Dark Journalist Member Video: Dr. Joseph Farrell Part 2: JFK Assassination UFO File & Antarctica Breakthrough! November 15, 2023 Topics: JFK Assassination - UFO File - Antarctica

Posted by DJ:
Dark Journalist Member Video: Dr. Joseph Farrell Part 2: JFK Assassination UFO File & Antarctica Breakthrough! November 15, 2023
Topics: JFK Assassination - UFO File - Antarctica



[ +20 character actors & a compleat sentence to Leavenworth, thank you WordPress!]

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It’s for paid DJ subscribers. If you are, go to darkjournalist.com and sign in. Comes right up.
I think Dr. is going to make some sort of appearance this Friday for the 60th?


Pay very close attention to the episode when it is released on YouTube. (If it is not censored and taken off because if you listen closely there are a lot of revelations…that’s all I am going to say)

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Ah hell,paid member of DJ or this or that or this youtuber,podcaster or website or etc.I think it is better to become full paid member of this website.I am starting that in my mind processing that . It will happen soon.Pending. :cowboy_hat_face:
And yes. DNA or FDNA is an aperiodic crystal structure. Which one is located where? In every cell of the human body, which cell is plasma, in a larger part water. Which water is the kind or state of manifestation of the plasma states of matter. We are crystalline beings, and plasmatic beings, but also emitters or transducers of photons, ie light. Remember what Yoda teaches Luke Skywalker,in Star Wars.

I’m watching this right now😆

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Hey Dr.Farrell are you on YouTube as EuropesHeart they have all your content on there with 15k subs

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Welcome to the forum!

I dont really understand the business model of DJ.
How many interviews is there behind the paywall exactly? 4 ? and that’s 60$ a year?
If you want to support the work he has option for that as well I think, so would probably get more subscribers if there were more interviews there or it was a little more balance on the nr of shows and $

" The blame rests 100% on swampington D.C. “= my fave spot on quote from the interview- and my pick for #2 spot is about Kamela:
" No one wants the Ayatollah, she’s a blithering idiot idiot and she’s not even senile”
Dr. Farrell keeps me laughing as the planet politically walks those 13 satanic steps up to the very final poll place for those evildoers = the gallows pole !

Reminder: DJ program beginning shortly.

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