Dark Journalist OK? AWOL for the last two Fridays

No, not vaccinated still. I am a member of DJ, but hardly listen to him. His shows are repetitive and wordy. All could be said in half the time, shorter even! The interview with the “skimpy clad lass” could be interpreted as a humiliation come to think of it in hindsight. marilou could be on to something sadly. The lighting on DJ’s face was awfull, deliberate?

Come to think of it, I migrated to Walter Bosley channel. Way more interesting.


I get what you’re saying. The progression of the conversation is humorous though. Newbie asks a simple question and it burned faster than Lahaina, and in the usual wild Giza ways.

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I share your concerns and hope that our friend is okay. I’ve been concerned in the past when he has not sent an email or said that he would be gone for a while… I hope Daniel, Olivia and Dr. Farrell will have a wonderful, funny and informative presentation in the near future and that it goes on for hours and hours!

I enjoy learning from DJ. I assumed at least some of the repetition is because not everyone has seen all the prior presentations so he needs to catch them up. Tried but couldn’t watch the two (I’ve noticed) vids with the doting young woman. Kept thinking ‘who is this aimed at?’ Perhaps a new audience segment? His following are accustomed to and supportive of his proven format. Why this new one? DJ has proven (Alex Jones) he can shine with competent interviewers. More of that would be welcome. As is seen with JPF’s interviews, a knowledgeable interviewer can add depth and perspective to the material.


@neru I agree with you. My husband and I used to watch his Friday evening shows all the time. Ever since he had that young woman on (who I believe is Olivia’s daughter) we haven’t been that interested do to the repetition of his information. I too have been watching Walter Bosley more since, but nothing compares to when JP Farrell is their guest. I’ll watch any host when JP Farrell is their guest.

The only constant in life is change and I really don’t like change.


This just keeps getting better and better! LOL!
Welcome back! @happyhermit @happyhermit3d

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I find it kind of sad as if it is just a for or against. I wish DJ the best in his endeavors. I follow JP Farrell’s interviews whomever conducting as usually CAF’s too. John W. Warner IV I find also interesting in spilling beans.

I like Walters podcasts, I like his books too. They are so differently written then Joseph’s. He seems a far more happier man of late and that shines thru.

I have only so much time, and of late it isn’t DJ stuff.


I wish DJ, Olivia, the whole crew the best too but being a paid sub for DJ doesn’t really make any sense anymore. I hardly get his emails and when I do they are after the fact. I usually have to jump on YT to see if there’s a show or beaver let’s us know in the forum (which I appreciate). He really doesn’t offer much for paid subs, but maybe a part II with JP Farrell which is why I decided to be a paid subscriber. I followed DJ before JP Farrell and CAF. It’s the repetition that gets me. My subscription is up in September but was thinking about canceling now. I don’t think I would miss much.


Don’t bother trying to cancel because you won’t get money back AND once subbed, the members site is seems to be open to you on a permanent basis.

I’m not a big fan of blondie either but keep in mind, there are many people just waking up to what’s going on and if we want to get them onboard, the need for repetition on many channels will increase.

This is why I appreciate a few posters here who take a subject that seems to jive with their gifts, starts researching, runs with it and posts it for everyone. Whether right or wrong, they’re trying to think independently.


I don’t want my money back. I’m afraid I’ll forget and get auto re-billed for another year. Like I said, no great loss if I cancel IMO.

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I haven’t been auto-billed and don’t know anyone else who has.

Well my receipt states I will be auto-billed.


Really? They’ve never done that to anyone that I know of. Guess you gotta do what you gotta do to stop it.

It does bill automatically each year, in my experience with DJ anyway. However, after seeing the blonde the first time, I cancelled and ask not to be renewed when subscription was up. I got a formal notice from PayPal immediately saying it was cancelled by me and no longer would my account be charged. I did write DJ an email and told him why I couldn’t support him monetarily anymore.


Huh. I guess my credit card number must have changed somewhere along the line, thank goodness.

You all are ahead of me. I can’t even find an account page that tells me the subscription details.

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I like Walter Bosley’s interviews but, I listen with caution because he said he used necromancy to speak to the dead.

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