed Ivermectin in Ireland for human use. Have to show a veterinary prescription, photo and ownership documentation for a horse if you do. Crazy no? I have neither of those things. Nattokinase I have taken and keep supplied. Have so advised friends and family who have had the jabs, which unfortunately is all bar one of them. One in particular has had side effects including, neurological and hair hair. Their memory is also very affected too. Am one of the 3% in Ireland who had no jabs at all, and although I work in healthcare too outright refused to take same. Nothing about the initial communications of the scamdemic uniform messaging, followed any immunological, epidemiological or toxicological/pathological experience or protocols. Thank you for the tips on autologous donating blood in advance and for the information about handling doctors/phlebotomists. It is indeed comforting to know there are motivated brother and sister souls still left in the world with sufficient compassion to assist with information. Beannachtaí.

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And also by the way, welcome!

Bombshell interview with Dr. Murakami reveals global plan for self-replicating vaccines, exploiting Japanese population as human guinea pigs

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