Correction - I have a slightly used VIRTUAL bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell ... and just in time for Christmas Dr. Farrell's Magic Thorium Elix′ir of Life Gift Set

From the article: “The metaverse is booming in popularity. Investors are snapping up plots of virtual land and digital luxury items, while companies and sports teams are piling in too.”
and “The metaverse refers to virtual worlds where users can do anything from create and play games, to owning property, buying and selling digital assets, trading cryptocurrencies or even breeding digital animals.”

WOW! … was Mr. Barnum right or what? (of course he didn’t really say that)

Giza Merch Idea - Dr. Farrell’s Magic Elix′ir of Life … contains the miracle substance NSDAP Thorium and just in time for Christmas Giza is offering a gift set including Dr. Farrell’s Thorium Toothpaste with New and Improved Thorium Flouride,Thorium Bodywash, and Thorium, the fragrance for the Übermensch in your family.


Great way to keep people distracted and suck money out of the real economy – the latest incarnation of bread and circuses, with a dose of voluntary taxation thrown in.

I’m trying to find a silver lining in this madness… In future, I’ll know instantly the people I might want to get to know: they’ll be the ones walking around without VR goggles.

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