Contract signed

Well I just signed, and will soon mail, the contract for the new book, The ____ in ____: The ___ ___ ____ the ____, and ____ ___ ___ ____


Got a great idea for income for you Joseph.
The complete works of Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, autographed copies, for $1,299.
Oppsi, sorry for the typo.

Who is Dr. Joseph P. Ferrell?


Original post Removed to not distract from the thread

You missed my point entirely…


The last time people tried to fill the blanks was with Hess and the Penguins: The Holocaust, Antarctica and the Strange Case of Rudolf Hess. That was quiet a title Dr. Farrell. Give us a platonic form hehe, to put our minds into it. A hyperdimensional object about the theme to see if people connect to the ether and pull the title.


Is the publisher Adventures Unlimited per chance? This publisher is always fast with “spilling the beans” so to speak.

Dr. Farrell, I am shure glad you can speed write as Catherine can speed read! LOL
Can’t wait aldough my bookcase is near collape.